Rannia Shehrish | Candidature Package for IFMSA SCOME Director 2022-23

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MOTIVATION LETTER Dear IFMSA, 5 years ago, I was a frustrated medical student hoping to change the medical education system but unsure of how to possibly do so. You see, our curriculum is quite rigid and traditional, and there is little to no scope for student involvement. As such, it was impossible for me, an individual and a student, to suggest even minor changes to a system set by professors who are more experienced and “always know the best”. However, that soon changed as I got to learn about IFMSA, a platform completely governed by students, and to my pleasure, working on medical education issues. Without wasting a second, I signed up for SCOME. Since then, I have had an amazing journey with SCOME, through which I’ve learned about medical education and most importantly, how even as students, we can advocate for improved medical education. The SCOME sessions in APRM 2018 were my first exposure to SCOME outside of my NMO. This eye opening experience introduced me to the vast world of medical education and made me truly understand the extent of impact we can make in shaping medical education as students. Returning home with more passion and enthusiasm than ever, I began working as one of the first Local Officers on Medical Education in our NMO, then National Officer on Medical Education. During these two terms, I have worked to establish SCOME both locally and nationally and achieved three milestones. Through the various activities, campaigns and sessions, we were able to engage members and introduce them to SCOME. We worked to develop the capacity of our members by organizing and facilitating AMET at our very first SRT. Furthermore, through collaborations and partnerships with various stakeholders including the Ministry of Health, faculties of different medical colleges, etc which gave SCOME visibility on a national level. With every passing event, workshop and campaign I fell more and more in love with SCOME and with medical education.


The following year, I worked as the Vice President for Capacity Building in my NMO and the Program Coordinator for Teaching Medical Skills in IFMSA, and currently, I am working as the SCOME Capacity Building Development Assistant. Through these positions, I have learnt about the significance of capacity development, leadership and team management, and had a first-hand experience of how the Standing Committee works. I have also developed an understanding of how different NMOs perceive and work on medical education issues. For me, SCOME has always symbolized empowerment and evolution. Through participation in various workshops and training I have capacitated myself. Through organizing and implementing campaigns and activities, I have advocated for a change in medical education. As SCOME D I want to provide a platform for other medical education enthusiasts to embark on a similar journey. I want to reassure students like myself that it is possible to be agents of change. Today, as I am reflecting on my journey, I feel confident in my abilities to lead the Standing Committee and in the power of student activism, through this candidature, I am asking you to allow me to empower and evolve SCOME and represent IFMSA as the Director for Standing Committee on Medical Education. While I am by no means perfect, my enthusiasm, dedication and growth mindset is boundless. I am willing to further develop my strengths and make up for my weaknesses through teamwork, feedback and continuous learning. I promise to deliver my best to the Standing Committee that has given me so much. Thank you for taking the time to read my candidature. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! Sincerely yours, Rannia

PLAN OF ACTION My PoA is based on the following 5 pillars:



Capacity Development

Global Priorities and SCOME SCOME International Team IFMSA Programs Support NMOs work on Medical Education Issues Facilitate cooperation and discussion between Standing Committees Active engagement in IFMSA Team of Officials Standardization and Quality Assurance Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPE&CP) Workshop SCOME Public Folder Follow-up

Communication and Member’s Engagement

Communication Channels SCOME IT Cafes Campaigns SCOME Sessions

Management and Sustainability

Preparations and SCOME Strategy Continuity and consistency of SCOME Work


LEADERSHIP Global Priorities & SCOME The IFMSA Global Priorities will be explored from the perspective of medical education and translated into achievable action points and focus areas in line with the IFMSA and SCOME Strategies next term. The idea is to streamline the global vision to local, national, regional, and international impact through the work of SCOME. Identify how medical education relates to each global priority and transform the proposed goals into tasks to be executed throughout the term by SCOME IT. Understand regional needs and how the global priorities relate to them from the medical education standpoint. Determine the medical education relevant focus areas from the global priorities and support NMOs in taking initiatives on these focus areas. The idea behind determining focus areas is to make it easier for NMOs to align their national and local work with the global priorities - think global, act local.

SCOME International Team "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." – Phil Jackson The objectives of SCOME cannot be achieved alone. Each member of the international team plays a distinct role, and without the team’s support, each individual will find it difficult to carry out their roles. That is why it will be my priority to ensure the proper functioning of the team as well as of the individuals. Orient the team to their positions and build their competencies through competency modules at the beginning of the term Establish clear roles, tasks, and communication principles Foster an environment of open communication, transparency, and accountability Preserve the mental health of all individuals with periodic check-ins and support Adopt a culture of healthy work-life balance Conduct periodic internal evaluations using an anonymous Google form on each member’s IT involvement, communication, leadership, teamwork, and other relevant competencies. I will share the results with individual IT members. I will also encourage the team to give and receive feedback from each other regularly. Feedback is a gift and it will allow the IT to improve the quality of our individual and collective work.

