Rassmuson Design LLC

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Samples of Work t: 505 603 5266 nicole@rassmusondesign.com www.rassmusondesign.com

The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation

SANTA FE CONSERVATION TRUST Securing the Beauty of Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico

SANTA FE CONSERVATION TRUST 316 E. Marcy Street, PO Box 23985, Santa Fe NM, 87502-3985 505 989 7019 www.sfct.org Printed environmentally and printed on 100% recycled paper Photography: Don Usner, front cover photo, Mitch Tillison, back cover photo Design: Rassmuson Design Copy: Eric Edward Brown Print: AlphaGraphics Santa Fe

A Year of Natural Achievements - Annual Review 2009


As a founding partner of the Santa Fe Conservation Trust, I’m proud of the ways this organization serves our community, for New Mexico’s ultimate value lies in what we are able to protect for future generations. Stewart Udall


Preserving Your World Is Our Nature

We Save Land

New Mexico is blessed with some of the most pristine landscapes in America—a beautiful land that supports and sustains us. Since 1994, the Santa Fe Conservation Trust (SFCT) has been on a mission to protect these disappearing natural areas.

New Mexico’s stunning, untouched landscapes—life–supporting lands essential for healthy wildlife, clean air, pure water, and food–producing soils—are rapidly disappearing. SFCT is helping to create a network of natural, open lands in and around our communities, forever protected for all living creatures.

The faith that our supporters place in their local land trust continues to reap wonderful rewards. Despite challenging economic times, in 2009, SFCT helped to secure the land, trails and star–filled skies everyone loves by: • teaming up with eight new landowner partners to add more than 2000 new acres to our protected lands in the Galisteo Basin, the Upper Pecos Watershed, and along the Rio Los Pinos; • making Santa Fe’s trails safer and stronger by repairing dozens of erosion and safety problems along the 30–mile Dale Ball Trail System; • rolling back light pollution by reaching hundreds of local residents with messages about star-friendly lighting solutions; and

By providing landowners with tools to place their lands into voluntary conservation status, we added 2,027 acres to our portfolio in 2009. We now oversee protection of more than 33,000 acres in northern New Mexico. We’re also partnering with the Santa Fe Farmer’s Market, the Permaculture Credit Union, and other non–profits to ensure our work reaches across socioeconomic and cultural groups. Together, we’re making conservation affordable for small–scale farmers—the people who provide the locally grown, organic foods vital to our region’s food security.

• advancing conservation for the small-scale organic farms critical to our local food security.

Along with our landowner partners the Kellys, our families have been enjoying this special place for over 30 years—the land, the river, the wildlife and the real sense of its uniqueness. Coming together with the Santa Fe Conservation Trust has made it possible to do what we have always wanted: to ensure that this land will remain just as it is, in perpetuity. We are grateful that the Trust and its dedicated staff have made possible a wonderful convergence of our interests with the public interests of New Mexico’s people.


Harlan & Chris Flint, Landowners along Los Pinos River

As our story unfolds in the coming pages, you’ll see why SFCT is more productive than ever. And, why we remain committed to preserving the places that matter to all New Mexicans.

Rici Peterson Executive Director

For more information about our voluntary land protection program, visit www.sfct.org.

Santa Fe Conservation Trust


I love the Dale Ball Trails. They’re a wonderful gift to the people of Santa Fe, and I want to help preserve them to be used and loved by generations to come. Being a team leader with the Trails Alliance is so much fun. We work hard and enjoy one another’s company, with the satisfaction of knowing our work means these trails will endure longer.


Judy Costlow, retired health educator and trails volunteer

We Preserve Trails

We Promise the Stars

Trails provide healthy exercise, connect us with nature, boost tourism economies, and enhance quality of life for all. SFCT envisions a system of well-built, well-maintained trails connecting New Mexico’s people, neighborhoods, and communities.

Light pollution is stealing the stars, in the process eroding our natural heritage and even threatening the health of all creatures. SFCT is helping to restore the magical, starry night skies for which New Mexico was once famous.

As part of the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe—a three–way partnership between SFCT and the City and County of Santa Fe—we coordinate volunteers to help create and maintain the beautiful trails used by hundreds of thousands of residents and visitors each year.

Our Evening Star Events reach hundreds of supporters with illuminating messages about simple steps to help reduce light pollution and preserve our oldest natural wonder. Together we can brighten the future by restoring the dark to our state’s wondrous night skies.

