Lead Nurturing
for Outgoing Exchange
Our Resources
What we are tes/ng (globally)
The Nurturing Map This booklet focuses on our main lead nurturing channel at the moment: MailGIS While Get Response is s/ll a service we use, the ow is not automated and rather used manually by the MC for sending emails regarding special oers (like discounts) or other informa/on to selected email addresses periodically
Through MailGIS, ALL customers who sign up on aiesec.org receive a series of emails based on their behaviour on the website (aka if they apply, get rejected, accepted etc.) the ow as well as the emails at each stage can be found in the following pages
EXAMPLE this field is coded so it will import the person’s name
N1 at sign up
this is a GIF showing all the 4 steps for the process
the Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur fields are coded so it will feature available opportunities on the platform (as they change fast) while the Global Volunteer buttons are set for country partners
it’s easily read both on desktop and mobile!
here the person can find Eirini’s and David’s contact emails may they have any general questions
CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE TEMPLATES You can find all the emails in .html format in this drive, seeing the flow alongside the email template will help you understand the ra/onale Understanding where your EPs are in the flow will tell you about what kind of emails they receive automa/cally so you will know how to customise your EP managers emails in order for them to compliment the emails they are already receiving. Based on the product the EPs choose on the plaWorm they will mostly receive product specific emails a.k.a GT/GV/GE specific