2 minute read
Whether it is women fighting for their seat at the table, or men being trapped in gender stereotypes, everyone loses in the battle of inequality. Gender inequality is a global issue.
When faced with gender-based issues, regardless of gender, we often think, what can I do to make sure this doesn’t happen? In what way can I support and empower the women in my circles and deconstruct toxic male stereotypes? How can I be an agent of change?
HeForShe is a global movement that invites people of all genders to support gender equality and call world leaders to action.
To make these solutions accessible to everyone and use technology to their advantage, HeForShe creates digital action kits for individuals and organizations. These action kits are essentially step-bystep guides to implementing change in our teams, our communities, our schools, and our homes. In a way, how to empower women 101. These action kits use successful projects as examples, providing instructions on how to implement changes. They also provide resources and contacts to help others achieve the same results. All of this information can be downloaded from their website: heforshe.org.
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