Task 2

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Raúl López Vera

UNIT 2: THE HISTORY OF ELT METHODOLOGIES: Try to think of the most influential socio- historical events in the past centuries, how do you think these effected language learning? The 18th century was very influential in the process of language learning. The Industrial Revolution emerged a remarkable historical event, because there were introduced revolutionary elements in several fields, by which all the countries wanted to benefit from. Therefore, there appeared a necessity on language learning in order to discover the news that the industrial revolution had to offer to the world of that period. In this way, there appeared several techniques and methodologies such as the Grammar- Translation method and the Direct method, which were the first ones to be used in language teaching. The World Wars in the 20th century was also important for the language learning; since people started travelling to other countries fleeing from the war, and due to the destruction of territories, there was a need in learning the language of the country where it was being travelled in order to be able to communicate effectively in that country, and be able to develop the individual’s lives in foreign countries. 2.1. THE GRAMMAR –TRANSLATION METHOD. What important things can be seen to be missing in this approach? This method forgets completely the communicative competence. In this sense, this method could be great for understanding the language, for understanding especially written inputs, but when we talk about expression and communication this method is very poor. Grammar translation method do not offer any opportunity to the students to express themselves and communicate. Are any of the Grammar Translation Method’s characteristics still in use today? Today some teachers keep using translations as an activity. To be honest, I do not think translations should be completely removed from the educational process. In some specific moments could be useful in lessons, but they should not represent the main body of lessons.

Raúl López Vera

2.2 THE DIRECT METHOD: What do you see as the limitations of this approach? Why do you think it was not used much in schools and universities? Some disadvantages of this method are:    

Activities are much more guided that in other methods There is no emphasis on real materials Delay in learning written forms, reading and writing Requires an extremely proficient in language teacher, because native

 

tongue should not be used The class should be small, therefore is not feasible in public education An overwhelming sensation may be felt by some students at the first times.

Some of this disadvantages, especially those related with time and space make us realize about the difficulty of establishing this method in public education. 2.3. THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD AND SITUATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING. What important things can be seen to be missing in this approach? There are numerous things missing in this approach. One of the most important is that grammar is not trained at all. The, this method has no creativity, students only repeat and memorize, and in many cases, they do not understand what are saying. In addition, this method could become tedious and boring, especially between the most advanced students of our class. 2.4. THE NOTIONAL FUNCTIONAL APPROACH What important things can be seen to be missing in this approach? What new elements had to be introduced when language was treated at text level? In the notional functional approach, you only studied the language in the field of study you needed. If for example you studied Scientific English, you were skipping any other aspect of the English language which was not Science; therefore, you were not able to communicate in the English language; you were

Raúl López Vera

just able to communicate in scientific purposes. Therefore, there were not included cultural elements, grammatical elements or any of these structures. Since language was treated at text level, there were introduced several specific structures in order to write texts by following a specific structure. Some of these elements were the introduction of letter writing or public speaking discourses.

2.5 THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH: How can the communicative approach be applied to the primary and secondary school context? What difficulties has the communicative approach revealed or created? Have you learned any language communicatively? It can be applied in the school context in the shape of activities such as roleplaying activities, pair work, interviews and games. These activities try to empower our students’ communicative skills in real situations; therefore, this methodology is communicatively oriented. Some of the difficulties are that the error correction, for example, may result in frustration for the students while being corrected. If trying to communicate, a student makes too many mistakes, it can result in frustration in him/her, making language learning a really tough process. I have been introduced English in a communicative way sometimes, but it has not been the main methodology through I have learnt English. I have also been taught English in a Grammar-Translation way.

Raúl López Vera

2.6. FRINGE METHODOLOGIES. Give examples of Fringe Methodologies. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of them? METHODOLOGY DEFINITION

SILENT WAY TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE Teaching methodology in The relation of language events which the teacher never to physical movements in order speaks. Students do most to help the memory storage of




themselves. It lets

among device. students - It is practical and interactive.

participate in their own - Good for children.


learning process.

- Language units are easily

- It requires a lot of time.

internalised. - Very limited



knowledge. - No real communication.

- Knowledge cannot be tested in an appropriated way. - You do not know language itself: you learn language in relation to gestures.

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