You are a pioneer… a ground breaker… a leader - because you’ve signed up for an event with no precedent and that is something we really respect. As an inaugural event we’re all pushing the frontiers and trying something new, knowing that it broadens our horizons and challenges us in ways we’ve not experienced before. And isn’t that just OH SO EXCITING!
If you’ve signed up for this event then I’ll bet you like an adventure, you like seeing new lands, meeting new people and falling asleep at the end of the day exhausted and satiated. Well all those points are guaranteed because we will stray off the marked route and we will traverse a wild, rugged and incredibly beautiful part of Australia. We will make new friends from across the country and form lifelong connections with one another through the adversities (and rewards!) to come. And have no doubt, we will definitely fall asleep at the end of each day having drained our legs but quenched our souls because of it all. This is what LIFE IS ALL ABOUT.
We encourage you to take it all in and make the most of these opportunities, but more than anything else we encourage you to connect with one another. We are similar folk so I encourage you to chat at the checkpoints, talk on the trails and be festive at the finish lines because the camaraderie between us will make this event truly special. HAVE A GREAT RUN.
This event program is your event bible – read it carefully – and get ready for an amazing experience in the Great Southern.
The Great Southern Stage Run will be one of the most beautiful tracks participants have traversed before. Athletes will journey through the majestic forest that is the Valley of the Giants, cross the stunning coastline of Albany with its untouched beaches and crystal clear ocean before passing through Torndirrup Peninsula.
Whether in a relay or tackling the task solo, each participant will experience a unique and wonderful adventure of the captivating Great Southern. Rapid Ascent is delivering a thorough and fantastic event that encapsulates the beauty of our region and offering participants the chance to take in the natural wonder of the landscape.
I welcome you to the Great Southern and wish all competitors the best of luck for their journey ahead. Enjoy being in nature, amongst the beautiful and rugged coastline of our region and discover why they call it, Amazing Albany.
1:00pm – 5:30pm Competitor registration – Walpole Recreation Centre
4:30pm Mapping session (helping runners get the maps onto your phone)
5:30pm Competitor Briefing – Walpole Recreation Centre
6:30pm Event Welcome dinner – Walpole Hotel
5:30am STAGE 1 START – at Valley of the Giants, Walpole
7:00pm Stage 1 presentations – Coalmine Camp and online
5:30am STAGE 2 START – Parry Beach campsite, Parry Rd
6:00pm Stage 2 presentations – at Kennedy Camp and online
6:00am – 10:30am Staggered STAGE 3 STARTS * – Kennedy Camping Centre, Perkins Beach Rd
4:00pm – 6:00pm Finish line BBQ then presentations – at Camp Quaranup
6:30pm onwards Unofficial celebrations and afterparty at Wilson Brewing Co.
* Day 3 race start times will be staggered with slower runners / teams starting first and faster runners / teams starting later. Start times for runners / teams will be confirmed after the conclusion of day 1.
1:00pm to 5:30pm on Wednesday 16th November at the Walpole Recreation Centre, LOT 2 Latham Ave, Walpole.
• SOLO runners: all solo runners must attend registration in person.
• TEAMS: Ideally all teammates attend registration in person together. If not possible then at least a representative of each team must attend.
At registration you will receive
• Number plate. Fix your large personalised number plate to the front of your race shirt. Fix your small personalised number plate to the back of your backpack. Number plates must be visible at all times.
• Support vehicle sticker
• Printed copy of this event program
• Event t-shirt and hat
• Collect any pre-purchased merchandise items
All runners (all solos and all team members) must get their mandatory gear checked off either before or during competitor registration. This will include the presentation of all items listed as mandatory on page 26 of this event program and on the website. Gear check options are as follows:
• At the event – at the Walpole Recreation Centre during registration
• Before the event - at the Tribe and Trail retail store located at 235 Railway Parade, Maylands, available from Tuesday 2nd November until Monday 14th November.
Gear can be checked with the following conditions:
• Solo runners must present their own gear to be checked during registration
• Team runners:
• The equipment for each team member must be checked.
• Teammates can check in the equipment for other teammates not in attendance
• Teammates can go separately to get their gear checked, but the gear for all ALL teammates must be checked before you complete registration at Walpole.
5:30pm on Wednesday 16th November at the Walpole Recreation Centre. Attendance is mandatory for all solo runners and at least one team member from each team. We welcome all support crews and spectators to attend as well.
Runners on the course must carry a GPS tracker (provided by Rapid Ascent), with one tracker issued per team and one per solo runner. The GPS tracker is the relay baton for teammates and must be transferred from one runner to the next at all checkpoints
Notes about the trackers:
• We will issue trackers to runners 20 minutes before the race start on Thursday morning at The Valley of the Giants.
• The trackers will be turned on when you receive them and they can be LEFT ON for the 3 day duration of the event. DO NOT TURN THEM OFF! They will only broadcast your position while you are on the course – they will go ‘silent’ once you finish through until the following day’s start time.
• The trackers work best when located near the top of your pack or on your shoulder strap (they broadcast your position via the mobile phone towers in the area, so when they are not in reception they store up your position data and upload it when back in range), do not bury deep in your running pack.
• The trackers have an SOS function where they will send an SMS with your location to Race Management. This may be activated by pushing and holding the big square button on the front of the device – but only do this if you need URGENT AND IMMEDIATE HELP.
• The trackers are approximately the size of a matchbox and weigh only 72 grams!
• Teammates, supports crews and spectators around the world can watch the race unfold in real time by tuning in to the live tracking map here: http://live.trackmelive.com.au/GSSR2022/
We are excited to have a local professional photographer Marco Noe and his colleague from Noeko Films with us for the duration of event. They will capture you in action each day, then process and upload photos to a shared google drive each night – FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD AND SHARE FOR FREE!! You are welcome to download the shots you like and then share them whenever suits you.
NOTE: The photographers will try to get a few photos of each person across the entire event so please be patient if they miss you on one day! Please tag #GreatSouthernStageRun @RapidAscent and @noeke.film for any public usage of these images
Photos will be available from here: https://tinyurl.com/2hcn5vs7 to access all photos via separate drop box folders.
There will be an onsite medical team to provide assistance to any runner needing medical care. The medical team will consist of paramedics and first aiders and will move along the course from checkpoint to checkpoint.
If you need assistance it is highly preferrable if you can come to them at the checkpoints yourself. If you are incapacitated or have an any level of emergency out on the course then contact race management (easiest way is to call us – our numbers are on the back of the number plates) and we will come to your aid.
John Jacoby: 0408 035 261 and Sam Maffett 0400 001 786
The results will be uploaded to the Great Southern Stage Run website after each day’s racing and will also be printed and posted to the event notice board at the camp accommodation each night.
The day 3 start order and timings, along with any potential event changes and race updates made after the event has started will be communicated as follows:
• posted to the Great Southern Stage Run participants chat group on Facebook We strongly encourage all event attendees to join this group
• posted to the homepage of the event website
• advised at the presentations each evening (in person and online – see below)
• advised at the start line each day
Potential changes may include adjustments to the schedule, the course or other significant amendments. It is up to you to ensure you have checked for any changes that may relate to you (although we obviously hope that no changes will need to be made at all!).