Given the frustration I feel at so much going on in the world today, it feels especially good to be part of the Trails Alliance team. Working with my fellow volunteers and sharing our tools and our experience, we’re creating a safe path for others to follow, and doing our part to help heal the Earth.

Thank you, SFCT, for the wonderful night on the “Evening Star Train” ! I loved being on a train filled with people dedicated to conserving our open space. I loved that the Trust helped to create the Rail Trail along the train, and that the train was stopping in the grand and beautiful Galisteo Basin Preserve (another phenomenal place protected by the Trust). But most of all I loved looking up into the dark night sky and realizing that you do not just stop at protecting mama earth beneath our feet, but you also work to preserve our views of the starry heavens above.

Nancy King, author and trails volunteer

For each of these generous gifts I am deeply grateful and send you all blessings. Suby Bowden, architect

We enjoyed your star party in the Galisteo Basin very much, including the beautiful view of the Milky Way, which was very much a part of our childhood in West Texas. Now we can’t see it from our house because of light pollution. Later that week, we noticed that our landscaper had installed three garden lights that, though low wattage, still threw glare directly up into the sky. Recalling your astronomer’s message that Santa Fe is losing its night sky “one light at a time,” it was easy to make a decision to remove them. With luck, others will do the same and we’ll gradually conquer light pollution. Thank you for a memorable evening—and for all you do for New Mexico’s magnificent night skies.


Larry and Lauren Prescott, Santa Fe residents

For more information about the SFCT Trails Program, including the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe, visit www.sfct.org.


For more information about SFCT’s Starry Skies Program, including upcoming Star Party Events, visit www.sfct.org.

Foundation, Partner, & Business Support

Board of Directors Margaret Alexander Andy Ault Elizabeth Baxter Janie Bingham Connie Bright Peter Chapin, Secretary Jill Cooper Bill Cowles David Henderson Jim Jenkins Jim Leonard Bob Pierce, Treasurer Tom Simons, Vice Chair Terry Smith, Chair Colin Waldon


We Work Natural and Financial Wonders On a lean operating budget, SFCT performs huge accomplishments. Our small, dedicated staff is operationally efficient. Even in a struggling economy, we’re stable, strong, and more productive than ever. With a 2009 operating budget of only $342,000, we were able to help protect eight new properties and 2,027 acres; repair Santa Fe’s aging, well-loved trail systems; reduce light pollution; and advance conservation for small-scale organic farms. There’s much more on the horizon at SFCT. Your generous support will allow us to continue giving back to nature what New Mexico has been so blessed to receive. Let’s keep on protecting the land beneath our feet… the starry skies above… and the trails that connect our communities. INCOME SOURCE 2009 Operating Budget $324,000

Stewart Udall

Advisory Board

Staff Rici Peterson, Executive Director Charlie O’Leary, Conservation Coordinator Melissa Houser, Office Manager/Executive Assistant Susan Spinell, Trails Coordinator

Individual Support


Craig Barnes Christopher Larsen




Programrelated Income

2009 Operating Budget $324,000 Audited financial statements available on request.

Academy for the Love of Learning Extra Space Storage REI BBA Foresight II, LLC Santa Fe Garden Club Santa Fe Community Foundation Larsen Fund Swimming Hole, LLC Los Rios River Runners Ark Foundation Collected Works Bookstore Taos Land Trust New Mexico Tax Credit Alliance The Galisteo Community Association Harry’s Roadhouse Millstream Fund Jane Terry Financial Associates Glorieta Geoscience, Inc Austin Community Foundation Brindle Foundation McCune Charitable Foundation Lannan Foundation Pecos Canyon Sixteen Hand Graphics Frame Shop New Mexico Land Conservancy Rassmuson Design Wells Fargo Bank

64% Individual donations

Margaret & David Alexander Sumiko Ito & Donald Allison Charmay Allred Jonathan Altman Phoebe Girard & David Anderson Carol Anthony Su Anne Armstrong & Ted A. Hopkins Julie & Bill Ashbey Kitty & Andy Ault Alan Ball Sylvia & Dale Ball Judith Bright Barnett Kelly & Dallas Barnett Jefferson Baum Elizabeth & John Baxter Kim & Jan Bear Marsha Belonsky

Thank you for your photographs.

