EEL March 2012

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ISSUE 26 ~ MARCH 2012

Joyce Meyer Ministers to

Sri Lanka


Overcoming Emotional Wrinkles Joyce Meyer


Joyce Meyer Ministers to Asia Shirley Bobby



World Outreach: Going Home


Kacie Campbell

You Are Here: Changing Lives Through Partnerships - See page 7


Renew your Life Through Words Joyce Meyer

STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART DEAR FRIENDS, I’m feeling so thankful! At different times in our lives, like holidays or other special events, we begin to focus on how blessed we truly are. But it’s more than just that. I feel such a deep gratitude to God for who He is and what He’s done—in me, and in Joyce Meyer Ministries as well as our outreach arm, Hand of Hope. He has completely transformed my life from its dark past. He has also built this ministry into the strong support organization that it is. I am just simply overwhelmed with appreciation.’s still more. In my gratitude, I am moved outward. God has been so good to me, and I want to be good to someone else. For instance, because I was freed from the effects of a horrible abusive situation, I want to help young girls trapped in similar circumstances, such as sex trafficking. I could never repay God for His goodness. But I certainly can be a blessing to someone else as a way of thanking Him for it. Apparently, many of you feel the same way too. You, our friends and partners, are such a blessing to this ministry. Your support is an obvious outpouring of God’s goodness in your own lives. That’s what helps us continue to do what we do. Together we are reaching out to others as a result of God’s work in us. Together we are giving thanks to Him for it. Thankfulness can be quite a motivator. It moves us to do good things. It moves us to do good things for others. It moves us to do good things for others simply because we’re thankful for God’s goodness to us. And that’s thankfulness at its best! Thankful for transformation,

eSa cgqr gh /kU;oknhr eglwl dj jgh gw!¡ gekjs thou esa fofHkUu le;ksa es]a tSls NqfV~V;k¡ ;k vU; fo”ks’k le;ksa es]a ge /;ku nsus yxrs gSa fd ge lp esa fdrus vk”khf’kr gSAa ijUrq ;g mlls Hkh c<+dj gSA og tks gS vkSj tks dq N mlus eq>esa vkSj tkW;l es;j fefuLVªht+ esa lkFk gh lkFk gekjh ckg~; izpkj lsodkbZ] gS.M vkWQ gksi esa fd;k gS] mlds fy;s eSa ijes”oj ds izfr xgjk /kU;okn eglwl djrh gw¡A ijes”oj us esjs thou dks va/kdkje; vrhr ls iwjh rjg :ikarfjr dj fn;k gSA mlus bls lg;ksx djus okyh ,d et+crw laLFkk ds :Ik esa [kM+k Hkh fd;k gS tSlk fd vkt gSA eSa rks cl g’kkZfrjsd ls meM+ jgh gw¡A ijUrq---vkSj Hkh dq N gSA vius /kU;okn es]a eSa ckgj rd Nyd x;h gw¡A ijes”oj esjs fy;s cgqr gh Hkyk jgk gS] v©j eSa Hkh nwlj¨a ds fy;s Hkyk dkjuk pkgrh gw¡A mnkgj.k ds fy;s] pw¡fd eSa ,d Hk;kog nqO;Zogkj fLFkfr ls ckgj fudyh gw¡ blfy;s eSa ;kSu O;kikj tSlh fLFkfr esa Q¡lh+ toku yM+fd;ksa dks cpkuk pkgrh gw¡A eSa dHkh Hkh ijes”oj ds midkjksa dk cnyk ugha pqdk ldrhA ijUrq fu”p; gh eSa bl ds fy;s mlds izfr /kU;okn ds :Ik esa fdlh vkSj ds fy;s vk”kh’k dk dkj.k cu ldrh gw¡A Li’Vr;k vki esa ls cgqr yksx Hkh blh izdkj lksprs gksx a As vki] gekjs fe= vkSj ikVZulZ bl lsodkbZ ds fy;s cM+h vk”kh’k gSAa vkidk leFkZu fu”p; gh vkids thou esa ijes”oj dh HkykbZ dk izek.k gSA ;gh gesa yxkrkj vius dk;Z dks djus ds fy;s lgk;rk djrh gSA geesa ijes”oj ds dk;Z ds QyLo:Ik ge lkFk feydj nwljksa rd igq¡p jgs gSAa ge ,d lkFk bl ckr ds fy;s mls /kU;okn nsrs gSAa /kU;okn fu”p; gh izjs .kknk;h gks ldrk gSA ;g gesa nwljksa ds fy;s Hkys dk;Z djus ds fy;s izfs jr djrk gSA ;g gesa nwljksa ds fy;s ds oy blfy;s Hkys dk;Z djus ds fy;s izfs jr djrk gS D;ksfa d ge vius izfr HkykbZ ds fy;s ijes”oj ds /kU;oknh gSAa vkSj ;g lokZRs re jhfr ls /kU;okn gS! :ikarj.k ds fy;s /kU;okn gS]


E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E ISSUE 26 | MARCH 2012


Publisher Joyce Meyer Ministries - Asia Executive Editors David Meyer Prem Sukumar Graphic Designers Christopher S.K. Rozario John Dandem A. Vijaya Kumar Sarah Sofia Kalpana M. Sambasiva Rao Staff Writer Shirley Bobby Photographers Edurolu Raju Mani Kumar Pavithran Golconda Production Coordinators Mani Kumar Pavithran Golconda P. Praveen Every Nation . . . Every City . . . Every Day . . . All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. If undeliverable return to: Joyce Meyer Ministries - Asia, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad - 500 008. E-mail: Enjoying Everyday Life is published quarterly by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hyderabad, AP INDIA Š 2010 Joyce Meyer Ministries. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call: Locally 040-2300 6777 or Toll-Free 1800-3454-007. Internet address:


Pag e 03




21 TV Broadcast Summary


22 TV Broadcast Schedule

God sees the end from the beginning. It seems it should be a smooth process...right? Joyce talks about how to iron out the wrinkles in between.


Joyce travelled to Colombo, Bangkok and New Delhi as part of the three-Asian city Festival of Life to bless people with powerful teaching and uplifting worship.

15 world outreach: going home BY KACIE CAMPBELL

Hand of Hope, in partnership with International Crisis Aid, is providing a way "home" for women trapped in the Red Light district of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

19 Renew your life through words BY JOYCE MEYER

Words have great power, and because of this, you have more power than you know. Take your words in a different direction and see what happens.


