1 minute read

Breaking The Bias In Africa’s Tech Space

In recent years, Africa’s tech scene has witnessed a boom with a dramatic increase in innovators and tech entrepreneurs. These ‘techpreneurs,’ as they are popularly referred to, use technology to provide simple and accessible solutions to everyday problems.

Across Africa, tech hubs have sprouted in places such as Kenya, Egypt, and South Africa, with Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, leading the pack. From payment services to applications that help people increase their savings and make it easier for Africans to participate in the global crypto rush, Africa’s tech scene is livelier than ever.

An estimated 30% of businesses in Africa are owned by women. Compared to these record rates of women’s entrepreneurship, women’s participation in the tech industry is woefully behind. Women are underrepresented and marginalized as tech entrepreneurs in the digital economy, albeit it is one of the most promising and fastest growing sectors in many countries...

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