Welcome dinner - Wednesday 16th November. Walpole Hotel, Cnr. Boronia Street and South Western Highway, Walpole. Tel: 08 9840 1023
Runners and supporters are encouraged to head to the Walpole Hotel for an informal dinner in their spacious restaurant around the woodfire either prior to the competitor briefing or straight afterwards. This will be a great way to meet other runners, eat some solid carbs and get into the swing of the event.
They will host 2 dinner sittings for GSSR attendees: Sitting 1: 5:00pm – 6.30pm and then Sitting 2: 7:30pm –8:30pm max 60 people per sitting. It will be a set menu with Lasagne, a variety of pastas with vegetarian and meat based sauce options, salad, garlic bread and a choice of dessert for $35 per person. PLEASE BOOK AHEAD to secure a spot and so they can cater for numbers via: walpolehotelmotel@bigpond.com
Meals at the mid event camps – Kennedy Camp and Camp Quaranup. The following meals will be provided to those who are staying in Kennedy Camp and Camp Quaranup. Meals available only to those staying in each respective camp
• Friday 18th: dinner from 6:00pm onwards
• Saturday 19th: breakfast from 5:00am + dinner from 6:30pm onwards
• Sunday 20th: breakfast from 7:00am
Further details on the camps and all provisions are includes on page 29
We will conduct a simple presentation ceremony after day 1 and day 2 to read the results, share a few stories and share any updates. The nightly presentations will be conducted as follows
• Day 1: 7:00pm Thursday 17th – in person at the Coalmine Camp recreation room AND broadcast live on the Great Southern Stage Run participants chat group on Facebook
• Day 2: 6:00pm Friday 18th – in person in the Kennedy Camp dining hall AND broadcast live on the Great Southern Stage Run participants chat group on Facebook
Final finish line - BBQ and presentations
Camp Quaranup, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Saturday 19th November
We will operate a BBQ at the day 3 finish line at Camp Quaranup as a final celebration of your achievements. All runners will finish in close proximity to one another (due to the handicap starts) the finish line will be full of enthusiasm and post-race satisfaction with an awesome atmosphere. Wilson Brewery is giving all event attendees a FREE BEER! (runners and support crews) and we’ll provide a hamburger and sausage for all attendees and then wrap up the event with the final presentations.
Post race dinner and beers at Wilson Brewing Co. (Unofficial function)
Our official beer sponsor, Albany local Wilson Brewing Co. welcomes everyone to their Brew Pub for an unofficial function to help you continue your celebrations. They’re a family friendly venue with a pub menu and plenty of local beers on tap. They have a 50 person capacity so get in quick – or pick up some supplies on your way past. Located at 47768 South Coast Hwy, Albany.
Looking for dinner before / during /after the race then drop into the WilsonBrewery’s Brew Pub and support ourlocal event sponsor.Located at: 47768 South Coast Hwy,Albany.
The course each day is divided into 4 legs, with a checkpoint (CP) at the end of each leg. This is where teammates change runners and the only place where runners (solos and teams) may receive outside assistance from support crews, team mates or race officials. CPs are the centre pieces of this event and will be something of a travelling circus as we all move from one CP to the next each day.
CPs will be busy!! (especially CP1 each day) with cars coming and going, teams waiting for their mates, runners coming through and the general public also in the mix. A good dose of COMMON SENSE and PATIENCE will help everyone at CPs and we urge event attendees to think of one another and of the event as a whole rather than just about themselves – this is especially relevant to parking. Many CPs have limited parking and you may end up parking 1-2km away from the CP itself so be prepared to walk (with all items needed in backpacks) and park sensibly and as directed.
Team mates may only transition to their next runner at the specific CP marquee, and must HAND OVER THE GPS TRACKER as the relay baton. Teams may not transition to another team mate anywhere else along the course without the approval of Race Officials.
Support crews and teammates can only provide assistance to your runner within 100m of the CP marquee. Runners may go back to sit in your vehicle and ‘take a breather’ on a chair but MUST return to the course at the CP marquee. Supporters are welcome to bring your own food, water and supplies for runners (and CP volunteers love the odd cuppa tea!) and hang out around the CP marquee.
Runners receiving support or collecting pre-planted items more than 100m away from a CP will receive a 30min penalty.
Rapid Ascent will provide the following items at checkpoints – available to all runners (but especially solos):
• Water
• Tailwind – premixed at a strength of 200cals per 500ml
• Lollies
• Fruitcake
• Fruit – bananas and oranges
• Fruit buns or scrolls or donuts
• CLIF Bars (some)
• Chips / BBQ shapes
There are toilets at every checkpoint and start / finish line.
Due to limited amount of car parking at the majority of CPs we will issue one support vehicle sticker to each team and each solo entrant at registration. Please car pool and minimize the number of cars going to each CP, and attach the support vehicle sticker to the top left (passenger side) windscreen of the single car that is going to each CP so we know who’s car is who’s. Any additional vehicles should be kept to an absolute minimum and park well away from CPs if they have to attend.
Here are the specific details of each checkpoint, start and finish line. Driving directions to each CP are provided, along with specific Google Maps location names and URLS to enter into your phone. Alternatively click this link https://tinyurl.com/65m22mnx which provides all CP locations on the one map. Please following the parking instructions and be careful not to park people in. Two way access must be maintained at all locations.
Name: Valley of the Giants
Address: Valley of the Giants Road, Tingledale.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/428s356u
Driving / parking directions: Access along Valley of the Giants Road. Park in the main and overflow car parks.
Notes: This is the official race start - arrive at least 30mins before race start. Coffee will be available from the van in the carpark!
Name: Conspicuous Cliff car park
Address: Southern end of Conspicuous Beach Rd.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Conspicuous Cliff’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/yrr6dsac. 20mins drive from the start.
Driving / parking directions: Turn off the South Coast Highway and drive south on Conspicuous Beach Rd to the car park at the end. We will overflow from the car park so park on the left hand side of the road - 2 WAY ACCESS must be maintained.
Notes: This is a spectacular spot. Make sure you walk to the lookout at the top of the nearby hill.
Name: Peaceful Bay
Address: Peaceful Bay Rd.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Peaceful bay swimming beach public toilets’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/ yjh8df5j. 15mins drive from CP1.
Driving / parking directions: Drive along the South Coast Highway and turn right (south) onto Peaceful Bay Rd. The checkpoint is at the public toilets that access the swimming beach (it is not at the jetty or boat ramp area). We will overflow from the car park so park on the left hand side of the road or along East Ave. 2 WAY ACCESS must be maintained
Notes: Visit the Peaceful Bay Caravan Park 300m away on East St for any supplies, coffee or food.