Press Past Your

Pa i n f u l F eel i n g s and Press On to

V i ct o ry

03 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E |

You press them with an iron. The steady pressure of the iron, along with some heat, turns those wrinkled clothes into attractive outfits. But without the pressing, they stay wrinkled. Let’s take a look at the word press. It means “to exert pressure on something.” Sometimes we need to apply a push to something, or squeeze something, to make things happen. Lemons have to be “pressed” to make lemonade. A certain amount of “press” is needed to print a newspaper. Pressing can be good. Let’s apply this to your spiritual life…

HkkouRed f”kdu ij fot; ikuk vius nnZ ds vglkl dks ihNs <ds y nks vkSj fot; dh vksj c<+ksA

tc vkids oL=ksa ij cgqr lh flycVs iM+ tkrh gS rc vki D;k djrs gSa\ vki ml ij xje bL=h ls ncko nsrs gSa vkSj mu fldqM+s oL=ksa dks vkd’kZd ifj/kkuksa esa cny nsrs gaSA ijUrq fcuk bL=h fd;s os cgqr gh fldqM+s gq, FksA

vkbZ;s] ncko “kCn ij fopkj djsaA bldk rkRi;Z fdlh oLrq ij ncko j[kuk gSA dHkh dHkh gesa dq N gksus ds fy;s /kDdk yxkus ;k fupksM+us dh vko”;drk iM+rh gSA uhacq dh f”kdath cukus ds fy;s uhacq dks fupksM+uk iM+rk gSA ,d lekpkj i= Nkius ds fy;s dq N ek=k easa ncko Mkyuk vPNk gks ldrk gSA vkbZ;s bls vkids vkfRed thouksa ij ykxw djsaA

God has a plan for you—a destiny He sees from beginning to end. Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (NIV).

vkidh eaft+y ds fy;s ijes”oj dh ,d ;kstuk gS&og izkjaHk ls var rd ns[krk gSA f;eZ;kg 29%11 dgrk gS] D;ksafd ;gksok dh ;g gS] fd tks dYiuk,¡ eSa rqEgkjs fo"k; djrk gw¡ mUgsa eSa tkurk gw¡] os gkfu dh ugha] oju~ dq 'ky gh dh gSa] vkSj vUr esa rqEgkjh vk'kk iwjh d:¡xkA

God’s plans are always good, but sometimes we are our own worst enemy… We let things trip us up, sidetrack us, and hold us back from God’s best. And oftentimes, our emotions are the culprit. We allow anger, resentment, guilt, shame, jealousy and other toxic emotions to keep God’s best out of reach.

Ikjes”oj dh ;kstuk,¡ lnk vPNh gksrh gSa] ijUrq dHkh dHkh ge Lo;a fg vius lcls cqjs “k=q gksrs gSaA ge Lo;a dks Bksdj [kkus] HkVdus vkSj ijes”oj loksZŸke ls oafpr jgus nsrs gSaA vkSj izk;% gekjh Hkkouk;sa nks’kh gksrh gSaA ge dz ks/k] vizlUUrk] bZ’;kZ vkSj vU; t+gjhyh Hkkoukvksa dks gesa ijes”oj ds loksZŸke rd igq¡pus ls jksdus nsrh gSA

If you want to grow and progress as a Christian, you need to be willing to press in and confront negative emotions like anger and resentment. Then, you need to press on past it and keep growing, or you will never have victory in your life. Let’s take a closer look.

;fn vki ,d elhgh ds :Ik esa c<+uk vkSj rjDdh ikuk pkgrs gSa] rks vkidks vkxs c<+us ds fy, vkidks dz ks/k] vizlUurk tSlh udkjkRed Hkkoukvksa dk lkeuk djus dh vko”;drk gSA rc vkidks mls ihNs NksM+ nsus vkSj c<+rs jgus dh vko”;drk gksrh gS] ojuk vki dHkh vius thou esa fot; izkIr ugha dj ik;saxsA vkbZ;s] ,d fudV n`f’V MkysaA

Pressing Past the Pain of Feelings

I’ve been teaching a lot lately on emotions because God has given me some great insights on this subject. I used to be one of the many who allowed their emotions to control them. That is definitely not the best way to live your life. Yes, feelings are real. They serve a purpose. But they don’t need to be in control. You need to press past your feelings. How do you do that? Here’s a good place to start: Stop blaming everyone else and take responsibility and ownership of your own feelings and attitudes. I still marvel at how God has changed my attitudes and my desires and how He’s broken a lot of the selfishness off of my life. It was painful and difficult. But I’m so glad I pressed in to my relationship with Him and pressed on through the pain. If I had chosen instead to not press in to God’s strength and press on past those selfish attitudes, I would not be where I am today. You have to pay a price to reach God’s perfect will for

nnZ dh Hkkoukvksa dks ihNs /kds y nsa% eSa gky gh esa Hkkoukvksa ij cgqr dq N fl[kk jgh gw¡ D;ksafd bl fo’k; ij ijes”oj us eq>s dq N cM+h varZn`f’V;k¡ iznku dh gSaA eSa mu cgqr ls yksxksa esa gqvk djrh Fkh tks viuh Hkkoukvksa dks vius Åij fu;a=.k djus nsrs gSaA fu”p; gh ;g vkids thou thus dk loksZŸke rjhdk ugha gSA gk¡] Hkkouk;sa okLrfod gksrh gSaA mudk ,d mís”; gksrk gSA ijUrq muds fu;a=.k esa gksus dh vko”;drk ugha gSA vkidks vius Hkwrdky dks ihNs /kds y us dh vko”;drk gSA vki ;g fdl izdkj djrs gSa\ ;gk¡ izkjaHk djus dk ,d vPNk LFkku gS% gj fdlh ij nks’k nsuk can dhft;s vkSj vius Lo;a dh Hkkoukvksa vkSj eukso`fŸk;ksa dh ft+Eesnkjh ysuk izkjaHk dhft;sA eq>s vc Hkh vk”p;Z gksrk gS fd fdl izdkj ijes”oj esjh eukso`fŸk;ksa vkSj vfHkyk’kkvksa dks ifjofrZr fd;k] vkSj LokFkZ dh cgqr lh ckrksa dks esjs thou esa ls ckgj dj fn;kA ;g nnZukd vkSj dfBu FkkA ijUrq eSa cgqr gh izlUUk gw¡ fd eSaus mlds vius laca/k ij ncko j[kk vkSj nnZ esa ls gksdj c<+rh jghA ;fn eSa ijes”oj ds lkeF;Z dk ncko Lohdkj djus dk pquko djus ds ctk; mu LokFkhZ

