US Rare Earth Minerals - Testimonials

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Table of Contents International Rare Earth Cover Page ..................................................................................1

Testimonial Table Of Contents ...........................................................................................2 Acne....................................................................................................................................3 Buckwheat ..........................................................................................................................4 White Bison (Buffalo) .........................................................................................................5 Calves..................................................................................................................................6 House cat............................................................................................................................7 Chicken Eggs ......................................................................................................................8 Corn ....................................................................................................................................9 Daffodils ...........................................................................................................................10 Eczema..............................................................................................................................11 Elephant ...........................................................................................................................12 Hay crop ...........................................................................................................................13 Mugo Pine ........................................................................................................................14 Potatoes ...........................................................................................................................15 Soybeans ..........................................................................................................................16 Tomatoes..........................................................................................................................17 Barley test in High Salinity Soil .............................................................................18, 19, 20 Dairy Cow Test......................................................................................................21, 22, 23 2011 Vineyard Test...............................................................................................24, 25, 26 Chicken Study with Excelerite ....................................................................................27, 28 Dairy cattle and Calves .....................................................................................................29 Productivity of Spinach...............................................................................................30, 31 Swine growth with Excelerite ...........................................................................................32 Gallo Wine (frank Gallo) Testimonial letter................................................................33, 34 Sheep Test ........................................................................................................................35 Sorghum-­‐ Sudan grass ..........................................................................................36, 37, 38 Laying Hens-­‐ Efficiency and Production Rate ...................................................................39 Turf Grass-­‐ Excelerite compared to NPK ..........................................................................40





USREM Health Customer Name: Jessica Rice Location: Maui, Hawaii

Test Specifications Application Target: Skin Application Rate: 4 capsules and skin Masks Average Normal: Severe Acne Results; Clear skin

Our Customer’s Story The two photos are of me. They were taken one year apart. I’ve been taking Excelerite® capsules and doing face masks consistently for 2 ½ months. After a week of using Excelerite® my skin began clearing dramatically. After about three weeks I ran out of the capsules and my skin started getting more pimply again, once I got back on the capsules my skin started clearing again. Ahhhh-mazing! It is so nice to finally look in the mirror and see clear skin.




USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Gardner Customer Name: Rick M. Wolfforth Location: Texas, USA

Test Specifications Application Target: Buckwheat Application Rate: 20 lbs./ 25ft Average Normal: 30% sprouting rate Result Yield: 100% sprouting rate Net growth increase: 100%

Our Customer’s Story On an experimental plot along side my house, about 125 ft long and five ft wide, I began planting Buckwheat in the late spring/early summer. By the end of July two separate crops had matured to the point where they could be plowed under and a third crop could be seeded. On August 1st on the same strip of ground I planted a 50ft patch of Buckwheat seed I had obtained from outside Pride. On the other 50ft on the opposite end, but with the addition of 20lbs of EXCELERITE® in dry form. Separating the two groups was a 25 ft patch of squash also treated with EXCELERITETM. My untreated crop routinely too about 7-8 days to sprout, the EXCELERITED® treated side only took 4 -5 days. As you can see in the photos in the middle on had about a 30% sprouting rate and grew about 16” tall, where as the treated side not only had a 100% sprouting rate but grew to 18 to 20” tall and looked greener, thicker and healthier.

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Live Stock Customer Name: Cynthia Hart-Button President & Founder Location: Bend, OR

Test Specifications Application Target: Buffalo Application Rate: Daily in food and water Average Normal: See photos Normal Yield: 9 month old babies now the Size of their mother Net growth increase: 50%

Our Customer’s Story We are the caretakers of 14 white & 3 brown buffalo. After we had moved them to Oregon, they became sick and we had veterinary bills. Paul Hait showed up and gifted us bags of Excelerite®! which contains a lot of minerals. They showed immediate improvements and are very healthy now. Big Momma is a brown buffalo. She had a raw spot on her back and was moving really slowly and we thought she was going down. We put Excelerite® in her food and water and she was back to her old self in just weeks. “We also noticed grass growing where we had spread it in the pens, and the smell was gone too.” “We fed it to the Bulls, the other females and the three white bison babies. Within a month, we could see a real difference as they were taller, their shed was longer and fuller and they had put on considerable weight. “Our veterinary bills have gone down” These babies are the largest ever born in this herd. “They are happy and healthy thanks to Excelerite®.” USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Live Stock Customer Name: Lance Aikes Location: Reno, Nevada

Test Specifications Application Target: Calves Application Rate: 4 to 5ozs daily Average Normal: 5-8% return out of every buy “Chronic Sick” Results: No more returns

Net growth increase: Medical Expenses down 95%

Our Customer’s Story We normally buy (40) # 2 Calves (450 to 500 lbs.) every 30 days, rolling them over every 90 days, selling them at around 700 lbs. Out of every buy, we normally have to return 5 to 8% of them because they are “Chronic Sick”, and never get better. We want to report to others that since we have been using Excelerite® in our feed package, and some free choice for the Calves as well as in their water which eliminates the algae, the Calves are also drinking more water, that we have had NO RETURNS……. NO BLOATERS………..and our Medical Expenses are DOWN 95% Our Medical Expenses normally average $ 20.00 Per Head, Per 90 Day Cycle. We are Very Happy to have found this product, as it seems to improve everything we use it on.!! Yours truly, Lance Aikes Reno, Nevada

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Animal Customer Name: David Etchepare & Family Location: Portland, OR