Lisa & Gregg Bemis Sonya & Adam Berg Susan & Jerome Bernstein Janie & George Bingham Elspeth Bobbs Deborah Boldt Bolene Charitable Trust James Bradbury Toby & alph Bransky Connie & Bob Bright Jana & Chris Bright Patrick & Allison Bright Peter Brill Lisa & Tom Brimacombe Cindy & Murray Brott Annie & Bill Brown Norma & Harold Brown William Broyles Peter Bryant Sandy Buffett Michaela Buhler Hannah & David Burling Sandra Burnett David Gamble & Jane Burns Leslie & Brad Burnside Lisa & David Caldwell Margret Carde Henry Carey Revell Carr Paul Friesen & Mary-Ray Cate Laurie Archer & John Catron Barbara Chamberlin Honey & Peter Chapin Katherin & David Chase Wendy Chase Beverly & Don Clark Ed Clark Tukey Cleveland Jonathan Compton Genevieve Coonley Jill Cooper & Senator Tom Udall Bill Cowles Jim & Carol Crain Kim Crawford Jeff & Jennifer Croy Jennie Crystle & Chris Johnson Margo Cutler Nancy Dahl Deon Hilger & Jerry Delaney

1. Edward Schepps 2. Don Usner

3. Billy Johnson 4. Joan Brooks Baker

Lisl & Landt Dennis Jan Denton & John Andrews Fred L. Doelker Susanne & Cornelius Dooley Piper Leigh & Brian Drypolcher Brooke Dulaney Sandra Durrie & J. Nicoll Gayle Maxon-Edgerton & Phil Edgerton Mary Anne & Gregory Edwards Pam & Kevin Egan Susan & Ethan Epstein Doris Francis-Erhard & Louis Erhard Gail Factor Madelyn & George Farris Ellyn Feldman & Robert Patricia Ferguson Polly & L.Boyd Finch Viola Fisher Sandra & James Fitzpatrick Ronda Fleck & Tim Lopez Christine & Harlan Flint Allen Fowler Pat & Michael French Jennifer Brennan French & Roberts French Elizabeth Fuller Laura & Phil Garcia Marthanne Dorminy & Stewart Gardner Anita & Joe Ginocchio Alexis & Marshall Girard Kelli & Robert Glazier Dale & Kenny Goering Carol Graebner Kay & Bud Grant Kristi Gray Mary Lee Greenfield Cynthia Grenfell Karin Griscom & Brian Boyd Cathy & Guy Gronquist Nan Newton & Dave Grusin Gretchen Ballard Guard Marcellin Simard & Will Halm Michael Harris Linda Spackman & Ted Harrison Susan Harrison Kelly Kay Harvey Karen Beall & Dale Haworth Barbara Hays Raymond Heidemann John Heller & Emilie Heller-Rhys

5. Don Usner 6. Mitch Tillison

Juliana & David Henderson John Hendricksen Susan Herter Elspeth Hilbert Kathy & Brad Holian Gloria Holloway Thomas Holmes Josephine & Donald Houser Bill & Kathy Howard Mimi Hubby Clare Rhoades & Richard Hughes Elizabeth Hunke & Stephen Ross Marilyn & Richard Hyde Joyce Idema Valerie Ingram Kathleen Sullivan & Jack Jackson Donna & Gerald Jacobi Ariel Harrison & Jan-Willem Jansens Elaine Jenkins Ann & Jim Jenkins Terri Jerry Carlyn & Tom Jervis Anne Johnson Denise & Bill Johnson Frederica Johnson Susan Kammerer Peter Kates Conci Bokum & Frank Katz Paul & Lisa Kaufman Asenath Kepler & Ed Mazria Suzanne Troje & Scott Ki Candy & Tom Knudson Alfred Koelle Jeannie Kokes Peggy Kratka & Les Dinsdale Leslie LaKind Jim Leonard & Story Reed Leonard Virginia & Maurice Lierz Lucy Lippard Miranda Viscoli & Steve Lipscomb Mary & Kent Little Joy & Ron Mandelbaum Marilyn & Gayle E. Manges Michael Maremont Nina Mastrangelo & Jerry Wellman Dominique Mazeaud & Richard Miller Molly & Duncan McBranch Christine Cassel & Michael McCally Laura & Patrick McCarthy

