Visual Arts Inquiry Based learning environments

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Inquiry based art learning

Professional Placement experience In a low sociodemographic area there were many challenge that I faced behavioural management issues, parents/students lack of value toward education & failed to see its real life relevance, wagging of classes, foul language etc. I needed to find a way to make my classes as engaging as possible in order to engage the disengaged, and show them how art/design can be of value to their lives.

! The students deserved to achieve SUCCESS- ultimately this was done through being approachable, fair, firm but kind, and have the willingness to build relationships with students/participate in restoratives.

! I was part of a cohort of 10 preservice teachers who were required to complete the entire 2 block placements at Carrum downs- the school’s belief that we establish better relationships thus assisting in the teaching process.

! I had students with a range of issues which were certainly affecting their education… financial, emotional… depression, anxiety, body issues, physical disabilities, ongoing health problems… many male students on the spectrum (ADHD, Aspbergers, Autism)

In my initial classroom observations I noticed the lack of use of the ICT facilities‌ students were regularly playing on their phones/playing music/ in class‌ I began to think of ways I could include popular culture in my planning to reengage the disengaged.

Art as Interdisciplinary (Health)/the influence of Popular/Visual Culture

Wished to encourage higher order thinking skills in art, to add value to the subject, and inspire the students, show them that they can mirror the work of professional collage artists & integrate ‘theory’ to enhance visual literacy through visual sources, and fun and enjoyable activities/use of ICT (youtube clips) /allowing enjoyable music to be played in the classroom whilst students work.


Continent of Birth

Australia Europe Africa Asia America Oceania

Large proportion of student population were born in Australia, with that I F noticed a tendency toward some poor eating habits within this particular school’s demographic.

Types of food I came across in the canteen‌ 01

And more.

Inspired by Warhol’s polaroid’s of ‘the everyday’

And Rauschenberg/ John’s! combines of ‘the everyday’

Looked at a number of artists who comment on mass production of everyday objects in consumer/popular culture, also addressing ecological issues of waste and recycling/degradation to the environment. Chuck Close

Elizabeth Gower

John Dahlsen

All American Girl! Main Recycled Materials: Tax Forms and Political Junk Mail! Artist: Sandhi Schimmel Gold

The unit of work relates to the work of Pat Thompson (2002) who uses the term ‘virtual schoolbag’ to describe the notion that all students come to school with their own set of experiences, language, ideas and understandings of the world in which they live. ! I wished for the students artwork to reflect this, and thus should certainly not all look the same as they will be bringing in different objects from their lives outside of school which will reflect their cultural backgrounds.

Is the image of Barbie on the left a modern day version of the mass produced/idealised (what we regard as ‘perfect’) image of beauty in the form of Monroe on the right?

! Self Portrait Collages! Stages of production:!

! 1. Carefully selecting catalogues & packaging.! ! 2. Cutting out images from consumer culture which reflect you as an individual.! ! 3. Keep sizing small, refer to 10, 20 and 50 cent pieces. ! ! 4. Cut out as many pieces as you can (at a minimum, around half a plastic pocket)! ! 5. The cut outs should consist of a range of sizes and shades of colour, so that you have lots of options when pasting later on.! ! 6. Once you have enough pieces you can trace the outline of your self portrait photograph.! ! 7. The tracing should be a line drawing, don’t make the drawing too detailed. ! ! 8. Once the image is traced onto an A3 piece of white paper, you can begin to paste cut outs where you feel it works best.! ! 9. Students should begin pasting on either the foreground or background first.! ! 10. Attention needs to be paid to the original image- use this as a reference to see which areas have lighter/darker tones & also think about where certain colours and shades may be most appropriate.!


Ways to extend the unit & bring in a Visual Communication link.

INQUIRY BASED LEARNING PROJECTS! Exploration of environmental/ecological issues/creating artwork in response, could be in the form of an outdoor art installation (permanent or temporary). Strong interdisciplinary links - Geography, History, SOSE etc. Andy Goldsworthy

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! Whole school/year level collaborative projects- could be on any large industrial-type object

John Dahlsen

‘Polar Bears’! Main Recycled Materials: Plastic Bags! Artist: Tone Holmen

‘Bike Arch’! Main Recycled Materials: Bicycles! Artists: Mark Grieve and Ilana Spector

‘RoboMan’! Main Recycled Materials: Motorcycle Parts! Artist: RoboSteel

Self portraits with natural materials

Recycled Materials: Toys! Artists: Robert Bradford, Leo Sewell

Exploring cultural/social issues associated with the production of toys (where they originate from, handmade by real people, toll on the environment)

Word finds, work sheets, comprehension activities: Year 8 Pop Art unit: questions and answer sheet. Please write in full sentences. When answering, think back to the videos we watched in class as well as the discussions we had as a class.

! What is Pop Art? ! ____________________________________________________________________________!

! What Makes Rauschenberg and Johns Pop Artists?!




______________________________________________________________________ ! ! _______________________________________________________________________!


What did Rauschenberg and Johns do with their rubbish?! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________!

! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________!

