EXPORTER PROFILES World Wildlife Fund - WWF Global Forest and Trade Network – GFTN
Prepared by: Miguel Pacheco GFTN NACD Coordinator
Updated to: May 2011 Note: The information presented below is periodically updated by GFTN NACD and, according with companies, shows exactly products they are offering at the time, as well as estimated quantities. But, due to changing markets, this information must be checked directly with the company.
Exporter Profile World Wildlife Fund Global Forest and Trade Network (WWF GFTN) gftn.panda.org
Note: The information in this profile is reviewed periodically by GFTN and, to the best of our knowledge, is an accurate representation of the products offered as well as approximate availability. Because of changing conditions, however, the information presented here should be verified with the supplier. Supplier name and contact Reforestadora de la Costa S.A.S. Contact: Pablo Mora Tel: (+571) 635-6360 pablom@refocosta.com Bogotá - Colombia
Last date profile updated
Company and main products 25 years experienced in forest plantations. FSC certified forest and industries. Interested in develop market links with companies in Europe, USA, Japan, among others. Currently sales U$4.5, millions in gross sales
Products Note: Unless otherwise noted, all products are from plantations. Logs – Commercial measures Sawn timber – Commercial dimensions Construction Lumber – AD & KD; T&G; beams, standard dimensions & grades. Blanks for Decking – S4S, E4E; standard dimensions & grades Moldings - milled to customer specifications
Species & Availability FSC-certified lumber (m3) available: Species
Scientific name
Tectona grandis
Eucaliptus tereticornis
Eucalyptus uruphylla
Eucalyptus pellita
Caribbean Pine West Indian Bowwood
Pinus caribaea
Tabebuia roseae
For more information, contact company directly or Forest and Trade Network – WWF-Colombia: mpacheco@wwf.org.co
Exporter Profile
World Wildlife Fund Global Forest and Trade Network (WWF GFTN) gftn.panda.org Note: The information in this profile is reviewed periodically by GFTN and, to the best of our knowledge, is an accurate representation of the products offered as well as approximate availability. Because of changing conditions, however, the information presented here should be verified with the supplier. Supplier name and contact BioMaderas UG Contact: Christian Körting Tel: (+571) 6250704 christian@biomaderas.com Bogota – Colombia www.biomaderas.com
Company and main products BioMaderas is the unique German timber importer from Colombia. This company offers exclusively sustainable-obtained premium quality products while is actively encouraging environmental protection in Latin America. Currently sales U$80,000 USD in gross sales
Last date profile updated 20/08/2010
Products Note: Unless otherwise noted, all products are from FSC or sustainable sources. Decking – Commercial measures Furniture – Garden and indoor products in wood and bamboo
Species & Availability FSC-certified lumber (m3) available:
Product decking decking parquet furniture
Scientific name
Tectona grandis
Tabebuia impertiginosa
Tectona grandis
Bamboo, teak
Bambusa guadua, tectona grandis
Sold Volume m3/year 40m³/2010 – 200m³/2011 44m³/ 2010 – 88m3/2011 20 m³ / 2010 60m³ /2011 --
For more information, contact company directly or Forest and Trade Network – WWF-Colombia: mpacheco@wwf.org.co
Exporter Profile
World Wildlife Fund Global Forest and Trade Network (WWF GFTN) gftn.panda.org
Note: The information in this profile is reviewed periodically by GFTN and, to the best of our knowledge, is an accurate representation of the products offered as well as approximate availability. Because of changing conditions, however, the information presented here should be verified with the supplier.
Supplier name and contact
Company and main products
Cabildo Mayor Indígena de Chigorodó Contact: Gustavo Rojas Tel: (+57-4) 8255401 gudi94@hotmail.com Chigorodó - Colombia
Communitarian forest management in 60.000 hectares of natural forests, on which 13.000 hectares has been zoned for productive purposes.
Last date profile updated 04/04/2011
Products Note: All products are from well managed timber belonging to indigenous communities Sawn timber, in measures: Large: 3 m, Wide and thickness: several measures.
Species & Availability Common name
Scientific name
Current products
Available volume
Produced on 2010
Cedrela odorota
Sawn timber
100 m3
50.82 m3
Indian Bowwod
Tabebuia rosaea
Sawn timber
100 m3
Ficus sp.
Sawn timber
150 m3
31.66 m3
Anacardium excelsum
Sawn timber
200 m3
102.57 m3
Brosimun utile
Sawn timber
200 m3
15.08 m3
Jacaranda copai
Sawn timber
100 m3
83.03 m3
Virola sp.
Sawn timber
100 m3
2.40 m3
For more information, contact company directly or Forest and Trade Network – WWF-Colombia: mpacheco@wwf.org.co
Exporter Profile World Wildlife Fund Global Forest and Trade Network (WWF GFTN) gftn.panda.org Note: The information in this profile is reviewed periodically by GFTN and, to the best of our knowledge, is an accurate representation of the products offered as well as approximate availability. Because of changing conditions, however, the information presented here should be verified with the supplier. Supplier name and contact Sawmill: MADESCOL De Urabá S.A.S Contact: Guillermo Chica Phone: (+57-4) 321 72 30 jgchica@une.net.co Chigorodó, Vereda Ipancay - Colombia
Company and main products Sawmill owned by Chigorodó Community Council and private shareholders. Sawing, commercialization, and wood manufacturing. Pallets in different measures, sawn timber, parts and pieces in different measures.
Last date profile updated 18/05/2011
Products Note: Wood from well managed forest belonging to indigenous council participant in the GFTN NACD Pallets: According to customer specifications. Construction timber: Timber platforms. Moldings: Door frames, strips, sticks, tablets. Sawn timber: Furniture, furniture pieces, boards, blocks, broom sticks, and measures requested by the customer.
Species & Availability* Common name
Scientific name
Current products
Volume available (per year)
Spanish Cedar
Cedrela odorota
Furniture, furniture pieces
White Roble
Tabebuia rosaea
Furniture, furniture pieces
Ficus sp.
Timber platforms, sawn blocks
112 m3
Anacardium excelsum
Pallets, Furniture, furniture pieces
Milk tree
Brosimun utile
Jacaranda copaia
Furniture, furniture pieces, sawn blocks
Virola sp.
Furniture pieces, moldings
* All volume belongs to communitarian forests.
For more information, contact company directly or Forest and Trade Network – WWF-Colombia: mpacheco@wwf.org.co