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31.52654451781717, 35.10754530472155
31.52654451781717, 35.10754530472155
Photo was taken in Hebron - Herbawi Hotel
Young architect with extensive experience in critical thinking, architectural design, and examinin I believe in accumulating knowledge via understanding societal transitions and milestones in environment, as well as using architectural skills for documenting and disseminating knowledg sketching, 3D modelling and visual graphics.
PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Palestinian / Jordanian Born in Amman, 1998.
EXPERIENCES Architect Under the supervision of GIZ, working on a project that aims to light up parts of the refugee camps with kinetic energy,
Birzeit University - Palestine: Architectural engineering Bachelor 2016 - 2021 Concentration: Building Restoration And Conservation
Al Namouthajiyah school - Saudi Arabia: A certificate equivalent to the Jordanian Ministry of Education from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 99%
(240 hours) Training at Habash Engineering Consulting Office. 2020 Designer and co-founder, Khota initiative to support children with cerebral palsy. 2020 Photographer,
Walking around Palestinian Cities, searching for the
untold stories turning them into visual narratives then share them on my Instagram account. 2019-present
Photography, Creative writing and Wandering.
Summer School : on interactive art “Palestinian culture : A (non-retro perspective)”in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund. 2018.
ng research methods. n relation to the urban ge, using cartography,
3D modeling
FA Exhibition: A joint exhibition between the Al-Qattan Foun-
dation, Birzeit University and Forensic architecture named
Palestinian Prisoners’ memories : Connecting the immaterial
and material.
Research Studio: “Masha3” a post-disciplinary and bi-lingual
Cinema 4d
intensive program That bring together students, scholars, artists, architects and activists to work on research topics
Graphic Design
supervised by Al-Quds Bard College and The Open Society
University Network.
Research Paper: Under the supervision of Riwaq is a center
for the preservation of architectural heritage, I am working as a second writer on a research paper that studies the moderni-
Other Premier Audition
ty history in Ramallah. Architectural
conducted by Forensic Architecture, I work as an architect
and a researcher on an investigative project in the context of
3D Vista
QGIS Meshlab Contact +972599888609 Raneemayyad@hotmail.com Ramallah - Birzeit
1. Sewage To Energy Classrooms Infrastructure as urban common Graduation Project - Spring 2021 Keywords: Infrastructure targeting, power generating, commons. Team Work
This project, which I worked on alongside my colleagues Anas Al-Khatib and Ratib Bakri as a graduation project, is part of a research cluster at Birzeit University titled "infrastructures as urban commons. It sheds light on the Palestinian landscape's complexity, electrical shortages, and environmental infractions that have been utilized as collective punishment tools in Gaza since Israel's blockade of Gaza began in 2007. The project investigates the deformation of Wadi Gaza, a valley in the heart of the Gaza Strip, as well as the possibilities for countering Israeli policies. Within a power generation system that dismantles the Wadis' dumpsites and sewage system and feeds it back into the system. Seeking to reform the Palestinians’ everyday practices.
1. Sewage to energy classrooms
The proposed architecture typology is based on people participating in the construction of their environment, which is integrated into their daily lives and practices. The know-how gained from Gazans' earlier attempts to adapt their lives to power cuts by utilizing power alternatives such as UPS batteries (vehicle batteries). These experiments reflect the innovative people practices. this typology enhances people's participation by sharing their objectives and sympathies and establishing a psychological togetherness. Sewage-to-Energy Classrooms is a modular system that serves as yet another design solution for damaged infrastructure communities in the Wadi Gaza context. The system is intended for a wide range of emergency scenarios, from natural disasters to social conflicts. The form of these shelters, based on triangular geometry, might become very adaptable based on the 4S system: scenario, site, scale and timeline.
[1] Isometric view
Location: 31.46178718516983, 34.39411868166947
Softwares used: Rhino , Lumion , Photoshop
1. Sewage to energy classrooms
The arcitectural and technological value is found in the flexibility and simplicity of a single module, which is based on the structural integrity of a pyramid. This is pronounced in the composition of three fundamental materials: metal pipes as the energy grid, sheets as the coverage, wooden pallets as the ground, and 4D steel joints to connect the main pipes-members as the joinery, which is implicit with precast concrete. simplicity is to ensure that this system can be assembled, dismantled, and reassembled efficiently without the use of power tools or machinery. The need of connecting sewage to educational programs stems mostly from the need for schools, of which Gaza requires 440 by 2021. Later, with its connection to the surroundings, classrooms can serve not only as instructional places but also to integrate with its missing functionalities. The arrangement goes to create in-out courts as healing spaces, where the people can gather and interact, reforming their 8-hour electricity rotations.
[3] Pyramidical Module
Generating System
Cube Foundations
Ventilation Openings
Location: 31.46178718516983, 34.39411868166947
Prefabricated walls
Electricity Lines
Structural Pipes
Wooden Pallets
[5] Ground Floor Plan 1. Generating Area 2. Classrooms 3. Educational Units 4. Bio-char area 5. Charging area 6. Services
[6] Main Elevation
Softwares used: Rhino , Lumion , Photoshop, Illustrator.