Test Specifications Application Target: Cat Application Rate: ½ teaspoon daily Average Normal: Balding on half it’s body Result: Complete hair re-growth in 2 months Net growth increase: 100%

Our Customer’s Story I am writing to thank you and share the excellent results we had using Excelerite® to regrow our cats fur. What began as a quarter sized balding spot spread to a patch more than half of one side of her body. After two years of a substantially thinned area, use of Excelerite® in her food was recommended to us. We were amazed that within a week, her fur began to grow in and within two months, you could not tell which side had once been thin and bare looking. Her coat grew thick and lush all over, even on her belly that never had dense fur before. Now she sleeps in all positions and is purring constantly. We never expected such quick and dramatic results but are very grateful for it. Again, many thanks. David Etchepare & Family

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE®!TESTIMONIAL USREM Chicken Farmer Name: Various Farmers Location: USA

Test Specifications Application Target: Chicken Eggs Application Rate: ¼ cup mixed with 20 lbs feed Average Normal: 2 to 2.5 oz Result Yield: 4.5 oz Net growth increase: 100% +/-

Our Customer’s Story This has happen with a number of chicken farmers by just adding Excelerite® into their water and by also adding into the chicken feed, (no more than 2% by volume), within weeks farmers not only see an increase in egg production but in size. Also reported is that the chickens feathers look better as the over all health. Farmers report that the eggs that they get now are 4 to 4.5 ounces compare to the normal store eggs, which are an average of 2.0 ounces. Information: Eggs are sorted by size before packing. There are small, medium, large, extra large and jumbo. Some places you can buy pullet eggs, which are smaller than small. Minimum weights per dozen are: Jumbo (30 oz.), Extra Large (27 oz.), Large (24 oz.), Medium (21 oz.), small (18 oz.), and Pee Wee (or pullet) (15 oz.) So, large eggs are 2 oz each, and mediums are 1.75 oz. Jumbo = 2.5 oz.

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Agriculture Customer Name: Roland Seuss Location: Key Ag Dist. Idaho Test Specifications Application Target: Corn Application Rate: 450 lbs. per test acre Average Normal: 8 feet Normal Yield: 10 -11 feet Net growth increase: 20% +/-

Our Customer’s Story Inside this box is the results of my corn crop fed by Excelerite fertilizer. On 6/6/11 planted (field set up like cement over winter and was dry. Ripper diced twice, land planed, fertilized (commercial, & Excelerite®, Triple K once, plant) After planting, the wind blew and dried the soil out below seed. On 8/1 third irrigation (32 days without water). 9/22 Ears picked. The tallest corn is 7 1/2'-8' tall and even the smaller has 8" and the taller stuff 10-11". Corn is 105 today. To reach the beginning of the dent stage already with all these things going against it is unreal. I walked through two other cornfields to compare plant height and ear size. Both were irrigated by Pivot. The one had 8-9' corn and 8" ears (many were shorter) the other field was 1 1/4 miles away from my farm. It's corn was 10' tall but the ears were 8" or less. Both didn't have any Excelerite®. (What I call Magic Dirt)

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Flower Customer Name: Todd Mitchell Location: Bella Vista, Arkansas Test Specifications Application Target: Daffodils Application Rate: ¼ cup per plant Normal Yield: 9-10” Tall Increase Yield: 19-21” Tall

Our Customer’s Story The weather as you might know has been very strange this winter here in Arkansas, warm then cold etc. Then it looks like the warm weather is now here, then it freezes over night again. But what I have noticed after applying a small amount around each Daffodil, this that the color is very dark green compare to the photo above with out Excelerite® that is a yellowish/ light green. As you can see in the top photo, the plant without Excelerite® is only 9-10” tall compare to the plant with Excelerite® which is 19 -21” tall. As the weather warms up I’ll be sure to send more photos when the plants flower.

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Medical Professional Name: Dr. Carl Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Test Specifications Application Target: Human hands (eczema) Duration & Dosage: 4-5 days Type of treatment: topical paste Excelerite®Result: 95% healing of eczema open sores on treated hand.

Our Customer’s Story The Clay That Heals A neighbor and patient of mine was visiting our home the other day. Among other things, we talked about healing clays and Excelerite®. She wanted to know what it felt like so I opened a capsule of Micro Excelerite® and hydrated it. She said, “Oh, it’s silky!” and quietly daubed it onto some sores she had on her left hand. She returned today to visit and said, “You know the other day when we were feeling the clay? I put some on the eczema that I have been battling with for a very long time. I only put it on my left hand, which was just a bad as the right, and look what happened! It’s GONE!” This was with one almost accidental application 4 or 5 days ago. Of course your mileage may vary. Regardless, she is very happy. ! !! ! ! USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Veterinary Customer Name: Dr. Carlos Cortelezzi Location: Buenos Aires Zoo, Argentina

Test Specifications Application Target: Elephant (Toenail abbesses) Application Rate: 60 days, 10-oz. per day Type of treatment: dietary supplement Excelerite®Result: complete healing of all signs and symptoms of the disease.