05 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E |

your life. Do you want God’s best? Then make a decision to press past your negative feelings. As you move toward victory, you will likely come to a place of pain. When you do, you’ll either run back where you came from or you’ll PRESS THROUGH that pain and find the victory! Pressing Past Guilt and Shame

These two feelings can prevent you from reaching the kind of life Christ died for you to have…but only if you don’t press on through them with the help of Christ. Here’s how to get started… Before I overcame guilt and shame, learned the nature of it and learned how to stand against it on a daily basis, I could not find happiness. See, you cannot enjoy your life if down deep on the inside you’re ashamed of who you are. Because of the abuse I went through, I had a root of shame deep on the inside of me. This shame produced horrific guilt in my life every time I did not perform perfectly. It seemed I could not do anything for God that amounted to anything. I lived like this until I really learned who I am in Christ. I don’t want to talk to you today about what you did or what happened in your past; I want to talk about who you are in Christ. The Bible tells us that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). When we are born again, God puts His Spirit in us. He gives us a brandnew heart, a brand-new beginning, and we have to see ourselves in the light of who God says we are, not who the world says we are. Truth is greater than feelings, but oftentimes we believe our feelings more than we believe the Word. “But I feel...” I’m not saying we’re supposed to feel glad when we make mistakes; We should be sorry for our mistakes; we should repent. We might even

eukso`fŸk;ksa ds lkFk vkxs c<+rh jgrh rks eSa ogk¡ ugha gksrh tgk¡ vkt gw¡A vius thou ds fy;s ijes”oj dh fl) fbPNk rd igq¡pus ds fy;s vkidks ,d ewY; pqdkuk gSA D;k vki ijes”oj loksZŸke ikuk pkgrs gSa\ rc vius udkjkRed vrhr dks ihNs /kds yus dk fu.kZ; dhft;sA Tkc vki fot; dh vksj c<+rs gSa rks vkids nnZ lgus dh laHkkouk gksxhA tc vki ,slk djrs gSa rks ;k rks vki ml LFkku dh vksj Hkkxsaxs tgk¡ ls vki us izkjaHk fd;k gS ;k fQj vki ml nnZ ls xqt+jsaxs vkSj fot; ik;asxs!

vrhr ds nks’k vkSj “keZ dks ihNs NksM+ nsuk% ;s nksuksa Hkkouk;sa vkidks ml thou dks ikus ls jksd ldrh gSa ftls nsus ds fy;s elhg ejk ijUrq ds oy rc tc vki elhg dh lgk;rk ls mlesa vkxs c<asxsA ;gk¡ crk;k x;k gS fd fdl izdkj izkjaHk djuk gS--;g tkuus ls igys eSa vkuan ugha ik ldh] fd nks’k vkSj “keZ ij t; ikus ls igys eq>s mldh Lo ko dks tkuuk gS] vkSj ;g tkuuk gS fd fdl izdkj nSfud jhfr ls ml ds fo#) [kM+k gksuk pkfg;sA ;fn vki vius ân; dh xgjkbZ;ksa esa viuh okLrfodrk ds fy;s “kfeZUnk ugha gksaxs rks vki vius thou dk vkuan ugha mBk ik;saxsA ml nqoZO;ogkj ds dkj.k ftuesa ls gksdj eSa xqt+jh] esjs eu ds Hkhrj xgjkbZ;ksa esa dgh “keZ fd K<+ FkhA tc dHkh eSa Bhd jhfr ls dk;Z ugha dj ikrh Fkh rks ;g “keZ esjs Hkhrj izR;sd le; Hk;kog nks’kHkkouk mRiUu djrh FkhA eSa rc rd blh izdkj thrh jgh tc rd eSa us lp esa ugha tkuk elhgh esa eSa dkSu gw¡A vkt eSa vkils ;g ckr djuk ugha pkgrh fd vrhr esa vkius D;k fd;k ;k D;k ?kVk( eSa ckr djuk pkgrh gw¡ fd elhg esa vki dkSu gSaA ckbcy gesa crkrh gS fd ;fn dksbZ elhg esa gS rks og ,d ubZ l`f’V gS ¼2 dq fjfUFk;ksa 5%17 nsf[k;ss½A tc ge u;k tUe ikrs gSa] rks ijes”oj viuk vkRek geesa nsrk gSA og ges ,d loZFkk&u;k ân;] loZFkk u;k vkjaHk nsrk gS vkSj ges Lo;a dks ml ckr ds izdk”k esa ns[kuk gS fd tks ijes”oj dgrk gS fd ge gSa] u fd tks lalkj dgrk gS fd ge gSaA lR; Hkkoukvksa ls c<+dj gksrk gS] ijUrq dbZ ckj opu ij fo”okl djus ls c<+dj viuh

have a short season of grieving over what we’ve done wrong, but we’re not supposed to hate ourselves, reject ourselves, feel guilty for days and weeks on end and feel ashamed. We’re supposed to receive the forgiveness that God offers us and we’re supposed to press on. Pressing Past Anger and Unforgiveness

Do you ever get mad? Of course. We all do. But if you’re not careful, you can let anger and unforgiveness create problems in your life. Anger not dealt with properly leads to unforgiveness. And unforgiveness leads to bitterness and resentment—which leads to unfulfilled dreams. The Bible is very explicit about the fact that when we get mad, we are not to stay angry and it fully explains the need for every believer to keep their heart completely cleansed of offense and unforgiveness. You would be amazed how many people sincerely love God and are desperately looking for a miracle in their life, yet, they are angry at someone. And it may not be something that recently happened—it may be something that happened a long time ago. Sound familiar? Are you telling yourself, I’ve tried to get over it and I just can’t. Yes, you can. God does not tell us to do things that are impossible for us to do. If the Lord said: “Forgive,” then we can forgive. If He said: “Don’t be offended,” then there is a way for us to press on and not be offended. God has given us His power, or grace, to be good to people—even to people who aren’t being good to us. God has given us the power to pray for our enemies. He has given us the ability to NOT be mad at people who have hurt us and attacked us. God has given us the ability to be able to say: God, forgive them because they don’t know what they’re doing. And you know what? That is the truth. So many times people don’t know what