7. Teresa Wilson 8. Peter Lipscomb/Flynn Haase/NOAO/AURA/NSF


Mimi & Michael McGarrity Virginia McGinn & Tim Woodford Susan McGreevy Howard McKee, Jr. Kirby Kendrick & Robert McLeod Mary Lynn & Vic McNallie Kristen Sieman & Sam Medford Barbara Meem Doris Meyer & Richard Hertz Elisabeth A. Lequin & Bruce Miller Linda Applewhite & Marshall Miller Marj & Bob Mizerak Lara & Ben Morrow Joan Myers & Bernie Lopez Melissa Epple & Dwight Nibbelink Susan Conway Oliphan& t Pat Oliphant Linda Osborne Suzanne & John Otter Diana Pacheco Drake Mountain Maps, Inc. Mike & Eleanor Peters Rici Peterson Marie & Roger Peterson Pam & Robert Pierce Arlene B. Post Willow & Robert Powers Mary Jo & Doyle Preheim Lauren & Larry Prescott Fran & George Ramsey Singleton Rankin Melanie & Edward Ranney Lois & Bud Redding Mary Redmond Ellen Bradbury Reid & Edward Reid Claudia Jessup & Jon Richards Judy Richardson Caroline Robertson Shelley Robinson, Tom Buscher & Jackson Robinson Connie & Steve Robinson Betsy & Ted Rogers Betsy & Daniel Ronel Patricia Rosenberg Pamela Roy & Mark Winne Nancy & Ed Rubovits Bobbie & William Rugg Abigail Ryan Louisa Sarofim Saville Ryan Marsh & Charles Marsh

Ira Schildkraut Claire & Jon Schneider Merry & John Schroeder Nan Schwanfelder Noreen & Michael Scofield Sara Scott Marsha & Carson See Julie & Holland Shepherd Eve & Fred Simon Susan & Tom Simons Philip Smith Susan Munroe & Terry Smith Lois & Marty Snyderman Robin Sommers Valera & Joseph Sovcik Susan Spinell & David Ehrman Diana & John Stege Penelope Hunter-Stiebel & Gerald Stiebel Patty & Bob Stone Kim Straus Sally Strong William Swift Dyanna Taylor & Gary Dryzmala Judy & Tom Thomas Tracy Juechter & Bruce Throne Kathryn Tijerina Amy & Steve Tremper Kathleen Euston & David Tundermann Don Van Soelen Gary Vick Helen Wagner Mary Wahl Firth & Colin Waldon Karen Walker Pamela Walker Alexandra & Mike Ward Bob Ward Sydney Bright Warren Pennington Way III Jane & Otto Wetzel Eunice & Stephen Williams Mary Lou & Mike Williams Mary Winter & Elliot Eisner

Nancy Wirth Nancy & Chris Wood Katy Yanda John & Debbie Yoeckel Daniel Yohalem & Jane Bloom Yohalem James Ziegler & Steve Sugarman

We make every effort to ensure our list of recent donors is up to date. If we’ve missed you please contact us so that we may correct our error. As always, thank you for your support.

One Shot Istanbul

alexander berg 17 September - 25 October, 2009 Opening Night 5 pm - 9.30 pm

alexander berg 17 September to 25 October, 2009

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the perfect combination

down all day

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51% expert 25% intermediate 24% beginners

1,294 acres 110 trails

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51% expert 25% intermediate 24% beginners

SKITAOS.ORG 51 25 24

SKITAOS.ORG 51 25 24

the perfect combination

the perfect combination


are a girls best friend 51% expert 25% intermediate 24% beginners

51% expert 25% intermediate 24% beginners

110 groomed trails

56 expert runs

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the perfect combination

Taos Ski Valley

a better mountain

can make you a better skier

SKITAOS.ORG 51 25 24 the perfect combination

I am Prep When people ask me what’s so special about Prep, I always say it’s the people. They really care about you no matter who you are. From my teachers to Martin in the lunchroom to all of the friends I have made. Prep’s not just a school, it’s a community. That’s what I love about Prep. In a few years, I’ll leave Prep, but I know no matter where I go in life, Prep will never leave me. My name is Malina and I am Prep. Santa Fe Preparatory School 1101 Camino de la Cruz Blanca Santa Fe, NM 87505 Tel. 505 982 1829 www.sfprep.org © Jennifer Esperanza

