# continues tool for_[offline]_scripting_
[non] digital labeling of information
# Following labels are to be seen as a collective set of tools, which will help specify the scripting of the overall architectural proposition; ’ Living Art(e)-facts/ Social Devices’ These pages contain both my layout for a manifesto, images, quotes for inspiration and selected investigation-tools that will help specify topics of interest on a given location. The intention behind this tool is to question the way we look upon given scenarios, and think about when we need to capture certain information for later use. Furthermore they should give an understanding of time and place by forcing the user to rmake site-specific ’labeling’. equipment: collection of labels Camera
[inter]social sustainability – sharing information as catalyst for social and technical performative architectures in contemporary living situations. [Almost all lives lived on earth are enrolled in complex systems of #data-flows – the so-called ‘electromagnetic fields’. Communication technologies advance, giving the individual access to global digital communities, where sharing and obtaining information is a way of enhancing your own personal and social capital. Obtaining new information has suddenly become downsized, because receiving it can happen 24/7 and where you want it. Online technologies provide thresholds between the digital and non-digital and make the event of ‘receiving’ information a matter of course. The media promotes all of this, and controls what information is worth sharing or not]
[Today the most valuable sharing of information happens together with other people. Dynamic contemporary lifestyles must, and do have an inherent complexity to them concerning access to information and data [digital or non-digital], before becoming a member of your society. Achieving a level of ‘advanced social status’ can therefore, besides economic and political wealth, be seen as having access to information. To resonate with time, performative architecture has to have the thinking about distribution of information embedded. Creating spaces for people to be able to speak about collective issues, dream and think critically about their current lives – a so-called #social_reality. These cultural mechanisms should promote concepts/events for sharing; free from globally complex flows of digital data that diminishes the individual thought. Performative architecture(s) should embrace the collecting of people no matter social status, culture or religion and harvest ideas from a specific placement in a given context. I believe that contemporary social forums should share and construct culture and conversation.
Immaterial architecture, Hill, Jonathan, Routledge, 2006 ’One of my friends was comfortable without a physical home for a while because her mobile and computer provided familiarity, ready to access to a community of friends, and thresholds the she could open and close’ [p. 21 ll. 6-9]
Immaterial architecture, Hill, Jonathan, Routledge, 2006 ’Looking through a window in a wall, the viewer is aware of his or her separation from the world outside, while also feeling immersed within some degree. Being both here and there is an experience engendered by all windows, whether glazed, painted or pixelated’ [p. 21 ll. 6-9]
Immaterial architecture, Hill, Jonathan, Routledge, 2006 ‘As surveillance and communication technologies advance, government agencies and business corporations know more and more about our personal habits and transactions, and private life is the focus of public attention. But, inversely, as the private becomes ever more public, the desire for of a protective home life increases, fuelled by the very media that undermine it.’ [p. 21 ll. 29-33]
Entangled, Technolgy and the transformation of performance, Salter, Chris, MIT press ‘(…) culture, technology and space form a complex active web of connections, a network of interrelated constructs that affect each other simultaneously and continually’ [p. 83 ll. 4-6]
notes [hashtags]
notes [hashtags]
Digtital / Pixilation
Leaving out
plast #assemble