Vol.1 No.3
Jan.¡/Feb. 1980 ,
The Ku Klux Klan: "UP SOUTH" When Black people refer to the IDrth as "up South," they are PJinting to the true nature of white supremacy in the US: not a regional defect of the South, but the daily reality faced everywhere by Black people. 'Ibday, in the face of heightening struggle by the Black nation for land, independence and freedom, US i.Jrq;x=rialism is prorroting the Klan as a pr.irre way to rrobilize every sector of the white oppressor nation to fight the advances of the Black liberation struggle.
Youth learns to shoot at 47-acre Klan youth camp near Birmingham. "We want to make them racists," Klansman says.
The Klan originated in the South, but moved North when Black people ~re forced off the land in the South and into the Northern urban centers. The massive grcwt.h of the Klan in New York State in the early 20's, for example, followed the forced migration of thousands of Black people into New York and other Northern ar2as after World War I. Black people are fighting fc,r hurran rights and liberation in every part of this country. A major part of the Black liberation struggle is the struggle for human rights being waged in every major urban center in the country. Northern cities have becorre a focus in the Klan's reactionary campaign to mobilize white people to fight for white supremacy and empire. Three key aspects of the Klan's national strategy for organizing in the North are: organizing white youth, particularly in high schools, to build the armEd forces of white suprema.cy: functioning within the state apparatus as cops and prison guards, and building mass sUPFOrt for killer cops and PJlice terror against Third World people: and building a broad continued on page 10
EDITORIAL: The Klan and the Struggle Against Genocide e Ku K ux K an 1S stepp1ng up their vicious organizing allover . the country. OUr lead article this rronth is about the Klan's strategy for organizing in the Northern cities because this issue confronts the many white apologists for the Klan who argue that the Klan is a 'regional problem' or a 'thing of the past' or that white people can be progressi ve or even 'liberal' without actively fighting white supremacy and the Klan. When hundreds of Klan whi te pcMer stickers appear on the walls of a forrrerly 'liberal' community like Park Slope in Brooklyn, and a white r:ower rally is held in Prospect Park in the same cc:mmunity , it is necessary to ask where is this Klan acti vi ty corning from, and what does it represent? The Klan is now and always has been, ever since its origin in the late 1860' s, an armed, paramilitary, secret organization to commit genocide against the Black nation and the Black liberation struggle. The Klan is central to the strategy of u. S. irrperialisrn to subjugate and oppress the Black nation.
The Black nation's fight Dor hurran rights is now and has always been a fight against genocide. Social service cutbacks in every major city - creating massive unemployment, the elimination of affirmati ve action in education and job programs, closing of hospital~ along wi th the drug plague, deteriorated housing without heat and hot water, are all a part of the gerocidal conditions being confronted by the Black nation's struggle for human rights. Killer cops rrount a frontal military assault on the right of Black people to life itself. The City of New York recently arl1X)unced the proposed closing of a large nurrber of public . schools due to 'budget problems.' Of the ten or so schools to be closed in Manhattan, every one is in a Third World community. This is no different in essence fran the era of slavery, when it was illegal for an African slave to learn to read: At the sane tirre, there is another major trend in New York City and cities allover the country: urban "(t"enewal," the urban "renaissance," "gentrification," "revitalization." The very nanes show how these programs are rreant to give the appearance of being designed to rebuild and uplift cities. But in reali ty these programs, imple:rrented through the brutal violence of arson, the drug plague, and killer cops, are genocidal plans to rerrove and destroy Black and other Third World communi ties: an attempt to destroy continued on page 13
So it should be no surprise to find the Klan organizing in Park Slope and other urban connrunities, because - whether one looks at the theft of Black people's land in the South, social service cutbacks, or urban rerroval/renewal - . what is going on in a:mnunitjes ,and cities across the country is gerocide.