Our Customer’s Story Dr. Carlos Cortelezzi, a primary veterinary scientist and animal specialist at the famous Buenos Aires Zoo in Argentina South America, was tracking a particularly troubling problem that was occurring to on one the zoo’s prized African elephants. Mara, a 35 year old female elephant was, despite consumption of the normal and varied special diet she consumed, was experiencing a particularly troubling abscess that was flaking, splitting and causing bleeding of a primary toenail. After just 60 days of treatment with Excelerite®, delivered as a dietary supplement mixed into her favorite food, experienced a remarkable and thorough healing of the entire effected foot pad and toenail region. ! ! ! ! ! ! USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Agriculture Customer Name: Terry Duffin Location: Bend, Oregon Test Specifications Application Target: 10 acre Hay crop Application Rate: 450 lbs. per test acre Normal Yield: 18- 20 tons 10 acres Net growth increase: 55% +/-

Our Customer’s Story This is a weed less 10-acre hay crop that is periodically inspected by the Oregon state Ag Dept.. This crop was now 9 years old, which I was told by the state that I should plow and reseed the field. Over the years the best tonnage that I could get was 20 tons. After hearing about Excelerite® I had applied 450 to 500 lbs per acre during the month of October just before winter. What I had notice that in spring my hay was 15 to 17 “ tall compared to my neighbor which was 7’ tall. In the photos below you can see that the bare spots had filled in. Normally I would get 2 cuttings but I was able to get 3 cuttings and 36 tons of hay each cutting. The hay was very tall and dark. As you can see in the photos, I had to gear down because the cutter was getting plugged up from the hay being so dense. The next year with out adding anything my tonnage increased to 38 tons. My horses love to eat hay except now they do not need to eat as much. I loved what Excelerite® had done for my crop, and my horses.

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Retail Customer Name: Mr. Mark Desjardins Location: Bend, Oregon, USA

Test Specifications Application Target: Mugo Pines Application Rate: I cup Normal Yield: 2- 2.5’ (feet) Excelerite® Yield: 4- 5’ (feet) Net Yield Increase: over 100% in 21/2 months

Our Customer’s Story What you see here is 4 Mugo Pines that are 9 years old on a sloped driveway. A customer Mark Desjardins had used a handful of Excelerite® on one of them. This is a photo after 2 ½ months, as you can see the Mugo doubled in size. The plants to the left starting growing after Excelerite® had washed down into the other pines. A year later Mark had the Mugo Pine professionally trimmed, the bush was so large that he could not see over the fence when backing up. The landscaper commented on how healthy the Mugo was and he is now using Excelerite® on all of his customer’s yards. Excelerite®.” ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !





USREM Commercial Grower Name: F & B Farms Location: Earlimart, CA, USA

Test Specifications Application Target: Potatoes Application Rate: 750 lbs./acre Average Normal: 20-25 bushels/acre Result Yield: 265 sacks/acre Net growth increase: +/- 22%

Our Customer’s Story Commercial grower customer reported that acreage treated with Excelerite® at the application rate of 750 lbs/acre noted a significant overall increase in not only the yield but also a significant improvement in the quality and firmness of the individual potatoes. Kingdom: Division: Class: Subclass: Order: Family: Genus: Species:

Plantae Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Asteridae Solanaales SOLANACEAE Solanum tuberosum

F&B Farms went on to report, “As compared to those grown in Excelerite® treated soil, our potatoes grown (in our usual manner) with sulfate of ammonia suffered over 2.5 times more shrinkage. Also, they were noticeably more spongy than those treated with Excelerite®.”

USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Agriculture Customer Name: Mr. Bruce Schultz Location: Parsons, Kansas, USA

Test Specifications Application Target: Soybeans Application Rate: 500 lbs. / acre Normal Yield: 20-25 bushels/acre Excelerite®Yield: 50+ bushels/acre Net Yield Increase: over 100%+

Our Customer’s Story Mr. Bruce Schulz, of Parsons Kansas, tested an application of Excelerite® Bulk-Ag on 150 acres of his soybean farm at an application rate of 500 lbs. per acre prior to planting and upon preharvest growth inspection was astounded by the above average growth. Mr. Schulz stated, “In the past ten years the best yield on my farm was 25 bushels per acre and the average per acre yield here in Labette County has been 20 bushels per acre. My harvest will start in three weeks and I expect a yield of 50+ bushels of top quality soy beans per acre treated with Excelerite®.” ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


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EXCELERITE® TESTIMONIAL USREM Agriculture Customer Name: Nate Marks Location: Key Ag Dist. Idaho

Test Specifications Application Target: Tomatoes Application Rate: 1 cup per plant Average Normal: Height: 3-5 ft. Normal Yield: 20+ year no crop

Our Customer’s Story I planted my tomatoes on the 15th of May 2011 with 2 tablespoons of Excelerite®, one handful of chopped hay, 1/4 cup of Zamzows Thrive, 1 shovel full of well rotted manure. One month later I applied another handful of Excelerite® and 1/4 cup of Thrive. My tomatoes this year are well sized, juicy, and very tasty. My plants this year are over six ft. tall, very bushy, and loaded with tomatoes even though the spring was very cool. The smaller picture of tomatoes was taken on July 15th. The big ones were taken October 15th. The top left picture of multiple tomatoes were all of one plant. Photo was taken in September of 2011.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! USREM welcomes any further questions regarding Excelerite® ‘s power to serve your crop’s success at !