Hkkoukvksa ij fo”okl djrs gSaA “ijUrq eSa eglwl djrh gw¡---” eSa ;g ugha dg jgh gw¡ fd tc ge xyfr;k¡ djrs gSa rks ges vkuafnr eglwl djuk pkfg;s( ges viuh xyfr;ksa ds fy;s nq%[kh gksuk pkfg;s( ges Ik”pkrki djuk pkfg;sA pkgs rks ge dqN le; rd vius xyr dk;ksaZ ds fy;s nq%[k Hkh euk ldrs gS] ijUrq gesa Lo;a ls ?k`.kk] Lo;a dk frjLdkj] vkSj dbZ fnuksa vkSj g¶rksa rd Lo;a dks nks’kh ekudj cSBs jguk vkSj “kfeZank eglwl djuk ugha pkfg;sA gesa ml {kek dks izkIr djuk pkfg;s tks ijes”oj gesa nsrk gS vkSj gesa vkxs dh vksj c<+rs tkuk gSA

dz ks/k vkSj v{kek dks ihNs dj nsuk% D;k vki dHkh ikxy gksrs gSa\ gk¡] vo”;A ge lc gksrs gSaA ijUrq ;fn vki lko/kku u gksa rks vki dz ks/k vkSj v{kek dks vius thou esa leL;k mRiUu djus nsaxsA ftl dz ks/k ds lkFk mfpr O;ogkj u fd;k tk;s og v{kek ykrk gSA vkSj v{kek dM+okgV vkSj vizlUurk ykrk gS tks viw.kZ liuksa dh vksj ys tkrh gSA Ckkbcy bl fo’k; esa cgqr Li’V gS fd tc ge ikxy gks tkrs gSa] rks ges dzksf/kr ugha cus jguk gS vkSj ;g izR;sd fo”oklh ds fy;s vius ân; dks iwjh rjg vijk/k ls eqDr j[kus dk o.kZu djrh gSA vki pfdr gksaxs fd dS ls cgqr ls yksx lPpkbZ ds lkFk ijes”oj ls I;kj djrs vkSj fujk”kk ds lkFk vius thou esa ,d vk”p;Z deZ dh ckV tksgrs gSa] fQj Hkh os fdlh ij dz ksf/kr jgrs gSaA vkSj ;g dq N ,slk ugha gksxk tks gky gh esa gqvk gS] ;g dqN ,slk gksxk tks cgqr le; igys gqvk gksxkA ifjfpr yx jgk gS\ D;k vki Lo;a ls dg jgs gSa] eSa us bl ij fot; ikus dk iz;kl fd;k gS vkSj ugha dj ldrkA gk¡] vki dj ldrs gSaA ijes”oj gesa ,sls dk;Z djus ds fy;s ugha dgrk tks djuk gekjs fy;s vlaHko gksA ;fn izHkq us {kek djus ds fy;s dgk gS rks ge {kek dj ldrs gSaA ;fn mlus dgk gS% “Bksdj u [kkvks” rks gekjs fy;s vkxs c<+rs jgus vkSj Bksdj u [kkus dk ,d ekxZ gSA Ikjes”oj us gesa yksxksa] ;gk¡ rd fd mu yksxksa ds lkFk Hkh Hkyk gksus ds fy;s viuh | DECEMBER | MARCH 2 0 1 2 1 | 06


As a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries you never know how far your support can reach. You are here... Helping us ensure young children are fed, cared for and given hope for the future!

Become a Partner today! +91 40 2300 6777 | MARCH 2 0 1 2 | 08

they’re doing. They’re just reacting out of their own hurt and pain. Remembering this will help you press on past anger and unforgiveness. Press In to a New Beginning

No matter which negative emotion you face—anger, unforgiveness, guilt, shame—ask God to help you press past it. Only people who press turn out to be the ones who do anything for God. Paul said, …I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Philippians 3:12 NIV).


he fact is, every

controlling emotion you press through is

a victory in your life.

Anyone who wants victory has to press past their feelings. Not just once or twice or every once in awhile, but every day. If you don’t, you’ll just stay stuck where you are. The fact is, every controlling emotion you press through is a victory in your life. Think about it—before you press in to those controlling emotions, they’re still in front of you, blocking God’s best. But once you press in and press on past them, then you can look at them in the rearview mirror and laugh at them. Go for it! Ask God to help you press in and press on past those controlling emotions and propel you toward His best future for you!

lkeF;Z ;k vuqxzg nh gS tks gekjs izfr Hkyk ugha jgs gSaA ijes”oj us gesa vius “k=qvksa ds fy;s izkFkZuk djus dh lkeF;Z iznku dh gSA mlus ges mu yksxksa ds izfr Hkh dzks/k u djus dh lkeF;Z nh gS] ftlus ges pksV igq¡pkbZ gS] ;k ge ij vkdze.k fd;k gSA ijes”oj us gesa ;g dgus dh ;ksX;rk nh gS% ijes”oj mUgs {kek dj] D;ksafd os ugha tkurs fd os D;k dj jgs gSaA vkSj D;k vki tkurs gSa\ ;gh lR; gSA blfy;s cgqr ckj yksx ugha tkurs fd os D;k dj jgs gSa\ os rks cl viuh pksV vkSj nnZ ds dkj.k izfrfdz;k O;Dr dj jgs gSaA ;g Lej.k j[kuk vkidks crhr ds dz ks/k vkSj v{kek ls vkxs c<+us esa lgk;rk djsxhA

,d u;k izkjaHk dhft;s% Pkkgs vki fdlh Hkh izdkj dh udkjkRed Hkkouk] dzks/k] v{kek] nks’k] “keZ dk lkeuk dhft;s] mls vrhr es /kds yus ds fy;s ijes”oj ls lgk;rk ek¡fx;sA ds oy ogh yksx tks ncko j[krs gS os gh ijes”oj ds fy;s dq N djus okys curs gSaA ikSyql us dgk] ij ml inkFkZ dks idM+us ds fy;s nkSM+k pyk tkrk gw¡ ftlds fy;s elhg us eq>s idM+k Fkk ¼fQfyfIi;ksa 3%12½A

okLrfodrk ;g gS fd izR;sd “ fu;a=.k j[kus okyh Hkkouk ij tc vki ncko cukrs gSa rks ;g vkids thou esa fot; gksrh gSA

