02 - 07 - Portfolio

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RANJIT PRASAD 00971.55.5960892 ranjitprasad.arch@gmail.com

RVSA semester 1 - GATE DESIGN


An exercise to renovate the entrance gateway and its support functions. (R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore). Task : Relocating and designing the security cabin - re-designing the refreshment kiosks as well as the seating around it - taking into consideration the emphasis of the sign board - working out pedestrian and vehicular traffic movement patterns. All these were based on anthropometric data acquired during the course of the first semester. model



RVSA semester 2 - CUBE HOUSE


A problem that started off as a simple subtractive exercise using a cube of 5.5m side, later had to have a function assigned to it of our choice. I chose to use it as a watch store. Design features: Use of ribbon windows - Spiral staircase as a design element - No internal walls used, resulting in an airy free flowing environment - Ample amount of natural lighting(roof lighting) - Double-height ceiling provided with a mezzanine level for office workspace - Display units were designed using anthropometric data - Use of stone masonry for construction (random rubble uncoursed).





ROW HOUSE - RVSA semester 2

To design a residence for a fictional family of four members and cater to their specific needs. One of the family member works from home. There was also the added constraint of two longer walls shared with adjacent structures (row-housing). Design approach: In my case, one of the family members ran a photo-studio from home. The first challenge was to segregate the workspace from the residence, thus emphasizing issues of privacy, followed by the concerns of light and ventilation. Several methods were researched and deployed in the design; including use of an open sky court (cross ventilation) - exterior variations using cantilever projections and large openings - furniture and spaces designed using anthropometric data; to make it free flowing and spacious.

cross section




long section



The brief was to primarily design a Montessori school along with various other activities (such as dance/music. etc) which would take place as time sharing functions in the same premises.

Design considerations: use of figure - ground relationships/ applying adjacency matrices to work out time sharing/ understanding solid - void spaces during planning/ play of form (curvilinear shapes) for highlighting gathering spaces/ use of colour to bring out to the essence of school/ landscape taken into consideration/ light and ventilation was designed based on wind and sun path diagrams/ approach and accessibility based on traffic pattern.

model - views



To analyze and study a particular style of design (architect/building), then design a facade that emulates that style. I chose to study Louis. I. Kahn’s style adopted in the National Assembly complex, Dacca and The Yale Centre for British Art, New Haven. Being very bold and expressive in the exterior treatment, figurations represent nothing but themselves and reject any illustration of functional context. I chose to use a smooth concrete aesthetic, and also to regulate it using “golden proportions”.

Golden spiral

The Parthenon and its regulating lines


RVSA semester 3 - ARCHITECTURAL GALLERY A carry forward design problem that stemmed from the facade exercise, using the similar style adopted in designing the facade; we were given the situation of a building on a busy road in Bangalore, containing the following functions: Reception, Gallery space for display of paintings, models, etc., Audio- visual room, Book store with reading area, Coffee Shop, Storage. Located on Kamaraj Road (formerly Cavalry Road), close to Commercial Street, Bangalore, the site is 11m x16m sharing common walls on three sides; the only available facade faces northwest. Design response: Simple and rigid geometry/ Formal schemes and axial layouts/ Creating isolated pockets of light and air that is cut-off from busy and noisy surrounding area/ Distinction between the served and the servant spaces/ Function had to accommodate itself to the form/ True physical expressions and appropriateness to the use/ Play of ever changing daylight to create contrasting moods for the various spaces/ adapting modernist principles of material honesty and integrity.







A detailed 1:200 scale model based on drawings and photographs took one week to complete. A studio exercise to familiarize the students with museum design.

various stages in model making


TIME PROBLEM - RVSA semester 4 plan

A two day long hypothetical design exercise wherein; we were given a scenario to design a space with a function of our choice to sit across a small bridge measuring 12m in length and 4.5 m wide. I chose to design a coffee shop + hobby centre where people can share creative ideas and thoughts.