The Effects of ®

on a High Salinity Soil near the Salton Sea This particular test was a 2.24-Acre test that was in the process of being Re-claimed. For the past 20+ years no sustainable crop had been planted as a result of the soil being heavily sodium rich, meaning sailing levels were off the charts and much traditional ground work, leaching of the soil, Gypsum application needed to be done. Due to the recent economic downturn the field was fallowed with an existing Barley Crop for approx. 7 months. As a result of fallowing various weeds were allowed to return such as Salt Cedar and Russian thistle predominately. These weeds being very salt tolerant clearly pointing out that the salinity levels were increasing again and the weeds were on an average 4’- 5’ tall and very thick. For the purpose of Research using the Excelerite®, the decision was made to continue soil reclamation of the site and plant a Barley cover crop. We began with pre-irrigating the ground to help facilities clean up. We then used a heavy Disc (24” plates) to knock down all the weeds. We disked one way and cross-disked the other. We did not re-laser level the field. We then lightly irrigated the field and disked the remaining green matter into the soil. Next we drew our boarders, planted the seed, applied Excelerite®, lightly disked and irrigated

Planting Schedule Pre- Irrigate: 10/06/09 to 10/08/09 Disc/ Clean up: 10/13/09, 10/23/09, and 10/27/09 Plant Barley Seed: 10/30/09 Apply Excelerite®: 10/30/09 Light Disc: 10/30/09 Irrigate: 11/05/09 thru 11/07/09 Research Plant: 2.24 Acres with Barley Solum @ 100 lbs. per acre Excelerite® application: 500 lbs. per acre or approx. 24 bags +/Overall planting: 7 acres total planted to Barley in 25 plots (area between borders). All plots measure 350’ x 40’ with the exception of plot #1 & 25, these two measured 350’ x 20’. Plots with Excelerite® application are; Plot #’s 2, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 & 23 7 plots total.

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


Photo of Check plot # 6 & 7 with out Excelerite®

Photo of check plot # 14 & 15 with Excelerite® after 1 month

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


Results As you can see in the 1st photo above, with out the use of Excelerite® the plot was very poor, the Barley is uneven and it only grew in spots but most of all after it never topped. Solum Barley can attain a height of 40 inches depending on the growing conditions. In the other two photos show the plots with using Excelerite® were green, full and most of all not 40” but close to 60” tall and had beautiful tops. None of the test plots used NPK and the plots were only irrigated for 3 days.

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


2011 Dairy Cow Test results !

! ! This test was done by a dairy farmer in Idaho that had a heard of 500 dairy cows. The test was during the worst weather conditions of the year. The cows were fed 1 lb of EXCELERITETM a day for a period of 30 days during the month of December. After the test they stop feeding the EXCELERITETM to the cows, which almost immediately the fat and protein went down and the somatic cell count went back up.

Milk yield, milk components, dry matter intake, growth, health and weight can be impacted when a feed additive is included in the diets of dairy cattle. Evaluating Cost Effectiveness Consider the following factors in determining if a feed additive should be used: • Anticipated response • Economic return • Available research • Field response. Anticipated response refers to performance changes such as increased milk yield, increased milk components, improved dry matter intake, improved growth, improved health, and/or minimized weight loss that could be expected when a feed additive is included. If improvement in milk volume is the measurable response, a breakeven point can be calculated. For example, an additive that raises feed costs 10 cents per day is used. If milk is valued at 12 cents per pound, every cow must produce 0.84 pounds more milk to cover the extra cost associated with the additive. Another consideration is if all the cows receive the additive, but only cows fresh for less than 100 days respond. These responding cows must cover the costs for all cows (responsive and nonresponsive). One guideline is that an additive should return $2 or more for each dollar invested to cover nonresponsive cows and field conditions that could minimize the anticipated response.

© Copyright US Rare Earth Minerals, Inc 2011. • PO Box 9759, Bend, OR. 97708 • WWW.US-REM.COM!


Results obtained on individual farms are the economic payoff. Managers and consultants must use a database to accurately compare and measure responses. Several tools to measure results include DHIA milk production records, reproduction summaries, somatic cell count data, dry matter intake, heifer growth charts, body condition scores and herd health profiles. These tools will enable managers and consultants to critically evaluate the effectiveness of selected additives.

Date 11/1/2011 30 TEST 12/1/2011 STOP 1/01/12

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Production lbs 702,906 PERIOD 726,106 TESTING

Butter Fat 4.34



Somatic Cell Count


Solids not Fat 9.19











500 Dairy Cows Fed 1 lb of EXCELERITETM per head a day. $ 210.00 per ton (2,000 lbs) including delivery divide by 2,000 lbs = 10.2 cents per cow a day. 30 day Production increase 702,906 to 726,106, Difference is an increase of 23,200 lbs of milk. Protein: For every full point it is worth $2.00. This increase 3.41 to 3.62 = .21 increase in protein which results in a .40 cent bonus for every pound of milk produced. Somatic cell count went down from 200,000 to 175,000 after stopping the test this went back up to 210,000 Increased Milk 1.72 lbs. per cow per day Today milk prices for milk are $18.00 per 100lbs of milk 23,200 lbs divide by 100lbs = 232 multiply by $18.00 results in an increase of $4,176.00 month Extra Bonus: Protein 726,106 lbs of milk divided by 100 = 7,761.00 multiply by .40 = $2,904.42 $4,176.00 plus the protein, $2,904.42 = TOTAL $7,080.42 increase in revenue for 1 month

Maximum dry matter intake Animal feedstuff can be divided into two major components namely dry matter and water. The dry matter component consists of organic and inorganic matter. The organic matter consists of carbohydrates (source of energy), lipids and fats (source of energy), protein and vitamins. The inorganic matter is the source of macro- and micro-minerals. Since all nutrients are contained in the dry matter the animal must consume this portion in adequate amounts to obtain the required nutrients. If a feed is high in moisture, the animal may not be able to consume enough of the feed to obtain the required nutrients due to limitation of rumen space. Table 1 shows the daily maintenance dry matter intake by dairy cattle of various live-weights. Nutrient requirements for maintenance The nutrient requirements for maintenance of animals are influenced by their live-weight, activity (e.g. walking long distance) and environmental temperature (too cold or too hot).

