Dai Rundong's Portfolio

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Immersive Teaching Space For Nature Science courses

Research History of Education Development in China Education 1.0 - 1949

Education 2.0 - 1992

Education 3.0 - 2017

Education 4.0 - 2020

Took the examinationoriented education system as the guideline.

Took the well-rounded education system as the general guideline.

Focus on Internet Plus and Digital Education.

Focus on Intelligent Education, to meet students' personalized learning needs.

Description In 2020, the World Economic Forum proposed a global framework and model for Education 4.0 to meet the needs of future societies. To better train the talents that can meet the social needs of the "innovation era", they proposed a new educational framework and model in 2020 to train the talents that meet the needs of the future society.

Background Under the era background, Shanghai Daning International Elementary School and Box_Lab have planned the project to move the museum into the school by jointly creating an immersive teaching space for nature science courses. I participated in the project as an intern interaction designer.

Project Information Cooperator Purpose

Content Outcome 01

From World Economic Forum report-Schools of the Future Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Ways to Achieve Intelligent Education 1

Investing resource into digital teaching material production


Upgrading the education ecosystem with intelligence system


Shanghai Daning International Elementary School To upgrade the teaching mode and introducing innovative teaching methods Create an immersive teaching space with multimedia Museum-style interactive classroom



Building an intelligent and interactive teaching environment

Creating innovative educational assessment technology

Optimizing national-wide public service system

Optimize and upgrade infrastructure, hardware devices, network conditions, smart tools and learning platforms.

Keep building smart campus, smart classrooms and smart living places

Propel the application of 5G, the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other new-generation information technologies

Create an intelligent learning space that deeply integrates space, time and teaching, and combines offline and online virtuality and reality, propel scenario-based, experiential and immersive teaching


Project Design


About School General Teaching Plan

Class Selection

Project Goal Relationship among knowledge,teachers and students.

School Introduction

Pratham is an innovative learning organization created to improve the quality of education in India.

Shanghai Daning International Elementary School has 40 classes with over 1,400 students, including more than 100 overseas ones, from the United States, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions.

Based on the school's existing education system and curriculum design arrangements, there are several parts suitable for interactive expansion experimental courses from the major areas.






Case Study: Pratham – India, Mumbai




One of the largest non-governmental organizations in India

Focus Area:

High-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system.

No teachers

Provide education to children in the slums of Mumbai with mutual, grown both in scope and geographical coverage.

Students participate in self-directed activities


Teaching Fully stimulate children's curiosity

Volunteers to supervise and facilitate activities


Teaching Mechanism


Group cooperative learning

Foundations to develop apps, including games, quizzes, reading materials and other resources

Seven major study fields:

Choose the cooperation content independently Present group works instantly

School-based curriculum:

Cooperate with NGOs

Class design:


Global Village, Language, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Sports & Health, Art & Creativity and Integrated Practice. Art, Odyssey of the mind, football, music and more. Among them, art and music are mixed-age teaching classes with students of different grades. Explore the application of interactive electronic whiteboards in teaching to enrich students' learning methods and encourage student to be an experience, autonomous and cooperative learner.

Global village

Cultural exchange, introduction of different cultures, festivals.

Science & Technology

Immersive scene, bring students to the wild and space.

Art & Creativit

Experience different creative techniques and feel the charm and possibilities of art

In addition, given the limitations of the original class's teaching mode, the interactive class should be an upgraded version that retains their key information while improving upon the previous style.

Media comparison

Knowledge is passed on unilaterally by the teacher to the students.

Knowledge is passed on unilaterally by the teacher to the students, student can obtain knowledge directly, but can not interact with teachers and other students.

Optimize the existing hardware, make better use of the space to create an immersive teaching scene, where student would actively learn and interact others.

Project Elements Content










Immersive learning

Students and knowledge

Scene-based learning

Student and student Students and teachers

The classroom will be turned into a museum of nature, with immersive learning methods, students can choose their own courses by using interactive cards



Final Output

From organization website: https://www.pratham.org/

Make full use of learning resources and equipment Customize their own learning progress VR Devices

Pad or other potable screen

Immersive space

Pros: good immersive experience Cons: complicated device debugging, high cost

Pros: potable and easy to use Cons: limited function and creativity,

Pros: fully use of space and suitable for class Cons: more maintenance

Autonomous learning

Teaching Plan

Composed of three aspects: teaching, learning and support mechanism (as shown in the figure).

Significantly improvement in grades


Knowledge of nature and science Creature

Multimedia devices Interactive devices

Circular classroom

Multi-sensory experience

Flow Chart


Sketches Anan

Li Zixuan

8 years old, Grade 3

An an is a Shanghai local bornraised girl, she is curious about all the new things around her, full of challenge spirit, and likes to try different things.

Hobbies: Favorite class:

Painting, singing and dancing Art and Music

Other study method: NA

Scenario 1 (Original)

11 years old, Grade 5

A bookworm who likes to spend all day in the library, books and knowledge are tools for him to understand the world. He is a quite boy.



Reading and writing

Favorite subject:

Chinese and English


1 Animation loop 2 Simple instructions below the scene


Other study method: Study apps Scenario 1 (Interacting)

Q: What do you think about your classes? A: Art class is very interesting, I learned a lot about painting from my teachers.

“I love beautiful artworks!”

Q: What do you want for the future class? A: I hope I could decide what to learn by myself.

Q: What do you think about your classes? A: It's a little stressful, especially for a student who is about to graduate like me.


Practical Ability

“When reading, I feel much relaxed.”

Learning Ability

Q: What do you want for the future class? A: More relaxing and autonomous methods, I wish.

1 Creature highlighted when button is rotated to the certain item Introduction interface pops up

Curiosity 1 Practical Ability Scenario 2.1 (Original)

Learning Ability



1 Video loop 2 Simple instructions below the scene

Scenario 2.2 / 2.3

Frank Lee

9 years old, Grade 4

An International student from Australia, he loves science and nature. Frank enjoys discussing things he discovered with his teachers and classmates. Q: What do you think about your classes? A: It’s fun and we occasionally do some experiments, which is my favorite part.

“Science is the most interesting thing !”

Q: What do you want for the future class? A: I want to see the universe!

1 Video switched when button continuously 2 Instructions below the scene

1 Hobbies: Favorite class:


Watching science documentaries

An enthusiastic and confident girl, she likes making friends and it is a happy thing for her to learn and play together with her friends.

Science and Technology

Other study method: NA


Organizing parties and talks

Favorite class:

Psychology Health

Other study method: Online Class


Q: What do you think about your classes? A: Courses are limited, for me discussing with teachers and classmates help me learn a lot.

Practical Ability

Learning Ability


10 years old, Grade 5

“I like talking to different people.”

