2 minute read

Cost of living

We all know about the cost of living crisis that we as a nation have been dealing with over the past 12 months. The everincreasing, spiralling costs are worrisome for us all. As conversations fill up the media about the crisis and how it is affecting society today, the rare disease and disabilities communities are often neglected in being spoken about. Bringing their unique basic needs that society may take for granted to the front is important, as these needs can come with a high financial burden that can literally save lives.

We have spoken to many who live with the struggle daily, managing disabilities and rare diseases with limited income streams against the background of the current worsening economic crisis. They worry about feeding themselves and their children, heating their homes and getting to essential appointments let alone funding days out for leisure or pleasure or even a simple coffee out with a friend. It is a battle, a constant battle and it is affecting the mental health and the wellbeing of our society, some more adversely than others.

We are grateful to everyone who took part in our surveys or shared their stories with us. They have helped us focus on what help is needed and build up a varied picture of how the effects are being felt in our communities currently.

We are proud to be launching our new

Multimedia Gallery to help you navigate and get the right advice and support that you need. There are links to help and support under the relevant headings. We have also shared some stories and films from some of our wonderful supporters talking about how the crisis has hit them.

You can find it all here: www.samebutdifferent

.org.uk/costofliving www.samebutdifferent.org.uk/costofliving

As ever the story is ongoing as is the help and support out there. If you have received help, know of any tips to help ease the crisis for others or know of initiatives set up to help please, please do let us know. We will add it to our resource page as a link to help others that will benefit also.

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