© Copyright US Rare Earth Minerals, Inc 2011. • PO Box 9759, Bend, OR. 97708 • WWW.US-REM.COM!


Table 1 Daily nutrient requirements for maintenance of a dairy cow Cow liveME Energy Crude Calcium Phosphorus (g) weight (MJ) protein (g) (kg) (g) 350 45.5 294 14 10 400 50.3 318 16 11 450 54.9 341 18 13 500 59.4 364 20 14 550 63.8 386 22 16 600 68.1 406 24 17 Minerals Minerals are chemical elements which form important component of animal feed ingredients. They are essential in ensuring normal and proper functions of the body as well as in maintenance of good health. When an element classified as essential lacks in the diet, the cattle will show deficiency symptoms, which are eradicated or prevented by inclusion of this particular element in the diet. Some elements are required in relatively large amounts compared to others. For this reasons the minerals have been classified as 'macro-minerals' (required in larger amounts) and 'micro-minerals' or 'trace-minerals' (required in minute amounts). Of the 20 elements that function in animal nutrition, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are regarded as the non-mineral elements. The other 16 are referred to as the mineral elements which function in animal nutrition. Of these 7 are macro-minerals (required in fairly large amounts) and 9 are micro-minerals (required in very small or trace amounts). Micro-minerals are also sometimes called trace-minerals.

© Copyright US Rare Earth Minerals, Inc 2011. • PO Box 9759, Bend, OR. 97708 • WWW.US-REM.COM!


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2011 Wine Test Results! ! !

(Culver, OR) Maragas Winery and Vineyard located 1 mile north of the Terrebonne Crooked River High Bridge has successfully grown several varieties of traditional wine grape vines (vitis vinifera) at their vineyard in Central Oregon. The experiment began in 2006. Over the last four years, Doug Maragas, founder of the Winery and Vineyard, experimented with 40 traditional European wine grape varieties. All vines have been own-rooted vitis vinifera and have been grown in a sectioned off 2.5 acre vineyard on their farm. It was believed by the majority of the farming and viticulture community that traditional European wine grapes would not grow in this area. Unquestionably, however, the results prove otherwise and bode well for the Central Oregon farming community. In particular, this past winter, with the extreme cold in December, warm-up in January and February, followed by the cold March, was challenging for plant survival and a particularly good litmus test for the wine grape varieties. Additionally, up to this point, none of the vines were protected from the weather in any way. They survived without being pampered. Of the 40 varietals, here are the survival result percentages of the most successfully grown vitis vinifera grape vines: Gewurztraminer #1 – 100% Muscat Ottonel Belgrade – 99% Muscat Ottonel #1 – 99% Orange Muscat #5 – 98% Riesling #9 – 97% Pinot Meunier #1 – 96% Pinot Gris #1 – 94% Early Muscat #2 - 92% Zinfandel #6 – 88% Pinot Noir #13 – 81% Chardonnay #15 – 74%

Now that the Maragas Vineyard experimental portion is complete, Maragas is now employing methods such as agri-fabric mulching to enhance the growth of the vines. Maragas will also be converting 15 additional acres of their farm that is currently in alfalfa into vineyard over the next two years. Throughout this area Maragas will be planting varietals of pinot noir, pinot meunier, and chardonnay for sparkling wine. These are the traditional varietals of Champagne in France. Additionally, Maragas will be planting three varieties of Muscat, the traditional varietal of Italian sparkling wine. Since grapes for sparkling wine are picked approximately one month early so the sugar content is not too high for the secondary fermentation, they are a great match for the relatively shorter growing season at Maragas Vineyard. For still wine, Maragas will be cultivating pinot Gris, Riesling, gewürztraminer, Muscat and zinfandel. Of all the vinifera chosen for the extended vineyard, the grape that will require the most attention to achieve ripeness will be zinfandel. With the other varieties, we expect ripeness to come naturally to the level desired for harvest. For example, Maragas has already harvested Muscat; the longest tested and most planted variety in the vineyard.


This Test began in the summer of 2010 on Muscat Vines in approximately ½ of an acre. Bend Oregon is Known for its cold climates which is very challenging For plant survival and good litmus test for the wine Grape varieties. As you known this year of 2011 was off to a very slow summer start. Never the less we had applied EXCELERITE® to the north half of the vineyard and the South half as the untreated side. Since this was a field study, there was no way to control the bird or deer damage. Additionally there were parts of the vineyard that had more rock (heat sinks) between the vines, but there was no noticeable favoring of EXCELERITE® treated rows over the untreated rows. Below is a chart from Maragas Winery showing the test results, as you can see the rows with EXCELERITE® totaled 122lbs. and a brix of 18.5 were as the untreated side only weighed in at 68.5 lbs. and a brix of 18.4

Doug Maragas stated, “that the weight was very remarkable which the attached chart speaks for itself”. Further more he said I thought you would be very happy to see the results of a test we did with EXCELERITE®.


We planted three rows of kale approximately 75 feet long each. While all the kale fared well in the growing season last year, it was this year where there was a remarkable result. In general Kale will die over the winter and you need to replant. Here, however, take a look at the attached picture. The kale row on the left, we added EXCELERITE®. The other two rows we did not. There was significant survival through the winter and growth in the EXCELERITE®!row over the other two rows. How he is interested in covering is whole 35 acres with EXCELERITE®!!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Significant survival through the winter and growth in the EXCELERITE®!row over the other two rows.! !