New Rochelle, N. Y.: STOP KILLER COPS! On Much 12, 1980, Ellery Ibbinson ....vuld have been 19 years old. But last July 19th, the Black youth was shot and killed by a white cop in Westchester County, New York. The police clairred that they were apprehending a "criminal", but Errery who was unanred, was shot in the back trying to n:m for his life. The response of the Black conmmity to this vicious murder was imrediate and militant. Protests involving Emery's family, schodmates at NeW Rochelle H. S. and ccmnuni ty residents were led by the local chapter of the National Black HlUllaIl Rights Coalition (NBHR:). En:>ugh pressure was brought to bear to force a grand jury to recognize the clear-cut evidence in this case and indict killer cop John Robbins for second degree manslaughter.
borrbed; anothe r B l ac k youth was shot in Mt. Vernon; dnd, recently, a young Black man, Arthur Bell, was shot and paralysed by a white cab driver who was "afraid" the youth was going to rob him. After Bell was shot, 200 high school students marched on City Hall and the local [dcist newspaper in protest. But this case has also been stalled in the courts, with the ffi claiming he can't get an identification of the cab driver because the victim lies paralyzed in a hospital bed, even though such proceedings are routine ly rroved to hospitals. The NBHRC sees all these incidents as part and parcel of a climate of heightening racism and increasing polarization of the white and Black corrmunities. But white people in Westchester have refused to deal with the underlying racist nature of the incidents. In sharp contrast, the NBI-IR: is actively working to bring people together and build the organizational capability to deal with the real problems of the Black community. Milly different (TrollDS of people in
But, nr::M, rrore than six rronths later, the murderer of Errery Ibbinson has still not been brought to trial. Instead Robbins has been allo~d to retire fran the police force, collecting his full pension. He is also being enthusiastically supported by his fellow officers who have begun a defense fund in his behalf. '!he District Attorney has allCM2d the case to be delayed and rroved to an:Jther town, hoping that the support which was buH t in the Black cormnmity would die dCMYl.
continued on page 14
One thing which has definitely not "died cbwn" is the level of racist attacks in Westchester County. Since Errery' s murder, tJ le hone of a Black f ami 1 i n Yonkers was fi re-
Free the Pontiac Brothers I Black Nation -- to crush the advancing struggle for human rights and self-detennination. Through Illinois governor Jim Thorrpson, the Illinois [â‚Źpart:nent of Corrections, and the media, the state is carrying out a major white supremacist campaign to build support for the lynching of the Pontiac Brothers.
"Free the Pontiac Brothersfree the hostages held right here in the U.S." 31 Black and Latino prisoners are being tried on charges st:emning from the July 22, 1978 rebellion at Pontiac prison in Illinois. The rebellion was for human rights, and against the genocidal conditions and white supre~ macist attacks inside the Illinois prisons. 17 Black rren face the death penalty, and 14 others face charges that oould keep them in prison the rest of their lives.
Black revolutionary leadership in arrl outside the prisons is giving focus and direction to the developrent of a pcMerful defense of the Pontiac 31 in the face of this assault.
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Since the rebellion, in which 1100 prisoners fought against the genocidal, inhuman oondi tions in the prison, the prisoners have been increasingly abused, as the state moves on its strategy to crush the rebellion. The state is now railroading the 14 Brothers charged with felonies to trial, trying to get oonvictions in these cases that they can then use to legitimze the 17 death penalty cases. Five of these cases are now being held in Blocmingh ton, which is 90% white, in downstate Illinoisthe h(J[lEtam of Nazi leader Frank Collins, and an active Ku Klux Klan base. '!he first of these trials ended on January 25. Luis Perez and Manuel Santiago were railroaded in front of an all-white jury, oonvicted of two of three oounts against then. They will be sentenced in early March. oontinued on page 12
'!his attempted lynching of 17 Black rren, the massive assault and increasing terror within the prisons is genocide, part of the U.S. oounter-insurgency war against the
Defeat Operation Snowf lake! buildings of South Campus to be razed and in their place a high technology industrial park be built with the anticipated cooperation of Columbia Uni"\â‚Źrsi ty. South Campus was the center of the arned takeover by Third World students in 1969, and is the center of progressive leadership today. The displaced school facilities ~uld be rroved to the huge N:>rth Carrpus conplex. The plan also includes closing Convent Avenue (a public street tliat bisects the carrpus) to the aJlnnuni ty by irrp:>sing an identification system reminiscent of South Africa's pass laws. _ Concentrating the student body on N:>rth Campus allows for inplerrentation of this clearly military strategy.
