Raukawa Annual Report 2021

Page 12

He Pūrongo

Raukawa Settlement Trust Chairperson’s Report Tuia te rangi e tū nei, tuia te papa e takoto nei, tuia rātou kua mene ki te pō. Te pō nui, te pō roa, te pō i oti atu. He kura i tangihia, he maimai aroha ki a rātou. Kia mihia tonutia te whare tapu o Pōtatau, paimārire. E rere atu ana aku kupu whakamihi ki a koutou katoa e te iwi whānui. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. It is an emotional experience for me to write this introduction for the 2020-21 annual report, my last as chairperson representing our beloved iwi on the Raukawa Settlement Trust (RST). It has been an incredible honour to have been allowed to serve my iwi for the decade that has been, and it is humbling to bring my time as chairperson to an end in a year where we have achieved further strong and considered steps in our journey forward as a post settlement iwi organisation. As I write this report, Covid-19 continues to have an immense impact on our way of life and to cause


Ra u kawa A n n u a l Re p o r t

2020 - 2021

ongoing disruption and uncertainty. It has been a chance to reflect on the importance of building a sound foundation, so that there is the ability to adapt and change to meet new challenges, when they inevitably come. I am pleased to acknowledge the adaptability of our organisation and our speed to target support towards the most vulnerable among our people and community when the pandemic came. It was and continues to be a time to work alongside regional and national government and other support groups to advocate for and ensure the voice of our iwi members is heard and the needs and wants of our iwi are understood.

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