1 minute read

ArticleCody Custer


Many spiritual leaders have confined people to the rules of a doctrine or creed rather than pointing them to sonship and the fullness of Fathers Kingdom. Many people have been duped by religious leaders to blindly follow them instead of releasing them to the freedom of hearing from the Fathers Spirit for themselves. Oh but the ones who let us know that Father trusts us and gives us responsibility with the wisdom from His Spirit are giving us exactly what we need.

Funny how those who are walking under the religious spirit try to line out those who don’t see things the way they do. Lack of trust will cause religious people to try to change others through their own power rather than to give relationship and Gods Spirit a chance to bring the change that the Father wants in each of His children. They have doctrine and their belief system down to a Tee and most of the time they quote the bible yet sacrifice a trusting relationship to be right. In many cases this damages any chance for a relationship of trust to take place. That doesn’t sound like what the bible describes as to how Jesus did it.

I’d like to know, what the goal is anyway? Manipulate them to serve something (a system) they can’t trust or to point them to a Faithful Loving Father. Children have an inheritance while servants have duty.

Here is a short Quote from a good friend...

“As a pastor my job is not to teach you what to do. My job is to teach you who you are”.

Andy Taylor

I pray that those of influence in your life direct to to who you are and freedom in Fathers Spirit.

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