Lookbook'2014 UNDER MY ROOF

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14’ LOOKBOOK bags/ / backpacks

UNDERMYROOF Thepl acewher e wecanbe whowewantt obe. Undermyr oof-myr ul es!












UNDERMYROOFi saVi l ni us basedyoung Li t huani anbr andf oundedby desi gner ' sduo ofRasaSubaci ut e andJust asAt koci us. Thecol l ect i onsar ei nspi r edf r om sur r oundi ngs, suchasar chi t ect ur e, nat ur e, cul t ur e. Thedesi gns ar ehandmade men' s&women' sur bancl ot hes, l eat herbags, backpack anduni queaccessor i eswi t h avi vi dt r aceof Nor di cmi ni mal i sm andpassi onf oravant gar de. Fashi onbr and i scr eat i ngt hedesi gn wher et heuse oft r adi t i onalf abr i cs i sof t encombi ned wi t hnew sol ut i ons t or evealt hebeaut y ofgooddesi gn, si mpl i ci t y andqual i t y.

LEATHER BAGS/ / BACKPACKS Avar i ousmodel s ofcl eans hapesbags andbackpacks ar edes i gned, t ai l or ed andhandcr af t ed i nUNDERMYROOFs t udi o bydes i gnerJus t asAt koci us . Thebagsar ecar ef ul l y handmade andar eavai l abl e i nawi devar i et y ofl eat her and col or s .

SYMMETRi C Over si z edf l att ot escol l ect i oni nspi r ed bymi ni mal i stneedsf nt heweekendsorhol i days. Onesi dei ncl udest woopenpocket s, andt woi nt er i oropenpocket s f oryoursmal l erval uabl es. Bagcanbecar r i edbyhand orwi t hdet achabl el eat hershoul derst r ap. Bet weenhandl est r apsyoucancar r ymagaz i ne, orsmal lumbr el l a. Thesi mpl edesi gn-f orex t r aor di nar ypeopl e.

‘ I N BLACK’ SI ZE&FI T Lengt h38, 5cm /15" Hei ght48cm /19" Dept h1cm /0. 4" Handl edr op22cm /9” Handl el engt h52cm /20” PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Topqual i t yf ul l gr ai nl eat her Opent op Bagi sunl i ned Twoout eropenpocket s TwoI nt er nalopenpocket s Det achabl el eat her shoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e

Shoul derbagscol l ect i on‘ SYMMETRi C’

ASI LENCE Thi sever ydayt ot ebagi smadeoft ex t ur edgenui nel eat her I ti ssl i m butal soi ti sver yspaci ousand hasr oomyi nt er i orwhi chcanhandl eal lyouressent i al s. Al soi thasi nt er nalopenpocketf orsmal l erval uabl es. Onesi dehasl ar gez i ppercompar t ment . Thebagi sunl i nedt okeepi tl i ghti nwei ght , hasat ophandl eandashoul derst r ap.


PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Tex t ur edgenui nel eat her Bagi sunl i ned I nt er nalpocket Zi ppercl osur e

Bagscol l ect i on‘ ASI LENCE’

SI ZE&FI T Wi dt h38, 5cm /15" Hei ght48cm /19" Dept h1cm /0. 4" Handl edr op14cm /6” Handl el engt h31cm /12” Shoul derst r apdr op45cm /18” Shoul derst r apl engt h90cm /35”

EASYGOI NG Aver yf unct i onalandconver t i bl ebackpack t hatyoucanwearal ldayl ongonyourback orcar r yasamessengerbagorhandbag. I thasr oomyi nt er i orwhi chcanhandl eal lyouressent i al s. Al soi thasi nt er nalopenpocketf orsmal l erval uabl es. Thebackpackconsi st sofonet ophandl e, det achabl eandadj ust abl eshoul derst r aps, onei nsi depocket andanel egantpushst udsatf r ont . Comeswi t hcot t ont ot ebag.

’ NI NGMI EASYGOI on‘ i ect l Backpackcol

“ MI NI ” SI ZE&FI T Wi de26cm /10. 2" Tal l25. 5cm /10" Deep6cm /2. 3" Handl edr op18cm /7” Handl el engt h38cm /14. 9” PRODUCTDETAI LS Handcr af t ed, Topgr ai nl eat her Unl i ned Si gnat ur el ogoont hef r ont I nt er nalpocket Pushst udscl osur e Si l ver t onehar dwar e Addi t i onali nt er i orpocket


Lenght32cm /12. 5" Hei ght41cm /16. 1" Dept h7cm /2. 7" Handl edr op17cm /6. 6” Handl el engt h38cm /14. 9” PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Topqual i t yl eat her Si l kl i ned Onet opdet achabl ehandl e Det achabl eadj ust abl el eat her shoul derst r aps Si l ver t onehar dwar e Si gnat ur el ogoont hef l ap Fast enswi t hpushst uds Det achabl ei nt er nalopenpocket Col or : Ant i queWhi t e

Backpackscol l ect i on“ EASYGOI NG”


KYBORG Avant gar dei nspi r edbagscol l ect i on. Handmadedi amondshapebagi sf or medf r om geomet r i cl eat hercut s. Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k wi t hsecur ez i ppocketi nsi def orsmal l erval uabl es. Foraddedver sat i l i t y, youcanuset hebagwi t hi t swr i sthandl e orgohandsf r eewi t ht hedet achabl eshoul derst r ap. Thebagf ast enswi t haz i pal ongt het op. Comeswi t ht ot ei nnat ur alcot t oncanvas.