Q: What do you want for the future class? A: More time to discus with each my classmates.

Scenario 3 (Original)


1 Video loop 2 Simple instructions below the scene (as change card to view other scenes)

1 Practical Ability


Learning Ability

Idle Screen 2




1 Company logo- I_box 2 Animation 3 Scenario overview

Device Design

Journey Map

Information Design

Interactive Devices Stage

Standby The foreground decoration determines the main visual screen, and the cards of eight ecological bird groups take turns to appear in the center of the main visual screen with illustration-style natural background.

Interactive Learning The selected bird image card is highlighted.

Transit to the scene of waterfowl and show different forms of waterfowl animations with dynamic environment where they live in.

The information of the selected character is highlighted with animation to determine its selected status. Information about the selected character appears in the box.


End The information of another selected character is highlighted with animation to determine its selected status.

Appearance Design

Equipment Selection



The screen turns back to the standby page.

Layout Design

Visual Sketch

Lakeside, decorated with flowers and plants.

Single Chip Microcomputer

back,above lake/pelican/flying

mid Lake/goose/swimming fore ground/goose/posture

mid Lake/duck/swimming fore Lake/duck/hunting

fore lake/pelican/hunting

fore ground/goose/fledgling

Mobile Power Bank

Information about the selected character appears in the box.

Control Knob Card & Card Reader

Midground Lake, some birds swimming in it.


User Behaviour

See the circular screen playing the animation.

Learn about the eight ecological groups of birds.

Select a bird and place the card in the sensing area (for example, waterfowl).

Observe the characteristics of these birds (for example, waterfowl).

Choose another morphological feature to study (e.g., goose swimming)

Rotate the button to select characteristics of a specific bird to study (e.g., duck foraging)

End of learning.


Scene and Content

Foreground: decorate the main visual area with flowers and plants Cards: waterfowl, wader, songbird, landfowl, woodbird, raptor, cursorial birds, penguin, cards scroll circularly through the screen Background: animations of trees and sky

Foreground: scroll to the selected card area Cards: card appears in the center of the visual area with the selected effect (highlighted and enlarged) Background: scroll to the selected card area.

Foreground: grassy bank, animation and some description of the nesting birds Midground: lake, animation of birds swimming and hunting Background: animations of trees, mountains and sky

Text: Hunting, swimming, flying, nesting, standing

Character: word swimming in bold , animation of goose bobbing up and down with water ripple Picture: enlarged goose webbed foot Text: Geese have webbed feet, they love water by nature and spend 1/3 of the day in it. They are used to foraging, playing and courting in the water.

Character: word swimming in bold , animation of duck bobbing up and down with water ripple Picture: enlarged duck beak picture

Lake, some birds swimming in it.

Cards of the eight types of birds scroll circularly through the screen.

Side View Control Knob

Text: Mallard ducks mainly forage in water, an omnivorous bird, and their beak is flat and smooth for catching fish

Control Knob

Card Zone Card Zone Indicator

Based on the selected elements to come out the illustration for the full canvas: 04

160° Main Vision Range

Side View

Space Design

Outcome Click Here to Watch the Project Showcase : http://www.cobox.art/#/daning Teachers & Students Interactive Table

Round Bench

To transition from the traditional one-way 'lecturing at the podium, learning in the seat' method to a more immersive learning environment, the classroom has been redesigned from the original square layout to a circular format.

360° Screen

It now features an interactive table at the center and a 360° screen around, allowing information to be shared from every direction.

Main visual range

Interactive table in the center

Top view of the circular classroom




Research One. H.PYLORI

H. pylori is a parasitic microorganism, and there is no clear statement about when human became its host. Parasitism, the relationship between parasite and its host, has been widely existing between organisms. How should we regard it? The project starts from H. pylori, and it is a debate about parasitism.

1.1. Characteristics

1.2. Infection Factors

Here are basic characteristics and descriptions about H.pylori through the research.

Development. At least half the world‘s population is infected by the bacterium, about 4.4 billion.

Ages. A study shows that the infection rates of H.P in child increases with age :

Age 1-3 0.6% ~ 4.9%

Age 7-9 3.9% ~ 7.1%

Age 13-15 6.2% ~ 17.2%

Age 4-6 5.6% ~ 9.7%

Age 10-12 8.6% ~ 12.1%

Age 16~18 13% ~ 33%

Background A Debate about Parasitism

I used to be diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori and suffered from it. Though I can't recall where I got the bacterium from, this unforgettable experience made me curious about its relationship with the host.

1.Usually found in the stomach 2.Helical shape to penetrate the mucoid lining and thereby establish infection. 3.Associated with lymphomas of the mucosaassociated lymphoid tissue in the stomach, esophagus, colon, rectum, or tissues around the eyes, and of lymphoid tissue in the stomach.

The developing countries has much higher infection rates than the West countries (Western Europe, North America, Australasia).

Datas from A cross-sectional study on H.pylori infection of about 3491 children in China multiple cities. Globally, adults had significantly higher H. pylori infection rates compared to children 48.6% vs 32.6% respectively.

An immersive space installation that uses edited simulated Helicobacter pylori videos to describe its evolution inside its host. Living environment and habits, educational level, social and economic status, and family size also matter.

Designed by Randall 06


Two. Parasitism

1.3. How H. Pylori live in Human body?

2.1. Definition

The key to H. pylori’s pathogenicity lies in its ability to colonize the stomach. As can see, H.pylori could find or adjust the condition for its growth, by using of typical evolved structure and products. Its infection can lead to peptic ulceration and it is the highest risk factor for gastric cancer.

Physioloy 1. Hydrogenase, produce energy oxidase, catalase, and urease; 2. Adhesins, a type of virulence factor; 3.Phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

2.2. Biology Characteristics


Parasitism in relationships

Parasitism is a relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism.

After the 18th century, parasite began to be used by biologists to refer to ‘parasitic organisms’ or ‘parasitic plants’.

In ancient Greece, the origin of the word parasite is ‘παράσιτος' (parasitos), which is a combination of para- ‘alongside' and sitos- 'food', literally the one who eats beside or at the table of another.

If regarding relationships are all about give and take, sometimes we may find ourselves in one that is lopsided.

The host, which is causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life. Parasitism has an wide range, besides bacteria like H. pylori, others including animals, plants, protozoans and viruses.

Almost all free-living animals are host to at least one species of parasite. On average, humans have 342 species of helminth parasites, and 70 species of protozoan parasites. Vertebrates are hosts to millions of helminths and parasitic microorganisms. H. pylori just one of it.

These kinds of relationship are similar to parasitism Greece

Adhesins - adheres to the epithelial cells Urease - neutralizes the acid in its environment Arginase - reduces the synthesis of NO

Samples of parasitism relationship in nature


Typical character who is often portrayed as gluttonous and shameless and willing to play the role of a slave in order to get food.