I am Prep At Prep, I’m part of a community not just a school. It’s the kind of place where everyone’s differences are what bring us together. Here, no matter who you are, you are part of a school that makes you feel you belong. Sure, there are walls between classrooms, but there are no walls between people. That’s what makes Prep so special to me. My name is Derek and I am Prep. Santa Fe Preparatory School 1101 Camino de la Cruz Blanca Santa Fe, NM 87505 Tel. 505 982 1829 www.sfprep.org © Jennifer Esperanza

Santa Fe Preparatory School www.sfprep.org

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Art-iculation. Often the most important part of what you learn is the ability to communicate it. At Santa Fe Prep, we not only focus on education but articulation. For 50 years, we have balanced teaching excellence with teaching those well-rounded skills that give our students an edge so they are not only poised in the classroom, but poised for success.

Pr e p ara

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Prep-aration. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam commodo feugiat tortor. Nunc at neque id metus hendrerit vestibulum. Fusce aliquam molestie ipsum. Donec nec nibh. Maecenas quis velit id nisi convallis lacinia. ornare elementum. Quisque tempus, massa at semper interdum, libero mi placerat tellus. ullamcorper sapien augue

life cycle of a palnet pallet

scrap wood


garden mulch

this used to be a palnet pallet. 2560 Industrial Way, Suite C Vineland, NJ 08360 www.PALNETusa.com 877 PALNET 1 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper

PALNET. The Greenest Link in Your Supply Chain.

At PALNET, we can help you green up your supply chain, right from the bottom up, starting with your pallet. Despite what any supplier claims, there’s no more ecologically friendly pallet than a wooden pallet. PALNET pallets start out as the unusable excess trim from the lumbering process, trim that might otherwise end up as unnecessary waste in our already overflowing landfills. Once that trim becomes a pallet, they’re recycled, reclaimed and repaired over and over again until they are no longer useful as pallets and end up just like this bag of mulch. PALNET pallets are green from beginning to end.

The 4 “R’s” at PALNET At PALNET, we take the environment seriously. We make use of every “R” in the recycling chain. We recycle, repair, reuse and reduce waste in what we make and what we do.

Think Global. Act Local. Our pallets end up as garden mulch. In today’s eco-conscious business world, there’s no more important act of sustainability than greening up your supply chain. If you’re not already doing it, you soon will be as pressure mounts to embrace and support sustainability in every way you can.

Palnet USA www.palnetusa.com

PALNET strongly supports another important aspect of sustainability-sustaining the local economy. Our network of strong local provider is nationwide providing the best of both worlds; national scope and local presence. When you choose PALNET, you are choosing to support local business that builds strong local economies.

Corporate Responsibility We believe in corporate responsibility in everything we do. We are strong supporters of environmental stewardship. Last year alone our production methods and material choices diverted over 1.25 million tons of waste from area landfills. But at PALNET, our corporate responsibilities extend beyond our products to the conditions we create for our employees and our member partners. This includes the safety and working conditions of our plants, the way we treat our employees, the opportunities for advancement we help provide, as well as our strict adherence to best hiring practices and zero tolerance toward the employment of undocumented workers. At PALNET, we believe the most important environment we can create is the one in which we do business. To that end, PALNET has redefined the pallet business right from the ground up -- offering services, commitment, execution and trust to our customers, our partners and our employees. And from our perspective, that is the very core of sustainability, responsibility and accountability.

Gourmet Not Buffet Gourmet Not Buffet Chows Asian at Cottonwood Mall 505 899 6889 www.mychows.com

Gourmet Not Buffet

The Art of Food Not a Cart of Food

Chows Asian at Cottonwood Mall 505 899 6889 www.mychows.com

Chows Asian at Cottonwood Mall 505 899 6889 www.mychows.com

The Art of Food Not a Cart of Food Chows Asian at Cottonwood Mall Take a Chopsick to Nirvana 505 899 6889 www.mychows.com

Dragon Shrimp

Coffee Chicken

New Wave Scallops

Wasabi Shrimp


Quail Mango Salad

Gourmet Not Buffet

10% Discount if you bring in this ad to Chows Asian at Cottonwood Mall 505 899 6889 www.mychows.com

Chows Asian Bistro

Every Forkful a Fantasy

Dragon Shrimp: Large shrimp, button mushrooms, topped with sesame seeds over chopped lettuce.