IFMSA Programs For two terms now, Program Coordinators have been part of the SCOME IT. With each passing year, their involvement in the IT’s work has increased. Next term, I want to take it one step further and merge the PCs work with that done by different IT members to increase overall team efficiency and relieve some of the workloads of each party. Incorporate programs work within the IT work. For eg. The SCOME Activities Database can be used by NMOs to report their activities which is a required part of the SCOME Active Status. Create a system of reporting IT projects from the beginning of the term to measure the impact of these projects that otherwise would not have been done. The data will now be available to improve IT initiatives, to develop and present abstracts in various external conferences, and help PCs in writing their Program Annual Reports. Encourage PCs and RAs to collaboratively identify the needs of each region and determine regional measures to address these needs. These measures can include regional campaigns, capacity development sessions, etc. Involve the SCOME-related Program Coordinators in the communication plans of the Regional Assistants with their NOMEs. For eg. if an NMO is struggling with MES-specific activities, PCs along with the RAs can support the NOME to overcome the barriers and plan the activity.

COLLABORATION Support NMOs work on Medical Education Issues Our NMOs do some great work on medical education independently! However, there are global issues, and a lot more can be achieved by working together. By understanding the focus of the NMOs and identifying areas of collaboration, SCOME IT and NMOs can work together to address global medical education issues to the fullest. Conduct a baseline assessment at the beginning of the term to understand the current status of the NMOs, their needs and expectations from the SCOME IT Support NOMEs and activity coordinators in developing medical education activities by ensuring the SCOME IT remains approachable, reachable and proactive.

Facilitate Discussion Committees





While each Standing Committee has a designated area of work, there are topics that can be addressed from different perspectives. For eg. research in medical education, student rights, CSE in medical curricula, etc. Unfortunately, we are often so focused on our SCs, that we miss out on such opportunities for collaboration. Moreover, each Standing Committee is governed by a different strategy and by sharing experiences, we can learn from each other. Communicate regularly and exchange ideas with other Standing Committee Directors on potential topics for collaboration Discuss strategies with the Standing Committee Directors on team building within the IT, ensuring accountability and mental health, etc.

Active engagement in IFMSA Team of Officials As an IFMSA Official, it is important for me to have a good understanding of the organization, its bylaws and constitution, and its strategy. It is also important to be an active member of the Team of Officials by participating in discussions, sharing the medical education perspective on different issues, and working together on TO projects. Foster a good relationship with other members of the TO Develop a good understanding of the Federation's goals, concerns, and challenges Take part in Team of Official Meetings and actively engage in discussions.

CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Standardization and Quality Assurance SCOME CB has experienced exponential growth in the past three terms. New competency-based frameworks for Training Medical Education Trainers (TMET) and Advocacy in Medical Education Training (AMET) have been developed, Social Accountability Workshop (SAW) has been included in the regulations and multiple online workshops, including the first edition of Online Medical Education Facilitators’ (oMEF) Workshop have taken place. With so many opportunities, it is important to streamline and standardize the content we deliver making it comprehensive and avoiding redundancies, such that each workshop is a unique learning experience. Make SCOME CB more cohesive where the workshops complement each other and don’t have overlapping content. TMET and AMET Frameworks should be reevaluated and adjusted accordingly. Align the TMET Framework with the Trainers’ Education Framework developed by the IFMSA CB IT. Develop the oMEF Workshop and SAW Frameworks. A draft is already done for the former. It needs to be modified based on the feedback from the workshop and aligned with the competencies and content of the other workshops, particularly TMET. Collaborate with externals (eg. AMEE) for recognition or endorsement of our workshops. This collaboration can be reflected in the Frameworks and certification.

Interprofessional Education Workshop Ever since coordinating the SWG on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in the 2020-21 term, it has been a dream of mine to create a capacity-building opportunity that is truly an interprofessional experience. I envision this online workshop to be a collaborative project between different health professional students’ organizations. In this virtual space, students’ of different backgrounds will learn with, from and about each other while developing their competencies needed to advocate for and organize IPE initiatives locally. Work with LOSO to update the IPE&CP workshop proposal and reach out to different student organizations. Collaborate with other student organizations in developing the content and execution of the workshop.

