The Mark of the Beast

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Enderase Amen


Nobel Servant of God

Discourse on The Mark of the Beast October 7, 2010 Hotep, (Be at Peace) Family A definition of religion is - something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: The universal religion of the current world is monetarism (the belief in money). This belief has been marketed, evangelized and dictated as the holy gospel of truth; that money will heal and provide for all and as a result people sacrifice their lives and that of their families to appease the church, high priest and lords of this faith I.E. central banks, oligarchy, and cabal's. Most recently the naturalistic peoples of the world have been the collateral damage of the acolytes of this religious system. If you do not convert to it's rite and practices you are enslaved or made sacrifice for the supposed greater good. Like money a medium represented by a theoretical value, this faiths lacks soul, substance consciousness and morality it's core doctrine is the ends justifies the means. In short do anything you can to make it. The bishops of this faith sum this doctrine up in the bottom line. The literal function of money as a concept and or object is a tool. A tool to exchange goods and or services from one person to another. As it's function there is nothing malicious in it's purpose. But to control the people who produce goods and services you must corrupt the nature of this tool in to a thing of worship and idolatry. The system designed and enacted for this conversion is, gross consumption and debt. As you consume more than what you need and or can produce you are extended credit at a high premiums (a practice called usury) you leverage and sale of all assets to cover your debt, such as property, (land, gold, silver) resource (skills and investments) all these things are placed upon the alter of monetarism and in exchange you are given the narcotic of amusement, fantasy and dependency. And when the shackles of monetarism have been fully accepted by the alchemy of taking a sovereign born human and making a consumptive slave, he has been reduced and made no different than the exchange of one product for another to be saved or disposed at the whim of his master. In the Shat Sila Ma'at the Book of Heaven and Earth vs 7 and 8 states thus And let this, O Son, be the end of Faith and Piety; where unto when thou art once arrived, thou shall both live well, and die blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly back again. For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our Progenitors traveled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body.

For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and dissension it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it. But the victory of both is not like; for the one has to that which is Good, but the other is a neighbor to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desires to be set at Liberty; but the things that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery. What is meant by the above passage is that people's soul naturally wish to be free a person naturally wishes to live a good, learned useful and productive life and pass back to their creator upon death in this world. But the body is needy and if left unchecked and undisciplined will overcome the soul and enslave it in the bondage of desire and ceaseless want. Though the confirmed cure to this affliction is piety toward your creator and peace in one's self and society this thesis does not directly instruct on this point but can be further studied in The Neter Sesen. Moreover or objective is to remove the financial shackles of a debauched carnivorous faith that lays snares for the ignorant and bewitched. To this end the first and foremost step in this process is the realization and acceptance that you have been suckered, hoodwinked and led astray. Having been fooled is no insult staying a fool is. Second is the overstanding and mastering of systems. We can not lean on anarchy and emotion when the greater percentage of people could not functionally clothe, shelter or feed themselves if required with out the breast of the whore of Babylon. No; let us overstand that which was mastered, that which is designed and that which will be. So to this discipline we must dedicate ourselves to the learning of systems. The pervasive modern day systems of finance are western capitalism and socialism. Both of these models of production and consumption are rooted in western feudalism; simply put, the many produce for the benefit of the few. So it is logical to conclude the antidote to this is the opposite, that the one produces to the benefit of himself and community or whole. There are two fundamental requirements to accomplish this end, resources and skills. Today referred to as commodities and expertise. You may notice I did not say capital. I did not say capital because capital is usually the result of the first two. Two skilled people working together saving their capital (money) can purchase land, gold, livestock, seed, (commodities) manage them as a business and be functionally sovereign. Proof of this can be seen in modern China and Korea towns of America. One family members holds a Job (just over broke) the other along with additional family members operate a business. Typically it is a low cost establishment like a nail saloon, dry cleaners, laundry mate etc. to reduce their debt burden and maximize their profit margin. This strategy allows the participants to have the security of family insurance a pension and asset security if most times the husband looses his job. The monies made from the business is usually invested in land and property or loaned to another friend or family member who has journeymen under the first business owner as to maximize their financial strength and presence in the community. This process is repeated over and over until the people and or culture have secured dominate market share in the community. Western capitalism require competition western socialism requires codependency this phrase I have coined Unism ({pronounced ohnism} (the fiscal practice of one for the whole and the whole for one) like a cell, he/she is a sovereign owner of property and trust but is dependent on dividing and investing in the growth and development of his neighbor and neighborhood . The practice of Unism is growing and developing organically throughout America, it can been seen by the symbiotic relationship Mexican Americans have developed with Asians Ameicans. Two unique culture living and working side by side neither seeking to dominate or subdue the other but having their own ends; the Asians tend to manage production and distribution and the Mexicans labor and service. Both take their earning back to their respective communities and invest in business and family. In so doing creating pocket communities much less dependent on a debt

consumption system, because their dollar tends to revolve 15 to 20 times more in their communities then say the African American who has been shackled to Cooperate Capitalism or Welfare Socialism. It could be said that Jewish, Asian, Indian and certain Latino people are raised in a culture of Unism and when they come to opportunity this training just kicks in as well as the resource they can access throughout their mother country. I am not in disagreement with this argument but I challenge the excuse that people of AFRICAN descent have no mother country. After freeing ourselves from bondage our forbears made Freemanvills much like the China towns of today. Albeit victims of terrorism and intimidation we struggled to function and grow but we where on our way to developing unique social, monetary and political systems within and without the greater nation. Are elders where looked after, our children where well behaved, our religious institutions had a practical social function the poor where feed and clothed we built more than we bought and we worked collectively as a people to cheer Joe Louise's victories or Launch the Black Star Line investments in Africa. Like all people there where success and failures along the way but I submit our biggest success became our biggest failure. Civil Rights was a trade off of enhanced civil liberties for all men of the world but a short sale for people of African descent. Part and parcel of this failure was systematically designed and implemented by covert sanctioned entities as this is well documented . But the other part rest on the children and inheritors of the civil rights movement not to invest their social, political and monetary capital in their communities but instead into the satanic hands of cooperate monetarism bishops ergo sacrificing their children to pop culture, materialism, consumerism and a general doctrine of selfishness and functional stupidity. Now many of our son are beast and daughters whores fully faithful to religion of monetarism. I promise you this can only end in ruin for those who stay in this faith and belief it is a idol of iron with feet of clay. Cracks are forming now, it can not and will not be repaired just covered up. Those at the top will abandon those at the bottom when the system comes crumbling down. In business terms they have secured their assets and you are a liability. This can be reflected in a most recent motion picture called 2012. But most people where just amused at that two hour public service announcement. The beast and the whore are all about us; her cup runneth over in blood; he consumes much flesh. Their faith; the worship and devotion to money hence monetarism. A world in sickness. The fiscal redemption of Unism -one for all all for one – and to give thanks and praise to the one creator. Thanks be to Amen that we should instruct Humanity on the Mat, teaching the ignorant in knowledge, and in the standard of good discourse, beneficial to him who hears, but woe to him who neglects them. Maa Kheru Ha er'n Amen, Ras Nahmir Amun (Head Minister) Of The Orthodox Assembly Enderase Amen

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