Name: Boat Harbour Beach
NOTE ABOUT ACCESS: Access to the actual location of the CP at Boat Harbour Beach is limited to 4WD VEHICLES ONLY as the last 5km of the road is very sandy and rough. If you have a 4WD and are confident driving in then you are welcome to do so. If you do not have a 4WD we have chartered a 4WD bus to do shuttles runs in / out over the last 5km of the road to give you access. Park your 2WD car at ‘Boat Harbour Camp’ and catch the shuttle from there. Runners will be given priority in the 4WD shuttle (as opposed to spectators). Allow at least 45mins from arriving at the camp to get into to CP on the shuttle. If support crews with 4WD’s can also assist ferrying people in / out (if needed) that would be appreciated.
Address: The CP is located at the southern end of Boat Harbour Rd. The car park address for 2WD vehicles is Boat Harbour Camp, 171 Boat Harbour Rd.
Google maps address: CP address: ‘Boat Harbour Beach’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/52pwzzkf. The 2WD car parking is called ‘Boat Harbour Camp’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/3echn6c8 30mins drive from CP2
Driving / parking directions: Drive along the South Coast Highway and turn right (south) onto Boat Harbour Rd. The camp is part way along this road and the CP is at the end of this road (4WD only)
Notes: Accessing this CP is part of the adventure of this event – it’s a SPECTACULAR spot!
Name: Parry Beach.
Address: Parry Rd.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Parry Beach Campsite’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/4t8u5mat 25mins drive from CP3.
Driving / parking directions: Drive along the South Coast Highway and turn right (south) onto Parry Rd. The finish line is on the beach at the end of the road, just past the ‘reception’ for the Parry Beach Campsite. Park in the gravel car park at the end of the road or along the side of Parry Rd. DO NOT park in the campsite. 2 WAY ACCESS must be maintained
Notes: The Parry Beach Campsite is a busy campsite with many general public and fisherman. Please do not drive into or block access to the campsite(s).
Name: Parry Beach (the same as Day 1 finish line). – See above
Name: Lights Beach carpark
Address: Southern end of Lights Beach Rd.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Lights Beach’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/2mzdxtrs 25mins drive from start.
Driving / parking directions: Drive along the South Coast Highway and turn right (south) onto Lights Rd. Drive for 8.3km and then turn right onto Lights Beach Rd. We will overflow from the car park so park on the left hand side of the road - 2 WAY ACCESS must be maintained.
Notes: This is a spectacular spot and a great location for a mid morning swim?!
Name: Denmark Rivermouth Caravan Park
Address: Inlet Drive, Denmark.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Denmark Rivermouth Caravan Park’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/ys77pz7r 20mins drive from CP1.
Driving / parking directions: From Lights Beach, turn right onto Lights Rd then turn left at the T intersection and continue along Ocean Beach Rd into Denmark. Turn right onto South Coast Highway and a short distance later right onto Hollings Rd which leads to the rivermouth. There is limited parking in the caravan park itself so we recommend parking on Inlet Dr and walking to the CP.
Notes: Make sure you support the local businesses and stop in Denmark for a coffee or other supplies. The caravan park also has a well stocked café. Leg 3 runners start by catching a ferry 20min across Wilson Inlet from this CP.
Name: Lowlands Beach
Address: Tennessee Rd S.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Lowlands Beach’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/2p988dv5 30mins drive from CP2
Driving / parking directions: From CP2 drive back through Denmark and 17km along the South Coast Hwy. Turn right onto Lower Denmark Rd for 4km then right into Tennessee Rd S and follow this to the road end. Watch for runners on the road for the last 500m to the checkpoint. We will overflow the car park at the end so park on the left hand side of the road - 2 WAY ACCESS must be maintained.
Notes: This is truly a spectacular spot, make sure you walk down to the beaches below. The CP itself will be in the car park next to toilet block.
Name: Kennedy Camping Centre
Address: 359 Perkins Beach Rd, Albany.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Kennedy Camping Centre’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/32scvntk 20mins drive from CP3.
Driving / parking directions: From CP3 drive back to Lower Denmark Rd and turn right. Proceed for
12.9km then right into Perkins Beach Rd. The Camp is at the end of the road. NOTE: you cannot drive to Kennedy Camp via Cosy Corner, you must go via Perkins Beach Rd. Those staying at Kennedy Camp will be given priority to park within the Camp, others may have to park on the side of the rd.
Notes: Runners come along the beach then along a short single track to the finish on the grass. There is a great lookout from the hill just above the camp where you can see them coming.
Name: Kennedy Camping Centre (the same as Day 2 finish line). – See above
Name: Albany Wind Farm
Address: Southern end of Sand Patch Rd.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Albany Wind Farm’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/mr35rbt4 35mins drive from the start.
Driving / parking directions: Return to Lower Denmark Rd and turn right and drive along its full length nearly to Albany. Turn right for 3.4km along Frenchman Bay Rd then turn right onto Princess Ave / Sandpatch Rd and follow to road end. We will overflow from the car park so park on the left hand side of the road - 2 WAY ACCESS must be maintained. CP is at southern end of carpark
Notes: Despite being man-made infrastructure the windmills have a certain power and awe about them. Go for an explore around the info walk while waiting.
Name: Panorama Caravan Park
Address: 71 Panorama Rd, Big Grove
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Panorama Caravan Park’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/2p9yephn 15mins drive from the CP1.
Driving / parking directions: From CP1 return to Frenchman Bay Rd and turn right, proceed for 5.5km then turn left into Panorama Rd. The Caravan Park is at the end of this road. A few cars can park in the caravan park itself whilst the rest of us can park along the side of the Panorama Road. Watch for runners on Panorama Rd as they leave the CP.
Notes: You can pick up supplies from the General Store and Petrol station at Little Grove on the way past.
Name: Frenchman’s Bay Beach
Address: The end of Frenchman Bay Rd
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Frenchman’s Bay Beach Parking’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/p2kj9wd8 10mins drive from the CP2.
Driving / parking directions: From CP2 return Frenchman Bay Rd and turn left and drive 9.6km to the road end. Do not turn left onto Vancouver Rd but continue to the road end. The CP is in the gravel car park beside the water. Watch for runners on Panorama Rd and for 4.5km along Frenchman Bay Rd as runners go along the road.
Notes: Stop at The Gap and Natural Bridge on your way past (it’ll take you 30mins to drive and visit but it’s well worth it!).
Name: Camp Quaranup
Address: The end of Quaranup Rd, Vancouver Peninsula.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Camp Quaranup’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/29syz5k6 20mins drive from the CP3.
Driving / parking directions: From CP3 drive back along Frenchman Bay Rd for 6.5km then turn right into Quaranup Rd, Watch for runners for 1.5km along the start of Quaranup Rd AND at the far end of Quaranup Rd near the camp as runners go along the road. Continue to the end of Quaranup Rd and park along the roadside as there is very limited parking at the camp.
Notes: This is the ultimate finish line and a place of true celebration. There’s a free beer, burger and pat on the back for all attendees (runners and supporters)! WELL DONE.
