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INTERNATIONAL FORUM "About Criminalization of people´s struggle in Peru and in the world" 21 and 22 November 2013 in Lima, Peru

LIMA DECLARATION The International Forum "About Criminalization of people´s struggle in Peru and the in world" held on 21 and 22 November 2013 in Lima, Peru, in which participated maoists, revolutionaries, popular leaders, and authentic democrats, addresses to the international public opinion, his following statement: I. The imperialism, mainly the U.S. imperialism, remains the main enemy of the working class and the peoples of the world, from imperialism we can expect nothing. The current global crisis in which imperialism is living, is the largest and most serious crisis of the capitalist system which still continues, it reveals that the great truths of the proletarian ideology remain valid, indeed, prove that crises maturate proletarian revolution and the struggle of the peoples around the world. What has imperialism try? That they could prevail in the world with its own ideology, its own policy and its own economy, with its system of exploitation and oppression. For this, after the second defeat of the socialist revolution in the world, they created a new enemy "the terrorism" useful label that they put to all idea against their system, to every social struggle that challenges their system, mainly against proletarian revolution, and against the people´s struggle around world to maintain their sovereignty, independence and self-determination. It is within this framework that: 1) In the past three decades, especially since September 11, 2001, they intensified to criminalize the people´s struggle around the world, using the false accusation of "terrorism" to silence proletarian revolution, to silence the just people´s struggle and the social protest for the fundamental rights. 2) Under this same pretext and violating the international laws, the imperialists razed villages killing hundreds of thousands of people, men, women, children and elderly in Iraq I, Iraq II, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Mali and others, and almost coming in Syria. They did not hesitate either to perpetrate vile targeted killings against representatives of the struggles around the world, as the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat; against Ahmed Jabari in 2012, leader of Hamas; against the struggling Kurdish leaders in Paris, against some leaders of the FARC in Equator, in between others. And as they used wars of aggression and political assassinations, and being unable to contain people´s struggles, they undertook their claws against war prisoners, as against the marxist -leninist- maoist Abimael Guzmán Reinoso, leader of the Communist Party of Peru, who was confined in the military prison of the Naval Base of Callao in perpetual isolation; against the leader and chief of the Kurdish people´s struggle for the defense of their nation, comrade Abdullah Occalan, confined in the military Turkish Prison of the island of Imaril; against comrade Victor


Polay Campos, leader of the Revolutionary Tupac Amaru Movement, also held in isolation at the Naval Base of Callao in Peru; against anonymous Muslims antiimperialist fighters in the prison in the island of Guantanamo, with all these illegal and inhuman prisons, they seek to exterminate in live, the representatives of the working class and the people. 3) Applying presumed national security reasons, the people´s rights that they brandished much in the 90s, are razed, and particularly, they broom the political prisoner´s rights and social activist´s rights, imposing legal systems that they used as a weapon of their counterinsurgency war, laws that are part of the criminal law of the enemy and that often they don´t appears in the legal systems of the countries; laws by which all rights are denied for those who are charged and for prisoners, from denying the presumption of innocence, till to not consider opponents as human beings. 4) Beyond imprisonments, they generalize political persecution against Communists, against marxist-leninist-maoists, against revolutionaries and against the people, to whom they denied the right to think, the right to have activities and the right to politically organize them without any discrimination and considering them as outcasts or as lawless outlaws. 5) They don’t skimp using technological tools in their war, for repression and electronic spying to chase and attack opponents, violating the fundamental rights of human beings, most notably the freedom of expression. 6) They wanted to impose an ahistorical tendency to deny amnesties in armed conflicts, to hunt for forever, the communists, the revolutionaries, the social activists and the political opponents. II. Against this system that is denounced, we pronounce us rejecting and condemning each and every one of its purposes, every one of its methods. We believe that the right to protest and to rebel against injustice and against the social order of exploitation and oppression is a fundamental right of the people, is the highest right of them, against injustice and inequality. In this situation, the Forum agreed to establish an International Committee - To defend the fundamental rights and people´s rights. - To fight tirelessly for the liberation of all war prisoners´, of all political prisoners´ and of all social activists prisoners around the world. - For the General Amnesty.


We called to the truly democratic organizations and personalities worldwide to combat and reverse that trend of criminalization of people’s struggle, which is persecuting social activists, repressing political prisoners and murdering people. FOR THE DEFENSE OF PEOPLE´S FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS! NO TO THE CRIMINALIZATION OF THE PEOPLE´S STRUGGLE! FOR THE LIBERATION OF POLITICAL PRISONERS! Lima, November 22, 2013

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