1. Sewage to energy classrooms
Energy production from sewage sludge forms an opportunity for Gaza to reduce the huge amounts of sewages’ waste “90,000 cubic metres of sewage are dumped into the sea each day” as mentioned in a report by UNRWA. and to gain bio-energy to support the energy sector. According to calculations, 1 kg of sludge can produce 30 MJ which equals 8.3 Kwh. Anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis are the most promising procedures that can be applied to the conversion of sewage sludge to energy. The outputs of these two processes vary according to the method used. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an anaerobe-based biological process that is capable of converting biodegradable substances in the absence of molecular oxygen to biogas.
Process Section
[8] Underground Floor isometric
1. Sewage Tank 2. Biochar Tank
2 1
3. Bio-oil Tank 4. Raw-sewage Tanks 5. Mesophilic Tank 6. Stream Pipe
5 3
7. Chimney 6 4
Location: 31.46178718516983, 34.39411868166947
2. Decolonisation Of Power Generation in the Gaza Strip Research Thesis - Fall 2020 Keywords: Infrastructure Mapping, Electrification ecological violations. Teamwork
The purpose research is to better understand the fact of Palestinian energy production, to understand how can the Palestinian form a system as a defensive tool that generates the power, and not to depend on the Israeli side, scoping down to Gaza case. In this study, the power term formed a controversy between the availability of the resources and its workability. A deep historical study has been taken into the field of energy culture based on archives of the British, Palestinian, and Israeli, shifted towards better understanding the current situation throughout studies, researches, observation, and multi-aged local interviews, in addition to the modern techniques that concerns about power generation
2- Decolonisation Of Power Generation
This study reveals the historical narrative of Palestine's electrification and the geopolitical, colonial, and capital goals associated with it since the so-called Rotenberg project began. It was discovered through research that the Palestinian infrastructure system, in addition to their natural resources, has been controlled by Israeli colonial rigieme, rendering them unable to be independent of the Israeli occupation state in the energy systems, water and sewage networks, making it a means of political pressure on the Palestinians and a tool of collective punishment for the Palestinians.
[1] Gaza infrastructure mapping Sewage lines
Street network
Urban fabric
Electricity lines
The research used multidisciplinary methods to generate outcomes since the Gaza Strip is a limited access region that has conveyed us with a challenge. We conducted a number of interviews with Gazans in order to gain a better understanding of the social, physical, and cultural environment there. We also relied on documentaries, books, and GIS systems. All of these types of data encouraged us to develop methods for visualizing these data in order to present them in their most clear form while also critically analyzing them.
[2] Wadi Gaza Odor simulation
Location: 31.465489393519256, 34.399256723213725
[3] Electrification history mapping
[5] Gaza Infrastructure layers
[4] Wadi Gaza waste analysis
Softwares used: Rhino , Lumion , Photoshop, Illustrator, QGIS, Cenima 4D.
3. Interactive Fountain Experimental Design Exhibition installation - Fall 2018 Keywords: Hexagons, Fountain, Light scattering, multidisciplinary.
3. Interactive Fountain
Summer School : on interactive art “Palestinian culture: A (non-retro perspective)” in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Birziet university and Alquds University. I played the role of designer working in an international group of nine members from different deciplines: computer science, art, programming and architecture. we have worked on an interactive fountain that examines the hexagon form stability asa a structural element and its interaction with light and water. Hexagon is the structral element of the fountain, whcich connected to a programmed Pumb. It collects water droplets that fall on it and interacts with a color-changing light source to reflect the moving light rays that we see via the aqueous light reaction.
Location: 31.959845405592223, 35.182987997638456
Softwares used: Draft Modeling, Autocad, Python in programming.
4. Beyond 19 hours Investigative Architecture Investigative research - Spring 2020 Keywords: Forensic, detention centeres, interrogation, innovative reactions
Beyond the 19 hours is an application of Forensic Architecture’s methodologies to reconstruct the Palestinian political prisoners’ spatial experience in Israeli prisons and detention centers. My group and I worked on Askalan/Ashkelon detention center. We focused on The innovative reactions of the prisoners to mitigate their exposure to the invasion in the investigation stages depending on the stun theory which was brought up by captive Walid Daqqa in his book “Awareness melting”.
4. Beyond 19 Hours
The prisoner spends 19 hours a day in the investigation room, according to the prisoner estimation, in the Israeli detention stages during 1 day, where the prisoner tied up ( in a total brutal way ), cuffed into a special chair “ Shabeh chair “, used for detention aims. The stun moment reached out by methods accomplished by the interrogator, breaking the prisoners world, to make him confess, doesn't matter in which way, nevertheless, the stun moment formed an innovative unusual reactions by the Palestinians, listed out by two special cells; the white cell “ Ashgaha “ and the Shabeh cell. These two used as a punishment tools for them, showed these reactions from the prisoners, overtook the bad circumstances
[1] Cells Renderded scenes
Location: 31.664065464067814, 34.59563907450596
[2] Shabeh chair simulation
Investigation chair
80 .0 0°
Investigation chair
HEIGHT1 = 0.33
2 6.