Black people may soon ha"\â&#x201A;Ź to carry 1D passes to walk on Convent Avenue. Are v.e talking about a new law in Johannesburg? No! 'Ihis is part of City College's political/ mili tary strategy, code-narred Operation Snowflake. At City College, located in Harlem, this gen.cxi:idal war strategy is being irrplenerrt:ed on many fronts. ~ state has TInved to force Third WJrld students out of sclx>ol by implerrenting a campaign code-naned Operation Snowflake. Its <Fal is to re-establish City as ~the white citadel on the Hill in Harlem," a strategic base fran which to penei':. trate and eventually destroy the Black corrmmity and re-settie Harlem with white people.
Black students lead the stru:Jgle against Operation Sl1ONflake. In the 1960' s, the Black arrl Puerto Rican Coalition led the four lID11th takeover of City College fran April to July, 1969. 'Ihis victorious fight for open admissions provided key les-
Operation SnONflake beqan in 1975 vihen open admissions -ended and in 1976 when tuition was imposed, forcing out th::>usands of students ;., rrost of whan) are 'lbird WJrld. Along with this is; a strategy to increase mite stOOent enrollnent through recruitrcent drives at dcminantiy white high schools in N!:M York City and in suburban cxmnmities for spea:ialized, v.ellflmded divisions - t.'1e bio-ned, lttban l-egal st\rlies, and performing arts program -draining funds fran the Black and Puerto Rican St\rlies programs.
continued on page 6
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using CXNY's "minority" funding as a srrokescreen, imperialist developers plan to re-industrialize Harlem's west side. The rraster plan for City calls for the
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the forefront in supporting the new sons and leadership for the open "security" ID proposals. Many v.hite admissions struggles that swept across u.s. campuses. In September, students and faculty have given full 1976, in the face of the Bakke rrovesupport to the administration's racist ment nationally and particular att"security" measures, opposing the leadacks at City, Black students and a"ship of Black and other 'Ihird World ccmmmi ty organizations, led by the stuients. United People, (a revolutionary At City, and on every canpus Black sturent organization) took over throughout the country, the fight the new science building on North against white supremacy is the deCampus to derrand the reinstitution of fining issue. The struggle by Black Open Admissions and to protest the and other Third World people for inposition of tuition. education as a :fundanental human Today, th3 National Black Human right and against reactionary rroveRigh ts Coalition is providing leaderrents, such as the pro-Bakke rroverrent ship in th3 re-consolida tion of the and plans like Operation Snowflake, Black student rroVEffi2I1t. Organizing has placed the fight against white for the Novenber 5th national rrobilisupremacy at the center of every camzation at th3 United Nations, the pus struggle. National Black Human Rights Coalition had a major impact at City by placing the question of human rights and the It is in this context that the struggle to defeat Operation SnooJohn Brown Anti-Klan Corcmittee is flake on the agenda for every student fighting to organize progressive at City. In the spring of 1979, white students to participate in the Mike Edwards,a Black student, played rrovernent to defeat Operation Snowa key role in exposing the racist flake. While City College is unique attacks of a white professor at City in sane ways, actively fighting (see Death to the Klan, vol. 1, no. 1). white supremacy under the leadership This struggle continues today as edu- of Black students and the Black libercational genocide is not confined to ation rroverrent as a whole is the only one teacher, but is a daily occurway white students on any campus can rence. participate in the fight for hunan rights and against genocide. 'Ihe The Paper, the Black student neW~-challenge for us all is to participate paper, has consistently led in the in building an anti-inperialist stustruggle for human rights at City and dent rrovement that actively fights to expose and defeat Operation Snowwhite suprEmacy on every campus in flake. In opposition, The Campus, a the co.u ntry. whi te-daninated student newspaper, is waging a self-conscious campaign to undennine 'Ihe Paper and pose itself as the "legitimate" student voice. This is o::msistent with The Canpus' s history of attack on the struggles of Third WJrld people at City. It is in
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Vieto ry to ZAN U --
A¡ D.
to negotiate with the Patriotic Front and' forced them to dissolve the Smith/ Muzorewa regime and agree to a ceasefire.