Picking the two year old EXCELERITE® TEST MUSCATS at the Maragas Winery.


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Chicken Study with



Chicken study; I have not located the chicken study however; here are the points of interest to move forward. A company who at the time was buying the Panaca deposit for AG, animal, and human use conducted the study. I brought the 7-day extraction process to the company for use in manufacturing my mineral extract because in the city limits, the process is too messy and removal of the byproduct was unmanageable. The company on its own wanted to explore possible sales to the larger poultry market. *Baby chicks have a mortality rate in large-scale poultry farms of 5 to 7 percent reported by several farms. It is necessary to take great precautions when visiting a chicken farm by wearing the boots, etc and signing that the person has not visited another farm in the recent weeks. Cross contaminations between farms poses great loss of killing the entire population. Visiting the chick area, there are thousands of chicks in a low fenced confinement. There is where the shock sets in. You will see chicks tipping over from lack of strength and leg support due to a lack of minerals including SiO2 in their diet. Which came first, the chicken or the egg, this is the common old question. I have a newer question, how can a chicken produce a calcium rich egg when removing all the calcium from its diet? It seems impossible, yet is proven. This could be Biological transmutation. This applies in sea life, animals, plant life, humans, and of course, chickens! Louis Kervan, a French scientist has this theory and many other scientists. I believe this goes much further including how rare earth elements work in all life. I bring this up because of the importance of the chicken study and how the Panaca minerals dramatically affect mortality, health, etc. Kervran believes that the silica (mica) consumed by chickens is biologically mutated into a usable calcium hence, the egg is formed. I will be using this information in my book featuring US Rare Earth Minerals, Panaca Mine. Luis Kervran "Biological Transmutation", 1972, Swan House Publishing Co., Binghamton, NY. According to French chemist C. Louis Kervran of the Conseil d'Hygiène in Paris, seawater contains far too little calcium to account for the rapid production of a shell (the calcium content of sea water is about 0.042% and a crab can form a new shell in little more than one day). If the entire body of a crab is analyzed for calcium, it is found to contain only enough calcium to produce 3% of the shell (even taking into account the calcium carbonate stored in the hepato-pancreas just before molting).

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


Even in water completely devoid of calcium, shellfish can still create their calcium bearing shells as shown by an experiment performed at the Maritime Laboratory of Roscoff: "A crayfish was put in a sea water basin from which calcium carbonate had been removed by precipitation; the animal made its shell anyway." (Kervran 1972, p.58) Back to the Chicken study, there were about 500,000 chickens involved over several farms and companies. First, the baby chicks were given 3 tablespoons of liquid concentrate minerals extracted from the Panaca site added into one gallon of water. Normally, a population of 10,000 chicks will have 5% (500 chicks) die during the first several weeks. In this group, the mortality rate was reduced approx. 150 chicks. Other test groups were reduced to .05%. Observing the group, it was reported that the chicks were more active, stood and walked dramatically better, in fact reported to have more energy and jumping over the fence pen they were kept. The employee's had never witnessed this behavior before. One employee reported that there were escapees running in different directions and needed further help to contain the chicks. During the 8 weeks of growth, the chickens had more energy, reported to be more active, healthier, (Broilers or fryers are slaughtered at 7-9 weeks of age when they weigh 3-5 pounds and dress a 21⁄2 to 4 pound carcass). After a period of approx 8 weeks, the chickens were slaughtered and weighed. The grower was disappointed to see the chickens were 15% less fat. This reduction of body fat would cost the grower a loss in revenues. One noted comment was "This mineral would be fine if you were growing body builder chickens, but that’s not our business". Commercial growers are not a good target of sales due to the reduction of chicken fat. It is believed there is a market in the health food industry with growers who's interest is to provide healthy leaner organic chickens. The study was repeated several times with smaller growers with the same results. Hope this information will help in reproducing a similar group study. I believe the health food growers will be excited about the Chick-O-Min. lol

John W Anderson, Isagenix Founder Dream Master, LLC Nutraceutical Research Sciences Office: 6935 South Sapphire Way Chandler, Arizona 85249

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


Dairy Cattle and Calves Cattlemen rave about EXCELERITE® as a part of bovi…ne diet ®

G ! & H Farms report that while adding to the diet of EXCELERITE dairy cattle during a three year study, the yearly average per cow was: Year


Butterfat content


14,720 lbs.

573 lbs.


15,522 lbs.

612 lbs.

1976 there was a drastic reduction following of milk production and butterfat content during absence of mineral in dairy cow diet.

Nield String Dairy, (1980). Prior to using trace minerals, principals admit $35,000 loss of cows in 1979 due to unexplained illnesses. Since using trace minerals regularly claim to have not lost a single cow. Within three weeks cows’ hair showed luster, reproduction cycles became regular and accepted their calves where all these things were a problem beforehand.