Coffee Chicken: Chicken breast rubbed with ground french coffee, stir-fried in a sweet spicy sauce with sugar snap peas.

New Wave Scallops: Wok Scallops in red chili coconut cream sauce, with baby bok choy, topped with crushed peanuts.

Wasabi Shrimp: Large shrimp, wild mushrooms and tomatoes, over crispy noodles in a wasabi cream sauce.

Potstickers: Pan fried chicken and cabbage dumplings served with our spicy green onion sauce.

Quail Mango Salad: Quail, mangos, tomatoes, red onions, and spinach in a lemongrass dressing.

Gourmet Not Buffet

Chows Asian at Cottonwood Mall 10000 Coors Blvd NW #G218

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building an exceptional future on an exceptional past

Building an Exceptional Future on an Exceptional Past

“For our investors, we focus on substance over form; quality over appearance. Our buildings are not always the biggest or most beautiful. They are typically not “trophy” assets or in the most high-priced markets. But they are backbones of American business - real places where real people live and work. That is why, they have provided real value and measurable returns, time after time; investment after investment.” Andrew T. Nichols President – BGK - Integrated Group

“A market downturn doesn’t bother us. As long-term investors, it is an opportunity to increase our ownership of great companies with great management at good prices”. Warren Buffett Dear Investors and Financial Services Professionals: I am pleased to introduce you to our company, BGK-Integrated Group. We offer investors a variety of real estate investment opportunities. With a large inventory of institutional quality properties, our investment programs target different income, growth, capital preservation, tax objectives and risk tolerances. We provide co-ownership, limited partnership, and direct ownership interests in single properties, as well as multiple properties, mortgages and other real estate assets. Those assets include office, multi-family, retail, mixed-use, and industrial facilities. Many successful investors believe that real estate is a powerful tool for building wealth. We could not agree more. No matter what the prevailing market conditions, there are always great opportunities in real estate, if you know where to look and what to look for. Since 1991, our organization has consistently found those opportunities in both up and down markets. What has made us so successful? A combination of discipline and vision - pure and simple. In acquiring assets, we combine disciplined due diligence processes with a keen eye for value. We enhance that value through innovative, hands-on management. This approach has helped us succeed when others have failed. We are certainly yield driven, but do not compromise our underwriting standards - no matter how attractive an investment may appear on the surface. While historic performance is no guaranty of future results, our organization’s track record highlights average annual returns of over twenty percent on full-cycle transactions. Building on our solid foundation, we have a clear vision for the future. Our capital, experience and relationships position us well to find new opportunities that leverage our resources to take advantage of prevailing market conditions. We will also create opportunities by using “green” and other innovative technologies to make buildings more efficient and attractive to tenants.

vision and discipline has helped us become big about bgk-integrated group (big) and its affiliates

We are part of the BGK Group, which since acquiring its first property in 1991, has grown to one of the nation’s largest, private real estate firms. Over $800 Million of investor capital has funded the purchase of more than 300 properties in 30 states valued at over $2 Billion. With a vision for value and disciplined acquisition strategies, those properties have performed well in both up and down cycles.

the big difference Our company is different, and that difference is our big advantage. First and foremost, our business is real estate. Real estate is not a new venture or sideline – it is what history confirms we do well. We buy quality assets, and do our best to make them perform better. • Sound

Strategies Supported by Historic Performance - Successful strategies are measured by history. For nearly two decades, we have used time-tested strategies to buy for the right price, at the right time, in the right places. We target regions we believe will be stable and less prone to boom and bust cycles. While historic performance does not guaranty future results, average annual returns on more than 75 full-cycle programs through 2008 have exceeded 20%.

• Experience

- Our seasoned management team has expertise and knowledge of virtually all aspects of real estate acquisitions, financing, operations, leasing and sales. That team currently includes almost 200 employees, in 5 offices, managing approximately 18,000,000 square feet of commercial space nationwide.

• Financial

Strength - In today’s volatile marketplace financial strength is critical. Our organization is well capitalized with hundreds of millions of dollars of cash, credit lines, and mortgage facilities, and low levels of debt. This gives us the ability to take advantage of the many opportunities that market down-cycles produce for those with the strength and resources to act.

• Large

and Loyal Investor Base - Over 2,500 investors have participated in our organization’s programs since 1991. The large number of repeat investors is a testament to our organizations track record of success. We maintain strong investor relations and process over 10,000 returns and reports annually.