! Where did they find the rubbish in their artwork?! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________!

What is dumpster-diving?! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________!

! What is ‘combines’ that was referred to as Rauschenberg’s artwork in the youtube clip?!




What do you believe the artists intentions may have been through creating these ‘combines’ artworks? !



Lesson Plan – Carrum Downs Secondary College Lesson Plan – Carrum Downs Secondary College • Subject: Art/Viscom - Integrated • 01/09/2014 • Year 8, Period 3, 12:05-1:15 • Week 5/6, lesson no. 8/12 • Lesson title: Self Portrait Collages • Links to AusVels: Creating and making: ’Students generate and develop ideas that explore particular concepts, techniques and issues when making art works’.

Learning intentions:

•U n d e r s t a n d t h e t e r m P o p A r t , composition, found objects/dumpsterdiving

Success criteria:

• To be completing collage, making good progress, being mindful of design elements and principles

Key Terminology/Vocabulary:

Pop Art, Typography, Advertising, Consumer products, popular culture

Overall Equipment & Resources:

Catalogues, packaging (to show students), also back up of resources as many students unlikely to bring in their own stuff! laptop, printed A3 photos. Plastic pockets, scissors. Question and answer sheet handout, word finds, Pop Art books, and Books on Andy Warhol for students to look through if interested


•12:05-12:10 •12:10-12:20 •12:20-1:07 • •BODY OF LESSON



•1:07-1:05 •Pack up

What the teacher should do:

What will students do:

• Line up students • Explain learning intentions- show inspirational/ visual references on the screen-

•Sit down at •Laptop for tables quietly the role for the role •cables for tv/ laptop •Collect materials connection •Begin their work

• Demonstrate how students can cut out appropriate sizes/ selection of images

• Scaffolding

Specific Resources Needed:

• Subject: Art/Viscom - Integrated • 07/09/2014 • Year 8, Period 3, 12:05-1:15 • Week 6/6, lesson no. 11/12 • Lesson title: Self Portrait Collages • Links to AusVels: Creating and making: ’Students generate and develop ideas that explore particular concepts, techniques and issues when making art works’.

Learning intentions:

• Revise learning intention of previous class- key ideas and vocabulary learntcomposition, tones, contrast of light and dark, visually interesting- reintroduce the term aesthetics

Success criteria:

•To complete a design- thinking about potential colours/patterns/ textures

Key Terminology/Vocabulary:

Appropriate colour selection, Artist’s hand

Overall Equipment & Resources:

Catalogues, packaging (to show students), also back up of resources as many students unlikely to bring in their own stuff! laptop, printed A3 photos. Plastic pockets, scissors. Question and answer sheet handout, word finds for extension tasks/disengaged students


What the teacher should do:

What will students do:

Specific Resources Needed:

•12:05-12:10 •12:10-12:20 •12:20-1:07

• Line up students • Explain learning intentions- show inspirational/visual references on the screen• Demonstrate how students can cut out appropriate sizes/selection of images,Scaffolding • Guiding students pack up

•Sit down at tables quietly for the role •Collect materials •Begin work, keep space tidy •Delegated tasks to clean up

•Laptop for the role •Cables, worksheets


•BODY •1:07-1:05

! !

•Pack up

Critique/Reflection: Critique/Reflection:

Rubric for self portraits assessment task Success Criteria

Indicators of student performance High



Ability to analyse and interpret ways in which artists represent their identity in self portraits

Analyses and interprets the use of relevant art elements and principles with reference to specific materials, media, techniques and processes to represent identity in the self portrait/s.

Describes some of the ways in which elements and principles and materials, media, techniques and/or processes are used to represent identity in the self portrait/s.

Refers to some aspects of the use of elements, principles, materials, media, processes or techniques in a self portrait.

Understanding of how the dimensions (physical, social, gender, cultural and historical) influence how artworks can be interpreted

Evaluates the influence of relevant dimensions (physical, social, gender, cultural and/ or historical) when interpreting self portrait/s.

Identifies the influence of some dimensions (physical, cultural, social, gender and/or historical) when interpreting self portraits.

Refers to at least one dimension when interpreting a self portrait.

Ability to use relevant language conventions and art terminology

Communicates clearly using relevant and accurate language conventions and art terminology.

Communicates using language conventions and art terminology.

Uses language conventions and terminology inconsistently and not always accurately.



REFERENCES Australian Curriculum, The Arts Rationale, Retrieved from!

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2012). The Australian Curriculum in Victoria. Retrieved from: http! Creative Arts Study Area Specification 2004, The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority), 28/04/2014!


Daily painters Abstract, 2012, Retrieved from painting.html!


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2009). Effective Schools are Engaging Schools. Victoria: Stude Wellbeing and Support Division.!


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2009). Prep to Year 10 Assessment- Assessment Advic Retrieved from:!


Edutopia, arts integration lesson plan portrait, Retrieved from artsintegration-LAlessonplanportrait-presenta.pdf! National gallery of Victoria, Guggeinheim Education, 2014, Retreieved from 05.2.html! Further resources,Youtube links: !!



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