Arch 101 Final learning portfolio

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Arch 101 Learning Portfolio

Randy Chu Spring 2015 Instructor Jerry Lum

Table of Contents

2nd Iteration

5th Iteration (2nd Narrative) 6th Iteration (Storyboard) 7th Iteration

3rd Iteration

8th Iteration

4th Iteration (1st Narrative) Getting Inspiration

9th Iteration

Introduction 1st Iteration

Midterm Conclusion

Table of Contents (cont.) • Second half of the semester • Final Project assignment • Design Development

• Construction & Installation • Presentation and Critique • Final Conclusion

Introduction My expectations entering this class was that it’d be like the Arch 100 class. The workload would be light and the majority of the class sessions would be discussions and lectures about architecture, at least until the second half of the semester when I saw the previous Arch 101 class began building the full scale structures. These expectations and notions turned out to be far from the actual situation. In the first class I’m assigned to build a model, and the work continued to roll in from there after.

1st Iteration 3 Hours For the first iteration made from the Malevich piece, I took a while to determine which portion I’d use to extrude my model from. I found the main center mass consisting of the red, yellow, and black shapes to be the most interesting due to the contrast in hues and shades. I used this to inspire how I extruded the shapes, making the brightest colors the tallest in height and the darkest one being the shortest.

Strengths • Variation and interesting forms Weaknesses • Use of base • Limited ways the model can be viewed • Too subtle change in forms Opportunities Can remove base and seek more complex forms Can further emphasis the form’s change

2nd Iteration 6 hours The first decisions I made with this iteration was to stay away from a base and creating more emphasis on the extrusions of the pre-existing forms. I looked at the half completed model, I decided to mirror the top to the bottom to create a different overall form. The process to do so took longer than necessary as it needed more layers that took a lot of time to cut out.

Strengths • The use of layering that creates interesting forms Weaknesses • Lacks cross axis • Reliance upon symmetry to exude interesting form Opportunities • Shift away from masses

3rd Iteration 4 hours After taking Jerry’s advice and looking at some classmate’s 2nd iteration, I tried utilizing space and the lack of form to design this third iteration. Though I could break away from the Malevich piece, I found my model’s fundamental form to be to engrained, that if I were to truly pull away, I’d be starting from scratch. Learning from my sluggish progress of my last iterations, I saved time by spacing out the layers of cardboard and minimized it’s mass.

Strengths • Interlaying Space and Form • Emphasis on center layer that breaks from the regularity of the form Weaknesses • Doesn’t deviate from previous iteration too much • Continues to be symmetrical • Still lacking a cross axis Opportunities • Continue to further break regularity • Further exploration of incorporating space into form

1st Narrative On the red plains of Mars lies a ruin of an old spacecraft that crash landed on the planet surface. Over the decades the harsh environment of the planet has weathered the remains, revealing the guts and bones of the once prestigious technological paragon. The structure is entirely revealed and the plates that once covered this proud ship has either buried itself into the terrain or barely clings to the frame. Approaching the ship, the frames that hang over you barely feel like they’re holding together. As you urge on, you peer above and see the many holes punctured through the ship from its crash. Arriving at what is left of what is presumed to be the captain’s quarter, you see out onto the vast surface of the Martian Wasteland.

4th Iteration 2 hours I was extremely satisfied with this iteration that was derived from my first written narrative. Though the narrative itself didn’t appear to meet Jerry’s expectation as to how it should be written, I found that it was able to enhance my imagination and pushed me forth to create this iteration. It inspired me to shift my focus away from my fixations and try a create a more focused and purpose driven model.

Strengths • Diverse set of spaces • Use of interlocking pieces • Cleaned up and focused my shapes and forms Weaknesses • Retains a bisymmetrical appearance at certain angles Opportunities • Inspires and continues to drive my design around my narrative

Getting Inspiration The place I went to inspire my narrative writing was the Presidio Theatre. It happened to be a site visit I needed to go to for work and I was genuinely curious as to what the experience of being in and around that building was like. Curiosity and a slight sense of mystery was what I was trying to invoke so I figured that it would be a good fit.

Though being there was far from comfortable, I found that it was able to provide a multitude of unique set of experience in the space. Being in the lobby and staring into the vomitorium was one of the scariest feelings. As much as the dark unseeable passage struck fear in me, it urged me on to seek further. And that experience is rewarded with the opening to the auditorium space. The dank and heavy air of the auditorium was not the most welcoming, but it contrasted against the tight and dark corridor. After fully soaking in the auditorium, exiting out of one of the side doors presented an additional release from being inside the building, openning back out to the sunny outdoors.

2nd Narrative A lush forest surrounds the site of where the structure stands. Approaching the main entrance, you see that it is only lit by the sun hanging overhead. You can not see beyond it as the rest of the interior is around the corner. Curious as to what it is like in the rest of the structure, you step forth into the entrance. Rounding that corner and peering in, you see a long dark passage with scant amount of light coming from the other end. You pace ahead through the dark passage that feels mildly uncomfortable as you are now vulnerable to what may lay ahead and what is now behind you. Hurrying to the end of the passage, it opens to a vast space that is dimly lit by the sunlight that peers though openings. Platforms hang above you, as if they were box seats that over look a stage.

