Publicity Magazine

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[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.



Doing Things differently leads to something




"Think small" volskwagen

Mcdonald’s "You deserve a break today"

Coca-cola "The pause that refreshes"

I want YOU for U.S army "The ULTIMATE driving machine"

M&Ms "Melts in your mouth, NOT in your hands",


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.


Think small In an absolut world The pause that refreshes Melts in your mouth, not in your hands You deserve a break Just do it I want you for U.S army The ultimate driving machine The marlboro Man Does she….or doesn’t she?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.

PUBLICITY Think Small • "The guy of the gas station doesn’t ask where the gas goes". • "A couple of dozen college kids don’t try to squeeze inside it". • Una de las grandes campañas publicitarias de la historia ha sido Volkswagen, con su campaña “Think Small” de 1959, realizada por la agencia DDB. En la web de un ranking de las 100 campañas más espectaculares esta ocupa el número 1. La razón por la que llegó a ese lugar es porque cambió la cultura de la publicidad. En una época donde la industria automotora estaba apuntado a los autos cada ves más grandes y suntuosos, como si cuanto más grande mejor. Aparece Volkswagen con un auto muy pequeño, y lo promocionaba justamente con la frase “think Small. Esta gráfica no solo revolucionó a la industria automotriz, sino a la industria de la publicidad.



[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.


La marca de vodka Absolut ha presentado su nueva campaña global, que lleva por título “In an Absolut world” y que, con un toque de humor, pretende mostrar cómo sería su mundo ideal. Con esta nueva campaña quiere iniciar el debate sobre temas universales y cotidianos, así como invitar a los consumidores a expresar sus opiniones

La campaña ha sido desarrollada por TBWA/Chiat Day (TV y gráficas) y Great Works (on line).


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.

PUBLICITY "The pause that refreshes"

La palabra "Pausa" relacionada con Coca-Cola dio lugar en 1929 a uno de los eslóganes más célebres y duraderos: "La pausa que refresca", que ese año se vio en el primer anuncio luminoso urbano de Coca-Cola. Es un concepto que se emplearía más tarde en España.


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.


"Melts in your mouth,

Though there is some debate as to the exact inspiration for M&Ms, they were apparently based to some extent on the older British product, Smarties. Forrest Mars Sr. apparently saw soldiers during the Spanish Civil War comsuming these or similar candies. He bought the rights to produce them in the US and, with R. Bruce Murrie, introduced them as M&Ms in America. The name, formed by combining the last initials of each candymaker, was changed from the British product as another American candy called Smarties already existed. M&Ms were first sold in 1941. They were first popular among American soldiers in WWII, since the candy coating allowed them to enjoy chocolate without a melty mess, regardless of temperature conditions. M&Ms took a bit longer to appeal to the general public, but once the slogan 'melts in your mouth, not in your hand' was coined in 1954, parents and children alike embraced the product.


[Escribir texto] RaĂşl Mellado Orellana, InformĂĄtica MĂŠdica.

PUBLICITY "You deserve a break

The ad, created by DDB Chicago and titled "Tough Day," is notable not only for what it contains but also for what's missing: highly visible celebrities, such as Donald Trump and the tennis-playing Williams sisters who appeared in spots for McDonald's dollar menu. Those ads were as flat as buckwheat cakes and wouldn't even have been able to sell buckwheat cakes if McDonald's had placed them on the menu. That latest spot, however, is reminiscent of the image ads McDonald's aired regularly once upon a time. It depicts McDonald's not as a cheap chow house -- the dollar-menu ads have done that -- but as a respite from life's travails. The ad says: You put up with enough stress during the day, so now reward yourself with a burger and fries. In other words, you deserve a break today. When McDonald's introduced that as a tag in 1971, I'm betting that its marketing executives had no idea that the basic message it conveyed would be as meaningful now -- maybe even more so -- as it was then. Let's face it. The economy still stinks, unemployment is still a problem, terrorism is still a threat. During the last two years almost every marketing vice president I've talked with has said he'd like consumers to think of the restaurants as a safe haven from all that troubles them in their daily lives. They want consumers to think of dinner not as a duty but as a reward. In other words, consumers deserve a break today.


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.

PUBLICITY "Just do it" According to Nike company lore, one of the most famous and easily recognized slogans in advertising history was coined at a 1988 meeting of Nike’s ad agency Wieden and Kennedy and a group of Nike employees. Dan Weiden, speaking admiringly of Nike’s cando attitude, reportedly said, “You Nike guys, you just do it.” The rest, as they say, is (advertising) history. The timing of this campaign could not have been better. Americans were buying exercise equipment at a record pace in the mid 1980s, and body worship was at an all time high. Nike tapped into consumers’ desire for a healthy lifestyle by packaging it into a pair of $80 sneakers. The ads were often humorous, appealing to the cynic in all of us, while imploring consumers to take charge of their physical fitness. The ads made starting an exercise regime seem like a necessity, and the way to start exercising was to buy Nike merchandise. More importantly, by owning Nikes you were instantly a member of a desirable group. The campaign was easily identifiable (to the point that Nike eventually did not even bother to display the word “Nike” in commercials—the swoosh was enough) and stayed true to its message.