A two-parties relationship The weaker party benefits and the dominant party loses.

Followers of aristocrats and wealthy families. These people mainly relied on flattery to please their masters to get a bowl of rice.

The assistants of civil officials, who were maintained at the expense of the state in many places.

Human Mainly found

PARASITISM The Pasrasite

The Host


Person-to-person transmission most likely by

Stomach pains, nausea, bloating, belching, and vomiting.

Duodenal ulcers & gastric ulcers

Chronic gastritis

Increased risk of acquiring a cancer (like stomach adenocarcinoma)

either the oral–oral or fecal–oral route.

A seed-producing parasite, entwined around blueberry (Vaccinium).

Case 2 Bidirectional Parasite

Case 3 Class Parasite

The ones who are generously feeding their own needs without any particular regard for yours.

Two sides are often both victims and accomplices: one is dependent on the other, and the other is relying on the former's dependence.

The movie Parasite reflects the parasitism relationship between two families. The poor family infiltrating into the rich house, while the rich one leech off their labor, both families are parasites.

Jerlin 25 Architectural Consultant How do you It is a relationship that causes think about a i r r e v e r s i b l e d a m a g e a n d pathological influence physically or mentally relationship? to one or both sides. Development In relationships I am always a of your taker at first place, so was this relationship? time. Once we established a firm relationship, I may turn to be a giver, and willing to sacrifice anything for it. Until this need diminished, finally we broke up. I suddenly realized that I relied on his dependence on me.

To better understand the parasitism relationship, I interviewed my friends, who have experienced parasitism or pathological relationships.

Defined by racial 400 B.C.E. to 260 B.C.E By ancestry rather than individual, on species rather than individuals.

Another stock figure as hanger-on, in the Middle and New Greek comedy, who plays the flatterer and buffoon, with a view to getting invited to dinner.

Mostly Passively achieved Koinobiont Parasitoid wasps like this braconid lay their eggs inside their hosts, which continue to grow and moult.

Contagious, the exact route of transmission is not known.

The host is close to the source of infection to achieve infection conditions.


Animals were found infected with H.P, may transmit to people.

May be transmitted orally by means of fecal matter through the ingestion of wastetainted water.

Morphology About 3 μm long, diameter 0.5 μm; Helix-shaped, can convert to a possibly viable but nonculturable coccoid form;Capabl e of forming biofilms; Four to six flagella at the same location.

Helical Shape - rapid move within less acidic mucus layer Flagella - burrow into the mucus lining of the stomach to reach the epithelial cells underneath


Evolve specific species adaptation capabilities, forming relatively stable relationships in such specific interactions.

The Malaria Parasite Plasmodium vivax inside a red blood cell.

Relationship may change As evolution, the relationship between the two often changes. When the two are in a unique relationship, selection will promote this relationship to become more benign and mutually beneficial


Doris 29 Assistant Administrator

205 to 184 B.C

Mid-16th century

In the 18th century

A standing character to the Roman as a selfish liar, imitations of Greek comedy, and figures largely in the plays of Plautus.

Firstly recorded in English in via Latin from Greek parasitos with the original meaning given.

The biological meaning under parasitism came later.

Further extended to refer to people who depend on others for life. As the saying goes: Don't be a parasite, earn your way in life.

Aaron 22 Student

How do you think about a pathological relationship?

It usually comes from the original psychological condition of one or both parties, such as the influence of the original family, which reflects in other relationships.

How do you It's an unhealthy relationship. Love think about a is the result of a two-way choice, pathological although it is the torture of spirit, relationship? sometimes can offer me a short piece of pleasure.

Development of your relationship?

Though we were in a long-distance relationship, his vigorously pursuit made me feel be loved. One day he suddenly changed his temperament, and often conveyed negative emotions, made me became self-denial. we broke up eventually. I finally found the way he treated me was just a copy of his parents'.

Development I used to thought he was a sincere of your person, getting along with him relationship? made me feel valued. When I found he cheated on me, I had already developed emotional attachment with him and felt that only he could give me emotional value at the moment. Though we've broken for a while, I feel that I couldn't face it.I used to thought h


Evolve to adapt Isolated from feces, saliva, and dental plaque of some infected people.

Parasitos originally denoted the priest's assistant among the Greeks, who, received his support from the offerings made to the temple, in return for certain services.

Case 1 Emotional Parasite

Giving much more than you’re receiving, or the opposite, is how parasite lurks in a relationship.

Dodder (Cuscuta)



Four. Man with Parasite

480s to 440s B.C.E.

Conditions 1.A parasite; 2.In low or no acid condition; 3.Microaerophilic (5%~8%).

Three. History Of Parasite

Conclusion During the project research, I learned about the parasite from various angles, and felt like I am exploring a hidden corner of my body, even life, when studying from H. pylori to parasitism. What made the parasitic relationship? How to define it?



Character and details design

Video Experiment

The Video: Parasitic H.Poetry

The Exhibition


https://www.youtube.com/ https://youtu.be/dn2IFkTIv00 watch?v=dn2IFkTIv00




Part of pictures found showing how H. Pylori looks like.

Sketch of how the H.Pylori looks like.

Reference ideas and relevant story factors.

I want the project to be an observation record on this relationship.

Concept To describe the evolution of the parasite Helicobacter pylori in its host until it appears that everything has come to an end.

Color References

Story board

I collected the colors from some posters and movies related to bacterias.

The basic script of the video.

Scenes refer to ancient Greek patterns and series pictures.

Expressing the movement of H.P with wave lines.

Experiment videos about H.Pylori, under microscope.

Display space layout refer to stomach wall

A short film about H.Pylori and its host . Duration: 1min'01s











1-10 s

11-21 s

22-28 s

29-35 s

From dark to light, H.P slowly swim around.

Moving faster, some red stuff turning out.

Focus: fission of H.P.

Proliferation, number of bacteria highly increased .

36-41 s

42-48 s

49-57 s


Gastritis status, darker color and irregular movement.

Successfully colonized, endless fission.

Detecting sign of life, diffusing of cancer.

Black hole, dim, lifeless.


Made with


JCUBE An integrated service application was designed for the innovative industrial precinct where I worked, including interface design and interaction process analysis.

( Designer Randall


Research Project Information

Powering the dreams of a smart nation.

Jcube is a one-stop service app specially designed for the staff and visitors of Bulim Square. It serves as a community pass, a message box, and a daily reference for food and transportation.

Industry & District Located in a vibrant ecosystem of researchers, entrepreneurs and creators, Bulim Square is the hub where Industry 4.0 technologies are making the advanced manufacturing dream possible in Singapore.