The agreements recognize the armies of the Patriotic Front on an equal footing with those of the Smith/ Muzorewa regi..rre, call for the renoval of South African troops from zimbabwe, and establish free and fair elections. While the imperialists are already violating the agreements daily, the victory represented by the signinq of the agreerrents is being consolidated by ZANU. ZANU is bringing back thousands of freedom fightThe end of 1979 has brought great ers and refugees who were forced out victories for the Zimba.l;>wean ~ple. of the country by the war, and or0a Led by the Zimbabwe Afrlcan Natlonal nizing throughout the country, parUnion (ZANU), after 90 years of ticularly in the cities, to unite struggle and 16 . years of anred strug9"le, the people in the fight for final the people of Zimba.bNe have ~orc::ed lill- victory. perialism, represented by Brltaln~ to negotia te and sign an agreement Wl th Massive denonstrations such as the Patriotic Front, an alliance of the one of over 200,000 people in ZANU and ZAPU. Salisbury t....elcorning Robert Mugabe back fram exile indicate the treThis victory is shared by people rrendous support for ZANU -- and inall over the WDrld who are fighting dicate what the outcome of the elecimperialism and white !M)rld supremacy. tions will be. In the 60% of the The Black liberation struggle in the country that constitutes the liberaUS has led in building solidarity in ted zones, ZANU leads socialist conthis country with the Zimbabwean struction, with people's governments people based in common goal -- the democratically run. One of the rrost liberation of Black nations throughsignificant aspects of society in the out the !M)rld ard the dismantling of liberated zones -- and of ZANU's the world-wide system of white suleadership in the liberation struggle premacy and imperialism. -- is the liberation of women. Under ZANU's strategy to win indelJPnthe slogan "Liberation through Parde 'Lce through waging anned struy'j 1, . ticipation," over 10,000 women ~r aqainst imperialism forced Brito ii, rillas fight in the ZANLA liberatlon
ZANU, continued from page 9
Klan in ~ l'brth, fran page 10 functioning organization in Boston, where a:nred gangs of white youths routinely carry out attacks on Black people.
babwe gives strategic political and material support to the Black liberation struggle in the U3 -- and to the ultimate defeat of i.Irlferialism and white suprema.cy in the ~rld. 'Ihe Ku Klux Klan and other organized white supremacist forces are a key weapon in i.Irlferialism's strategy to rrobilize mass support arrong white people in this country for possible direct intervention in Southern Africa as well as for increasing attacks on the Black liberation struggle in the U3. The Klan has recruited mercenaries to fight wi th the Rhodesian arrred forces for years, and Bill Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard of one Klan organization, said in a TV interview that .. racism will rut be dead until every white person in Rhodesia is dead." The US has provided a sanctuary to which white Rhodesians have fled. Some states, such as West Virginia, create speciaJ incentives (such as extrerrely low rrortgage rates and tax loopholes) to encourage white refugees fran Southern Africa to settle here. The Ku Kl1.D{ Klan was one of the cernponents of the racist Rhodesian Front Govenment.
A major Klan strategy for the Surmer of 1979 was the organizing of youth camps in an 8-state area, announced by Bill Wilkinson in a national TV interview. It is in this light that we can understand the series of attacks by white youths on Black people's homes on Long Island, in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, westchester, and throughout New England: a direct result of the Klan's strategy to organize youth to participate in genocide. At the Klan youth camps, white youth are taught the military skills they will use in building the Klan's secret amy.
*********************************** This is Part I of a tw::> part article on the Klan in the l'brthern cities. In the next issue we will analyze the Klan's relationship to the highest echelons of g:>verrnnent and their public campaign to gain ligi timacy for their program of racist terror.