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.

PUBLICITY "I want you for U.S Uncle Sam is the national personification of the United States and sometimes more specifically of the American government, with the first usage of the term dating from the War of 1812. He is depicted as a serious elderly white man with white hair and a goatee beard, and dressed in clothing that recalls the design elements of flag of the United States—for example, typically a top hat with red and white stripes and white stars on a blue band, and red and white striped trousers. The first use of the term in literature is seen in an 1816 allegorical book, The Adventures of Uncle Sam in Search After His Lost Honor by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq. Earlier representative figures of the United States included such beings as "Brother Jonathan," used by Punch magazine. These were overtaken by Uncle Sam somewhere around the time of the Civil War. The female personification "Columbia" has seldom been seen since the 1920s. The well-known "recruitment" image of Uncle Sam was created by James Montgomery Flagg, an illustrator and portrait artist best known for commercial art. The image of Uncle Sam was shown publicly for the first time, according to some, in a picture by Flagg on the cover of the magazine Leslie's Weekly, on July 6, 1916, with the caption "What Are You Doing for Preparedness?"[1][2] More than four million copies of this image were printed between 1917 and 1918. The image also was used extensively during World War II. The most famous image of the Uncle Sam persona was a World War I recruiting image that depicted a stern Sam pointing his finger at the viewer and declaring, "I want you". It was painted by artist James Montgomery Flagg in 1917, just prior to US involvement in World War



[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.

PUBLICITY "The ultimate driving

Probably one of the most recognizable slogans amongst car manufacturers around the globe, BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Machine” tag line, has served the Munich based company well over the years. Used in North America, the tag line is simple, descriptive, to the point and most important of all, it is identifiable with the brand. Many companies can certainly come up with clever slogans, but if they don’t “stick” to the brand or transcend the products they represent, then they are lost in a sea of three to five word sentences and it’s back to the drawing board so to speak. So what is it about BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Machine” slogan that actually makes it work? Simple, BMW has backed up their claim quite well with cars that are simply thrilling to drive. The slogan, now nearly 34-years-old, was originally created under the reign of Bob Lutz by a relatively unknown ad-agency, Ammirati & Puris. Ammirati & Puris caught the attention of Lutz by their impressive Fiat ads and it was consider a gamble to go with such an underdog agency.


[Escribir texto] RaĂşl Mellado Orellana, InformĂĄtica MĂŠdica.

PUBLICITY "The Marlboro man " The Marlboro Man is a figure used in tobacco advertising campaign for Marlboro cigarettes. In the United States, where the campaign originated, it was used from 1954 to 1999. The Marlboro Man was first conceived by Leo Burnett in 1954. The image involves a rugged cowboy or cowboys, in nature with only a cigarette. The ads were originally conceived as a way to popularize filtered cigarettes, which at the time were considered feminine. The Marlboro advertising campaign, created by Leo Burnett Worldwide, is said to be one of the most brilliant ad campaigns of all time. It transformed a feminine campaign, with the slogan "Mild as May", into one that was masculine, in a matter of months. Although there were many Marlboro Men, the cowboy proved to be the most popular. This led to the "Marlboro Cowboy" and "Marlboro Country" campaigns.


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.

PUBLICITY "Does she…or doesn’t "Does she ... or doesn't she?" asks one of advertising's most familiar and titillating slogans. The question, as every reader of advertisements knows, refers to artificial hair color—and the odds on an affirmative answer have dropped from 15 to 1 to 2 to 1 since Miss Clairol first asked it eleven years ago. Sales of tints, rinses and dyes have risen from $25 million to $186 mil lion a year. So popular is their use that some states no longer require women to list their hair color on their driver's licenses. Now industry-leading Bristol-Myers' Clairol division, whose Miss Clairol, Lady Clairol, Nice 'n Easy, Loving Care and Summer Blonde cremes and rinses have been aimed mostly at would-be blondes, is making a major effort to add more shades. Last week in Seattle and Phoenix the company began testmarketing six

"Radiantly Red" hair colors with such names as Fire brand, Heady Wine

and Spicy Clove. Says Clairol President Bruce Gelb: "We're giving the brunette something to think about."


[Escribir texto] Raúl Mellado Orellana, Informática Médica.,9171,899732,00.html

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