How to Write a Melodic Line in Your Freestyle Raps That Will Not Be Forgotten Are you trying to write a melodic line in your freestyle raps that people will remember years from now? If this is what you are looking for, then let's look at some tips that can help to propel toward that goal. Two things that you want to make sure that your melody does is to keep the listener interested and constantly listening. A couple ways of making this happen is to use a mixture of variety and repetition. You want to make sure that you don't repeat your phrase too much or your listener will get bored. If you don't have some repetition, then it is like getting in the car and driving aimlessly wherever the car takes you to. A couple of good technique that will let you do this is to vary your melodic phrases and your rhythmic patterns. With your melodic phrases, you want to vary the length of them. You could use two long melodic phrases and then one short. You could use two short or one long. Vary your patterns throughout the song, but at the same time use some repetition of those phrase patterns. You can do the same things with your rhythms. You can develop a rhythmic pattern that varies the length of time that the notes are held or repeats the length of time that the notes are held, but uses different notes. There are a lot of different rhythmic patterns that can be created, repeated and then changed. Just take four notes like C, D, E, and F. Look at the different ways that you can arrange those notes. Now add in four different types of notes like quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes and whole notes. Now you have several more combinations that you can use. This is just for four notes. Now imagine the patterns that you can arrange if you have 8 or 16 or 32 notes to work with. Use these steps and create yourself a dynamic melodic line in your freestyle raps. If you want to learn more about writing freestyle rap lyrics then go to:
How to Write a Melodic Line in Your Freestyle Raps That Will Not Be Forgotten, Copyright 2010 by