Rap Beat Maker Tips - Make Your Own Beats

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Rap Beat Maker Tips - Make Your Own Beats http://www.FreestyleMethod.com If you want to learn how to become a great rap beat maker, then read this. You will learn how to make your own beats for hip hop and rap music. When you mix your beats, you can use samples or you can use synthesizers to make your sounds the way you want them to sound. In our article today, we are going to look at 4 techniques that will help you in the mixing of your beats. 1. Just pay attention to the mix - When you are mixing, only concentrate on the mix. You are not doing any of the mastering at this point in the making of your CD process. Remember that at this point your job is to mix the various drum sounds, the different rhythms and the melodies. Your mix will be based on how you use your different effects and the way that you put different filters on the different sounds. 2. Look for your unique sound. - If you listen to a lot of different rap songs, listen for that special sound that makes your beats unique. It is very important to listen to a lot of different sounds. Find the sound or the combination of sounds that will set your beats apart from other rap songs. 3. The importance of the volume - There are some different views as to what do you do with your volume while you are mixing. Some people will mix with the volume low and then let the volume be taken care of during the mastering. Others will try to work with the volume during the mix. One of the things that you want to do is to add the compression and limiting during the mix. This can then be tweaked later on in the mastering phase. I usually also try to make sure that the bass sounds right and that the only distortion is where I want to hear it at. 4. Make sure that your mix is balanced correctly- Make sure that once you put everything together you are able to hear sounds from all different ranges from your highs to your lows. You don't want to hear more lows than highs in certain areas or vice versa. One of the best ways to test this is to listen to the mix through your headphones, but also make sure that you run your mix through a good set of speakers and also through some car speakers. If you want to become a great rap beat maker then go to: http://www.BeatsMethod.com Rap Beat Maker Tips - Make Your Own Beats Copyright 2010 by www.FreestyleMethod.com

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