Tired of the "same old-same old" when it comes to pizza? Kick it up a notch with these amazing recipes!
Need a new stone? go to www.pamperedchef.biz/bpampered and place an order!
My name is Ranee, and I am a Pampered Chef Director with almost 30 years experience. I recently surpassed 1 Million in sales and have earned may awards. I am here to help YOU get the products you need.
Best way? Join me! Earn the income you need on your terms.
Great way - get your products at a discount through...
1. A Home Gathering
2. Virtual Party on Pampered Chef's platform "TABLE"
3. 15 minute party via text or or Facebook Messenger
4. An "unparty"! I just send you a link and you pass it on to your friends!
5. A Shared Rewards where EVERYONE saves! No Host benefits but everyone can save up to 25%
6. A Fundraiser where you can raise funds for your favorite charity or youth sports group, even Church kitchen!
7. A Bridal Shower - get the new couple started on the right foot.
Contact me at bepampered@grafsville.com