We invite you to become part of an investor family that for nearly 20 years has benefited from well-structured real estate investments. That family has grown to thousands of individuals, many of whom invest over and over. That growth is a compelling and rewarding reflection on our track record and management team.

• Underwriting / Transparency

We look forward to helping you achieve your investment goals for years to come.

• Vision

Andrew Nichols President

- There has never been a time when rigorous due diligence is as important as right now. We apply strict due diligence processes to hedge downside exposure, and apply transparent underwriting assumptions based on fact, not mere speculation. - A keen vision for opportunity helps us find value in areas often overlooked by others. We also see the future of “green” buildings and technologies as a way to enhance returns, reduce costs and create a competitive edge for our properties.

• Diversity - Diversity can be the hallmark of stability. With a portfolio of hundreds of properties and

on-going acquisitions, we can offer investors a wide range of properties, geographies, asset classes, and ownership structures.

BGK Integrated Group

the benefits of investing in the right real estate, right now


diversity, income, appreciation, capital protection, and tax savings

Successful investors have long found real estate to be a prudent and valuable part of a diversified, tax advantaged wealth-building strategy. Real estate is tangible, enduring and solid, and can provide many distinct benefits: • Current

Cash Flow – investments are often structured to provide monthly or quarterly distributions or dividends. Preservation and Protection – as a tangible asset, real estate historically sustains value over time. Returns may be impacted by economic cycles, but well underwritten and capitalized projects, with conservative debt, may have less of the volatility and capital risks of stock market and other investments.

• §1031 Exchanges (Tenancies-In Common (TICs) and Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) • Limited Partnerships (LPs) and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Propperty Types • (Single Properties and Multi-Asset Pools) • Office • Multi-Family • Retail • Mixed-use • Industrial • Raw or partially improved land

Asset Dynamics Stabilized - current cash flow. Lower risk and modest appreciation potential • Value-Added - some current income. Moderate risk and good potential for income and value appreciation • Opportunistic - no current income. Greater risk and strong appreciation/yield potential.

• Capital

the big porfolio of properties

• Capital

Appreciation/Inflation Hedge – historically, real estate can provide a hedge against the value erosion of inflation, and real estate values may actually benefit from inflation.

• Tax

Advantages – real estate not only provides shelter in a physical sense, but distributions from real estate can be a shelter from taxes through depreciation, energy and other credits. Even if such sheltered income can be “recaptured” on sale, it may be taxed at lower rates or deferred through a §1031 exchange.

• Diversification

– a diversified portfolio targeted to different goals and asset classes may provide greater protection from capital loss and market volatility. As a non-correlated asset, real estate can be an important part of a diversified portfolio. While past performance is no guaranty of future results, research shows that investors with real estate in their portfolios from 1998 to 2007 had higher returns and less volatility:

real estate





bonds d


real estate 45%

bonds d


return 9.5% risk 6.87%

return 9.1% risk 7.56%

4,417,358 sq ft




5,036,753 sq ft

with 20% real estate

with 10% real estate

no real estate t-bills

820,729 sq ft 571,681 sq ft

stocks bonds d

10% 20%

7,841,556 sq ft 40%


southwest 7,841,556 sq ft


real estate investment programs With a portfolio valued in excess of $1.5 billion, strong banking relationships, and powerful professional affiliations, we have a steady supply of investment properties. Our present and future investment programs target diverse types of assets, geographies, structures, degrees of leverage (financing), and other criteria.





5,036,753 sq ft

820,729 sq ft

571,681 sq ft

return 10.3% risk 6.24% Southwest Colorado New Mexico Texas Midwest Illinois Indiana

Iow Kansas Kentucky Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Ohio

4,417,358 sq ft

Oklahoma South Dakota Wisconsin West California Las Vegas Utah

Northeast New Jersey Pennsylvania West Virginia

Southeast Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana North Carolina

Tennessee Virginia West California Las Vegas Utah

investing with big our commitment

We are committed to doing everything possible to help our investors achieve their financial goals. By committing our own capital and human resources to projects, our interests are aligned with those of our investors. For our mutual benefit, we seek to: • Protect


• Maintain

Projected Income Distributions

• Maximize

Appreciation and Yields to Maturity.

property management Our organization maintains hands-on management of properties to maximize returns and protect invested capital. This allows us to take advantage of cost efficiencies that come from managing a portfolio of approximately 240 properties.

investor relations and communications Our experienced investor relations team is committed to providing investors with timely and accurate information. Each year we prepare thousands of returns and reports to keep you up to date about property performance and prospects. We are readily available to answer your questions.

how to invest with us BGK Integrated Group offers our real estate programs through securities licensed independent broker-dealers and their Registered Representatives, and Registered Investments Advisors (RIA’s) only. Please contact us at (505) 992 9100, Toll Free at 888 90GoBIG (888 904 6244), or via email at info@bgkintegrated.com, if you interested in additional information about our company, products or services.

