Do You Have Freestyle Rhythm? I was talking to an up and coming freestyle rapper the other day, and he was telling me that one of his problems was his freestyle rhythm? After watching and listening, it seemed that the only part of his act that he needed to work on was his rhythm. So let's talk a little bit about rhythm today. A lot of people claim that they have no rhythm. Personally I don't believe this, because rhythm is such a part of our world. Think about it. If you are a breathing and living human being, then you have rhythm within you. As long as your heart beats, you have rhythm. Your heart beats to a certain rhythm. Do you walk, run, skip or jump? Then you have rhythm. Think about how your rhythms change. Think about what affects those rhythms. One thing that can truly affect your internal rhythms is your emotional state. Look at how your heartbeat races if you are excited or scared or are surprised about something. Look at how your heartbeat slows down if you decide to sit in the lounge chair to relax and watch TV. Let's talk about your walking, running or skipping. Sometimes you may walk at a brisk pace. Maybe you are headed to something that you don't really want to do. In this case you may be moving at a slower pace or rate. These are all examples of how every person has a natural rhythm inside of them. Now that we have established the fact that you do have rhythm, let's correlate that to your freestyle experience. When you freestyle you must remember that you do this over instrumental beats. So take a lot of time and listen to the instrumental beats until you can hear them in your head. While you are listening to the beats, try to move to them. Don't worry about how you look. Just allow your body to move to the beats. The more you practice just moving to the instrumental beats, the more you will feel the freestyle rhythm As you feel and hear the rhythm add your freestyle lyrics to the beat. Learn more about freestyle rapping at: Do You Have Freestyle Rhythm?, Copyright 2010 by