Pubic Lice Infestation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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Pubic Lice Infestation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Generally, pubic lice are very small size insects found in sexual areas. However, it is also known as crabs, and it affects almost every age of people. Due to sexual activities, a person gets pubic lice. Mainly these are divided into three different types. These are head lice, body lice, and pubic lice. All these lice create itching in the body. Some people also get severe infections due to . Usually, pubic lice transmission in children is a symbol of sexual abuse. However, these lice can appear in the eyelashes and eyebrows of children. It spread through the contact of sexual activities. So, it is a sexually transmitted disease. However, these lice are very small in comparison the head and body lice. These lice can appear in adults’ armpits,

eyebrows, and eyelashes in some rare cases. These crabs measure 1.6 millimeters or less than that. Moreover, the main foods of these lice are human blood. They bite and absorb the blood from an infected area. It creates vast itching and redness in the infected area. Despite these, read the full article to know the causes, symptoms, and treatment of pubic lice.

Causes of Pubic Lice Although pubic lice are common sexually transmitted diseases, you will find many different pubic lice causes. It is known as a sexually transmitted diseases, and it happens due to sexual intercourse. Suppose a person gets intimate with another infected person, then the chance of the infection increase. Besides this, if you use an infected person’s clothes, bed, and blanket, you can get these lice. These lice are tiny, they you can’t seem them on the clothes. However, there are also chances of increasing these lice in your body. Except this, children also get infect with this disease. If you allow your child to use your towels, bedsheets, and bed, they definitely have the chance to get lice infestation. Moreover, pubic lice in children is strong indication of sexual abuse. Whenever a child comes into contact with an infected person, they can get the infection. However, the giant lice lay their egg in the genital area. It takes 7 to 10 days to form the egg into lice. They got their food from the skin and increased its size. However, lice cannot live without food for two days. Except this, people also get these lice from toilet seats or furniture. These are some leading causes of pubic lice. Let’s learn about its symptoms below.

Symptoms of Pubic Lice Moreover, itching is one of the significant Pubic lice symptoms. Besides this, some other symptoms are also available, which indicates you got pubic lice. When you suffer from these lice, you feel fever, but it is very low-grade. Usually, after getting genital lice, you feel itchiness, especially at night time. It also starts irritation in your groin and genital area.

However, your genital skin looks very red and discolored due to pubic lice. Another genital lice symptom is lack of energy, as you know that lice feed on blood from your skin. Thus most people feel weak and less energetic due to the lice infestation. Additionally, some people got wounds due to excessive irritation in the genital part. It is dangerous if children get these lice on eyelashes and eyebrows as these are very sensitive skin, so the eyes of the children turn pink in color. Expect this person also to get pale bluish spots near the bites of genital parts. The scratches created due to lice may develop an infection in the future. Thus, many treatments and home remedies are also available to fight and eliminate this annoying disease. Let’s learn these below.

Treatments of pubic lice Although to avoid lice, you must take some precautions. If you suffer from lice infestation, immediately consult the doctor. There are several medications that help you get rid of this disease. However, some oral medicines, lotions, and other medical products protect you from lice. Except for these, some home remedies for pubic lice are also available. After getting these lice, you need to avoid using towels, bedsheets, beds, blankets, and clothes of others. However, you must clean your toilet seat after every use. Don’t allow children to use your things. Otherwise, the pubic lice will affect them and other dangerous disease. Some home remedies like a hot shower do not act upon the lice. These lice can easily survive through soaps and body washes. Additionally, if you get these lice in your eyelashes, immediately contact a doctor. Use all the medicines and lotions as per the prescription. Don’t wash your eyelashes daily with soap or shampoo. If you have a pubic lice history, advise your sex partner to undergo treatment immediately. Since lice can spread from treated regions to other hairy areas of the body, examine such regions of the body thoroughly. Additionally, receive adequate treatment. Shaving will not remove the lice.


It is a widespread disease for every people. When you notice any above symptoms of pubic lice, you need treatment. Thus contact your doctor and take his advice to cure it earlier. Otherwise, you will get infestations due to these lice. And also, avoid sexual contact during the treatment period. Don’t feel hesitate to visit the doctor for and get treatment for lice.

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