Bulim is one of 5 precincts in the Jurong Innovation District (JID), situated in Singapore’s western manufacturing belt, with key industries such as:

Advanced Manufacturing



The Bulim Square is still under construction. During the time I worked with the team, I found that the current precinct's service design is incomplete and fragmented.


In response to this, I am planning to develop an integrated and functional application to better serve the community's needs.


West of Singapore, close to schools and western business hubs.

It can be reached by bus. (under construction, ready in 2024); future transportation plan includes light rail and self-driving car.


Urban Solutions

Clean Technology

Smart Logistics

Multiple roles in future






In the future, the area will become Singapore's Western innovation hub, including but not limited to the following identified projects, which will be developed in tandem with each other.

517 parking lots with available places for bicycles. Commercial Orientation SG Business B2 / factory space. ·Clean industry, light industry, general industry;

The development, comprising four industrial buildings and enhanced by the precinct's integrated logistics, high-

12 Siemens Advance Manufacturing Transformation Center

specification spaces, and proximity to

13 ISDN Software Business

research and academic institutions, will advance Singapore's position in global advanced manufacturing.

All based on publicly available information. 09

Capture from JID website

14 Fanuc 15 Konica Minolta



Singapore Industry 4.0 To realize Industry 4.0, Jurong Innovation District (JID) community of Singapore hosts a burgeoning ecosystem of leading entities spanning the entire industrial value chain, with CleanTech Park being one of its five precincts.








Bulim Sqaure


West of the island @Cleanteach Park

West of the island @Cleanteach Park

West of the island @Cleanteach Park

West of the island @Bulim Precinct

Same area, similar surrounding

Campus Monitoring Analysis The HTCE official website has integrated multiple functions to serve the campus. Toolbar


For further reference, I analyzed its current supplied functions: Main Function Menu




High Tech Campus Eindhoven





Business Park Space; For advanced manufacturing, clean technology, urban solutions.

Offices, workshops and dry/wet laboratories; 187 park lots.

In operation

Business Park Space; For R&D development, advanced manufacturing, clean technology.

Offices, workshops and dry/wet laboratories; 112 park lots.

In operation

Business Park Space; For advanced manufacturing, clean technology, urban solutions.

8 laboratory and 1 office block, high-specification, fully-customisable spaces; 423 park lots.

In preoperation

Factory Space B2/ For advanced manufacturing, med tech, electronics, urban mobility.

4 blocks with a raised landscaped platform for pedestrians, cyclists and autonomous vehicles ; 517 park lots.

Under construction

Similar orientation, more for factory field. Campus website: https://www.hightechcampus.com/

The High Tech Campus Eindhoven is a high tech center and R&D ecosystem on the Southern edge of the Dutch city of Eindhoven.

BLS available for large scale of car, bicycle and else transportation in future.


CleanTech Park is a Singapore eco-business park – a research and development (R&D) and test-bedding site for the early adoption of sustainable technology and solutions. Clean Tech 1,2&3 are typical projects of the precinct.

• R&D facilities, office space, technology start-ups and (re) development center; • Hundreds of companies and institutions, comprising product developers and researchers; • Entrepreneurs from worldwide.

• Companies and research institutes in advanced high-tech research and development ; • High-tech systems, nanotechnology, embedded systems, smart pharma, life sciences, as well as security.

Since Bulim Square is still under construction, to better understand its future operating status, I did a comparison between the CleanTech Park and Bulim Square in different aspects:


Plenty of green features and shared facilities.

Allow businesses to consolidate office and R&D operations all within one location.

Companies and Jobs

Campus Map

Business Locations


Rules & Regulation

In progress


Support research with specific requirements and cleantech incubation facilities.

Facilities & Services

It also serves as a recruitment and activities website to stimulate center inner vitality.

Introductions about the facilities within the center, including shops, office buildings and meeting room.

Introduction of Cleantech Park Welcome a full suite of operational and HQ functions for high-tech manufacturing firms in one location.

The website serves as a Information distribution center for all you want to know about HTCE, like an online community.

Multiple functions, and a combined space for firms.


Conference Center

Pro: detailed and friendly for visitors to get to know HTCE Con: complex links for booking & appointment.


Click to view the details of the building.

Contacts Pro: benefit to stuffs in HTCE Con: missing page flip function

Pro: visualization makes it easy for visitors to understand Con: complicated access to find recourse like parking information.

User Journey Map


Kumar's One day in Bulim Square Name:Jiayi Age: 32

Senior researcher in a local new materials research company

Kumar Age: 28


Procurement administer in a new technology MNC


Jia Yi is in her fifth year of research and she enjoys science fiction, EDM, photography and food. A researcher by day and a chef by night, after work, she likes to study new dishes with her husband at home. During working meals, she often explore various restaurants in the precinct with her colleagues. In addition to local Singaporean cuisine, desserts and coffee shops are her favorite places.

Education Graduated from Nanyang Technological University

" In fact, doing research all day long puts a lot of pressure on us, so I enjoy meal time with friends, like a nice piece of cake that can relax me."

Kumar enjoys hiking, design, and he is a nature lover who often goes hiking on weekends. He likes coffee and bubble tea. He is new to the company and is responsible for procurement related work. On the other hand, he also in charge of events preparation, like arranging rooms for various meetings or lectures. He tells that for this kind of administrative work, he really needs convenient and efficient tools.

Education Graduated from University of Queensland

38 % in BLS

Residence Central Singapore

Residence Central Singapore

Transport Driving, traffic jam in the morning

Transport Public transportation, mostly by bus, sometimes ride a sharing bike

Daily major work 1. Prepare experimental materials; 2. Participate in the experiment; 3. Prepare reports for the conference. Needs 1. An convenient information platform for learning about events and catering about the precinct, as a leisure choice for colleagues and friends after work; 2. The traffic information of the precinct, which can help me find a parking space in advance to save time.

62 % in BLS

Time arrangement She generally spends over 1/3 of a day in BLS during weekdays

Daily major work 1. Collect factory requirements, find suppliers and arrange order; 2. Contact and visit customers and merchants; 3. Arrange meetings, reserve meeting rooms and lecture halls.

Work at BLS

Take meals & Socialization

Leave BLS

Take public transportation to the nearby station

Go to the platform level, tap work pass to get in

Process orders, contact merchants, arrange the logistics

Book meeting room, conference hall and gallery

Receive visitors and answer calls

Go to platform level and choose one of the restaurants for meal

Drive with colleagues to the nearby mall and have meal there

Participate in precinct inner activities and attend lectures with friends

Finish work for the day and ready to go back home


When the bus will come? Will it be crowded on the bus? Should I ride a bicycle instead?

How long I need to wait in the queue? What if I lost my work pass? What if the card not working?

