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The Rifleman, Part II: W. Lewis Nalls, Jr. '56
When I learned Lew Nalls ‘56 had passed away, my first thought was that the ongoing pandemic would prevent the R-MA family from celebrating his life in the ways we would want to, especially for someone as unique and compelling as Lew was.

W. Lewis Nalls, Jr. '56
From his graduation from the Academy in 1956, Lew had the opportunity to know and, I am sure, advise seven Presidents of the Academy. He continued that effort within the first month of my tenure, arriving by motorcycle and walking into my office with absolute confidence that he had news to share that I needed to hear. It is an understatement to admit that I had no idea how to handle Lew Nalls. He was outspoken and knowledgeable about many and sundry topics. He loved planes and worked hard with David Mondey to write and publish a book about World War II aviation. He loved to joke and never missed an opportunity to ensure I was aware that the Academy I led was nothing like the one he had attended.
Above all, Lew loved R-MA. He counseled me about ways to make it stronger and, whenever he could, he donated to those efforts. He was a generous man and one who wanted to engage with people directly and personally. I think he’d be proud to know that we wrote a second article about him for The Sabre because of a special gathering that took place during Homecoming this fall.
On October 16, 2021, several members of the Class of 1956 assembled in The Paddock at Regions 117 (a nice restaurant on Lake Frederick, VA) to remember Lew’s life and work and the many ways he positively impacted their lives. Those men invited Lew’s brother, Tommy, to attend the event. The class members also kindly included my wife Lesa and me for what became one of the most enjoyable and memorable evenings in my time here at R-MA.
Once we were assembled, General Walt Boomer, USMC, Ret, explained why we had gathered. Walt brought his wife Sandi and his son Steven to witness this remarkable event. My attempt to paraphrase his remarks is entirely from memory and any error is my own.
“We, as members of the R-MA Class of 1956, were brought together by Lew because we got a first, second, and third letter from him or multiple phone calls with increasing severity – “WHY aren’t YOU going to be there for the reunion?” Lew was hard to say “no” to and he was impossible to ignore. Many of us went on to college and some of us were “successful” in the years following the time we shared at R-MA. Lew went on to serve in the Air Force and to work a full career at Delta Airlines, but for Lew, R-MA was the pinnacle and that never changed throughout the rest of his life. He loved the Academy and he loved his classmates. His love taught us how important these friendships are and we are here tonight, united by his devotion to us and to R-MA. What the Academy did for Lew and for each of us is a precious and special thing. Sometimes, it takes a man of Lew’s persistence and determination to help others fully appreciate how much we gained from our time together as cadets. As different as our various paths were, Lew knew something important about life that all of us only came to know over time and through his efforts to bring us back together: what we share is increasingly rare in the world of today...and it is all the more important to acknowledge the bond we share as the years pass. I’m grateful to Lew for that and glad to know our class’s scholarship will make that opportunity available for decades to come.”
As of the writing of this article, the Class of 1956 – Walter L. Nalls, Jr. ’56 Endowed Scholarship balance stands at $108,238.69. Approximately 5% of that amount, or $5,400 is awarded to a deserving student each year. R-MA’s Endowment is comprised of many such funds, and has enabled hundreds of students to complete their studies at the Academy and to go on to greater achievements in future years.
To learn more about how you can support the Class of 1956 – Walter L. Nalls, Jr. ’56 Endowed Scholarship, or other endowed scholarships at the Academy, visit RMA.edu/alumni.