1 minute read
Keeping Fit in Tech Ville
Efficiency is all the rage in this age of technology. Getting tasks done quickly and with the least possible effort seems to be the goal of every activity. However, while technology has brought about huge progress in various aspects of life, becoming to civilization what the muscles are to the body, it has also introduced a certain tendency for apathy toward keeping the body active. This unintended consequence has become a blight on the physical health of many. From the “nine to five” daily commuters to the introverted “couch potatoes,” we could all use a break once in a while.
... Here at TrooRa, we strongly advocate body positivity and would have every individual be proud of their physique. That aside, the importance of exercise and being physically active cannot be overemphasized. Besides burning fat, leading an active lifestyle has many benefits and can greatly influence an individual’s overall outlook.
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