2 minute read
Bridge to Success
New Partnership Helps Black Entrepreneurs and Marginalized Diverse Creatives Seize The American Dream
One of the pillars of the proverbial American Dream, and the dreams of many people around the world, is the chance to succeed by launching and running a business. Entrepreneurship represents a pathway out of poverty for many people, particularly those who lack connections or the right background for traditional employment.
This pathway is particularly important for Black people in the U.S., 19.5 percent of whom were living below the poverty line in 2021, more than twice the number of other racial groups. Poverty is defined as single people earning less than $12,880 per year and families of four earning less than $26,500. The U.S. had the third highest poverty rate of all OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries in 2019, and women, children, and racial minorities were the most affected. California, the 5th largest economy in the world, had the highest number of people living below the poverty line in 2020.
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