What time is available for delivery to BLS? Which gate should they park the truck?

How can I know the available rooms ? Why I always have to wait long for the confirmation? How can I save time for the key collection?

Why visitors have to registrant every time? What we can do to help visitors save time?

What to have for today? Any new restaurant around? How I know whether the food is worth to try? How much the food costs?

How long it take to the nearby mall? Any possible transportations around if we don’t drive there?

How can I get these information in first place? If I need to arrange such an event, how do I let certain people know?

What time is the next bus? Should I take colleague's car today?


Information to help make decision for transportation selection.

Settle the work pass issues and quickly get to office.

Get logistic information about the precinct to avoid congestion.

Booking system to be more Simplify visitors registration efficient and easier room system. key collection procedure.

Get information about precinct food and restaurants better with some introductions.

Information for nearby public transportations to help make a decision.

Information about precinct news and events in time to unit the community.

Information to help make decision for transportation selection.

Provide transportation information to different type of users (drive / nondrive).

Provide new version of work pass that is more convenient.

Provide precinct inner logistic system information for good delivery reference.

Optimize facility booking management system.

Platform to provide information about precinct shops and add scoring system for user reference.

Provide real-time transportation information to user.

Platform to provide information about precinct news and events for user.

Provide transportation information for user.


" I use the precinct booking system most often, and its convenient design and efficiency are important to me."

10% Arrange Meetings

30% General Works

Arrive BLS

60% Others

Time arrangement Spend quite a time to settle event related issues.


Needs 1. Improve visitor registration system, reduce registration time; 2. Simplify meeting room appointment procedure for current complicated form and long term manual reply.


Provide online visitor registration system to save waiting time.

Flow Chart

Lofi Design

Application Scenario Examples

Lo-Fi & Workflow Design

Typical functions & interface design

Flow Chart

Checking transport information




Login in as a stuff

Monday morning, Andrew is waiting for the bus of the precinct, within the app, he could easily search and decide whether go on waiting for it or find a sharing bike.

Work pass check in/out page


Log in page for staff

Log in page for visitor

Log In & Homepage

Click Here to View the Full Version)https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nHh4QOAw5_gH9scyGFLkC_iyP_km1huT?usp=sharing

Click to go to e-pass

Click to change profile photo Click to change email address Click to change phone number

1. Personal information page

1-1. Profile photo

1-2. Change phone number page

1-3. Change eamil address page

Back to personal page


Login in as a visitor



Shortcut to PersonalSettling-Shortcut management page





2 Click to go to camera

Click to view personal information


Click to go to album

1. Profile photo 2. Personal information

1. Current using photo

1. Answer questions to reset phone number

1. Answer questions to reset email address

Back to personal information page Click to confirm and back to personal information page

2. My work pass page

Back to personal page

4 2

Back to home page


Click to view my work pass


8:40am @Bus Stop


1.Owner introduction; 2.Instert request information; 3.Photos of the project.



1.Reset password button; 2.Sign up button.


1.Shortcut to personal page; 2.User name & date; 3.Shortcut to work pass page; 4.Shortcut buttons; 5.News of the project; 6.Main buttons;

1. Photo of E-work pass 2. Records of check in/out times

Back to received message page Back to message page

Forgot password page

Submission finished page

Back to received message page

3. My message page

3-1. Received messages page

3-1-1. Message detail-1

Back to personal page


3-1-2. Message detail-2



1. Insert anwers to reset password

Click to view the email list Click to view the email detail


Click to my messages

Click to reset password

Back to log in page


Submit to set new password

1. remind of unread messages

1.Work pass simple picture.

1. Bin button, to delete messages 2. List of the received messages

Click to go to next email

Back to deleted message page Back to deleted message page

3-2. Deleted messages page

Back to log in page

1. Content of the selected email

Click to go to last email

3-2-1. Deleted message detail page-1

3-2-2. Deleted message detail page-1

Back to my message page

Shortcut to Personal- My message page Click to view the email detail



Shortcut to Personal- My work pass page

Click to view the email list

Shortcut to Transport-Bus info page

1. List of the deleted messages

Click to go to Personal page

1. Content of the selected email

Work pass check in/out page 1-5-2. Article page-2

1-5-1. Article page-1

Back to transport page

Back to personal information page Click to change phone number

1-2. Change email address page

Back to transport page

Back to personal page

1-1. Change phone number page

1.Personal information-visitor

3. Search results

1. Car park page

Food Discovery


Article Page -1

Article Page - 2

Click to refresh information by time (same for bus and sharing bike)

4-1-1. Booking submission page


Click to start a new booking


Back to home page


2 Click to view personal information


1 Click to check bookings

Click to go to car park information page

Type in content and click to search

1. Work pass sample picture

3 1. Picture of the item together with description as the button

1. Questions to change email address Click to go to last article

Back to news page

Click to view facilities

1-5. Facilities

1. Default avator 2.Personal information

1. Booking details

Click to add a same type new booking

1. Refresh button 2. Map of the area 3. Calculator of the available parking lots

1. Title as the searched item

Shortcut to News-Food page

1. Questions to make a booking

Click to submit the booking request

Click to go to next article

Click to view jobs

1-4. Jobs

1. Questions to change phone number

Click to go to last email

4-1-2. Booking submission finished page

Back to personal page

Click to go to e-pass



Click to view detail

Click to go to next email

Back to booking main page Back to booking main page


1 1

Clarice parked her car downstairs and just arrived lobby, instead of long queuing, she takes out the phone and passes the gantry by swiping the turnstile in seconds.

4. Booking page

1-1. Car park refresh page

Log in as a stuff

click to change email address Confirm and back to personal information page Cancel and back to personal information page

Click to view food

Click to view events

1-3. Food

1-2. Event

1-1. Notice

Click to view notice

Click to view jobs

Log in as a visitor Back to personal page

News main page-visitor

2.My work pass page

Personal page-visitor 1


Log in page -for stuff

Home page


Click to view notice

1-3. Food

News main page


1-1. Notice

1-2. Event

1-4. Jobs

1-5. Facilities

1-5-1. Article page-1


1 1

2 4

4 1

2-1. Bus stop detail page

Back to record page Back to record page

4-2-1. Booking detail page

2 1


4-2-2. Booking detail page

Click to view booking detail

1 Click to view bus stop detail





Shortcut to Personal-Setting-Shortcut management page



4-2. Booking record page

Personal page




Click to log in as a visitor

2. Bus stop page

Back to bus information page

Click to log out



Transport page



Back to list

1-5-2. Article page-2


Click to check work pass


Back to booking main page Confirm and back to booking main page

Back to transport page

Back to news page

Click to view events

Click to view food

Log in page -for visitor 1

Click to main visitor page



Back to news page

Click to view facilities

Click to view the full content

Click to view booking record

Click to go to bus information page

4 2





3 5

1. Pictures of the item 2. Description of the item

1. Order change button 2. General categories 3. Type in and click to search 4. Pictures of articles

1. Shortcut to personal page 2. E-Work pass 3. Records of check in/out


1. Name & ID of the user 2. APP copyright owner

1. Owner introduction 2. Insert requested information 3. Photos of the project

1. Shortcut to personal page 2. User name & date 3. Shortcut to work pass page 4. Shortcut buttons 5. News of the project 6. Main buttons