The Great Southern Stage Run (GSSR) delivers a life changing odyssey for all runners with a challenging 200km course through a wild and untouched landscape. You will start amongst the Tingle and Karri trees at the Valley of the Giants in Walpole and then traverse an incredible array of Great Southern landscapes en-route to the spectacular finish line on the Torndirrup Peninsula at Albany. This is a journey that you’ll never forget.
The course includes plenty of variety from start to finish, from sandy trails winding through the dunes to rock hopping around the coastline – runners should be prepared for all of this and everything in between.
The course is nearly all single track, interspersed with sections of double track, a few dirt roads and about 7km of asphalt on day 3. The course is only ever flat when running along a beach, otherwise it is almost always undulating with short uphills and downhills as it traverses the hinterland. These hills are not long or steep (other than Mt Hallowell on day 2), but taxes your legs by the end of the day.
There is a moderate amount of sand on the course but on the whole the sand is A LOT FIRMER than the sand on the Margaret River Ultra Marathon course. Yes, there are some sections of soft sand on beaches but the sand on the single track is generally very runnable and provides for good going.
The vast majority of the course will NOT BE MARKED. Competitors must navigate your way along the course by following the GPS route downloaded to a mapping app on your phone. This is nowhere near as daunting as it sounds, the vast majority of the course is along the Bibbulmun Track which is very well marked, and where the race course deviates away from the Bib track it will be easy to follow using your phone and some common sense. It is your responsibility to ensure you follow the designated race route, especially at the points where the race route leaves the Bibbulmun Track Instructions for how to set up your phone with the maps and mapping file is on page XXX of this program.
The Bibbulmun Track is marked with their distinctive yellow triangles with the black serpent. The only section marked with Rapid Ascent course markings (red arrows and pink tape) will be on day 3 from the 25km point (mid way through leg 2 where it crosses Frenchman Bay Rd) to the finish. This section will be lightly marked for reassurance and will still require you to refer to your mapping app.
EXCEPTIONS: If you see any Rapid Ascent course markings that conflict with the GPS route on your mapping app or the Bibbulmun Track markings then the Rapid Ascent course markings take precedent and should be followed.
All runners should be aware that the trail passes through some very inaccessible and remote country that makes outside access very hard. On most stages you are on single track with the nearest 4WD track access some kilometres away - meaning that if you have an accident you may be a long way from help.
Runners need to be self-sufficient and be able to handle yourself in a remote landscape and if an accident occurs (such as a badly rolled ankle for example), you must be able to look after yourself and each other, and work independently from us to make your own way to the next checkpoint or vehicle access point.
There is good mobile phone reception along the majority of the course (especially with Telstra) so you can call race management for assistance and we will advise what to do. If you cannot contact us and truly need emergency assistance then we encourage you to follow these basic steps:
• Alert other runners / walkers that you need help. Take specific note of your location (using the Maps.ME map and course GPS route) and the name of the injured.
• Ask someone to remain with the injured whilst others continue on for help. If remaining in place, ensure you have sufficient clothing, food and water to remain outside for up to 24hrs.
• The travelling party should make their way to either the nearest checkpoint (this may be back along the way you came), or to the nearest patch of phone reception, which is often on a high point or ridgeline.
• Call the Event Manager Sam Maffett on 0400 001 786 or Race Director John Jacoby on 0408 035 261 for
assistance - please advise them of the name (or race number) of the injured person, the exact location and their condition. (These phone numbers are on the back of your number plate).
• Instructions will be given as to what to do – but may include calling a helicopter for an emergency rescue (at the patients’ expense), if any forward progression is not possible.
• If you withdraw from a stage for any reason then you MUST advise a marshal or member of the race management ASAP. This is really important as otherwise you will be assumed as missing and a search will be commenced.
• We will have a sweep runner going along behind the last runner on all stages to assist if required.
It is highly likely that all runners will see a snake(s) on the trail – and if you don’t see them they will see you. DON’T BE ALARMED they are more afraid of you than you are of them! If you see a snake on the trail then wait for it to move off rather than scaring it off or bush-bashing around it, otherwise just keep moving and stay out of one another’s way.
All runners must carry a snake bandage as part of your mandatory gear for the event, we strongly encourage you to refresh your knowledge on snake bike first aid so you are prepared. HERE is a great explanation and video on St Johns WA website.
We do not wish to scare you and we hope no major accidents occur but we want you to be aware of the risks and to be prepared in case something does happen.
There are toilets at every checkpoint in addition to every Bibbulmun Track campsite you go past and numerous other locations. If you need to go to the toilet whilst on course, move at least 15 metres from the track and away from any watercourses, make a hole at least 15cm deep and cover it up afterwards. If using toilet paper, put this in a zip lock bag and take it with you.
Here a brief description of each leg. We encourage runners to watch the separate course preview videos on the website for further details. Descriptions of each checkpoint (CP) is included in the pages above.
Start description: The race will commence with stage 1 runners gathered on the elevated tree top walkway. (This is restricted to leg 1 runners only, all others must gather in the reception area). Once started, runners MUST WALK WHILST ON THE ELEVATED WALKWAYS and can only start to run when on the ground (enjoy it – you’ve got 200km to go!). Once off the walkway, runners do a lap of the Ancient Empire Walk loop (~1km) and then commence along the Bibbulmun Track proper.
Stage 1 length and elevation gain / loss: 17km. 350m / 500m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr15 / Start time + 2h30min
Difficulty rating: Easy – good running on firm surfaces.
Note: Follow the Bibbulmun Track for the entire leg. Take care crossing the South Coast Highway at 6km pt.
You will start this leg in the towering tingle trees, running through the lush Great Southern forests then traverse (downhill) through a range of landscapes to the low vegetation of the coastline. A great way to start.
Day 1, Leg 2: Conspicuous Beach (CP1) to Peaceful Bay (CP2).
Stage 2 length and elevation gain / loss: 17.8km (35km total). 320m / 320m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr40 / Start time + 6hr
Difficulty rating: Medium – including some ‘wild running’ along the coastline
Note: After starting on the Bibbulmun Track, runners turn sharp right at the 6km point to leave the Bib Tk and descend down a sandy 4WD tk to the beach. Follow your mapping app along beaches and over rocky headlands to rejoin the Bib Track 7.5km later at the 13km pt. These turn offs will not be marked.
This is a world class adventure run, along a wild section of coast that takes you through some remote country few runners visit. (Just don’t miss the turn off the Bib Tk at 6km pt!)
Stage 3 length and elevation gain / loss: 22.5km (57km total). 360m / 360m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 2hr10 / Start time + 10hr20
Difficulty rating: Hard – this a longer leg that covers a lot of terrain with undulating single track in the second half.