L. Davis (College Place, WA) states that she was told by Walla Walla College that it was impressed with the results of EXCELERITE® on milk production with cows and horses

Utah State University reports dairymen in Idaho able to decrease feed 10-15% when cattle fed EXCELERITE® © US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 •







By: Kirk E. Water stripe, Assistant Professor Jared Milarch, Undergraduate Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, MI

Synopsis of Developmental Research ®

EXCELERITE contains a combination of 78 trace minerals. It has been shown that, although trace elements are necessary for optimum plant growth. On February 18, 1998, spinach of the Long Standing Bloomsdale variety were seeded identically in flats containing either none or incremental levels of ® ® EXCELERITE . The purpose was to determine if there is a growth benefit with EXCELERITE supplementation and if so, the optimum supplementation level. Treatments were: 1. topsoil with 14% ® composted cow manure (TC), 2. TC plus EXCELERITE at a rate of 1lb./10 sq. ft. (TC1M). 3. TC plus ® ® EXCELERITE at a rate of 1.5 lb./10 sq. ft. (TC1.5M). 4. TC plus EXCELERITE at a rate of 2 lb./10 sq. ft. (TC2M). All plants received similar light, temperature, and moisture.

Results: Thirty-nine days after planting all plants were separated from the soil and rinsed clean. Green mass ® growth is shown in Figure 1. The highest level of EXCELERITE addition (TC2M) produced the greatest ® green mass of 4.25 grams. The intermediate (TC1.5M) and low EXCELERITE level (TC1M) produced respectively 2.87 and 2.63 grams of green mass growth. The control treatment (TC) had the lowest green mass growth of 1.93 grams. © US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


Conclusions: The addition of montmorillonite clay benefited spinach growth compared to the control treatment (TC) of only topsoil and 14% composted cow manure. Increased spinach green mass with incrementally ® ® higher levels up to 2 lbs/10 sq. ft. of EXCELERITE demonstrates the optimum level of EXCELERITE supplementation likely exceeds this rate. Further research must be conducted to determine the ® optimum and potential levels of EXCELERITE supplementation as it affects spinach green mass growth.

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© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !



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© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


Grower and Shipper FRANK GALLO 1130 Oxford Street Delano, California

And to whom it May Concern: Gentlemen: For your information, we used your product Panaca on ten acres of seedless Grapes at the rate of 1,000 pounds to the acre. This was applied just before girding time. We noticed immediately the moisture content of the ground was increased approximately twice as much as where we had not applied your product. This in itself is a great boon to us with water conditions the way they are in the San Joaquin Valley. We have noticed, now that we are picking those seedless grapes, that the fruit cane that we leave after pruning for the next season crop is about one half again as big as where we haven’t applied your product. Also that our foliage has been much better with a much healthier color. However, we cannot, at this time tell you anything about the sugar content of the grapes or the carrying quality, as we believe that next years crop will give us this answer. But you can rest assured that we have a very fine quality grape on our Panaca treated vines this year. We plan to apply Panaca on the rest of the ranch this year about six weeks before budding time, as we have already experimented with Panaca after budding and we believe it would be much better to apply same about six weeks before budding. Also for your information, we treated two Alicante vines that the government men told us was pierces Disease. We applied twenty pounds of Panaca per vine around the trunk about eight to ten inches deep and watered immediately approximately two weeks after this application, we had new growth on these vines and they are still growing. The government men are keeping a close watch on these vines. We are very well satisfied with the results. In fact, we told a neighbor of ours about this treatment, a Mr. R. Neff, who has the ranch adjoining ours, and he procured a sack and took same to his vineyard a Dinuba, California and treated some vines there for Pierce Disease. He reported back to us that he had treated White Malaga and Emperor vines with Panaca the same as we had and that the results were very fine and that he was going to treat all of the rest of his vines and that he would inform his neighbors.


Grower and Shipper FRANK GALLO 1130 Oxford Street Delano, California Page 2

Also, for your information, we have tried Panaca on 15 checks of alfalfa, which composes approximately 10 acres. We applied Panaca at the rate of 1,000 lbs per acre with a lime spreader broadcasting system. The Panaca was applied on the worse ground we have. It had quite a few hardpan spots, which caused considerable wilting. However after applying Panaca, my wilt has decreased approximately 80 percent. My alfalfa is green down to the ground, and is of fine big leaf and texture. Also my moisture is considerably better than before we applied Panaca. I’m sure that if we had renovated the alfalfa before applying Panaca, we would have had remarkable results. However there is no mistaking that Panaca has helped this particular piece of alfalfa 100 percent. Hoping this testimonial letter is to some benefit to you. I remain, Yours truly, Frank Gallo (signed)

FG:bp Subscribed and sworn to before me This 26th day of August, 1948 ELIZABETH K. LINDSEY (signed) NOTORY PUBLIC in and for said County and State (Seal- State of California: County of Kern)


Sheep Test Listed below are the results of a lamb-feeding test conducted at the (Name On File) Ranches, Inc. feed lots. This was a 33-day test.

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !



Synopsis of Developmental Research

By: Jared Milarch Undergraduate Research Northwestern Michigan College Traverse City, MI Montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic rock were tested independently and in combination with a blend of topsoil and compost using Sorghum sudan grass seeds. The objective was to determine if the plant supplements had individual and additive effects when used in combination on plant germination and vigor. Treatments were: 1. 85% topsoil, and 15% compost (TC), 2. Topsoil, compost, and Montmorillonite clay (TCM), 3. Topsoil, compost, and paramagnetic rock (TCP), and 4. Topsoil, compost, Montmorillonite clay, and paramagnetic rock (TCMP). (AbzsumPlusú is a commercial blend of Montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic rock.) Each of the four treatments had five identical replicate containers containing the appropriate treatment soil blend. Twenty seeds were sown in each container 9/10/98 and allowed to mature in the Northern Michigan College greenhouse before they were harvested on 11/13/98. All containers were equally watered and rotated to ensure equal exposure to light and heat. Results: The average number of shoots per container are shown in figure 1. The

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Montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic rock combination (commercially known as AbzsumPlusú) averaged 41.2 shoots per container. The blend with Montmorillonite clay only had 25 shoots, the paramagnetic rock blend only had 19.4 shoots, and the soil/compost blend only had 16.4 shoots per container. The average green mass per shoot is shown in figure 2. Montmorillonite clay

and paramagnetic rock in combination (AbzsumPlusú) had the greatest green mass of 0.466 grams per shoot. The average green mass per shoot for the paramagnetic rock treatment was 0.435 grams, the montmorillonite clay was 0.407 grams, and the soil/compost blend weighed 0.399 grams per shoot. Figure 3 shows the average total green mass per treatment container.