Bagscol l ect i on‘ KYBORG’

‘ KYBOG’ ‘ TOTEBAG’ SI ZE&FI T Wi dt h42cm /16. 5" Hei ght33cm /13" Dept h3cm /1. 2" Handl edr op24cm /9” Handl el engt h54cm /21” PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Bl ackgenui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalz i ppedpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Det achabl ehandl es Det achabl eadj ust abl el eat her shoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e




Wi dt h42cm /16. 5" Hei ght33cm /13" Dept h3cm /1. 2"

Wi dt h36cm /14" Hei ght17, 5cm /7" Dept h3cm /1. 2"



Handmade Bl ackgenui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalopenpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Wr i st l etst r ap Det achabl el eat her shoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e

Handmade Bl ackgenui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalopenpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Wr i st l etst r ap Si l vert onehar dwar e





Wi dt h42cm /16. 5" Hei ght33cm /13" Dept h3cm /1. 2"

Wi dt h42cm /16. 5" Hei ght33cm /13" Dept h3cm /1. 2" Handl edr op24cm /9” Handl el engt h54cm /21”

PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Ful lgr ai nl eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalopenpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Wr i st l etst r ap Det achabl el eat her shoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e

PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Bl ackgenui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalz i ppedpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Det achabl ehandl es Det achabl eadj ust abl e l eat hershoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e

Bagscol l ect i on‘ KYBORG’


NI GHTWALK Col l ect i onofhandbagsi nspi r edbyt heni ghtci t y. Dar k, sophi st i cat ed, myst er i ous. Af t err emovi ngasi ngl epi ece-ashoul derst r ap, t heyt ur ni nt osmal ll ovel ycl ut cheswi t hcut edet ai l s. Li ght wei ghtandj ustt her i ghtsi z e. I nl i nedwi t hsi l k. Thesebagskeept hi ngspl ai nandsi mpl e wi t haf ocusonhi ghqual i t ymat er i al sanduni queshapes.


PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Bl ackgenui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalopenpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Wr i st l etst r ap Det achabl el eat her shoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e


Col l ect i onofhandbagsi nspi r edbyt heni ghtci t y. Dar k, sophi st i cat ed, myst er i ous. Af t err emovi ngasi ngl epi ece-ashoul derst r ap, t heyt ur ni nt osmal ll ovel ycl ut cheswi t hcut edet ai l s. Li ght wei ghtandj ustt her i ghtsi z e. I nl i nedwi t hsi l k. Thesebagskeept hi ngspl ai nandsi mpl e wi t haf ocusonhi ghqual i t ymat er i al sanduni queshapes.



‘ NI GHTWALK’ ‘ SHOULDERBAG’ SI ZE&FI T Wi dt h36cm /14. 1" Hei ght32cm /12. 5" Dept h2. 5cm /0. 9" Handl edr op52cm /20. 4” Handl el engt h120cm /47. 2”




Wi dt h21. 2cm /8. 3" Hei ght12. 5cm /4. 9" Dept h2. 5cm /0. 9"

Wi dt h30cm /11. 8" Hei ght18cm /7" Dept h8cm /3. 1” Handl edr op53cm /20. 8” Handl el engt h118cm /46. 4”

Wi dt h16cm /6. 2" Hei ght17cm /6. 6" Dept h2cm /0. 7" Handl edr op51cm /20” Handl el engt h116cm /45. 6”

PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Genui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nal3openpocket s Ex t er nalz i ppedpocket Zi pt opcl osur e Wr i st l etst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e Si gnat ur el ogoont hef r ont



Handmade Genui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k I nt er nalopenpocket Ri vetcl osur e Det achabl el eat hershoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e Si gnat ur el ogoont hef r ont

Handmade Genui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k Ri vetcl osur e Det achabl el eat hershoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e Si gnat ur el ogoont hef r ont

Bagscol l ect i on‘ NI GHTWALK’

SI ZE&FI T Wi dt h42cm /16. 5" Hei ght33cm /13" Dept h3cm /1. 2"

PRODUCTDETAI LS Handmade Genui nel eat her Ful l yl i nedi nsi l k Zi pt opcl osur e Det achabl el eat hershoul derst r ap Si l ver t onehar dwar e Si gnat ur el ogoont hef r ont




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T. Sevcenkos str. 16, 1 corps, II floor, 03111, Vilnius, Lithuania undermyroof@outlook.com (LT) +370 605 35837

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