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To hear hallelujah, our ancient phrase of adoration scripted by a shepherd boy-turned giant slayer-turned king, find meaning and melody amongst thousands on a cold night in the Indian capital – was an awesome sound. New Delhi is known for its diplomatic cordon and high flyers, but not tonight. “It just takes one of you, just one, to change the world.” Living a life of God-given purpose was the theme of the messages on the last stop of the three-Asian city Festival of Life, 2012. Joyce Meyer Ministries and Hillsong LIVE teamed up to give Asia the Festival of Life – an international conference consisting of Joyce Meyer’s practical and captivating teachings, and much loved worship music by Hillsong LIVE. Before the event began, crowds of people streamed in to occupy seats and wait for the preacher of the hour to arrive. The audience – just like the people of New Delhi – was a hybrid of college students in blue jeans, traditionally clad Rajasthani women, families carrying toddlers, and pastors busy head-counting the groups they brought. A real melting pot; these were God’s people and they all arrived in expectation of something great to happen that night. Hillsong LIVE stirred up the audience with energetic tunes, soulful harmony, and quiet moments of conversation with God. While the band sang Hallelujah, Our God Reigns the crowds broke into smiles and applause as Joyce Meyer walked onto the stage with husband Dave and after a short wave, she continued with the rest of the audience to sing and pray. 09 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E |

Joyce Meyer visited three Asian countries this year for the Festival of Life conferences - to teach on living a life of goodness and God centered purpose.

Holding her microphone, Joyce Meyer smiled warmly and began her message on fear and the power of change, by reading from Isaiah 55. It is the spirit of fear that keeps us from fulfilling our destiny, she taught. There is so much fear in this world but you can live a big life, because Jesus died for you. How do you overcome fear – you do it afraid!

Those who arrived that night to listen to Joyce clapped in gratitude at the prospect of God visiting their house! David had confidence! Joyce continued. David didn’t look at the giant but he looked at God. And that’s how he could slay Goliath. “There are giant-killers among you tonight, Joyce declared. There are giant-killers in Delhi!”

To illustrate this point, Joyce spoke of a woman who had multiple fears of every nature. This woman made a huge list of all the things she was afraid of and showed it to a friend, who stunned her by simply asking – well, why don’t you just do them anyway? Do it afraid, Joyce reiterated!

Be willing to change. Joyce shared that many years ago the ministry’s worship was more traditional – singing hymns and the like. But today, the worship music is reflective of the increasing number of young people who are a part of this ministry. We have differents styles of worship, appearance and background. We are all made differently and God uses our differences to bring unity in the church.

Fear should never stop you from following God’s plan for your life so don’t you disqualify yourself, Joyce said. If God can use me, He can use anybody. God doesn’t look for ability - but availability, taught Joyce.

“No matter what you don’t have, if you have confidence, it makes up for it” Joyce loves the story of Zacchaeus and tells his tale to talk about having confidence and dispelling fear. Despite his small stature and his unpopularity among his people, Zacchaeus still took his chances and climbed a tree so he could see Jesus. If you confront your weakness “and climb a tree” Joyce explained, then salvation may come to your house as well.

“It’s beautiful to be quiet in the presence of God, Joyce says, but it’s not wrong to be noisy either!” Whether you’re in your best formal clothes or wearing jeans and a T-Shirt, “God had to teach me that He can anoint denim as well as polyester!” As Joyce spoke those words, each one felt accepted that night, and Joyce’s messages of destroying fear and being confident in what God has placed within each person filled the stadium with positive direction. Every seat was filled on the first day but none could have expected the crowds that poured into Thyagaraj Stadium on the second day of the Festival of Life in New Delhi. The chairs, aisles, steps, overflow room and the green lawns outside the stadium were packed with people who came to be taught by world famous preacher, Joyce Meyer. | MARCH 2 0 1 2 | 10

Hillsong LIVE opened on day two with their selfscripted music, expressing the crowds’ love for Jesus Christ with the upbeat Break Free and the impassioned Inside Out as Dave and Joyce tapped their feet, clearly enjoying the worship that had each person enveloped in an attitude of reverence. The voices of the crowds rose together to the chorus of How Great is our God while Reuben Morgan and the Hillsong band let the crowds sing, visibly touched at how far God goes to bring His family together. Looking at the worshipping faces of the individuals in the crowds, Joyce was ready for an even greater message.

“Everyone may have a past, but the good news is that everyone also has a future”

How do you move on from your past? Number one, stop thinking about it! Battlefield of the Mind is one of Joyce Meyer’s most popular books, making on to the New York Times bestseller list and translated into 14 Asian languages. Joyce asked why everyone likes that book. “Because we all have problems with our thinking!” One of Joyce’s well known sayings is – Where the mind goes, the man follows. If we want to change anything in our lives, it needs to start in our minds. Number two, she continued, stop talking about it. Let go of it, and press on. Joyce said, we all get carried away with our feelings but ask yourself this, “Do you believe God’s word, or do you believe how you feel? Over and over and over, from cover to cover, the Bible says God loves you!” Joyce Meyer is loved for her teachings and books – and also for her honesty and candid nature as she preaches.

“Everywhere I go, I talk about my life story, on purpose” Facing audiences of over 42,900 people on both days Joyce used her life to teach every person about the power of love and forgiveness. Hindi interpreter by her side, Joyce talked about her father’s alcoholism and the sexual, physical, verbal and emotional abuse meted out upon Joyce as a young child. Across the stadium, people listened and watched with still and somber expressions while Joyce talked about the pain she once endured. “My father stole my innocence, and my childhood. But you cannot ignore your problems,” she went on to say, “you must confront them.” Joyce was teaching a lesson of love. It was the love of Jesus Christ that gave her strength to endure her painful situation and hope in greater things to come. It is this love she so ardently wanted each person in the stadium to experience in their own lives. Adding that her personal story titled One Life is available as a revelation for people who have gone through abuse themselves, Joyce Meyer keenly looked at the audience to tell them - “life may not have been fair but I know God is fair. Stop thinking you don’t have a future because you had a bad start in life.” It is important to learn that God promises to work through each person's struggles and provide lasting freedom. When Joyce was presented with an opportunity to help her parents many years later she took it, obeying the teachings of the Bible to do good regardless of injustice. She taught that there is only one way we can overcome evil, and that’s with good. We have to learn to love. An act of love can reach out to a bitter soul and cause them to repent, she stated.

