Rancho Review Volume 3 Edition 8

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December 2022


Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101
C C O O N N T T E E N N T T S S 3 3 4 4 From Your Officers December Calendar 6 6 Articles & Visuals Contacts 7 7 8 8 Social Media
12/03 Santa Run 12/03 Candidate Training Conference 12/10 Joint DCM 10 7 DECEMBER DECEMBER 17 29 15 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. 22 23 30 2 Sat. 24 1 3 5 6 8 11 13 14 16 25 26 28 27 18 19 31 4 9 12 20 21 12/07 Meeting/Induction Ceremony 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24, 12/31 Magical Forest Volunteering

Happiest of holidays key clubbers!

Tis the season to give back to the community. You can volunteer at events with or without us, donate to those in need, raise awareness of important issues, and serve the community in any way to make a positive impact. Some highlights of how we helped the community involved volunteering with Opportunity Village and their events Santa Run and the Magical Forest throughout the whole month. With this year coming to an end, we celebrated and recognized members with an Induction Ceremony and a movie night watching the Grinch! Glad to have you all in the club and congrats to everyone that did receive a certificate, card, and pin. Additionally, we are looking for officers for next term! Look out for more volunteer opportunities and social events that may involve tea and books… Anywho, have fun during your winter break and we’ll see you all next year!!

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag

Happy Holidays Key Club!!

We are in that winter spirit with events such as magical forest and Santa run. Make sure to sign up every Saturday for opportunity villages magical forest and keep up those service hours in the Christmas spirit. Member development set up the Grinch movie night and we are happy to say it was a fun evening. Keep on the lookout for more fun after club events with all the members. Congratulations to all the members who were officially recognized and make sure to swing by and get your cards if you missed it. Happy holidays to everyone and have a great winter break.

Serving magically alongside you,

My my my!

Look at how time flies! The year is going by so fast, and midterms have me shaking. However, don’t be so anxious! Everyone should be spreading joyous cheer amongst one another in preparation for winter break! Keep working hard everyone! To add, make sure you’re still going at it for your hours! I know it might be hard to find opportunities locally due to the holidays, but online services can still be accessible! Despite exams and clubs, continue to be happy, and stay healthy! (Also, hot cocoa sounds amazing in this weather, don’t you think?)

Guenivere Reyes

Katia Gutierrez Perez
Planting the seeds for growth, Jean


Winter break is around the corner, so make sure you put in your final efforts into those semester exams. Also, your health tends to decline over the winter too, so make sure to please be healthy and use your sweater or hoodie when needed :). For our final meeting in Key Club for the semester, we watched the Grinch, making a bittersweet goodbye for the year. I loved spending and working with my officers this year, and I can’t wait to see you all again next year!! Take care and have a lovely winter break.

With care and compassion,

Jose Vasquez

Hey bee-uities!

As the school semester comes to an end we need to put our best into making sure we have turned all of our school work in and studying for the test and final exams! Don’t slack just because Christmas break is a week from now. Make sure to take care of yourself too, drink water, take breaks, relax and do what you love and keeps you interested. Keep warm and be proud of yourself most of all. You are proud of yourself and every achievement is a big achievement :) Also, there are a lot of volunteer opportunities to take advantage of during the winter break because of Christmas season!! Have fun and stay safe during Winter Break!! “There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things.” - Pam Halpert

Serving for Love and Change All Around,


I can't believe that we only have a few weeks left in this year yet. All the wonderful memories that we’ve made together as a club were wonderful. End of the year means exams are you all prepared? If this year wasn’t the best, we always have a future opportunity to make next year a better one. Take some time during winter break to reflect over the and ponder about your accomplishments and failures, make goals that you will be able to reach and fulfill within the next year. This year was so fun, from being elected as your webmaster to being a leader within this club and getting to make so much more fun memories with one of the best clubs ever. I truly appreciate you and I hope you have an amazing break, happy holidays, and a happy new year!

Serving from Infinity to Beyond,

Fernanda Cruz
ub Leadersh ub Leadersh d2 d28n. H d28n RTC Chair: Jehann Alcantara d28n.rancho.rtccomchair@gmail.com (702) 964-7808 President: Melyka Tanyag d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)666-3866 Club Officers Club Officers Advisors Advisors Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303 Secretary: Jean Reyes d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com (702)378-6007 Historian: Fernanda Cruz d28n.rancho.historian@gmail.com (702)981-7681 Faculty: Mr. Raymond Dudo dudor@nv.ccsd.net (702) 799-7000;3703 Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950 Service Project Chair: Jiromi Pena d28n.rancho.spchair@gmail.com (702) 666-3226 Member Development and Relations Chair: Marielle Oasay d28n.rancho.mdrchair@gmail.com (702) 538-4862 Kiwanis Family and Relations Chair: Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.kfrchair@gmail.com (702) 910-9224 Contacts Contacts
@rancho.kc.lv @rhs-kc Rancho Key Club @rhskc2023 ranchokeyclub.wi xsite.com/ranchokeyclub-lv SOCIAL MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA Rancho REVIEW Thank you Thank you for reading! for reading!

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