Normal Chair
Softwares used: Autocad, Revit, Lumion , Adobe premier, Adobe illustrator, Adobe Audition, 3D vista.
4. Beyond 19 Hours
[3] Research
The research methodology focuses on analyzing the space spatially tion, using the facial interviews with the prisoners, memory motiva modeling, and drawing right up to the desired situation.The research with an average of one an
This project has exposed us to different forms of data mining method tion, this project was a crucial contribution to further develop my s formats into one medium; videos, texts, 3D models and soundtrack exhibition between the Al-Qattan Foundatio
h Methodology
y, connect it with a psychological base, which formed the shock situaational techniques in different methods like sounds, narrative story, h depends on the prisoners as the main source, so we did 15 interviews nd a half hours per interview.
ds using techniques such as mapping, building timelines and classificaskills. In addition to methodologies of representation of the different ks. This project is currently being prepared to be presented in a joint on, Birzeit University and Forensic architecture.
5. Mixed Use Complex Ramallah Architectural design - Fall 2019 Keywords: Mixed use, Hybridirty, Small production, City Center.
The project gives a new difinition of consumption to the users of Ramallah city center through rethinking the inputs and the outputs of the city, shredding them into parts , processing them to get the maximum benefit then to allow the community to creat their own understanding through visual accessbility to the production processes.
1- Graduation Project - Sewage to energy classrooms
The concept of production is ,each of which forms a stage materials on the fifth floors an floor to another through the offers affordable housing thr the production line, as they fe
[1] Draft Model
V.P.M Oil to soap
V.P.M Paper to textile
[2] Project Isometric Stores and retails
V.P.M Paper Recycling
Families flats
Student dorms
Outdoor Cinema
Location: 31.906742539885734, 35.20406453037477
[3] Production Prototype
s represented in the cylindrical units ,which are devided into five floors of production from the top to the bottom. The process begins with raw nd ends with the product on the first floor, the product moves from one belt, in an open environment of the outside world. Also, the complex rough constructing a reciprocal relationship between the tenants and eed it with their waste and work on it for a handful of hours per week.
Student Hub
Interactive Billboard
Relation to street
Softwares used: Autocad, Revit, Adobe Iluustrator, Draft Modeling.
6. Teenager Store Abdeen for teens Interior Design - Spring 2020 Keywords: Teens, Colors, Old Building.
Because of the specificity of teenager needs and the lack of places that are provided to him, the teenagers purchasing experience differs from that of the rest of the family. Based on that, we introduce to you this proposal . This store is concerned with providing a different purchasing experience for teenagers and giving them more freedom in making decisions about their appearance. Abedin teens focuses primarily on “Denim jackets” of various colors and shapes, as well as bags and shoes made of jeans. Additionally, it offers a section of colors with various types “chalk, temporary hair colors, wall colors, watercolors.”
6. Teenager Store
[1] Visual Identity
[2] First Floor Plan
1. Fitting rooms and t 2. Caltwlk area. 3. Waiting area.
4. Designers worksho 5. Storage. 6. Chalk board area.
Location: 31.90451801329452, 35.19652690886023
[3] Staircase Area
Skylight 5.0701
toilets. Steel cables
Perforaited steel
Steel grille
Seatings 3.3225
Softwares used: Revit, Enscape, Photoshop, illustrator
7. Heritage Building Restoration Hebron - Zaitoon Building
Heritage Building Conservation - Fall 2020 Keywords: Adaptive reuse, Conservation, Photogrametry
7. Heritage Building Restoration
This house is one of the distinctive historic buildings in Hebron old town, which is located behind the boundaries of the traditional urban fabric ( Hebron old town ), specifically in the northern border. The two-story building, the Zaitoon building, was built as a house for Mohammad Zaitoon and his sons, in 1923 ( 99 years aged ). It is located in the main residential and educational areas, which can be reached from the north and south entrances, due to the urban sprawl from the center of the old town from the Israeli daily practices, formed a sensitive point to these factors. The restoration project proposes an adaptaive reuse proposal to the building which is pottery production , where the new program evokes the building envelope and forms a tour that can revive this profession in a new contemporary way, where the tourists, students, and the locals can take a part of. The missing parts - Roof and northern wall - take apart for the new use in the interior tour, where it posits a scientific adapt tion for this process, as the fnal stage of pottery, which involves a highly technological steel structure that works as a sun oven for drying the pottery.
Building Isometric after intervening
Location: 31.52654451781717, 35.10754530472155
Softwares used: Autocad, Rhono, Meshlab, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
7. Heritage Building Restoration
Building before intervening
Ground floor plan
Section C-C
North east Elevation Location: 31.52654451781717, 35.10754530472155
Building after intervening
Softwares used: Autocad, Rhono, Meshlab, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
7. Heritage Building Restoration
Structural Details
Location: 31.52654451781717, 35.10754530472155
Softwares used: Autocad, Rhono, Meshlab, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
North east elevation before intervening
Location: 31.52654451781717, 35.10754530472155
North east elevation after intervening
Softwares used: Autocad, Rhono, Meshlab, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.