3 minute read
U.S. Fascism
from RLn 04-13-23
support — in this case trans people — and from there will climb their way up through the entire queer community, immigrants from “shithole countries,” and ultimately to Jews, Muslims, “liberals,” and Black people.
And they do it all while claiming to be protecting “the children” and “culture.”
This is how it played out in Italy, Germany, and Spain in the 1930s, and most recently in Russia and Hungary. “Protect the children. Purify the society. Fight the culture wars.”
These are the templates, the models, for this Trump-led faction within the GOP.
And even those Republicans who don’t fully buy into the idea of replacing our democratic republic with a fascist oligarchic republic are unwilling to speak out because the bullies have succeeded in instilling in them the one paralyzing force always employed by fascists: fear.
So, how do the democratic countries that make the transition to violencebased fascism allow that to happen? And what is life like in those countries, both during and after it’s happened?
After World War II, a Chicago reporter named Milton Mayer struggled to understand how Adolf Hitler was able to flip one of the world’s most stable democracies into fascism.
His book, They Thought They Were Free, is his story of that experience. Intertwined through it — first published in 1955 — are repeated overt and subtle warnings to future generations of Americans: to us, today.
We can’t say we weren’t warned by our own people, our own politicians, the most senior members of our own institutional power structure.
In a speech that was hysterically criticized by Republicans and Fox “News“ pundits, former President Barack Obama in December of 2017 came right out and said it:
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We are, today, fully in the midst of a fascist crisis in this country. On the surface things seem normal: there’s a thousand movies on demand in your home, people go to work and get their paychecks, airplanes are full as families travel on vacation and businesspeople do their thing.
But the fascist movement grinds on like a glacier, patiently but irresistibly tearing up the landscape in front of it.
“You have to tend to this garden of democracy, otherwise things can fall apart fairly quickly. And we’ve seen societies where that happens.”
The warnings have been there all along: fascist takeovers are rarely sudden affairs. I wrote of this in 2005, quoting Mayer and going off on George W. Bush and the PATRIOT Act as the prequel to fascism.
If ever there was a time when Americans need to be conscious of what’s really going on in our nation — to be “woke” — this is it.