1. Reset password button 2. Sign up button


1. Pictures of the item 2. Description of the item 3. Reminder of new items 4. Click to like and collect the item

1. Order change button 2. General categories 3. Type in and click to search 4. Pictures of articles


Answer questions and reset password

2-2. Order changed result

9:05am @Lobby Turnstile

Click to view the full content


2-1. Order

2.Log out page-visitor

2-1. Order

1. Pictures of the item 2. Title of the item

1. List of the buses


1. Profile of the user 2. Personal adjustment buttons 3. Copyright owner

1. List of bookings records 2. Status of the booking

3. Sharing bike page

Back to setting page

5.Setting page

5-1.Language setting page

5-1-1.Language setting page-1

Back to transport page

Back to personal page

Back to news page

2 1

Click to select a category



Click to go to sharing bike information page

Click to view category

Click to view category

Click to select language

Click to view language list

1 1

Click to select a category

1. Detail of the selected booking

Click to go to last booking detail Click to go to next booking detail Confirm change and back to setting page

2-2. Order changed result

Click to sign up


Click to check settings

1 1. Title as the selected order

1. List of order choices 2. Back button

1. Reminding of the log-out confirmation

1. Title as the selected order

1. Map of the area

1. Available Language list

1. Selected language color turns white

Back to personal page

1.Pictures of the items; 2.Description of the items; 3.Reminder of the new items; 4.Click to like and collect the item.

Booking a meeting room

1. List of order choices categories 2. Back button

Click to log out and back to log in page


Jackson received an urgent task to arrange a meeting with customer who will arrive in an hour, he uses the app to speedily check and book a conference room.

1. Pictures of the item 2. Content of the article 3. Go next button 4. Go last button

Click to go to next article




Click to go to last article

Back to news page

1.Pictures of the item; 2.Content of the article; 3.Go next button; 4.Go last button.



Confirm change and back to setting page

3. Search results

5-2.Shortcut management page

Click to turn to news page Click to personal page

Click to turn to transport page Back to setting page Click to turn to personal page



Click to turn to news page

3 To adjust shortcuts slection

Type in content and click to search

4 5

1. Click to sign in based on registration information

1. Selected shortcuts 2. Available to add one more shotcut 3. Icon of the item 4. Name of the shortcut 5. List of the shortcuts

2.Click to go back to log in page

Sign up page

5-3. APP briefing page

Sign up finished page

Back to setting page


1 Click to go to sign up page To view the briefing of the app




1. Insert anwers

1. Content of the app briefing Click to go back to log in page

Click go to last one

Click to confirm submission

Back to privacy page Back to privacy page

6.Privacy page

6-1. Change password page

6-1-1. Finish page

Back to personal page


Click to rest password


Click to check privacy setting

Facility Booking

10:15am @Office

Personal page

Booking page

Booking submission page


Cancel and back to privacy page

Click to confirm the change

1. Answer questions to change password

Booking submission finished page

1. Reminding of the processing status

Back to collection list

6-2. Favorite collection page

Back to collection list

6-2-1. Collection detail page-1

6-2-2. Collection detail page-2

Back to privacy page

Click to view the content


To view my collections


1. Pcitur of the item 2. Content of the item with detail


Click to check bookings

Click to go to next article

Click to start a new booking

6-3. Privacy policy briefing page Back to privacy page

1 To view app privacy policy


News, events & fancy cuisine

1 1

It’s lunch time, May and Christine haven’t decided what for meal, they use the app to search if any newly opened restaurants around worth to have a try.

1. Content of the app privacy policy

Click to add a same type new building

7. Log out page

Click to log out of the app

1 1. Reminding of the log-out confirmation


12:15pm @Pantry


1.Profile of the user; 2.Personal adjustment buttons; 3.Copyright owner.

1.Picture of the item together with description as the button. Back to booking main page

1.Questions to booking Click to submit the booking request Confirm and back to booking main page

Back to personal page

Back to sign in page

1.Booking details

Click to go to last article

Hi-Fi Design Name

Homepage Design

J – Team JTC / word Journey: whoever come will start their new journey;

Profile Shortcut Click and transfer to profile page, to check and update personal information.

Cube – The shape of the main building complex / the precinct is a polyhedron, everyone is the protagonist; Italic symbolizes the fast rhythm of the Industrial 4.0 age, with a sense of speed and dynamism.


My Work Pass Tap and phone will turn to scanning mode.

Combination of the letters J, C & B, the abbreviation of Jcube. Shaped like a water-spraying whale, symbolizing that this industrial precinct is full of vigor and vitality in Island Singapore.

Profile Shortcut News Latest precinct news for the user based on personal preference.

Personalized shortcuts bar adjustable for different users, general functions as listed below:

Colors Two different shades of blue represent ocean and sky, while light grey as the land, which symbolizes the infinite possibilities of the area.


Tab Bar Main functions for users.

#4b89ed #9aa1bb


Inspiration Because of music, we have a richer life experience, this interaction device design is to bring the deaf community a choice for music experience and one more way to enjoy the world.

Research One: The Deaf Community

Two: The Needs of Community

In a medical context, deafness is defined as a degree of hearing loss that a person is unable to understand speech, even in presence of amplification. In total deafness, no sound at all can be heard.

Being deaf from birth or at any time afterwards could challenge and infect their daily lives. I conclude general problems they would be facing by a graphic of Hierarchy of Needs. Cultural Life


Entertainments , self actualization.

Hearing status corresponding to dB range


Hearing Loss 0







Building community / Socialization / connecting with hearing community / friendship / love


Deaf Middle





Human hearing extends in intensity from 0 dB to 120 dB HL or more. Hearing loss is diagnosed when hearing testing finds that a person is unable to hear 25 decibels in at least one ear. Deaf people mostly have profound hearing loss, which implies very little or no hearing.



Making A Living




Because of music, we have a richer life experience, this interaction device design is to bring the deaf community a choice for music experience and one more way to enjoy the world. 14

Normal Hearing

Other levels of hearing loss

Hearing Loss

Deaf/ Profound hearing loss

Over 5% (430 million) of the world’s population require rehabilitation to address their ‘disabling’ hearing loss

According to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are more than 70 million (16% of HL) deaf people worldwide. More than 80% of them live in developing countries


Getting life skills / getting a job / being able to take care of themselves / safety and secure

Most of the products designed for the community are concentrated on their basic and social needs, they are necessary but as a member of the modern society, the Deaf spiritual life also need to be concerned.