“Love and forgive the people that have hurt you ” To harbor anger is a waste of energy but there is great power in forgiveness. Joyce used the examples of Stephen, who asked God to forgive as the first stones were being cast, and Jesus who, in his greatest moment of agony, forgave. Forgive others and always have a good attitude, said Joyce, as she guided people to walk out their faith, never give up, pray bold prayers, and be happy for the blessings that others enjoy. The Bible in Ephesians 2:10 declares that we are God’s personal creation and are intended for good works and purposes. Joyce comforted each person listening that evening by telling them they are not alone in this life. “You and God are partners. He has a purpose for your life but He cannot do it without you.” We are constantly being worked on, proclaimed Joyce, and recounted the comforting story of the Potter’s House in Jeremiah 18. Move on from guilt and enjoy your life, she said, adding that the story in Jeremiah fills us with the promise that God, through Christ, will erase our old mistakes and reshape us into what we are meant to be. “I’m still growing and changing everyday!” Joyce Meyer shared. As Hillsong LIVE prepared to come back on stage to spend a few more precious minutes in worship, Joyce passionately expressed that the reason her message is being shared that night is to change lives. Our prayers should reflect a desire to change and a yearning for God to fashion us into what He wants us to be.

Sri Lanka The heart of coastal Colombo is splashed with the lush, sea-facing promenade of Galle Face Green toward which the sea breeze floats and enters into the busy commercial and financial district in the vicinity. On an evening in late January, people gathered in the thousands toward the picturesque Galle Face Green to listen to Joyce Meyer minister to the people of Sri Lanka. Pouring messages of healing into a country long in need of the anointed words of forgiveness, reconciliation and dispelling fear, Joyce Meyer was joined by speakers Dino Rizzo and Rick Bezet who both lead growing churches. Together with the Healing Place Band, whose moving worship blessed the crowds, the speakers ministered to an estimated 179,900 people at the morning conferences and the evening meetings over two days. In the capital of the island-nation Joyce's teachings ignited a willingness to learn, change and enter into a deeper relationship with Christ. But the Festival of Life is so much more than teaching. Before the event, medical staff travelled to different locations in the islandnation of Sri Lanka to conduct medical camps through Joyce Meyer Ministries world outreach Hand of Hope. By going to poverty-stricken villages and towns with free medical care, over 4,000 people were

reached with much needed medicine and treatment – an outreach that touched hearts and shined through with God’s love. Joyce Meyer Ministries brought the love of Jesus Christ to people in Sri Lanka to both heal and provide a need where people lack. In prisons across the country, over 19,800 gift packs containing essential hygiene products were distributed to prison inmates, sparking the gratitude and appreciation of everyone involved in the outreach. The love just carried on… there are still scores of people who suffer immense health complications due to the lack of clean drinking water. Joyce Meyer Ministries has a heart to provide this need through its Well of Life initiative. Freshwater bore wells were drilled in Ja-Ela, Akarawatha, Negombo and Beragala amidst cheering and smiling people, grateful that the solution to their problems finally arrived. Alongside each water pump stood a newly constructed church building; all a part of Joyce Meyer Ministries’ drive to meet physical needs and nourish all with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Festival of Life in Sri Lanka has changed the nation and opened doors for more people to follow Christ. Where fear of almost every nature previously existed, people of all ages and backgrounds have broken free and are now walking forward for the Kingdom of God.

Thailand In Bangkok, Joyce Meyer’s one day Festival of Life conference was the talk of the town! The amazing worship music of the Healing Place Band energized and prepared each individual for Joyce’s practical teaching, which draws so many to her conferences worldwide. Most of the 32,600 attendees hailed from Bangkok but thousands arrived from provinces quite a distance from the capital city. They were eager to listen to Joyce teach and made the journey to experience the incredible energy of the Festival of Life and learn from speakers Dino Rizzo and Rick Bezet. The revival-style messages by Joyce Meyer spoke wisdom, provided guidance and left the people hungry for God. Thai-translated bestsellers by Joyce Meyer such as Power Thoughts, 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life and A New Way of Living were distributed free to all who attended the conference. Applicable to daily life and enjoyable to read, Joyce’s books were a hit with the audience who kept coming back for more! A few months before the conference, Joyce Meyer Ministries world outreach Hand of Hope

arrived in Bangkok to alleviate a humanitarian crisis created by devastating floods that swept over parts of the southeastern country during the Thai monsoon season. Hand of Hope distributed close to 2,500 emergency survival kits containing essential supplies to people in and around Bangkok, whose lives and homes were destroyed. The dedicated Hand of Hope volunteers braved the waters to rescue stranded people using two rescue boats, then transported them to relief centers which served as a refuge for many who lost their homes in the severe flooding. At these temporary homes more than 600 people were given medical aid, and concerts were organized by Christian musicians to uplift spirits and give people hope for greater things to come. The people of Bangkok remembered this timely support. Hundreds who were aided by Hand of Hope’s Flood Relief arrived to the venue in droves, bringing along many others. As a result of this response scores of people dedicated their lives to Christ that evening. They experienced the love of God and heard the Good News preached by Joyce Meyer at the Festival of Life; their lives were changed forever.

Be part of an intimate conversation with Joyce Meyer about how God helped her rise above the pain and hardship of an abusive past to enjoy her daily life and positively impact so many others. Her story will touch your heart and help you realize the God-given potential of your own life. Joyce recounts her journey from extreme childhood abuse to healing and restoration. But that’s not the whole story. Joyce shares about the One Life that made it all possible—Jesus Christ—and how that one life can do the same for you. Jesus can help anyone overcome their struggles and find true freedom in their life. One Life is more than a narrative. It will help you allow Jesus to heal you and turn your pain into a message of hope. You will also discover how to renew your mind—an important step to finding true freedom.

One Life DVD: Free* Available in English and Hindi for a limited time only

Code: M13 2012 *Courier Charges ` 25/-

To order this resource, please use the enclosed order form for payment via cash, cheque or DD, or you can visit us at or call: 040 2300 6777 (Ext. 180) for more details. | MARCH 2 0 1 2 | 14


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“Is today the day I get to go home?” Deep inside the dark streets of the Red Light District of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, thousands of girls are living and working as commercial sex workers. The night a team from Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions went to visit, girl after girl asked this very question: “Is this the day I get to go home?” “Home” is one of two Ethiopia Women’s Homes sponsored by Hand of Hope in partnership with International Crisis Aid. The girls we met knew many of the girls that are currently living in the two homes. They’d heard the stories of what the homes are like, and they desperately wanted to go.


It’s probably hard for many of us to understand the life of a commercial sex worker. You may not even know how a girl ends up in this lifestyle. But as we interviewed girl after girl, a constant theme arose—poverty, deception, hopelessness and a desperate need for rescue—rescue that the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries are giving to many girls in Addis Ababa.

