Ratu Anissa Portfolio (2016)

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Rat u An issa

A bou t Me Hi there! My name i s Ra tu Ani ssa Pr ima Ag u s t in a , a ls o k nown a s Ratu. I’m 21 ye a rs o ld , a t h ird y e a r vi sual communi cati on de s ig n s t u d e n t a t Bin u s Uni ve rsi ty, maj or i ng i n New Me d ia . H av in g a hug e i nte re st i n g r a phi c d e s ig n , d ig it a l me d ia , e di tor i al , and i l l ustr a ti on. I’m so e xci te d to l e ar n some t h in g n e w a n d g e t some e xpe r i e nce s. I l ook fo r wa rd to s e cu re a mazi ng wor k e xpe r i e nce in y o u r co mp a ny.

CONTACT ME 08111118335 ratuanissa01@gmail.com Bogor Baru BXII No. 10 Bogor 16152 @ratuanissa


Personal Full Name Birthday Gender Nationality Hobbies Languages

Ratu Anissa Prima Agustina Bogor, 1 Agustus 1995 Female Indonesian Traveling, doodling Bahasa, English

exhibition 2015 Ru mah DKV - B inus Univ ersi ty


2013 He ad of De si g n Ye ar bo o k S M A Ke s a t u a n 2013 He ad of De si g n Prom N ig h t S M A Ke s a t u a n 2013 2014 Col l e ctor Expo DKV “ Ba la ko s a” Eve nt TKH “Wi zcr aft” Publ i c Re l ati on & MC M a k r a b DK V “ Bo r n e o n” 2015 Eve nt - He ad of Rundo wn TK H “ Ba r t r a mp” 2016 Tre a sure r Pl aza De sa in 2016 “ Re”

software skills

2 0 1 3 - pre se nt B i n us Univ ersit y V i sual Com m unic at ion Desi g n



2 0 1 0 - 20 13 S M A Kesat uan B ogor


2 0 07 - 20 10 S M PN 2 B ogor 2 0 01 - 20 0 7 S D N Polisi 1 B ogor





E di t orial TAB

Scoop of work: Editorial, content, graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe InDesign


The task is to make an eco-design newsletter. TAB itself means small piece of material, to reect the theme. I use minimalism style to give impression clean, simple, and modern. The newsletter is mostly about eco-friendly interior design. Interior with eco-design not only gives people environment, but also future.

E d i t orial XPLORE

Scoop of work: Editorial, content, graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe InDesign


A traveling assignment with title XPLORE. I choose India as the place people should visit, some people think India is dirty and messy, but there’s beauty inside it. I make it simple because I want the people who read this interested to see the uniqueness of India. It contains places, foods, cultures, and recomendations.

E d i t o ri al Andy Who?

Scoop of work: Editorial, content, graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe InDesign


A group project about Andy Warhol. This booklet is about Andy Warhol’s life, experience, artworks and also his influence of art in Indonesia. It’s designed based on Andy Warhol’s style. The reason we chose Warhol as one figure

who can influence Indonesia, in fact almost whole world, is he starts his ideas from simplest thing around people and make it interesting.

E di t orial Zeitgeist

Scoop of work: Editorial, content, graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe InDesign


In this booklet, my friends and I discuss about ‘Zeitgeist’ or the sprit of the age. We talk about the works created by artists and the influence of art in Indonesia.

Ui De s i gn



Scoop of work: Graphic design, UI/UX design Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator

NOMYNOM! is an application which help people to look for recipe by ingredients they have. Also, it has a feature go-to market. If people need ingredients from the recipe or any ingredients they need, they can buy it and NOMYNOM! will deliver it to their door. Red is food colour. It appetizes people


U i De s i gn


Festival Pembaca Indonesia 2015

Scoop of work: Graphic design, UI/UX design, Content Tools of trade: Adobe Muse & Illustrator

The task is to re-design a festival website. My group choose Festival Pembaca Indonesia 2015. I make it more informative, less content, and more interesting. The colors represent fun. With little illustrations to please eyes.


Ui De s i gn



Scoop of work: UI/UX design Tools of trade: Adobe Muse & Illustrator

The task is to make an e-commerce website. Designed by my friends and I as a group project. FILMERCH offers movies/tv series merchandise. The goods 100% original and satisfy fans appetite. Colorful website to please eyes and make consumers’ mood happy so they will buy and buy!

B ran d i n g De Seventeen Digital Printing


Scoop of work: Graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop



11 Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 10 (021) 7746098 deseventeen@gmail.com

De Seventeen is a digital printing company in front of my college. The task is re-branding small enterprise nearby. The logo’s colors are CMYK, as print colors. 2 triangles, beside it shows ‘D17’, it also shows fast impression. The supergraphics are triangles, still stick to the logo also look futuristic, make people trust the company has the newest and best quality printing machine.

Bogor Baru Jl. Cilosari No.10 08111118335 ratuanissa01@gmail.com @ratuanissa






This book belongs to:


Jl. K.H. Syahdan No. 10 | (021) 7746098 | deseventeen@gmail.com

B ran d i n g


Bali Alus Bali Alus

Scoop of work: Graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop

Redesign Bali Alus. Make it looks clean and simple so the information is easier to read. The logo means ‘b’ for Bali, the pattern is Bali’s pattern, the leaf it’s from natural ingriedients, and round shape because it can be used by Indonesians and foreigners.

Bra nd in g


Fruitsy Juice

Scoop of work: Graphic design Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop

Fruitsy is originally a pressed juice brand. From fresh fruits into a bottle of healthy life. There are 5 mixes of fruits. To mark off the bottle, there’s a color tag in the top of the bottle into the side of the bottle, there are magenta, red, green, yellow, and orange. Clean design represents good personal hygiene.

Ca m paign Jendela Budaya by AMAN

Phase: Assignment Scoop of work: Graphic design, content Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop


jendela budaya Campaign by Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN). Our biggest hope is young generation will be interested in their own culture and AMAN as the ‘window’, the new beginning. As you can see the logo and supergraphic are square, square is basic window shape. The campaign is a culture festival but before that, we make a photography competition about culture and the winner will be announced at the festival.





ad ve rt is in g


Wak Doyok

Phase: Assignment Scoop of work: Graphic design, copywriting Tools of trade: Adobe Photoshop

ABC Sambal Asli

Phase: Assignment Scoop of work: Graphic design, copywriting Tools of trade: Adobe Photoshop

i n f o graphi c

Jaga Hutan: Jaga Udara dan Air Kita Phase: Competition Scoop of work: Graphic design, content


Phase: Assignment Scoop of work: Graphic design, content Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator

Jendela Budaya

Phase: Assignment Scoop of work: Graphic design, content Tools of trade: Adobe Illustrator

I ll u s t rat i on



Thank You

@ratuanissa 2016

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