Introduction To Phytoremediation Of Contaminated Groundwater
From the contents: Preface.- Acknowledgements.- PART I: Overview of Plants, Groundwater and Their Interaction: Historical Foundation of Plant and Groundwater Interactions.- Integration of Plant and Groundwater Interactions.- Fundamentals of Plant Anatomy and Physiology Related to Water Use.Fundamentals of Groundwater Hydrogeology.- Plant and Groundwater Interactions under Pristine Conditions.- PART II: Plant and Groundwater Interactions for Hydrologic Control.- Site Assessment and Characterization.- Plant Selection, Installation, and Management to Affect Groundwater Systems.Conceptual Frameworks for Phytoremediation to Achieve Hydrologic Goals.- Monitoring Plant and Groundwater Interactions.- Economic and Regulatory Factors That Affect the Phytoremediation of Contaminated Groundwater.- PART III: Plant and Groundwater Interactions for Contaminant Remediation.- Plant Interactions with Biogeochemical Environments.- Chemical and Physical Properties that Affect the Interaction Between Plants and Contaminated Groundwater.- Plant Control on the Fate of Common Groundwater Contaminants.- Conceptual Frameworks for the Phytoremediation of Groundwater Contamination.- Monitoring for Phytoremediation of Groundwater Contamination.- Economic and Regulatory Factors That Affect the Phytoremediation of Contaminated Groundwater.- Epilogue.References.- Index. EAN/ISBN : 9789400719576 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Abwasser, Grundwasserschutz, Wasserverschmutzung Format: ePub/PDF
Author(s): Landmeyer, James E.
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