5th Iteration 3 hours With the narrative developed and written, I took advantage of the shape that was refined from the previous iteration to drive my narrative. The long neck piece became the passage and the triangular piece at the end of the long neck piece became the entrance. Working towards the climatic space, I used the interlaying of space and the cardboard connected by toothpicks from my previous iteration to create the platforms that defines the climactic space.

Strengths • Well defined spaces that connect to each other • Fits the narrative very well. Weaknesses • Back side lacks anything of interest Opportunities • Room to improve craft • Create a deviation in the language of the model


The approach • Out of place • Almost alien

Entrance • Welcomes • yet feels uneasy going in

Passageway Dark, confirmed sense of uneasiness Yet light triggers curiosity, urges person onward

Climactic space • Small relief with wide open space • Hanging platforms continues tension

Relief • Complete relief as person steps out into open with sunlight

6th Iteration 2 hours I decide not to stray too much from my last iteration with this one, as I liked how well that the spaces served very well for both the narrative and the storyboard. I refined some things, such changing the platform that intersects the two parallel platforms to become a ramp that allows for additional circulation to unexplored spaces. The entrance was altered according to the suggestion of Jerry to try and further hone the language of the space.

Strengths • Ramp that is a circulation that responds to the two parallel hanging platforms • refined the model building process to become more efficient Weaknesses • Back side of the model continues to lack attention and left unused Opportunities Ramp circulation opens up more space to develop further into the storyboard, may include more of the unused space

7th Iteration 2 hours Creating a 200% model of the climactic space was particularly difficult for me. I had to decide between building my entire iteration again or creating just the space itself, which would lack the climactic experience that is defined by the perimeters of the space. Having run out of cardboard, I was able to build a partial model that included some of the perimeters of the climactic space with the limited amount of foamcore I had. Disappointingly, we did not have a thorough chance to discuss these climactic spaces, and I did not extract much from the process other than refamiliarizing myself with how to work with foamcore.

Strengths • Enlarged climactic space gives a clearer sense of scale as to how large the space really is Weaknesses • The model does not provide accurate lighting to the surfaces of the space Opportunities I can reevaluate the size of the climactic space and determine if it is appropriate for my design intents

8th Iteration 4 hours For this iteration, after seeing fellow classmate’s iterations, I realized that I misinterpreted the task at hand. Rather than building a full frame of the model, I left the of the frame for the surfaces and used actual surfaces instead. I only framed out the location of where the columns would be. After running out of cardboard, my decision to use 30 ply chipboard also hindered my the progress of completing the full iteration.

Strengths • Outlines the placement of columns in the structure Weaknesses • Does not convey full frame of previous iteration • Utilized surface materials that has its own structural integrity. Opportunities • Using this failure to outline and guide the creation of my next iteration

9th Iteration 6 hours With this iteration, I had to pick up on where my previous one had fell behind. My peer’s 8th iteration and the responses they got back helped me make critical decisions as to how I would properly place my structural supports. Though I was not able to achieve this with some of the hanging platforms, I was satisfied with the framing of the walls and the roof. The placement of diagonal trusses helped maintain the shape and structural integrity.

Strengths • Explores the full extent of utilizing a frame • Logical increment in where structural support is needed • Still bears semblance to pre- skin and frame iteration Weaknesses • Varying degrees of structural integrity • Inadequate craft of the skin Opportunities • Able to identify where structural weakness is to address revisions that need to be made to how the model is structured

Midterm Conclusion Unlike the work environment and previous architecture classes I’ve been used to, which taught me the skills of how to practice architecture, this 101 Design Studio class taught me how to think about architecture. Through the creation of models, I learned how to explore the multitude of solutions to a design problem and critically analyze the design choices that were made. Though the perfect solution may not have been achieved, the process allowed for me to see where my strengths and weaknesses lie, allowing me to continue to seek a better solution.

Second Half of the Semester Picking up after the first half of the semester, the amount of time dedicated to this class only increased. Thinking the work load would mellow out before spring break, I allowed myself to slow down a little without realizing that the class continued ahead full charge. It took a couple of knockings to the noggin for me to bring myself back up to speed with the pacing. With the start of the final project, all my resources gravitated towards the it, my time, my wallet, my body and my brain. The back to back strain was immense, but with the completion of the installation and the critique, the efforts proved to be fruitful. I was able to grasp on to fragments of valuable knowledge that came from experience with the assignment and the words of others.

Before the final project, Sectioning was next thing to work on. Having only taken in one part of Jerry’s words, I set out simply to prove I was able to understand sectioning. Even in the process of creating the model, I found flaws in the way I created the sections. I had not cut out wide enough openings to accommodate the slots at which the sections meet, causing undesired warps and bends. This was merely a technical flaw in the work, because when the critique came around, I realized I failed to draw from my previous experiences as a continuous learning process.