SCOME Public Folder The World of Medical Education 2.0 is a google drive with all the resources relevant to SCOME. In the next term, I want to relaunch World of Medical Education 3.0 with up-to-date manuals and toolkits, and a dynamic resource library that medical education enthusiasts can refer to for learning about medical education, designing and facilitating local and national sessions. Assess, identify and update SCOME documents, manuals, and toolkits Share and promote these resources with our members Develop a dynamic Medical Education Resource library with the help of SCOMEdian Community. Many of our members, particularly Medical Education Trainers are highly experienced in Medical Education. Therefore, their input in developing a thorough, up-to-date resource hub is imperative.

CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Follow-up Without proper follow-up, organizing workshops is similar to a leaking pipeline. Therefore, it is essential to develop and execute an achievable and easily trackable follow-up plan for each workshop. TMET: This term 6 TMET workshops took place graduating more than 90 Medical Education Candidate Trainers and 6 more are to be completed by the end of the term. The acute deficiency in Medical Education Trainers due to the pandemic has been addressed. Therefore, in the upcoming term, following up on these METs is the first priority. Develop and implement the Advanced Competency Development Course (ACDC). This advanced course provides Medical Education Trainers a platform to further attain personal and professional development in Medical Education Capacity Building, thus elaborating on the aspect of “the right person training”. Foster the Medical Education Trainers’ community. This is a Facebook Group for TMET participants created with the aim of uniting all Medical Education Trainers to share ideas and exchange experiences related to Medical Education Capacity Building. This term, the MET Community has been relaunched and a SWG has been working dedicatedly to determine the best strategy to ensure optimum functioning of the community. Next term, I would like to build upon the SWG’s recommendations and draft a new engagement plan to further group the community. AMET: Include AMET participants in developing SCOME campaigns as part of the follow-up of AMET participants Collect data on advocacy initiatives with the help of PCs to understand local impact of different medical education issues Support AMET participants with their advocacy initiatives.

COMMUNICATION AND MEMBERS’ ENGAGEMENT SCOME’s mission is to be the global platform for medical students to exchange ideas, take part in discussion, contribute resources and brainstorm solutions to medical education related problems, eventually empowering themselves to be Medical Education Leaders who are meangingfully engaged and working towards a positive impact in their medical education systems. In other words, our members are the key stakeholders when it comes to executing SCOME’s vision. Therefore, it is imperative to effectively use all of SCOME’s communication channels to functionalise this platform and ensure proper representation.

Communication Channels: Update the SCOME Communication guidelines Develop a communication plan with clear goals for each channel at the beginning of the term. The plan should be dynamic with regular monitoring and periodic modifications based on analysis of outreach, engagement and feedback. It should also be tailored to regional needs and expectations as seen from the Baseline Assessment, and RAs handover and own experiences.

SCOME IT Cafes I want to build upon this term’s success with the SCOME IT Cafes, which are semi-formal engagement tools where our members can interact directly with the SCOME IT. During these designated hours, SCOMEdians and IT members can have a quick catch-up, share experiences and feedback, have a question and answer session, etc. For the upcoming term, I would like to organize such events at regular intervals and promote them well ahead to ensure maximum engagement.

Campaigns Campaigns are great opportunities for engaging SCOMEdians worldwide. Currently, campaigns are prepared entirely by the IT with very minimum involvement of our members. Going forward, I would like to highlight campaigns as key engagement tools, not only as the target audience, but also as designers and content creators. Develop a campaign calendar at the beginning of the term Create opportunities for members experienced in advocacy and online campaigning, particularly NOMEs and AMET graduates, to be a part of campaign planning and implementation. For eg. this term (2021-22) oAMET had the theme of “Meaningful Engagement in the Accreditation and Quality Assurance processes for the post-pandemic medical education” and the graduates later helped to develop the content for the AQA campaign as part of the follow-up. Include monitoring and evaluation tools to assess the impact of each campaign.

SCOME Sessions SCOME Sessions are the biggest and most important gatherings of medical education enthusiasts worldwide. It is a place for members to learn, share and grow together. From the feedback of previous SCOME Sessions, it is seen that members prefer to engage in discussions to find solutions to medical education issues or know more about medical education and national medical education systems. Therefore, the SCOME sessions for every IFMSA Meeting should be a perfect blend of outcome-based sessions and discussion spaces. Develop outcome-oriented sessions on relevant topics from the SCOME Baseline Assessment and from the discussion with the SCOME IT that will enable the growth of NMOs Organize parallel sessions to include sessions on different medical education issues and competencies and for audiences with different levels of experience (beginners or advanced) so that there is something for everyone. For eg. Beginners and Advanced Activity Management Sessions. For the first time ever, SCOME is organizing parallel sessions in this August meeting. The feedback from this GA from both participants and the ST will be taken into account when planning future SCOME Sessions.

MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Preparations and SCOME Strategy A good plan is the key to a successful term. We will be the first term implementing the new SCOME Strategy. As it is principle-based, it will allow the IT more flexibility in determining the action plans. However, without a proper foundation, it will be tricky to optimally use the strategy. Therefore, proper groundwork needs to be done at the beginning of the term under the guidance of the SCOME Strategy to determine the goals to be achieved throughout the course of 1 year. Organize competency module for IT on strategic planning and annual working plan development to understand the vision, what was done in the past, and what needs to be done in the future Work with each IT member to draft an annual working plan aligned with the SCOME Strategy Create a structure for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the implementation of the strategy this term

Continuity and consistency of SCOME Work The yearly turnover of members can lead to inadvertent loss of information. While each IT has its autonomy, it is essential to recognize what has been done in the past by previous SCOME ITs and continue building upon it with each successive term. Reflect on the outcomes of previous SCOME ITs in terms of SWGs outcomes, manuals, toolkits, campaigns, SCOME sessions, etc. Ensure proper documentation of all current activities in a well-organized google drive Prepare a comprehensive handover manual Analyze the SCOME strategy implementation with recommendations for upcoming terms


Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) 2015 - Present

Green Life Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh

A-levels 2013-2015

Mastermind English Medium School

Nationality: Bangladeshi D.O.B: 11th October, 1996

O-levels 2011-2013

Mastermind English Medium School IFMSA & NMO EXPERIENCE

Positions: 2021-22

CONTACT ME +8801746613602 rshehrish@gmail.com

SKILLS Leadership Collaboration and Teamwork Written and verbal communication Organization and event management Facilitation Computer skills: Google suite, Office suite, Canva

SCOME Capacity Building Development Assistant, IFMSA


Program Coordinator for Teaching Medical Skills, IFMSA Vice President of Capacity Building (VPCB), BMSS


National Officer of Medical Education (NOME), BMSS Co-Chair, OC, ACTION 2020 Co-Chair, OC, BMSS-Bangladesh SRT 2020 Co-Chair, OC, National General Assembly (NGA) 2020, BMSS


Member, OC, National General Assembly (NGA) 2018, BMSS Local Officer of Medical Education (LOME), BMSS

IFMSA Meetings 2021

SCOME Sessions Team, OGAs, March and August Meetings 2021


SCOME Sessions Team, March Meeting 2020, Rwanda SCOME Sessions Team, Asia Pacific Week 2020


August Meeting 2019, Taiwan


Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2018, Korea

External Meetings IFMSA delegation and Abstract Proposer, Towards Unity For Health (TUFH) Conference 2021 IFMSA delegation to Open Education Conference 2021


Training and Facilitation 2022

INTEREST Literature Travel Music Arts

Facilitator and Coordinator, Online-AMET 2022 and Online Medical Education Facilitator's Workshop Coordinator, TMET, Pre-MM22, Macedonia Trainer and Coordinator, TMET and AMET, Pre-AM22, Turkey


Facilitator, IFMSA March Meeting 2021 SCOME Sequel - Online Basic Course Facilitator, IFMSA March Meeting 2021 SCOME Pilot Course Online Basic Course


Participant, TMET, Pre-MM2020, Rwanda Facilitator, AMET, BMSS Bangladesh SRT 2020 Facilitator, Online-AMET, 2020


Participant, New Educators and Scholars Training (NEST), ScholarRx (2019-2020) Participant, AMET, Pre-AM2019, Taiwan

NMO Events: 2018-20

Organized: SCOME Sessions Team, National General Assembly (NGA) 2018 SCOME Sessions Team, National General Assembly (NGA) 2020 Webinar on ‘Clinical Practice – an overview' Session on ‘ Scholarships for Studying Abroad – a guide for MBBS and BDS students' Session on ‘Counselling and discussion on USMLE’ Workshop on ‘First Aid Management’, ‘ECG Interpretation’ International Snakebite Awareness Day Celebrations 2019 Research Radical The Mental Health Project Learning the Ways of Basic Life Support Participated: Workshop on ‘Basic Trauma Life Support’ Breast Cancer Awareness Program

SWGs & Task Force 2021-22

SWG Coordinator on Medical Education Trainers' Engagement Strategy


SWG Coordinator on Interprofessional Education SWG Co-Coordinator on Academic Competencies in Professional Exchanges


Task Force on Mental Health SWG on Non-Formal Medical Education



Vice President, Mastermind Community Service Club (MMCSC)


Contributor, Rising Stars, Daily Star


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