Note: Follow Old Peaceful Bay Rd and Peaceful Bay Rd for 1.5km then turn right onto the Bibbulmun Track for the entire leg. At the 6km pt you must cross Kent River / Irwin Inlet in canoes. The canoes are provided and there is a race official to supervise but runners must paddle themselves 200m across the river. Runners must wear a buoyancy vest when in the boats. The race official will ferry canoes back across the river for you after you have crossed. The course also goes along 2 sections of beach, check your phones to find the turn off the second beach especially. Leg 3 runners get a lift out of the CP in the chartered 4WDs, check CP notes above.
This is another amazing run with the added adventure of the canoe crossing and running along some wild back beaches, finishing at the spectacular Boat Harbour anchorage in a wild section of coast.
Stage 4 length and elevation gain / loss: 12.5km (57km total). 270m / 270m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr15 / Start time + 12hr50 at the finish
Difficulty rating: Easy – this a shorter leg along sections of undulating single track to a rock hop at the finish.
Note: Follow the Bibbulmun Track for nearly the entire leg except the last 2km (~10km pt) where the course deviates onto the road and then the beach. Continue east along the beach and rockhop around the headland to the finish at the campground.
More spectacular running along the Bib Tk through the Quarram Nature Reserve, before a great scenic diversion to the coastline leading to day 1’s celebratory finish line. Well done!
Start description: The race commences with a mass start of all stage 1 runners on the sand at Parry Beach.
Stage 1 length and elevation gain / loss: 14km. 120m / 120m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr10 / Start time + 2hr20
Difficulty rating: Easy – good running on firm sandy beaches and wide trails.
Note: Stay on the beach where the Bib Tk turns off at the 7.2km pt, running on the sand past Greens Pool (beautiful) and then along the Munda Biddi Track past Elephant Rocks through to the Lights Beach CP.
This leg goes past some of the Great Southerns most popular landmarks with Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, to finish at the picture postcard Lights Beach. A great way to start the day.
Stage 2 length and elevation gain / loss: 14.6km. 420m / 420m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr25 / Start time + 5hr10
Difficulty rating: Medium / Hard. Crossing the highest point of the course.
Note: Follow the Bibbulmun Track for the entire leg. At the 2.7km pt you cross Lights Rd and start the challenging ascent of Mt Hallowell through the Karri Trees. Take care on the final 7kms as you wind through the streets, footpaths and tracks of Denmark, noting that all roads remain open to vehicles and other users.
Ferry proceedings: Your race time will pause as soon as you get to CP2 until you step off the ferry at the start of leg 3.
This leg is quite different to most others as you turn away from the coast and uphill, through the towering karri trees of Mt Hallowell which proves quite a contrast to the coastal / hinterland running.
Stage 3 length and elevation gain / loss: 22km. 330m / 330m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr55 running (+ ferry time) / Start time + 9hr30
Difficulty rating: Hard – At times this leg feels like a long way with a lot of variety and distance to cover.
Ferry proceedings: When your teammate / solo runner gets to CP2 your race time will pause as you wait for the ferry to pick you up and take you across Wilson Inlet. You must catch the first available ferry over (minimum 1min wait / maximum 30min wait) and cannot ‘linger ‘ in CP2 longer than necessary. Your race time will recommence as soon as you step off the ferry on the Nullaki side. Race officials will escort you onto and of the ferry (enjoy the trip!)
Note: Once off the ferry you follow the Bibbulmun Track for the entire leg. The first half is moderately flat and easy going but it turns hillier and slower as you run along some less travelled sections of the Bib Track.
This leg provides another great adventure as you cross the Wilson Inlet on a motorboat / ferry. From the Nullaki side onwards you’re passing through some remote and little visited sections of the coast that provides a great sense of journey.
Stage 4 length and elevation gain / loss: 26km. 550m / 550m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 2hr20 / Start time + 14 at the finish
Difficulty rating: Hard – the longest and hilliest leg of the entire race.
Note: Follow the Bibbulmun Track for the entire leg – until you turn off the beach 200m from the finish! This is a hard leg with a long climb to the 10km where it starts to moderate and open up, with more views to the water. The descent to Cosy Corner is magnificent. Look for the large arrow directing you off the beach and into the finish in the Kennedy Camping Centre.
The longest and hilliest leg of the race also delivers big time rewards as you traverse West Cape Howe and descend into picture perfect Cosy Corner. Day 2 done!
Start description: The race will commence with runners being set off in reverse order according to your overall time at the end of day 1. The slowest runner will start at 6:00am and the fastest at 10:30am, with all other runners being allocated starts between these times based on your day 1 result. The start order and confirmed start times will be posted to the Facebook Group pages and event website on Thursday night, and communicated to you when you finish day 2. Runners should report to the start line 30mins ahead of your start time.
Start location: on the grass in the middle of Kennedy Camping Centre (please come and cheer others off as they start!). This is the same place you finished Day 2
Stage 1 length and elevation gain / loss: 18km. 440m / 350m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr30 / Earliest start time + 3hr
Difficulty rating: Medium – good running on firm sandy beaches and trails. A few hills.
Note: Run 4.2km to the end of the beach, continue at water level for 200m past the end of the sand (doing some rock hopping until you are immediately adjacent the island) and then turn left up the stairs to follow a sandy 4WD tk. You rejoin the Bib Tk at the 6.6km pt and follow this to the CP.
Day 3 commences with a handicap start that will bring all runners together at the finish line, and stage 1 sees you running past the iconic Albany Windmills with extensive views to the south – epic!
Stage 2 length and elevation gain / loss: 12km. 150m / 240m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 55min / Earliest start time + 4hr50
Difficulty rating: Easy – good running on firm trails and footpaths. A nice downhill.
Note: Run 7.5km along the Bib Tk as it crosses the Torndirrup Peninsula (take care crossing Frenchman Bay Rd). The Bib Tk turns left and we turn right to follow some basic Rapid Ascent course markings as you wind along some streetfs, footpaths and trails into the CP.
This leg includes plenty of variety as you cross the Peninsula, leading to some pleasant (and easy) running beside Princess Royal Harbour.
Stage 3 length and elevation gain / loss: 16km. 290m / 290m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 1hr20min / Earliest start time + 7hr20
Difficulty rating: Medium – good running on roads and trails but a solid length with some hills.
Note: This leg includes a large amount of road running. All roads remain open so runners must be aware of cars and all traffic - the busiest section will be the first 4km along Frenchman’s Bay Rd. Leg 3 will be lightly marked with Rapid Ascent course markings but we encourage you to keep an eye on your mapping app as well. All runners must high-5 the marshal on the sand at Salmon Holes Beach (at the 11.5km pt) and continue along the marked and mapped course to the CP.
Despite including a fair bit of road running, Leg 3 runs the length of Australia’s Best Beach for 2022 – Misery Beach, as well as other highlights from the Torndirrup Peninsula. One leg to go!
Stage 4 length and elevation gain / loss: 10km. 190m / 190m
Expected fastest time / Cut off time: 55min / Earliest start time + 9hr40
Difficulty rating: Easy – good running on firm sandy beaches and trails
Note: Leg 4 will be lightly marked with Rapid Ascent course markings but we encourage you to keep an eye on your mapping app as well. Runners share the road with cars for 1 km at the 6.5km pt – then its some technical single track out to Point Possession and then its into the glory filled finish line at water level in Camp Quaranup. Congratulations – you’ve just finished the GSSR!