The Road to Human Trafficking Around the world, human trafficking can look very different. It may be the literal buying and selling of men, women and children. Sometimes they are drugged, kidnapped and forced to work as a sex slave. Sometimes they are moved in their own country, but sometimes they are removed from everything they’ve known and wake up in another country with a new identity and a horrifying new life. Others are forced into it because of bleak circumstances. In Ethiopia, at first glance, it may look voluntary. Tiny rooms line the streets of the capital city. Women stand in | MARCH 2 0 1 2 | 16

“No one chooses to be in the Red Light District. They are desperate, raped, abused and forced. .” And they all need



the doorway waiting for the next customer—a small candle and a flickering red light works as an “open for business” sign. But when you look deeper, you see these girls are bound in a completely different way than literal captivity.


There Are Lives at Stake Selamawit and Natiny are two of the girls we’ve had the opportunity to rescue. After ten months in the home, the two friends have an indescribable joy. Happy to help and very hospitable to visitors, you could never imagine what these girls have been through. Like many in Addis Ababa, their circumstances left them with no other option. Here are their stories…

They have a hard time getting business, so that means they can’t pay their rent (a little over $3 a night) or even eat.

She grew up thinking she was a curse. Her brother told her repeatedly that she was to blame for the deaths of her mother and father. In fact, many of their family members began to die after she was born. Her brother told her this so often that she started to believe it.

She received her answer one Sunday morning at Mercy Chapel…

So without any parents, and only a brother who refused to be near her, Selamawit barely had anything to eat. At nine years old, she went to a wealthy neighbor to beg for food. He gave her some bread…but he also raped her. She thought again, it must be the curse. She went to the police, but they did nothing, so with no one to care for her she ran away to Addis Ababa. For a year, she and a friend lived under a tarp on one of the main streets scraping by just to eat. That’s when a man found her living under that tarp and convinced her the only way she could survive was to work for him as a prostitute. She was only a child who should be in school, playing with her friends but was deceived to believe this was her only hope. At thirteen, she got pregnant but the baby died during delivery. Three days later the pimp had her back to work, and she became pregnant immediately. As horrible as it is in the Red Light District, it’s even worse for women who have babies. 17 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E |

So she hid her baby under the bed. But if her customers heard the baby or saw her with the baby, they would beat her and steal back the money. Life seemed to be getting harder and harder. She would cry out to God, asking if He really cared about her.

Her mother was a prostitute, so she knew this was never the life she wanted. They lived in the countryside, but her mother ended up moving to Addis. Natiny (her friends call her Nati) was happy because she knew she could spend time with her grandmother, who was very poor, but also very loving. But when her mom moved on and left her with her grandmother, Nati wanted to help provide food. She went to someone in the town who she thought could find her a job as a waitress. But she ended up in a drug house. Night after night the people in the drug house tried to convince her she could make a lot of money as a commercial sex worker. So one day she did it…and for two years, she found herself in the very lifestyle she had so desperately tried to avoid. Her new life eventually led to depression and an addiction to chat, a mild stimulant—anything to numb the reality of her life. She didn’t believe there was any hope to ever get out. That is until that Sunday morning at Mercy Chapel…

Rescue for Selamawit and Natiny Both girls had met one of the rescue home’s workers—a girl named Ethiopia—who spends a lot of time in the Red Light District befriending the girls and offering them what help is available until a spot opens up at one of the homes. Part of that help is found at Mercy Chapel, a program run entirely by International Crisis Aid, which offers vocational training to girls still in the Red Light District. One Sunday morning the girls were invited to a church service and big party. This day in July 2010 was the day the girls had been waiting for. Ethiopia shared that they would be moving into one of the rescue homes. Their lives would never be the same.

Ministries Hand of Hope, we are able to give these girls the love and affection they desperately need. And we’re giving them an opportunity for a new life. Your support is making it all possible. There are so many girls out there on the streets of Addis Ababa and around the world just waiting for the day we can finally say, “Today is your day to come home!”


Providing Lasting Change In addition to the safety and security of the home, the girls receive food, clothing, education, and vocational training in computers, sewing, T-shirt printing, cooking and more. They also attend church and worship services and experience the love of Jesus Christ in a personal way. The girls are discovering the plans of God and how much He truly loves each and every one of them. Selamawit discovered that God truly does care for her. She now knows she is not a curse but a child of God. Nati broke free from her addictions and even though she used to think she had no hope for the future and was of no use to anyone, she now holds on to God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV). Our heart and desire is to rescue many more girls like Selamawit and Nati and help every one of them experience the future God had planned for them from the very beginning. We also pray they will find complete healing from the time they spent in those tiny rooms on the dark streets of Addis Ababa.

You’re Rescuing Girls So maybe you don’t understand how these girls end up in this “profession.” We asked Nati what she wanted people to understand about the estimated 40,000 girls living and working in the Red Light District. “No one chooses to be there. None of them are there willingly. They are desperate. They’re raped, abused and forced. And they all need love and affection.”

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

Thanks to the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries and the special world missions donations made to Joyce Meyer | MARCH 2 0 1 2 | 18



Take Your Mouth in a Different Direction and See What Happens

DEAR FRIEND, When I write something, I trust you know that I use words I believe God would use to inspire you… to cause you to believe, to dream, to take hold of what He has given you and to enjoy it. The words I write are the words I would speak directly to you if we had the privilege of having coffee together. Words have great power, and because of this, you have more power than you know. You have more influence than you realize. You don’t have to be the boss, you don’t have to have an impressive title, be famous or smart. All you need is the ability to speak. With our mouths we can encourage or discourage, we can inspire or insult, we can dream or doubt. There is incredible power in our words. The Bible is filled with promises about how our words set the course of our life. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, The tongue has the

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power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (NIV). This potential for both life and death—for blessing and cursing—is what makes the mouth so potent. And the hard truth is, we are responsible for what comes out of our mouths. We’re the ones who choose what we do with our words. With everything that’s happening in the world today, it’s easy to find death, cursing and negativity everywhere—on the news, in line at the grocery store, at your local coffee shop, in the break room at work… Grumbling, blaming and name-calling are commonplace, and far too often, among Christians. I believe it’s absolutely critical for us to change the course of our lives. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to take our mouths in a different direction. Imagine if all your words for the past twentyfour hours had been recorded and turned into

LOVE WALK renew your life through words

a transcript. How would it read? Would there be more life than death? Would it include words filled with life that build others up? How much of it would contain grumbling, complaining or even name-calling? It’s important to remember that what comes out of your mouth reveals who you really are. This is a real test of maturity as a follower of Christ. As you examine your words, it may be a reality check for you…but there is hope! I want you to focus on speaking words of life and blessing. I want you to build up, not tear down. And I want to encourage you with the great news that when you change your words, you change your life! Dave and I learned this a few years ago. We’re still growing and getting better, but we discovered that our lives were very different when we started each day saying, God, I bless this day in Jesus’ name. I bless my spouse, my

Mind, Mouth, Moods & Attitudes The words we speak are containers of power. They affect our moods, attitudes, health and our level of joy. Our mind, our mouth, our moods and our attitudes are like links of a chain – they are tied closely together and affect one another tremendously. These messages will help you harness the power of your words to generate positive results.

children, my grandchildren, my friends, our partners, the people I work with, my neighbors, and every person I meet today. If we would use our words to bless every person we come into contact with…every person we speak to…then we could change our lives and the lives we touch.