To design a student center for the R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, by replacing a row of mechanical workshops that ran through the center of the campus. Programme: food court, digital library, reprographics centre, seminar halls, auditorium, indoor games hall, museum, exhibition space, office space for various student bodies. Design approach: The site was adjacent to several buildings, including the Civil and Telecommunication department, administrative block and regions of high student density. The student centre needed to be a place more than just a destination to cater to all their needs; but it had to reflect their transformation. The first step was to break the wall (row of workshops), which was both a visual and physical barrier separating the front of the campus from the rear.



model - views

The center would be part of the foreground for the upcoming Mathematics department. The planning stage began to evolve by mapping the movement patterns already existing at site and understanding the required flow of pedestrian traffic through these areas. Furthermore creating large public interactive spaces where student bodies could gather (grand staircase). An oblique approach enhances the effect of perspective on the front face and form of the centre. In the programming stage various functions/spaces were systematically sequenced understanding the student movement patterns, needs and behavior; keeping in mind the importance of visual porosity and blending the activities to create regions of interaction along the circulation spine. Playing with the roof levels helped work out natural lighting, which created different modes within the spaces.

model - views



A competition entry for an entrance gateway to the MEG (Madras Engineering Group) Campus, Ulsoor, Bangalore.



A cultural center was to be contained within a cube of size 12m located in the forecourt of the Barton Center building, on M.G. Road, Bangalore to accommodate the events of ‘Bangalore Habba’. Barton Center


A small shift; tilting the structure - making it appear as if it were to fall thus created a more dynamic expression compared to the other buildings on M.G. road. Space was designed for future connectivity to the metro rail coming on M.G. road.




A high-rise hotel located on Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore’s prime commercial hub (60 rooms). It was more of a form based approach. The exterior of the hotel had to project the image of a star hotel. Various elevation treatments were deployed; use of a huge glass atrium space that contained the circulation helped establish a sense of place between the inside and outside, use of new materials and textures. The rooms were inward facing to avoid all the noise pollution from the busy M.G road. This exercise helped in understanding how various services need to be integrated along with the different phases of design.



RVSA semester 6 - CULTURAL CENTER, M.G. road


An addition to the ‘Bible Society’ building on M.G. Road, Bangalore, turning it into a cultural center containing performance, exhibition, recreation and office spaces. Bangalore is a cosmopolitan city that harbors people of diverse backgrounds, languages and culture; therefore being multifaceted. The space created is a mirror – reflection of the rapid pace of transformation and growth of the city. The architectural dimensions have played and important role in providing a space in a way that its inhabitations can be read as a participatory process of its audience.


model - views


HOUSING at whitefield - RVSA semester 6

A housing development project that caters to young professionals. Site located in Whitefield, outskirts of Bangalore, measuring 400mx30m, containing a100 units of varying unit sizes. Ever growing air pollution, traffic congestion, noise pollution and cramped spaces have added to the stress of everyday living for the increasing population in Bangalore city. This project is an attempt to create a housing project that offers a stress free and comfortable living environment and, one that restores the normalcy of community living to the hustle and bustle of the urban sprawls. The design strategy is one of division of the site into multiple sectors based on hierarchy of class, unit size and proximity to all lifestyle amenities. Varying interlocking arrangements of the units create visual and spatial interest.

Initial sketches

Layout plans

Nineteen variations of 2 and 3 bedroom houses each have its own courtyard as a standard design element providing ample amount of light and ventilation. Every unit is accessed from a central street dedicated for pedestrian movement, which is provided with seating and greenery which nurtures community feeling and encourage social interaction. Vehicular traffic is restricted to the north and south periphery of the site along with vegetation, acting as a buffer between neighboring sites. The central community spine is punctured at various intervals within each sector forming play areas with ample vegetation accessed by stairways, these pockets connect to the underground parking and vice versa. Overall 3d view

unit block models


3d views

RVSA semester 6- BROCHURE DESIGN To design a brochure to advertise the sale of the housing project. cover page

