1 minute read
A Big Breath of Fresh Air
Breathing exercises have gone mainstream and become one of the top wellness trends in 2022. And while the wellness brigade touts its effect on psychological and physical health, there’s also the science to back it up and companies looking to capitalize.
Airofit, a sports tech company out of Denmark, has taken respiratory exercises to a new level with “the world’s first smart breathing trainer.” The device and app were designed for athletes, singers, and asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients to strengthen their lungs and improve breathing effectively.
...The company claims you can strengthen your diaphragm by using the device for just 5-10 minutes a day with the Airofit. Training your diaphragm allows you to breathe deeper, decrease your breathing rate, and slow your heart rate as your lungs have more room to expand.
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