3 minute read
COrPOrAte FinAnCe | 8
The process that randall & payne implemented was exemplary. We were provided with many more offers than we had anticipated and we completed in record time. Doug and I put this down to the quality of the team and their ability to work to deliver a common result.
Doug and I put this down to the quality of the team and their ability to work to deliver a common result”.
Preparation + Collaboration + Energy = Success!
Contact Ollie Newbold for more information by emailing corporatefinance@randall-payne. co.uk or call 01242 776000.
co-owner of Atlas Facilities Management met with Doug, John and ourselves at the earliest opportunity, following receipt of the Information Memorandum (IM).
Nick Earley remarked “The IM brought the business alive, along with providing all the critical information I needed to make a thorough assessment of the opportunity. The document provided me with confidence early on in the transaction process”.
When it was agreed by all parties that we should aim to complete the transaction within a month of the initial meeting, there was confidence between both parties that this was a reasonable expectation that could be met. By using a carefully structured, organised approach, we were able to provide Nick with all the documentation required in the pre-prepared data room which not only assisted in deal speed, it also provided Nick strong levels of confidence in Doug, John and of course Ryefords as a business.
Upon completion we were truly delighted for both parties that the suggested timescales were met without any delay and provided both parties with their respective versions of success. Following completion John Clements remarked “The process that Randall & Payne implemented was exemplary. We were provided with many more offers than we had anticipated and we completed in record time” .
How to optimise
your resources for 2023
It really is an interesting time to be an advisor, where the businesses I work with consistently have more sales than they have people to do the work. We have spent our lives generating sales to keep people busy and now we find sales are flying in and we need more people! It just feels like the opposite of what we are used to.
To add to this pressure, there is the current uncertainty and some increasing concerns about what might happen next. The most powerful strategies are ones that work in multiple scenarios and operational efficiency is one of the most ubiquitous. Whether sales are growing or slowing, optimising use of resources is an ongoing opportunity for most businesses and one we should revisit regularly.
Where to start this process?
My experience is that too often we dive into the detail of processes and miss the fundamental question about what we, as a business, are trying to do. We need to be very clear how we plan to win in our market. This is our “sustainable competitive advantage” and it is based on what we believe are the most important things for our customers when they make their buying decision about our product or service.
How will you win in your market?
The way we respond absolutely determines how our business should operate and a lack of clarity on this leads to wasted resources and conflict within, and between, teams. A simple example is where businesses promise exceptional customer service but believe the customer buys only on price, so they cut costs to win business, and it is likely to compromise the quality of the service.