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R-MA students and cadets continued giving back to the local community this spring!
Both the Middle School Interact Club and the community service intramural helped the local community with trash pick up. Kendrick Lane and Main Street were two locations that benefited from these efforts! R-MA Upper School Interact club attended the Samuels Public Library, A Taste For Books - Back to the Future fundraiser event. They set up a Harry Potter-themed table, complete with Quidditch brooms.
The community service intramural also visited the local “blessing boxes” in town, checked on the supplies, discussed what would be best to add to the boxes, and followed up with delivering the needed items to the boxes. Blessing boxes are spaced throughout the community to help families and individuals in need, providing non-perishable foods and supplies.
R-MA’s High Flight cadets helped with trail maintenance at the Izaak-Walton League during Earth Day, and returned for Community Day and Youth Day as well. The group often train on-property, and so it is very fitting for them to pitch in and help keep the grounds beautiful.

The Academy was proud to present our Unmanned Systems Lab at the annual Earth Day Festival in Downtown Front Royal. Participating students are able to use drones to collect relevant data, analyze it, and report back to our community partners. We are so very thankful for our community partners who have helped us take our drone program to the next level! During the event, cadets made connections with the Izaak-Walton League of Warren County, the NOVA 4H Center, The Smithsonian, James Madison University, and the Town of Front Royal Environmental Community.
The Color Guard donated their time at the Front Royal Memorial Day ceremony held at town hall. Compliments were given that they were one of the best presentations R-MA has sent to date. There were many town leaders in the audience including the mayor, sheriff, police department captain, town council members and more.