2 minute read
The Verge of Objective Concussion Diagnosis
Is there finally an objective way to diagnose concussions in sports and active duty? Neurolytixs, a Canadian R&D company, has licensed and patented a novel blood test technology that uses artificial intelligence to help diagnose concussions within just 48 hours.
Founded by Dr. Douglas Fraser, Peter George, and Adrian Uthay, Neurolytixs works by identifying a number of biomarkers to accurately identify brain injury among amateur athletes, active duty members, and others. Dr. Fraser developed this first-of-its-kind technology to yield accurate results with just a prick of the finger blood test. Using dried plasma spot and metabolite measurements, a mass spectrometer can accurately diagnose mild traumatic brain injury with rapid results.
says Dr. Fraser, a Clinician Scientist at the London Health Sciences Center, Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Physiology and Pharmacology, and Clinical Neurological Sciences at Western University, and member of the Office of Military Academic Medicine.
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