inner pages opening pages

last page

inner pages




Adaptive reuse on an existing building that was used as a theatre dated 1860, to be transformed into an Omega watch showroom. Today the structure is being utilized for commercial purposes. Visually prominent as it is located on the busy M.G road and can also be easily viewed from a major traffic intersection nearby. Omega is a brand that is synonym to quality and sophistication. Undoubtedly one of the finest watchmakers in the world; displaying an array of collections which are timeless. The architectural vocabulary used to evolve the design tries to emulate the quality showcased by Omega. The elements used, helps blend both new and old features of the building. The design of the store emphasizes to give the customers a feel of what omega was and what it is today. The store is seen as a sculptural insert into the old structure. The spaces are seamlessly melded using a continuous slab that forms the floor, wall and roof. This symbolizes continuity of time. If the sculptural insert is removed then the old structure remains intact. Therefore ‘Time’ is made the essence of the design, making it sensitive both to the image of Omega and the sentiments attached to the old structure.



model views


CIVIC CENTRE - RVSA semester 7

To design a Civic Centre adjacent to Stracey’s School, St.Marks Road, Bangalore, which included the addition of a convention center, library, commercial space, serviced apartments, as well a restaurant and cafe. site

The design began with a premise of creating a sense of ‘place’ within an urban-scape. An exercise to rediscover ‘meeting places’ led to the formation of public spaces which were both usable and flexible in nature. The building showcases itself exposing all the functions to the surrounding by treating the external facade with visually porous materials. A non-conventional planning technique by regrouping flexible functions led to formation of non incidental spaces within the design, these deliberate decisions created interest between the varied functions and their users. Artificial landscape along with well designed lighting helped highlight the identity of area and increase a sense of drama. The spaces created were pedestrian friendly, providing various cultural opportunities and recreational activities. The circulation system extends the public deck of the street into the building.

Initial study models + sketches


URBAN INSERT - Russell Market - RVSA semester 8

The goal of this studio was to explore the architectural issue of inserting an alien building typology into a traditional Indian market setting and to use it as basis for design. The brief called for a library, media centre and a radio stations. Russell market and environs is tied to Bangalore’s history, landmarks of each period of the cities growth can be seen in this area. The intend to act as a pivotal facility which would help in creating public spaces and further act as a catalytic for building activities. The functions would be multi dimensional. The first response was to react to all the existing problems that the market place was facing, from issues of traffic movement, parking, reworking of a few layouts within Russell market etc., helping it function and serve better. .

Activity mapping


An intensive survey and study of Bangalore’s oldest and most congested Russell Market and its surroundings, with detailed maps of the area including structural condition, land use, ownership, pedestrian activity, and so on. A few maps are presented here.

Height of structures

Age of structure

Food Selling

Russell market and environs is tied to Bangalore’s history, landmarks of each period of the cities growth can be seen in this area. The intend to act as a pivotal facility which would help in creating public spaces and further act as a catalytic for building activities. The functions would be multi dimensional. Traffic re-routing ideas

Initial ideas

Russell market

The first response was to react to all the existing problems that the market place was facing, from issues of traffic movement, parking, reworking of a few layouts within Russell market etc., helping it function and serve better. I adopted to choose four sites rather than one; it is situated at a nodal point where the routes conjoin to form the square. It consisted of restaurants, poultry shops, beef market and an area that was occupied by temporary workshops. The beef and poultry shops were being relocated elsewhere within Russell market, in my proposal I had to redesign and allocate spaces for restaurants with the same street frontage that they already possessed. The architectural language used to best interpret my idea was that of being more ambiguous than articulate. Understanding the strong urban context of the existing market and since the building typologies didn’t belong to the region, I decided to build a wall (blank facades) which becomes a point of change thereby creating a tension and becoming an architectural event. This was the crux of the entire design process. Being very symbolic in its expression and having an anchorage role towards instigating the change necessary over time. The massing would control the visitors creating curiosity. The impact of the design should eventually transform the outlook of people already using the place, for which the ground floor of every block was opened up for public activity which helped the transition. The buildings were more inward looking and were made interesting in its planning which revolved around a generic element (courtyard) - large courtyards act as shielded refuge which provided all the light and ventilation to the interiors – building being green from within. A sense of permanence made it more static, making it the starting point for future developments to come in that region.