AbzsumPlusú, the Montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic rock combination had the highest total green mass of 19.2 grams per container. Next was the montmorillonite clay treatment with 10.2 grams, followed by the paramagnetic rock treatment with 8.3 grams, and the soil/compost blend with 6.5 grams of total green mass per container.



Conclusions: The combination of Montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic rock, commercially known as AbzsumPlusú, produced 65% or more shoots per container than either soil supplement alone. AbzsumPlusú produced the greatest average green mass per shoot. In addition, the AbzsumPlusú produced 88.2% greater total green mass per container than the montmorillonite clay alone and 131.3% more total green mass per container than the paramagnetic rock alone. The combination of montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic rock to produce AbzsumPlusú appears to have an additive effect on seed germination and plant growth of Sorghum-sudan seed.

Caution Members of the Sorghum family contain dhurrin, a glucoside that breaks down to release hydrocyanic acid also known as prussic acid. A sudden disruption of growth such as frost, drought or cutting, causes prussic acid to be released inside the plant at a more rapid rate. High prussic acid levels may be lethal to cattle. Prussic acid will breakdown in one to two weeks, so material made into hay or silage is safe to use. See Nutritional Concerns and Animal Health Hazards, below.



“THE%EFFECT%OF%MONTMORILLONITE%ON%LAYING%HENS%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%EFFICIENCY%AND%PRODUCTION%RATE”% % Utah State University in Logan, Utah, under the direction of Dr. Dean E. Bell, Assistant Professor and Poultry Nutritionist, conducted trials evaluating hen performance over a 24-week period, results showed that when Montmorillonite replaced filler in layer diets, egg production increased 11% and feed efficiency improved by 12%. !“THE EFFECT OF MONTMORILLONITE ON LAYING HENS EFFICIENCY PRODUCTION RATE** Treatment ® EXCELERITE Control

Feed / doz. (lbs) 3.32 3.76

Egg Production (%) 82.6 74.5

** Overall effects for six 28-day periods were highly significant. Conclusion - The inclusion of Montmorillonite is larger diets effectively improved the rate of lay and efficiency without effecting other parameters.

The Use of Clay in Poultry Feed*

J. H. Quisenberry Department of Poultry Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843 * Invited paper presented at the 16th Clay Conference, Denver. Abstract: Dietary clay supplements (bentonite and kaolinite) have been used as binding and lubricating agents in the production of pelleted feeds for chickens. The high-swelling and water absorbing capacity of some bentonites make them attractive dietrary additives for control of wet droppings in caged lay layers. In addition, experiments show that layers fed on these diets exhibit significant increases in body weight, egg size, and life expectancy even though their total caloric intake is less than that of the control group. Dietary kaolin improves caloric efficiency even more than bentonite but without apparent effect upon growth or carcass quality. Kaolins of smaller particle size are superior to those of larger size in improving caloric efficiency. The effective kaolins are estimated to be worth approximately two calories of metabolizable energy per gram. The major beneficial effect appears to be due to a slowing down of the rate of feed passage through the intestinal tract. Possible uptake of trace elements required for optimum nutrition has not yet been evaluated

© US Rare Earth, Inc. • PO Box 9759 Bend, OR 97708 • !


The Effects of Montmorillonite Clay and Compost Supplementation as Compared to Sustaine NPK Plant Food on Turf Grass Synopsis of Developmental Research By: Randy Ottgen Undergraduate Research Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Previous studies have shown trace mineral supplementation improves the germination rate of various grasses. This study investigated the effect of Montmorillonite clay trace mineral supplement) compared to a conventional fertilizer, Sustaine NPK plant food. On February 6, 1999, one flat was divided into two equal compartments. The control side received topsoil only and the Sustaine plant food at the recommended label application rate. The treatment side received 2/3 topsoil and 1/3 compost with Montmorillonite clay addition at the rate of 1 lb. per 10 sq. ft. Each side of the flat was sown with an equal weight of PGA standard fairway grass. The treatment side also received foliar dusting after all the grass emerged on February 12, 1999. Both sides of the flat received similar water, light, and heat. Visual observation of seed germination was monitored and five 1 square inch plugs from each side of the flat were taken to determine stem counts on April 3, 1999. Results: The Montmorillonite clay and compost treatment side germinated in two days; whereas, the control side with Sustaine took over a week. Fourteen days after planting, the researcher described the control side as "slight" germination, but the treatment side as "almost total" germination at an even height of four inches. Stem counts from one square inch plugs of the control (Sustaine) side averaged 49.8 compared to an average stem count of 152.2 for the Montmorillonite clay and compost treatment side as shown in Figure 1. Conclusions: The treatment side of Montmorillonite clay and compost increased the speed of germination and germination rate by greater than three-fold compared to the control topsoil treatment with Sustaine plant food.


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