Forun, continued from page 7 Material and political 501idari ty with ZANU is a key way to last Sunlt'er, the Klan has continued fight the Klan and slJPEDrt the Black to organize in the white social liberation struggle; especially in clubs, block assoCiations and arrong this period of the final stages of XXJImU.Uli ty youth building a base of the struggle for freedom in Zinb~. support in this formerly 'liberal' camrunity. Supported by corporate ~rs like Brooklyn Union Gas, \iTC'IDRY TO ZANU! Ci tibank and Burger King, the BrownPAMBERI NE CHIMURENGA! stoners comprise another prong of continued on page 13
In the f~ of the railroad of these 31 Pontiac Brothers, and the attempted lynching of 17 Black nen, active solid3.rity, under the leadership of the Brothers, the New Afrikan Prisoners Organization, and the Conoorned Families and Friends, is eri tical. According to the CFFP, "People are all caning together~ defend the Brothers -- the Brothers, the attorneys, their families, and ' sUfFOrters -and this is what the state is trying to 00 feat • " In the last six, rronths, there have been several powerful derronstrations in Chicacp led by Black revolutionaries demanding freed:>m for the Pontiac Brothers, as part of the Black Liberation Struggle's fight for selfdetermination and human rights.
POntiac, cxmt:m~ fran pag~ 4 , 17 Pontiac Brothers each face charges of killing all 3 prison guards during the rebellion. The state has already ~d the electric chair if tb=y' re fourrl guilty. Several nonths acp., an inInrtant victm:y forced the state to nove these trials from ckMnstate Illioois to Chicacp, where the Brothers are rrnrl1 closer to their families, sUH?Orters, and attorneys,: and have a better chance of oot getting an all white jw:y. Current pretrial hearings indicate that ~ state intends to do eveIything " IX'ssible to lynch these 17 nen. Coocemed Families and Friends of Prisoners has said that since the rebellion the state has quali'Ihis is a key struggle against tatively increased its represssive genxide and white supremacy. 'Irhe and gemcidal strategy withing the state's plan to reinstate the death Illioois prisons while consolidaf€nal ty, and to use it to carry out tin] a white supremacist oarrpaign nass murder of Black and other Third World people must be stopped. ~t 'Ihird World r:eoPle fighting for h\J11all rijlts and against genaThe IrOV'E!reI1t to reinstate the death . cide. 'ttlere is a heightened f€nalty is a mass white supremacist COlNlELPID nove on the priscners. novenent that, like the Klan, supA najor part of ~ state's counp,Jrts arid aids inperialsm' s war terinsurgency strategy is to create against the Black nation. a racist atnosphere on the outside Goin:} to rourt, raising materto oonsolidate white sUfPOrt for sending 17 Black rren to the electric , ial aid, and building awareress of dlair, by cJ.aim:ing that "gangs CDnthe IUntiac s"t.ru3gle, is central to trol the prisons and caused the solidarity with the Black nation's rebellion. " Sinre ~ rebellioo, struggle for humn rights, to free the state has engaged in a massive Afrikan prisoners arid prisoners of terror canpaign "locking d::Mn n the war, and to oofeat the Klan and all prisons in Illinois, beating priforms of organized white supremacy. sonars, stripping them of their rights, taking their p,Js sess ions , FREE THE FDNTIAC BRJ'I'HERS! all in the narre of "retaking FIGiT WHITE SUPREMACY! oontrol of the prisons from the FREE ALL .AFRIKAN POLITICAL gangs" . PRI~ & PRI~ OF WAR!