Study model

Concept sketches

Exterior views

Interior views

RVSA semester 8 - SLUM STUDY


Study and redesign of 118-homes in a slum near the MICO Factory on Hosur road, Bangalore. The study included a detailed survey of the site, including plans of the entire settlement, a study of the history of the slum, income and ownership patterns, structural condition, age of structures, land use distribution of services etc. as well as a study of the connective and public spaces formed within the settlement itself.

Schemes to create more open spaces for community feeling and providing recreational pockets/ reworking of seating/ providing out door sleepers/better drainage systems/ providing more no: of toilets and bathing spaces to improve the hygiene .


Dwelling density map


Option 4 to rehouse

Age of structure

Proposed height of structures




Museums are civic status symbols, and they enliven city life. Visiting a museum is like living an experience. It gives form to memories and through design we answer the question ….how to remember? The museum plays the anchorage role, apart from this the program included a library-(valuable source of knowledge), sports related commercials outlets, theatre, food courts, a specialty restaurants and exhibitions spaces.


The site already had two important sports related structures existing which were prominent landmarks of Bangalore city; namely the Kanteerava indoor stadium being very iconic, and the football stadium. Both these arenas were not getting its due importance and were not being utilized to its fullest potential. Any new intervention should bounce of the old and not repeat it; I chose to underplay the new insertion into a context strongly dominated by the indoor arena and the football stadium, I retained all the functions that existed on the site where I chose to make my intervention.

The intend was to become a positive encounter and act as a catalyst to enhance the surroundings. The vocabulary used establishes a seamless continuity, spatially and formally without disturbing the existing urban fabric. Furthermore, several design gestures were deployed in achieving the set goal. To list a few;

Initial ideas


•Linear dynamism - Like a ribbon in motion •Movement symbolizes the energy and fluidity of sports •Manipulation of the ground plane- creating new ground planes which ascend from the street level and slip underneath •A continuous wrap of internal function helped create interesting spaces having varied spatial and architectural qualities, and at the same time being able to physically express the wrap on its exterior. •Continuous flow of interlocking spaces •The movement paths served as a visual counterpoint to the spatial organization and reinforced the functions •Exploration into the landscape –shifting of ground plane •Occasional converging and diverging of various functions •To create opportunity for multiple paths, many interpretations •To create a sense of coherence and presence •Sports Park - Organized circulation on top of the structure through habitable pedestrian bridges that make connections from the street level (roof element - unifying the complexity below)

Programming + concepts Study models Elements were part traditional museum, part theme park experience, part theatre, part film, part interactive "hands on" attraction. Being able to grip the design process from the schematic design stage, to design development and thru completion of the project by itself gave me a sense of satisfaction. I was able to accomplish much more than what I had set out to achieve. It resulted in transforming the area from being a mere arena into an interesting space, now being filled with activities that will engage people from all strata of the society, a space which dissipates much more than just sports.

sketch – Ariel view

Complete 3d model interior + exterior

Physical model - final submission

RVSA semester 10 - VENKATARAMANAN ASSOCIATES - MISC. PROJECTS Reliance KGD6, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh - generated 3D models of the 30 + buildings in the complex and designed the fly-through.

Designed and generated construction drawings for the interiors of an annexe office for Venkataramanan Associates.




Identity design for a training program offered by Venkataramanan Associates

Massing modeling of Reliance life Sciences project .

VENKATARAMANAN ASSOCIATES - MISC. PROJECTS - RVSA semester 10 Part of a 5-member team that designed the Bangalore Metro Rail station at M.G. road.




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