Final Project Assignment The selection of the team was good, we had a group of dedicated workers who passionately wanted to see the completion of the installation. Shen took a little bit of time to warm up to, but once I got into the habit of speaking in Cantonese with him, he was able to communicate more concisely and became an effective member of the group. Starting with the design, we divide our work, with each of us working on a particular site we found interest in.

Design Development I choose to design for the back corner located in the courtyard. I saw its cold and solitary characteristics as an opportunity to become a place of contemplation and self reflection. The design was intended to mimic the appearance of a tree in order to bring a sense of nature within the courtyard that responded to the natural environment out on the hillside. The design was underdeveloped and my teammates took no interest to the site, and thus the team presided with the more favorable location and went with the designs that corresponded to it.

With our preferred site settled on, we selected Samia’s model to be the finalized design for the space. We looked at the other designs to see what other ideas we could incorporate into the final design. We implemented Frank’s canopy as everyone liked the idea of combining the design which shared the similar characteristics of triangular forms and folded surfaces.

Construction & Installation With the completion of the safety workshop, we set out to Lowe’s to seek the parts we were going to use to build our installation. On our first day we we’re able to obtain all the wood for the frame of our canopy at a very low price, thanks to Samia’s haggling skills. And over the course of 3 trips to Lowe’s, we were able to obtain the majority of our materials, only having to go back once or twice.

I also began to use the early stage of the construction process to discuss the logistics of the fabrication of frame and canopy. I wanted to know exactly how the canopy was going to come together and we sat down with Frank to determine the amount of triangles we needed and how they were going to tessellate over the frame. I also proceeded to discuss with Samia to see how the vertical supports and entrance was going to be cut and installed.

The first week progress was rather slow as we had just begun obtaining the materials and finalizing the bounds of our site. We also took the time to terraform and level the site slightly to make the building process a little easier. Samia and I also came to a disagreement at this point as we were unable to figure exactly how exactly was the entrance going to be secured to the bases. This prevented us from moving forward as we tested with mock ups to figure out its placement.

With the closing of the second week, Samia’s father came in and gave our group jump start. His construction expertise helped get our frame quickly erected and set our course as to how the rest of the frame should come together quickly and effectively. His method of driving stakes into the ground to secure our vertical supports was embraced by our group and have saved our installation on many occasions.

By the third week, Shen and Frank had completed the fabrication of the triangles for the canopy and the work on the lattice had begun. During this time period of time we covered the triangles with the cloth and connected together the triangles to form the canopy. The lattice was weaved together and the cloth to cover parts of it was completed during this time. We faced difficulties with the lattice as the wind blew the nylon straps, causing varying tension in the straps which made the lattice have an uneven weave.

With the start of the fourth week, we had put up the lattice and was preparing for the placement of the canopy. It was this period of time when we faced the most hardship as the forces of nature started to act against our efforts. At one point the wind almost tore on of the vertical supports off of the base because the lattice had so much wind resistance. Having taken care of one issue, we move to try and get the canopy up and over the frame only for it to fall apart as we tried raising it over. We realized the staples which held the triangles together was not strong enough and we need to reinforce them.

With only a couple days left before the deadline, we divided up the tasks still left at hand. Samia and Gaby took care of the wall facing the soccer field. Frank, Shen, and myself took care of repairing the canopy and getting it to stay up and over the frame. The canopy had many compromises as we tried to get it up. We had to remove and reattach the triangles at different points to accommodate for how it hung over the front and the length it needed to span to hang on the vertical supports. Several times we had to do repairs and rethink how we hung it from the tree.

The last two days we used to place up the skin for the front face of the installation and making touch ups such as closing the seams on the fabric and flattening out staples that were jutting out. Samia also used this time to complete the personal space and crafted the seat for it. Though it may have seemed completed, we found ourselves coming back out after the deadline to fix problems. There were still parts of the canopy which came apart that need to be stapled again. One of the most serious issue was with the front face of the installation. With the skin placed over the frame, the wind also tore it out of the ground. Thanks to Fidel, we had longer metal stakes with held the base and support into the ground.

Presentation & Critique Faced with constantly needing to spend our time repairing our installation, we found ourselves having very little time to prepare for the presentation. We figured out an outline with each other in person and most of the PowerPoint was pieced together over by the group the night before the presentation. Though the presentation did not hold up well on its own, the jurors were understanding of the situation. They provided insightful information as to our groups dynamic and the importance of craft to delivering our design intentions.

Final Conclusion The work that we’ve done for the final project have taught me a lot about construction and connects back to my understanding of the architecture industry. I can somewhat empathize with contractors who are dismissive of the architects who don’t really know anything about the process of fabricating and actually building things full scale. As architects, we need to be aware of the methods of constructing. Another thing I’ve gained some insight on through this project is how much as an individual that we rely upon the group to get something achieved. This was something that I saw throughout the time we worked on the installation. We all are focusing on one thing or another, pushing aside something that may be essential thinking that someone else is going to pick up on it in place of ourselves. This was a mentality that I saw and tried to change in myself in order to actually help progress our work. If there were anything particularly essential that I’ve learned, these were key points that I will carry with me.

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