User Analysis

Why Music Throughout history, music has been a universal element in every different culture, reflecting a shared aspect of human society worldwide.

1 Primitive Music At least 6 million years ago, first arose in Paleolithic period when humans and chimpanzees last had a common ancestor.

Human and Music

Music and Mood


Other Relative References

1: Mechanism for Experiencing Music

Music is recognized as an effective means of regulating mood. there are two perspectives in the concept of music-mood connection:

To better understand how deaf individuals perceive music, I conducted a survey via Instagram, targeting users with tags related to the Deaf and Deaf Community, and discussed general questions with them:

Other references include discussions of similar issues on Deaf forums and early research by independent designers.

Other than the ear, the brain processes the sound in many different areas, Each of these parts plays a key role in how people experience music, deaf or hearing.

Divje Babe flute

Auditory cortex

Maria / 34 Born deaf.

3 Medievil Music Include the sacred and secular music of Western Europe. While Eastern countries Tang Dynasty China and Byzantine presented diverse musical practice.

Pipa musician from Vihuela musicians Spain paradise Tang Dynasty, China

Subjective Perspective

Involved with emotional reactions to music.


Kithara player

18th dynasty Ancient Egypt

4 Classical Music Developed in the literate civilizations of the ancient world. Many European and Asian societies began writing down notations.


490–470 BC Ancient Greece

5 Popular Music Revolution in music listening and performance with new media and technologies developed, more new forms of music.

Involved in movement while dancing or playing an instrument.

In the deaf brain, the auditory cortex becomes responsible for touch as well, which means they have stronger sense of touch.

Singer Bruno Mars

Answers on Quara from the dead community regarding about music to their lives.

Project by UX designer Yewon Shin about upgrade music app for the deaf community.


Associated Emotions

Mr. Sayabow



Speed or pace of a musical piece

Fast tempo: excitement, anger.

A dancer/ Father of 2 children

The answers from the community varies from person to person, some lost their hearing at specific ages and others are family members or friends of a deaf person. Generally, their preferences for the performance of music include:

Slow tempo: sadness, serenity.

Decreases fatigue when doing repetitive and otherwise boring work, increasing the force of the work;

Boosts exercise performance and lower perceived exertion in hot & humid conditions.





Music therapy in hospitals with facilities to help meet need of patients, like alleviating pain.

Has the power to change moods and help people process their feelings, such as lower down the anxiety.

Physical strength & amplitude of a sound

Intensity, power, or anger

The regularly recurring pattern or beat of a song

Smooth/consistent rhythm: happiness, peace.

Q: What do you think about music? S: Music enriches our lives. Vibrations, rhythms, High notes, low notes, and many other things.

Rough/irregular rhythm: amusement, uneasiness. Varied rhythm: joy.

Q: How do you feel the music? S: Hearing aids. Vibration. Support for hearing. Feeling sound by all means.

Within the factors affecting emotional expression in music, tempo is typically regarded as the most important, other factors, such as mode, loudness, also influence the emotional valence of the piece.

Q:If there would be a device for you to enjoy music, what is the must-function? S: Vibration, light, electricity. 15

Jake / 27 Deaf dancer.



Leads to bonding, such as bonding between mother and child or bonding between groups.

A dress designer and owns her ecommerce business on Amazon. Maria went to some hard rock shows at young age, other than that she doesn’t got much experience about music.

For further study, as subject perspective differs from person to person, object research is relatively more controllable.



All I know about music is vibration, would like to feel music in other ways.

The actual emotional response that the listener evokes with the stimulation of the music.

2: What Music Brings to Us?


A student majors in computer science, electronic music lover. Luke regards music as his best medicine besides accompany with friends during his suffering times.

Listener's perception of the emotions that the music works want to express;

Nucleus accumbens and amygdala

490–470 BC Ancient Greece

I love music so much, go to live and music festivals often with friends.

Control tactile feedback while playing instruments or dancing.

Listen to sounds; perceives and analyses tones.


Hard of hearing at birth, turned deaf at 16.

Sensory cortex

Developed in the literate civilizations of the ancient world. Many European and Asian societies began writing down notations.

Northern Wei Dynasty, China

Luke / 22

Object Perspective

2 Ancient Music



Music enriches my life, I love enjoying music alone sometimes. A full time dancer and part-time barista, he is now saving money for his own cafe. Jake gets addicted to dance when his mom first time took him to a studio where all people dance without shoes to feel the music.

Michelle / 30 Sign language interpreter

I think that everyone has their own way to interpret music. Visualization would definitely help .





Able to feel and let body to experience music.

Hold the core emotion and meaning

Become lively with colorful light and performance

Understanding of music depends on personal experience.

A volunteer of the local deaf community and also a mother of two children. Michelle got one brother who is born deaf, she wanted to help people like him and started learning sign language since young.

User Journey STEPS


Competitor Analysis Take out the device

Turn on the device

Set the preference

Select the music

Play the music



1. Feeling stressed out, need some relaxing activities;

1. Easy to take out and also being well protected;

1. Convenient as using a phone app;

2. Going to party and plan to have a good time with friends;

2. Easy to get charged.

2. No need to do repeating works.

3. Get some music for the special days.


1. Got the mood to listen to some music;

1. Take out the device from the bag;

2. In the situation where the device useable;

2. Remove the device from the charging pad.

3. Check the status of area wi-fi.

1. Able to play the music; 2. Intensity of the vibration able to be easily adjusted; 3. More personal choices like light preference setting.

For first time user: 1. Connect device with room Wi-Fi;

1. Select mode of the device (Vibration/ visualization /both);

2. Key in the account detail for log in or registration;

2. Adjust the intensity of vibration;

Others: 1. Turn on the device.

3. Adjust the visual mode(light/image) of the device; *All modes will be saved as preference once selected.

1. Clear searching interface with simple buttons;

1. Automatically play similar songs selected;

2. Multiple choices and recommendations;

2. Easy to adjust the vibration and brightness of the device;

3. Easy to find the personal play list.

For first time user: 1.Search or select the singers and songs based on personal interest; 2. Add songs to playlist; 3. Play the music; Others: 1. Directly move to the saved playlist;

Wearable Device


Turn off the device

Case Study



The Soundshirt

Individual Device Vibee


During the survey period, I met one deaf dancer from Japan, Mr. Sayabow, who happened to participate in one experiment hold by Manabe Daito, named as Music for the Deaf :


1. Easy to be stored; 2.Sit as a decoration when not using it.


3. Able to adjust the playlist when playing different songs.

1. click the song or playlist to confirm playing; 2. Adjust the intensity of the light and vibration during playing on the screen;


1. Put back to the bag; 2. Set on the charging pad.


A wearable technology that translates sound onto the skin through vibration.