With the handicap start bringing all runners together for the finish, this entire day will be a case of catch-me-ifyou-can as all descend on Camp Quaranup to finish together. Followed by a BBQ, free beer and presentation this will be a (very) joyous occasion!
Here is a course summary table that provides estimated lastest leg times, cut off times, drive times and more.
Cut off time - stopwatch
off time of day * Drive time from previous CP
START Valley of the Giants START 0 0 530 530 20min from Walpole
CP1 Conspicuous Beach carpark 17 17 1h15min 645 start time + 2h30min 800 20min
CP2 Peaceful Bay boat ramp 17.8 34.8 1h40min 825 start time + 6h 1130 15min
CP3 Boat Harbour 22.5 57.3 2h10min 1035 start time + 10h20min 1550 25min + 45min for 4WD shuttle
FINISH Parry Beach Camp FINISH 12.3 69.6 1h15min 1150 start time + 12h50min 1820 25min
for DAY 1 69.6 6hr20 12hr50
START Parrys Beach/Camp START 0 0 530 530 40min from Walpole
CP1 Lights Beach 14 14 1h10min 640 start time + 2h20min 750 25min
CP2 Denmark Rivermouth 14.6 28.6 1h25min 805 start time + 5h10min 1040 20min Ferry Transit (~20min) ~20min 825 1100
CP3 Lowlands Beach 22 50.6 1h55min 1020 start time + 9h30min 1500 30min
FINISH Kennedy Camp FINISH 25.8 76.4 2h20min 1240 start time + 14h 1930 20min
for DAY 2
7hr10 14hr20
START Kennedy Camp START 0 0 latest start: 1030 earliest start: 600 45min from Camp Quaranup
CP1 Albany Wind Farm 18 18 1h30min 1200 earliest start time + 3h 900 35min
CP2 Panorama Caravan Park 12 30 55min 1255 earliest start time + 4h50min 1050 15min
CP3 Frenchman's Bay Beach 16 46 1h20min 1405 earliest start time + 7h20min 1320 10min
FINISH Camp Quaranup FINISH 10 56 1h10min 1525 earliest start time + 9h40min 1540 20min
for DAY 3
4hr55 9hr40
All competitors MUST set themselves up with the GPS course on a mapping app on your phone (having it just on your watch is not sufficient). The course is NOT MARKED with dedicated Rapid Ascent event markings (although the vast majority is marked with Bibbulmun Track markers).
Follow these instructions and come to the map help session at 4:30pm at rego if you need help.
On your smartphone install the MAPS.ME app. This is a free app that let you download maps and courses to live on your phone. Once the app is on your phone, download the maps for Australia (or just the Western Australia), by pressing ‘More’ at lower right and selecting ‘Download Maps’.
Visit the GSSR Course Description webpage https://tinyurl.com/2p947jmt and locate the mapping files for each day. There are seperate files for each day, with two types of files to choose from .KML and .GPX We find that the .KML works best with Maps.ME whilst .GPX files work best with Garmin mapping aps and devices.
CLICK AND HOLD the ‘.KML file’ link for 1-2sec and select ‘download linked file’ to download the file to your phone [FIG 1]. A small blue download circle and arrow will appear in either the top right corner or bottom menu bar [FIG 2], either way click the blue arrow and select ‘downloads’.
Click the appropriate file from the download list [FIG 3]. It will likely display a page of ‘coding language’ in this case then press the share button in the top right [FIG 4], then select the Maps. ME from the list of apps to open the file with [FIG 5]. This will import the file into Maps.ME.
Repeat this process for each of the 3 days to have the whole course on your phone.
Once it has downloaded into Maps.Me, the GPS track will be saved in ‘Favorites’ so open this menu and click the button to make sure it is visible [FIG 6]. There will be an orange line on the map that shows the route.
Note: it is a lot simpler if you have a Google account. (Most people do). If you do NOT have a Google account then you just need to save the file to your phone, there are a couple of ways to open from here. Follow these steps:
1. Download the file to “Downloads” folder in your phone or device
2. Open “Downloads” folder and press and hold on file you want to move to Maps.me
3. When the file is highlighted select the icon for “share via” and select “Save to Drive”
4. The document will ask if you want to “Cancel” or “Save”. Select “Save”
5. The file will be uploaded to “My Drive”
6. Tap on the file in “My Drive”, it will ask you to open it with “Maps.Me” or “Use a different app”
7. Select “Maps.Me” and it will take you to the app and you can find the file in bookmarks
1. Download the file to “Downloads” folder in your phone or device
2. Open “Downloads” folder and tap the file you wish to move to Maps.Me
3. It will ask you to open it with “Maps.Me” or “Use a different app”
4. Select “Maps.Me” and it will take you to the app and you can find the file in bookmarks
1. Download the file to “My Drive”
2. File automatically uploads to “Maps.Me” (If it doesn’t automatically upload, follow steps 6 & 7 from OPTION A)
• IMPORTANT: When in the Great Southern area before the race - open your mapping app and let it find where you are.
• The map app shows you where you are on the map and where the course is so you follow the line as displayed on the screen. Km points and some additional notes are also displayed
• Remember to have your phone battery charged and ‘Location Services’ turned on to can see where you are on the map!
• We recommend you carry an extra powerbank to ensure your phone is has power all day.
• If Maps.ME is not working no matter what you try - another app we use and like is GuruMaps which often works if you have unexplained issues with MAPS.ME.
Listed below is the mandatory gear to be carried by all runners in all stages of the Great Southern Stage Run. All the listed items must be checked off either at Race Registration or at Tribe & Trail before the race. Runners will not be able to start if any item is not deemed appropriate or is not presented. Spot checks will be completed throughout the event to ensure these items are carried whilst racing. (These items are for your own safety so please don’t leave them out or cut any corners).
Teammates may share some equipment between them (eg. first aid kit or space blanket...) provided the active team member who’s on the course has all the mandatory gear with them.
• GPS tracker. To be positioned towards the top of your backpack. The relay baton between team mates. Presented to you at day 1 start.
• Race number plate. To be worn on your front, attached to the outermost garment at all times.
• Waterproof jacket with hood and taped seams – Goretex or similar waterproof and breathable fabric is strongly recommended.
• Long sleeve thermal top – Polypropylene, wool or similar thermal fabric – not cotton, lycra or any ‘compressions’ garments.
• A beanie to keep your head warm – a Headsock or ‘Buff’ is sufficient
• Mobile phone with the course map loaded into a mapping app – see instructions below.
• First Aid Kit (minimum contents: 1 x crepe bandages, 1 x snake bite bandage, 6 x wound closure strips, 1 x triangular bandage, 2 x non stick wound dressing pads and a pair of surgical gloves. Available for sale online (Merchandise page) or at Race Registration.