This is the pocket NEITHER THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NOR ANY OTHER STATE SECURITIES REGULATOR HAS PASSED ON OR ENDORSED THE MERITS OF ANY OFFERING OF BGK-INTEGRATED GROUP, LLC OR ITS AFFILIATES. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY IS UNLAWFUL. This is neither an offer to sell nor an offer to purchase securities. Refer to the prospectus for each program for a statement of risks and offering terms. All potential investors must meet applicable standards for each program. Investment in securities in any real estate program offered by BGK-Integrated, LLC or its affiliates is subject to substantial risks. Such risks may include absence of a public market for such securities; market downturns and other factors; lack of operating history; absence of properties identified for acquisition and/or inability to acquire targeted assets; limited transferability and lack of liquidity; possibility of substantial delay before distributions are made; reliance on a program’s advisor, manager, general partner, or principals; payment of significant fees to the program’s manager, advisors, general partner, principals, or affiliates; potential conflicts of interest; lack of diversification in property holdings; potential development risks and construction delays; financing risks; and risk that the program will not achieve all of its objectives. These risks may impact a real estate program’s ability to make distributions as stated in the prospectus for such program. Real estate programs are not suitable for all investors. Refer to the prospectus for each program for a more detailed discussion of risks and suitability standards in your state. Published November, 2009 © 2009 BGK-Integrated Group, LLC

All the Right Ingredients

Design: Mind Over Markets Photography: Melanie West Print: Cotton Wood Printing on 100 % Recycled Paper

WIC and EBT accepted

One of the Top 10 Farmers Markets in America Sunset Magazine

Every Saturday Morning (7 am - 12 pm) Year Round at the Railyard Tuesday Morning (7 am - 12 pm) May through October at the Railyard Thursday Afternoon (3 pm - 6 pm) July through September at Santa Fe Place

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All the Right Ingredients

Turnip on Tuesday The first 100 get a free reusable shopping bag


All the Right Ingredients

The first 100 get a free reusable shopping bag

All the Right Ingredients

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All the Right Ingredients In the Railyard 1607 Paseo de Peralta (at S. Guadalupe St) www.santafefarmersmarket.com Created By MindOverMarkets.com

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All the Right Ingredients In the Railyard 1607 Paseo de Peralta (at S. Guadalupe St) www.santafefarmersmarket.com WIC and EBT accepted

Created By MindOverMarkets.com

Spring has Sprung The Market Heads Outdoors April 25th 7 am to noon Lettuce Excite All Your Senses

All the Right Ingredients In the Railyard 1607 Paseo de Peralta (at S. Guadalupe St) www.santafefarmersmarket.com WIC and EBT accepted

Created By MindOverMarkets.com



A R T I S A N COMMUNICATIONS inf luence people

A R T I S A N COMMUNICATIONS inf luence people



A R T I S A N COMMUNICATIONS inf luence people

A R T I S A N COMMUNICATIONS inf luence people

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A R T I S A N COMMUNICATIONS inf luence people


A R T I S A N COMMUNICATIONS inf luence people

the closer you look the better it gets “Tires”

camera follows one tire rolling down a hill, bumping into things, skipping over rocks, children chasing it, until it ends up bouncing into a mound of old tires in a tire landfill.

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cut to cars being fueled by ethanol.

cut to an ethanol fuel pump.

What if a stack of old tires became an energy source instead of an eyesore?

Turning trash into gas.

Fill up on the facts about ethanol.

Pollution into solutions.

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These are just some of the innovations of ethanol.

The closer you look, the better it gets.

Fueling our cars instead of filling a landfill.

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Ethanol Promotional Information Council

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A Healthier Approach to Health Care

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Presbyterian Healthcare

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