A vibrating hair clip could help deaf people interpret the audial world around them.

3. Swipe up to block the song if don’t like; swipe down to add to the favorite list; Wearable and multiple points stimulation;

2. Choose the list; 3. Play the music.


Wearable and small size;

Suitable for live shows;

A shirt that allows deaf and hearing audience to experience music and virtual reality enhanced by realtime touch (hapic) sensations.

The device captures the sound of the environment and translates it into vibration.

Wearable and realtime translation;

Wearable and multiple part of body available;

Suitable for concerts sit-down music;

A tabletop device that turns music into a visual and tactile event for hearingimpaired children.

A body of a guitar amp and the player stand on top to feel the vibrations of the music.

The experiment is about finding the specific music for the Deaf through the electrical stimulation. To achieve the goal of which deaf people could dance along the music, Manabe team created the device as shown.


Convenient to get when want to use.

2. Portable design.

1. Clear guide; Easy to use


2.Fruitful resources.


Hardware devices used.

At the end of the experiment, participants shared their points on this device and experiment.

Inspiring idea for interaction design and visible vibration;

Music travel through foot to the full body;

Music heard by body instead of ear.

1. Protection;

Mr. Sayabow in the experiment.

Expect diversities of tingling.

Adjustable tingling for user to select.


1. Convenience;

Vibration only;

2. Good appearance.



For sound translation not typical for music;

Not a anytime device, need to wear the shirt and multiple settings;

Vibration only;

For children education use.

Not moveable need to stand at one area.

Participants noted that electrical signals are an effective way to transmit music, enabling the body to 'hear,' and suggested more detailed, personalized designs for the device.



Through the front research and analysis, the main points of the device design concluded as:

Why we make it:

A huggable device and conduct music through contact and visual.



How to hold it

Under different scenarios

The sphere was chosen for its shape. Without any edges, it is the symbol of comfort, soft and happiness. The circle also represents the infinite possibilities.


To enhance the music experience for deaf people.

What it looks like:


It's Saturday afternoon. Andrew, having had his lunch, is now relaxing on the bed, enjoying jazz music in vibration mode.




When to use it: Anytime you want to enjoy music, especially when you stay alone.

Where to use it: Mainly designed for using at home, possible for other places like .

Who will use it:

Clarice is a big fan of Christmas music, now she is enjoying her favourite song: Santa Tell Me, with visual mode.

With Friends

Joe and Eva planned a camping for the weekend. It’s girls’ party time. They are dancing with rhythmic songs.

Deaf music lovers or whoever want to experience music in a different way.

Staying alone

How it works:

Charlie’s best friend, Coco, a Cavalier King Charles, just left him. He is playing the video records with visual mode to recall the stories about her.

Conduct music by transferring it into vibration, visual and lights.


Hug a ball

Hold a ball





Sketch for the device

User Flow

In terms of device functionality design, it encompasses key components for tactile and visual stimulation, such as elements for vibration and lighting.

Structure design

Interface design

Components details Control board:


For the device operating, charging and music selection. Light roll: Adjust light colour based on rhythm and lyrics of the music. Projector: Able to project lyrics and relative images on the glass cover. (Switchable glass - cover turns to untransparent during visual mode)

Vibrator: Translate music into vibration. 18 (




Designer: Randall

In our ever-busier lives, individuals often fail to recognize when they are experiencing detrimental emotions. These unnoticed emotional states can increase the risk of health issues. Using wearable devices to recognize and monitor daily emotion would play an important role in psychological health monitoring and human-computer interaction.

Research Relationship

Model Training-KNN

In states of tension or excitement, there is a notable rise in heart rate; While during periods of emotional tranquility, the heart rate exhibits a smooth pattern.

Based on research of DEAP, I found a dataset of 100.0k cases that records emotions at different heart rates. I used it

as the foundation to feed into the designed KNN model, which would be utilized to accomplish the recognition of emotions under subsequent heart rates.

To explore the relaitonship between emotional states and cardiac activity, I referred to the DEAP (Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals).

Heart rate and its corresponding emotion, totally 100k cases (from Kaggle)

7 types emotions in the dataset: sad, neutral, happy, angry, fear, suprise and disgust)

The DEAP dataset is a publicly available dataset that includes physiological and emotional data collected from participants while they were exposed to audiovisual stimuli.


Emotions ebb and flow. Here's a dedicated assistant to monitor your emotional wellbeing, reminding you to take better care of yourself.

An optimized method for emotional recognition by processing with heart rate data collected from a wearable smart watches or bracelets, presented by interactive web page as a reference for visualization. (Programming+Interface Design) 19

For my research, I selected emotions and heart rate as the following-up reference :

KNN model for recognizing emotion based on given heart rate (80% train, 20% test) , Github: https:// github.com/RandallisLeo/Emotion-rate-tracker

Color and Emotion Color is closely related to emotions. Relevant studies indicate that colors can exert specific effects on individuals, which may arise from various aspects:

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a method that utilizes color and light to treat specific mental and physical health conditions. This therapy is based on the belief that different colors can impact the body in unique ways. RED

Emotions: self-reported emotional ratings provided by the participants after watching the audiovisual stimuli. Heart Rate: usually collected using electrocardiography (ECG) or photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors.



Culture & Belief

To energize or invigorate a person who might be feeling tired or down.


To calm down and influence depression and pain.


The color of nature, can help relieve stress and relax a person.



To improve individual's mood and make you more happy and optimistic.

To elicit happy emotions from people, able to stimulate appetite and mental activity.






Made with:

The sample dataset was collected from wearable device: date, time, heart rate and hourly activity record of the person.

Phase 1

Process heart rate data and recongnize emotion with KNN model.

Program uploaded on Github: https://github.com/RandallisLeo/Emotion-rate-tracker

Demo Video

▽ Mark the emotion emoji on the chart

▽ Utilize Dash as the framework for the foundational design of the web page

Demonstrated the program execution outcomes and the user interface interaction effects.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/qSRfto2ys1w Build mood list

Define the new modal based on DBC

Phase 2

Process wearable device collected data and generate the web page.

Interface and Interaction Color

▽ Utilize Plotly to plot daily heart rate line charts

Mark with dash line and emoji icon on top

Mood page sample (disgust, sad, netural)

Phase 3

▽ Design "Most Frequent Mood" button

Design the interface interaction logic and insert buttons for users


Terminate the program and close the web page

Create button based on DBC

Add music and background color based on research


Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.