Editorial continued fran page 2 the national liberation struggles by encircling and destroying the communities that give them life. When numbers and whole ITDverrents of white people - like the brownstone novement - actively participate in urban rerroval and gentrification, taking over fonrerly Third WOrld corrmuni ties, derranding increased police 'protection' for the white enclaves they inhabit, then they are supporting and participating in genocide. When killer cops murder Black and other Third World people while launching a 'police vest' camPaign designed to make the criminals appear to be the victims, with the sUppJrt of masses of \\hite people, no one can pretend to be shocked or surprised when the Klan begins to organize in these same oorrmmities. The Klan is about genocide - and wherever there are wbi te people participating in genocidal attacks on Third WOrld people, the Klan will organize and consolidate them as a base for further white supremacist terror.
task for all progressive white people right now. A powerful ITDverrent must be built to fight the Klan and white supremacy in the North as well as in the South, to fight for the just demand of the Black liberation struggle and all progressive people: DEATH TO THE KlAN! Forun, continued fran page 11 the attack on Third WOrld carrnunities. Brook!yn Union Gas's "Cinderella Projects" conjureup racist 'rags to riches'images and echo Zionist exhortations to "make the desert blcx:::rn." The unity is clear -whether it is 'liberal' brownstoners or Zionist terror, white supremacy is the foundation of the strategy of U.S. imperialism to destroy national liberation struggles, in the U.S. and around the world. Natalee pointed out that the consolidation of the Black Liberation struggle is exposing tre true nature of liberalism in the 1980' s . Forces such as the ACID, which has been leading the fight to legitimize racist terror by defending the Klan's 'right to free speech' and Zionism which has 'blc:x::xred' in direct proportion to the growth of the Black liberation struggle, have errerged as two key bases for Klan organizing.
Because the Klan is part and parcel of irrq;:erialism's war against the Black liberation struggle -because white supremacy is intrinsic to i.rrperialist dorrrination -- the Klan will be defeated by the Black lil::era. .The forum united people under tion struggle for land and indepenthe slogans: dence -- for self-detennination. The advances and victories of the Black DEATH TO THE KLAN 1 liberation ITDverrent in this period proDEFEAT GENOCIDE 1 vide the leadership and strategy for STOP KILLER COPSl progressive white people bo follow in SUPPORT THE NATICNAL BLACK fighting the Klan. To take up this HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGl~ 1 challenge is the single ITDst i.mp::>rtant
Join In '¡neath To The Klan l'
continued from page 3 the cc:mmunity are calling for March 12th ¡ to be a marorial for Erre:ry oeath to the Klan, the newsRobinson and a focus of struggle letter of the John Brown Anti~Klan around Arthur Bell's shooting. corrmittee, is acti~ly seeking 'Ihe struggle of Black p=ople contributions fran our readers across for hurran rights in ~i1estchester the country. The rise of the KKK County is no different than the and other forns of white suprerracy struggles for human rights going is not a loc~l issue, nor is it or: all o~r the count:ry. 'There limited to anyone area of the wlll never be "peace" in Westchester country. Rather, as the contradicCounty until full hurran rights have tions between the Black nation and been guaranteed and killer cops U. S. irrq::erialism sharpen, white the Klan and all fonns of white' suprerracy and the struggle against Tuprernacy have been defeated. it rrore and rrore define the daily Special thanks to A.hrred Obaf~ reality of life in Arrerika. Vice President, Northeast of the Provisional GJvernrrent Of' the It is irrq;:Drtant that we kn:Jw Republic of New Afrika, for the about the activities of the Klan . ' information contained in this killer cops, and local white suparticle. remacist organizations. This is mt simply a question of "information", but of being able to understand and analyse the strategy of U.S. imperialism in order to Enclosed is _$__ for __su0scriptions better organize and struggle against to DEATH TO THE KLAN, @ $5 each it. It is also important for us (Free to Prisoners) to kn:Jw about the \\Drk that is going on against the Klan and other NAME white suprerracist forces so that we can learn fran each others efforts ADDRESS and engage in the political struggle ~essary to build a strong rroverrent. I would like to distribute the newsletter. Please contact me with Please send articles, clippings, further details. r;hotographs, letters to the editor, etc 7 (as space is ve:ry limited, all articles should be brief and may have to. be edited). .'Ihe struggle against Send 25C for a copy of the speech of the John BroWTl .Anti-Klan Committee wIn te supremacy, for human rights for the October 5, 1979 forum: TAKE and the liberation of the Black A STAND AGAINST THE KLAN AND POLICE nation is the defining issue of our BRUTALITY! SUPPORT THE NATIONAL day. Participate! Join us in BLACK HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN! building Death to the Klan.