• Space blanket. Available for sale (Merchandise page) or at Race Registration.
• A whistle. Available for sale (Merchandise page) or at Race Registration.
• Water container, minimum 1lt capacity (may be a water bottle or bladder in a backpack). Ensure you have capacity to increase volume as Rapid Ascent may increase minimum requirement subject to weather conditions
• A head torch sufficiently bright to light the track at least 50m ahead of you and sufficient battery power to get you to the finish line
• External power source (especially for solo runners) for your phone, if you are using the maps a lot or take a lot of photos. Note for solo runners. In an effort to conserve battery life, we strongly recommend switching phone to “low power” mode AND/OR “airplane” mode while navigating the course.
• Food and additional water / hydration…
• + the other items listed on the event website HERE
The rules listed below are current at the time of publication and may well be updated prior to the race (although the basis of the rules will stay the same):
• (all participants) must read and sign the Participant Indemnity
• Juniors only - (under 18 on race day) must have their parent or guardian advise the organisers, Rapid Ascent, of their intention to enter, must comply with the Under 18 entry requirements as published on the event website and the parent or guardian must read and sign an authorisation and indemnity.
• Competitors must follow the complete course as marked and directed. Taking shortcuts or using any unfair means of obtaining an advantage over other competitors will result in disqualification. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that the correct course is followed.
• If a runner deviates off the published route, then that runner must return to the point they left the course and then continue on the published course. No time credits will be given in this instance, unless authorized by Rapid Ascent Directors
• Competitors may only receive assistance from their support crews and/or team mates within 100m of the designated checkpoints. Runners seen receiving support or collecting pre-planted items more than 100m
away from a CP will receive a 30min penalty.
• One competitor cannot provide assistance in forward progression through physical pushing / pulling / towing, or the provision of food or drinks, or the carrying of their equipment from another competitor except in emergency circumstances.
• Teammates ARE permitted to run with fellow team members. Subject to the following conditions:
• Teammates ARE permitted to run with fellow team members. Subject to the following conditions:
• Team members MUST stay together at all times
• ‘Supporting’ team members cannot run part of a leg with their ‘competing’ team member. If running with a team mate you must run the whole leg with them
• All team members who start a leg, must finish that leg. If a ‘supporting’ team member does not finish a leg, that team will receive a DNF result.
• The runner with the slowest leg time will be used to calculate the team result for that leg – whether they are the active team member or nor. A team member waiting to depart at the next transition cannot start until all team members have finished the preceding leg.
• All team members on the course must carry all required mandatory gear on their person.
• The nominated runner for the leg must be self sufficient with hydration/nutrition and cannot receive support from their team mate.
• If you intend on running together, you must advise the checkpoint official at the start of the leg you are running together and also confirm with the checkpoint official at the end of your leg all relevant team members have completed the leg.
• Relay teams can only change over at the designated checkpoint locations – after their team mate has arrived
• Competitors’ race number must be visible at all times on the outside of your clothing (at the front and rear).
• Competitors must carry the Mandatory Gear as specified in the equipment list. A 30 minute penalty will apply for any (and every) item found missing during any random gear checks and you will not be allowed to continue until the item is replaced. You can expect random gear checks to be made during the race.
• Competitors are responsible for the actions of their support crew / team mates and may be penalised for actions or breaches of the rules by their support crew / team mates.
• Any competitor who withdraws from the race MUST notify an official. This is an essential requirement to avoid unnecessary searches being conducted and emergency services being engaged.
• All runners are permitted to lodge protests against results or decisions enforced during the event. A judging panel of three Rapid Ascent staff members will adjudicate on all protests and other contentious matters, and their decision will be final. Protests must be lodged within 30 minutes of the subject competitor crossing the finish line.
• Rapid Ascent has discretion to alter or amend the race schedule, cut off times and race rules in order to increase the safety of participants or for any other reason deemed appropriate.
The following requirements apply to relay teams and solo runners. These form part of the race rules:
• each team member must run one leg on each day of the race.
• if the team loses a member (eg. becomes injured and cannot run) they may continue in the race with 3 runners and one team member must run 2 legs each day. Provided the team complete all legs they will be listed in the results but will be ranked after all complete teams of 4.
• each team member must run at least one leg on each day of the race. At least one team member must run 2 legs each day.
• the team member(s) who runs multiple legs each day can alternate between team members across the 3 days (eg. It doesn’t have to be the same person/people every day)
• if the team loses a member (eg. becomes injured and cannot run) they may continue in the race. Provided the team complete all legs they will be listed in the results but will be ranked after all complete teams of 2 or 3.
• Solo runners must complete all legs themselves.
• if a team or solo does not complete all legs (eg. they miss a leg due to cut off, injury or other issues) they will be listed in the results in the category they entered as an unranked finisher.
• teams do not need to tell race management who is running what leg. Teams will be visible in the results and on the GPS trackers according to your team name
Cut off times are listed in the leg descriptions above. They are quoted as ‘start time + race time’ (eg. start time + 10hr20). The cut off time can be determined as the time of day that racing started plus the length of time since then (eg. Day 1 leg 3 cut off is ‘Start time + 10hr20’, so if the race starts at 6:05am the leg 3 cut off is 4:25pm). But off times are basically the same as ‘stop watch time’.
• For teams who do not make the published cut off time, the next team member will be allowed to continue at the published cut off time but will be an unranked competitor.
• Individuals who miss a cut off must miss the next leg but they may re-continue from the following checkpoint and/or re-start the next day (but remaining unranked)
• If the last cut off is missed, then competitors must make their way via alternative means to the finish line.
• If you cannot complete a leg or are forced to stop or withdraw from a leg the following procedures will be followed:
• You will now be an ‘unranked’ competitor. You will not be permitted to return to that leg but you can recommence the event with the next leg
• When you get to the next CP, advise an official that you did not complete the leg and hand over to your team mate who can continue the rest of the course
• Your team will be unranked, but you can still continue the event.
Here follows some basic information about the two designated camps where a large number of people are staying, as coordinated by Rapid Ascent.
Address: 359 Perkins Beach Rd, Albany.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Kennedy Camping Centre’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/32scvntk
Driving / parking directions: This is the same location as day 2 finish and day 3 start. Drive along Lower Denmark Rd, turn south onto Perkins Beach Rd. The Camp is at the end of the road. NOTE: you cannot drive to Kennedy Camp via Cosy Corner, you must go via Perkins Beach Rd.
Address: The end of Quaranup Rd, Vancouver Peninsula.
Google maps address: Go to: ‘Camp Quaranup’ or click: https://tinyurl.com/29syz5k6
Driving / parking directions: This is the same location as the day 3 finish. Drive along Frenchman Bay Rd and turn North into Quaranup Rd and park in the gravel car parks at the end of the road.
Please check in with the reception / camp staff when you arrive. They will explain where your room / bed / campsite is located and explain the workings of the camp. Rapid Ascent will also have staff members at both camps to assist.
