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TUMBLER SPOON KIT�������������������������������
The VMC® Tumbler Spoon has a unique “knuckle” bend that offers a slow tumbling action� Small attractor blade adds additional flash and sound when coming in contact with the spoon and hook. Holographic VMC® Ultra Glow colors lasting up to 15 minutes, UV finishes, natural baitfish patterns and holographic eye�
129521 129522
Prod. No Factory Code Name MSRP € Pcs Barcode
129521 TMS112GUV3 Tumbler Spoon Kit #12 2,4gr Glow UV 3-pack 13�95 4 043193 148548 129522 TMS112L3 Tumbler Spoon Kit #12 2,4gr Live 3-pack 13�95 4 043193 130468