PRINCIPLES OF UNITY I. FIGHT WHITE SUPREMACY IN ALL ITS FORMS! SMASH THE KLAN! SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE OF THE BLACK NATION FOR SELF-DETERMINATION! SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE TO FREE THE LAND! 路 The central task of white people in general. and the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee In particular. IS to fight to defflat white supremacy in all liS forms. There IS no neutral or 'Ihlrd' posllion for while people : we p ilher actively IIglll agillnSI while supremacy. or support It. We must organize olher while people tn ~ctlvely fight white 路supremacy . smash Ihe Klan . and to politically and matellally support the struggles of Thlld World peoples for liberation. The Klan and organized wilite supremacy are a malor way the US has always oppressed Th"d World people within Its borde.s White supremacy has been a part of every counter-Insur'lcncy terror plan thilt the US has developed. The slruggle 10 free the land of the Black nation has been a flercc . Ilfe路and -deillh struggle of Black people for 400 years . The Black nation will win Its freedom .. The freeing of the land will shake the very foundations of US sociely; the freelllg of the land w ill defeat white supremacy. Since Its inception in 1868. the Klan has always been the armed militia of while Supremacy Imari Obadele. the former preSident of the ProvISional Government of Ihe Republic of New Afrika. has said " Our biggest threat comes from the white civilian armies. the Ku Klux Klan and those other sem i路 offlcial force~ who for one hundred years have done the dirty work of military oppression in Ihe South ." Today the Klan is re-eml'rging with the same practice . The Klan . In Tupelo. Mississippi. elsewhere in the Soulh. in northern r.ities . in p"sons and the armed forces. IS in open. armed conflict with the Black Liberation Struggle . The Klan has become th e border patrol of the Mexrcan/US border ; it is the major armed force against Mexicano/Chicano peoples. We are committed 10 building a mass movement among white people to smash the Klan and to support materially and politically the struggles of Third World peoples for national liberation and human lights.
1'1. FOLLOW BLACK AND OTHER THIRD WORLD LEADERSHIP! We are committed to following Black and other Third World leadership. The struggle against the Klan is a lifeand-death struggle. based on the antagonistic relationship between oppressed nations and US imperialism. Our tasks as white people are defined by arid grow out of the strategy and tasks set by the oppressed nations. This leadership IS nOI abstract; it is represented by the militilnt struggle in Tupelo . Mississippi. by the struggle of Black and Latin prisoners. by the struggle"for human rights in New York Cit~ . The coming together of these forces of Black Liberation within the US and the liberation forces in southern Africa constitutes Ihe leading strategy tn defeal the Klan and white world supremacy . The dominant history and practic<:! of white people in this country has been to reject this leadership _John Brown was a white man who responded to the leadership of the Black liberation Struggle and actively lought white supremacy . This is why we take Ihe name John Brown Anti-Klan Committee. for It is only under Blar.k and other Third World leadership Ihat we can do our work correctly.
III. SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE OF THIRD WORLD PEOPLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTSI OPPOSE WHITE SUPREMACIST AnACKS~ The struggle for human rights by oppressed peoples and nations is a struggle against genocide. against mass terror being perpetrated on Black and other Third World communities. Police murder and white vigilante attacks in New York City are part of the US government ' s attempt to destroy the ability of Third World people to fight . In this city and country -wide at this time there is a mass struggle for human lights by Third World peoples and a strategy to bring this Sir uggle into the international arena . We are committed to fighting attacks on Black and other Third World communities and to sllpporting the struggle to free prisoners of war. captured freedom fighters and leaders of the oppressed nations. We are committed to fighting not only the Klan but also police terror. white vigilanteattacks by the Jewish Defense League and other Zionist forces. white gangs. and all forms of organized white supremacy .