If you are staying at either of the camps we need you to do these three things before 11:00am(WST) Monday 7th November:
• Confirm how many people are staying. This is so we can confirm catering and other arrangements (eg. Some groups booked a 6 bed cabin but there are only 4 people staying). All those staying at the camps must LOG INTO YOUR ENTRY on EventPlus and note how many people are staying in the ‘Registration’ field.
• If you have any dietary considerations that need to be catered for at the camps (eg. Vegetarian, gluten free…). Those with dietry considerations must LOG INTO YOUR ENTRY on EventPlus and note your requirements in the ‘Registration’ field.
• Book linen and bedding if you are not bringing your own. It is preferred if you bring your own linen and bedding (a sleeping bag is sufficient) but if this is difficult you can rent these from the camps by purchasing the linen option on THE EVENT PERCHANDISE PAGE at a cost of $20 per bed.
The following meals will be served for those who are staying in each camp. (Meals are only available for those who’ve booked into each camp – not for any and all competitors):
• Friday 18th: dinner from 6:00pm onwards
• Saturday 19th: breakfast from 5:00am + dinner from 6:30pm onwards
• Sunday 20th: breakfast from 7:00am
You need to be self sufficient for lunches and all other meals / food during these days, although we will provide basic ‘race food’ at each checkpoint. There are supermarkets at Walpole (small), Denmark and Albany.
• You must bring your own linen and bedding (eg. pillow case, sheets and a doona, or a sleeping bag and pillow case). If you cannot BYO then must rent linen + bedding as explained above.
• You must stay in the rooms / accommodation you booked. This may mean you have some spare beds in your room depending on the size of the room you booked and number of people you have.
• You are welcome to use the shared facilities as your own – dining room, grassy areas, playground and more. Please just be conscious of others.
• One of the key benefits of staying together is to socialize and meet one another, to cheer people on at the finish line and build the event camaraderie. We encourage you to maximise this opportunity.
We are excited that the Great Southern Stage Run is Australia’s only official qualifying event for the Everest 135 Extreme Race.
• PRIZE: The first place solo GSSR male and female receive a free entry to the next E135 event.
• QUALIFICATION: Solo finishers of the Great Southern Stage Run (GSSR) qualify to apply for entry to the Everest 135 Extreme Race.
The Everest 135 is an ultra-distance, high-altitude endurance race from Nepal Jiri to the Everest South Base Camp in the Himalayas. Conducted in a non-stop, self navigation format it covers a total length of 135 miles (217 kilometers) with a cumulative ascent of more than 16,000m and passes. This is a spectacular Run through a breathtaking landscape.
The course follow’s the ‘Classic EBC Route’ what was the route early explorers accessed the Everest region before the airport at Lukla was built. This is one of the most magnificent and challenging trekking routes in the Everest region and passes through some little visited valleys with traditional villages and simply breathtaking scenery. The route takes 3-4 weeks for the ordinary trekker to complete whilst runners in the Everest 135 must carry essential supplies and technical equipment and complete the course within 150 hours.
The next Everest 135 race will take place in May 2024 (having been cancelled for the last 3 years due to COVID). Event features:
• The highest 100+ mile race in the world – with the largest altitude span
• The longest non-stop running distance in the Himalayas
• The route includes three major passes, passes through the Everest base Camp and finishes at Lukla
• Attracts local Sherpa athletes as well as runners from round the World
This may be the most gruelling endurance races on the planet to date. For more information about event visit: www.everest135.com or email: info@everest135.com
The Great Southern Stage Run follows large sections of the Bibbulmun Track between Walpole and Albay. The Bibbulmun Track as a whole is one of the world’s great long distance walk trails, stretching 1,000km from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills all the way through to Albany, winding through the heart of the scenic South West of Western Australia.
The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation established to provide support for the management, maintenance and marketing of the Bibbulmun Track. They are the primary focal point for community-based support and involvement, and have primary responsibility for promoting the Track to potential walkers and maintaining the Track through the Newmont Boddington Gold Eyes on the Ground volunteer maintenance program.
We are proud to be Bronze Level sponsors of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and will make a considerable donation to support their work. We strongly encourage entrants to also make a donation to help preserve the track and its surroundings.
Then check out these other Rapid Ascent races taking place all around the country in 2023.
Otway Odyssey and Great Otway Gravel Grind presented by Focus Forrest, VIC. 25 - 26 February, 2023. www.OtwayOdyssey.com.au
The Otway Odyssey is the most respected MTB marathon in Australia, comprising 100km, 50km 30km and 10km courses through the spectacular Otway Ranges on some of the best single tracks in Australia. Sunday includes Great Otway Gravel Grind for roadies with 97km or 49km gravel grinds on gravel roads through the region’s magnificent tall timber forests.
XTERRA Dunsborough
Dunsborough WA. 1-2 April, 2023. www.xadventure.com.au
An off road triathlon event through the stunning scenery around Dunsborough in South West WA. With long course and short course options, duathlon, plus a kids triathlon, this is the biggest off-road triathlon in Australia held in adventure paradise.
Margaret River WA. 6 May, 2023. www.MRultramarathon.com.au
Providing a spectacular 80km journey for solo runners and relay teams (with up to 5 runners), the Margaret River Ultra Marathon provides runners with an incredible race in Western Australia’s Cape to Cape coastline.
Five wilderness locations within 1 hour’s drive of Melbourne, www.TrailRunningSeries.com.au Trail running races for everyone... The Trail Running Series includes 5 different race venues all within one hour’s drive of Melbourne with short (~6km) / medium (~12km) / and long (~17km) course runs through spectacular wilderness. Make sure you are part of this revolutionary series.
Alice Springs, NT. 18 - 21 August, 2023 www.TheRedback.com.au
An awe inspiring mountain bike stage race in the majestic MacDonnell Ranges of Alice Springs. With 6 racing stages over 4 days varying from a 45 second hill sprint to a 45km epic, this is MTB nirvana with plenty of flowing single track, incredible scenery and friendly camaraderie.
Alice Springs, NT. 24 - 27 August, 2023 www.RunLarapinta.com.au
A four day, four stage trail running race along the most spectacular sections of the iconic Larapinta Trail in Central Australia. Race either the Malbunka with 20km - 45km stages or the Namatjira with 10km - 30km stages for an incredible event experience.
Eagle Bay, WA, 4 - 6 November, 2023. www.EagleBayEpic.com.au
A spectacular challenge at WA’s birth place of adventure. The Eagle Bay Epic is designed as the ultimate mix of off-road adventure racing with MTB, ocean swim, kayak and trail running legs that traversing the pristine coastline in south-west, Western Australia.
Albany, WA. November 2023. www.GreatSouthernStageRun.com.au
A 3 day stage race through the wild and rugged Great Southern region of WA. Featuring a 200km course from Walpole to Albany, runners traverse a rugged coastline of remote beaches, windswept horizons and sheer granite cliffs. Designed for relay teams of 4 and some solos.
event soon.