“ Words have great power, and because of this, you have more power than you know.” It may sound crazy, but it’s possible. It’s not about whether it’s too hard; it’s really about whether or not it’s a priority for us. And the truth is, if we’ll make blessing others with our words a top priority in our lives, I guarantee you God will see to it that we’re blessed too! If you’ll prayerfully study the power of your words and apply these truths to your life, I promise you will enjoy the fruit of taking your mouth in a new direction and changing the course of your life. A good way to start this would be to get my resource called The Power of Words. Dave and I want you to know how much we appreciate you and what a great blessing you are to our lives and to this ministry. Let me take this moment to encourage you with words of life: Your prayers and generous support are making a lasting difference as you bring joy to hurting people and to God’s heart. Thank you so much for encouraging us as we pursue people and offer them hope. We couldn’t do it without you. We love you deeply,

` 100/Code: M14 2012 Auidio-CD teaching by Joyce Meyer

Dave and Joyce Meyer

World Missions

T V BROADCAST Summary Joyce ministers the life-changing truth of God’s Word through world-wide conferences.

Feb 27th - June 03rd ’2012 | DAILY TELECAST

The Joy of Believing Emotional Healing February 27th to March 4th April 16th to 22nd The Bible tells us that simple, childlike believing will Do not be discouraged by a mess in your life. Our mess can increase our joy and peace. We should be happy on purpose become our ministry, our miracle, or our message. We need because Jesus died and paid a price. We’re the light of the to feel right about ourselves and embrace who we are by world so we need to turn on the bulbs and let the world know exercising the Fruit of the Spirit within us and destroying that we’re happy! addictive behavior. Godly Habits The Law of First Things March 5th to 11th April 23rd to 29th One of the best ways to live effective lives is through our Spend time with God! We spend hours in front of the television habits. We need to break old patterns of living and form new or playing our favorite sport – without any hesitation. Give habits that reflect Christ. We can handle difficult situations God a place of importance in your life by constantly praying, and create good, Godly habits by saying no to the flesh and studying the Word and thinking about God, and things will saying yes to God! start working in your life. Rise Above Conflict March 12th to 18th

We live amidst bickering, anger and strife in this world. But we who call ourselves the children of God are called to live the narrow path (Matthew 7:13-14) – the life that Jesus wants for us. Humility is not easy to come by, but it is perhaps the greatest Christian virtue to develop in our lives. The Secret to Freedom March 19th to 25th

Knowing God April 30th to May 6th

God loves you unconditionally and always will. The Apostle Paul prayed for us to have a revelation of God’s love, and for us to experience it for ourselves. God is faithful and if you invite Him into your lives, He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

Joyce with Brian Houston May 7th to 13th We can have real freedom in life by believing God and Brian Houston, pastor of Hillsong Church, joins Joyce to talk trusting what His Word says. Obeying God and having self about decisions, and how they can set you onto the right control will open up new ways of living and experiencing course to build your life. Learn about controlling your feelings freedom from the pitfalls of life. By having a personal instead of them controlling you, and the healing power of relationship with Jesus Christ, we can be free to be all we forgiveness. can be! Look Great, Feel Great Walking in Love May 14th to 20th March 26th to April 1st You can both look great and feel great! Value yourself and You must refuse to live in guilt, shame, blame or condemnation because it is not God’s will. Living a victorious life comes by having faith and walking in love. Be determined in your spirit and God will help you do great things in your life.

learn about how to live a healthy lifestyle, handle stress and feel better. Dr. Don Colbert joins Joyce to discuss good health in an easy to understand manner and talk about how God wants us to take care of our physical bodies.

True Worship April 2nd to 8th

Release Your Faith May 21st to 27th Joyce Meyer talks to Darlene Zschech and Jacque Deshetler Life can be a real struggle. So Jesus gave us faith. Simple, about the importance of praise and worship in our walk with childlike faith helps us break out of what’s weighing us down God. Worship is far more than music and song; it is every and into peace, righteousness and joy in Christ! The moment man, woman and child serving God from the depths of their you decide to trust God in everything, your problems are on hearts. its way to being solved. More than Conquerors April 9th to 15th

Making Right Choices May 28th to June 3rd No matter what comes your way, you can overcome any We make plenty of choices everyday. Jesus set us free to problem through faith in Christ. God has given you armor, choose our actions, words and thoughts wisely so we don’t end so have confidence in yourself and the capabilities God has up with regret. Each choice we make is the seed that we sow given you. You are more than a conqueror through Christ, and reaping an abundant harvest means choosing wisely so who loves you. God can release power and peace into our lives.





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06:00 - 06:30 am

Monday - Friday


Broadcast Schedule

Television Broadcast in India

Radio Broadcast

Radio Station




All India Radio (India)

09:30 am

All Days

Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi & Bengali

Television Broadcast in Other Asian Countries






CGN TV (Korean)

03:00 - 03:30 pm

Mon, Wed & Fri

English (Korean Subtitles)



05:00 pm & 02:30 am

Friday & Monday

English (Korean Subtitles)



10:30 am & 10:30 pm

Mon, Wed & Fri

English (Korean Subtitles)


CTN Network

05:00 - 05:30 am

Wed - Sun



Sri Lanka - TNL

05:30 - 06:00 am

Monday - Friday


Sri Lanka

Nepal - 1

06:00 - 06:30 am

Monday - Friday



Channel - 11

03:30 - 04:00 pm




CH 11 / Cmai - Chiangmai

04:00 - 04:30 pm

Wed, Fri & Sat



Dara TV

09:00 - 09:30 pm

Monday - Friday




06:00 - 06:30 am

Monday - Friday



This schedule is subject to change. For stations and program times in your area, check your local listing or log on to | MARCH 2 0 1 2 | 22

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