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ANDI FISCHER ▲ 安迪.費雪《烏鴉與水果》2019 油畫棒 畫布 180 x 130 cm 羅芙奧2022春拍「薈萃國際:現代與當代藝術」預估價 NT$1,400,000 - 2,200,000 Andi Fischer, RabeFruchti, 2019, Oil stick on canvas, 180 x 130 cm Ravenel Spring Auction 2022 - Select: Modern & Contemporary Art, Est. US$48,700 - 76,500
顫抖的塗鴉.簡單不簡單 -安迪.費雪
Text / 陳昱良 Iris Chen Photo / © Andi Fischer
▶ Andi Fischer, Amsel Unten, 2019, Oil stick on canvas, 140 x 110 cm
藝術史脈絡漫長,歷經各種思潮進化與蛻變。發展 到二十一世紀自由開放的社會,追求不斷突破歷史,確立 風格的形式與內涵,已是數代創作者的共有意識。Y 世代 藝術家,如 1987 年出生的德國當代藝術家:安迪.費雪 (Andi Fischer),近年展露於各大藝博會,畫展邀約不 斷。是因為其風格清新的創作特色,充滿童趣,連結古典 藝術的題材,融入跨文化特色。在眾多爭奇鬥艷的當代表 現中,令觀眾們耳目一新,記憶非常深刻。
費雪與文藝復興大師杜勒,同樣來自歷史氣息濃厚, 被稱作歐洲「玩具之都」的德國紐倫堡。德國多元的教育 體制,鼓勵學生探索天賦,因此除了繪畫,著迷於手作與 創造的費雪,也曾投身汽修的職人訓練。他笑稱藝術家與 機修,兩者的共通點是都會弄髒雙手,也充分展現費雪幽 默的性格。2018 年費雪畢業於柏林藝術大學(Universität der Künste),同年也獲得亞洲前 50 大知名藝術藏家 Monique and Max Burger 賢伉儷贊助的 TOY 柏林大師獎 (TOY BERLIN MASTERS AWARD)殊榮。正式開啟 職業藝術家的生涯,由杜塞道夫畫廊 Sies + Höke、柏林 APlus、哥本哈根 Avlskarl 畫廊為其舉行個展,並於瑞士 巴塞爾、英國斐列茲、德國科隆等國際藝博會,也可發現 其作品。
費雪接受採訪時曾表示:「小朋友那種對塗鴉的認真 態度,我超喜歡!」。他也以此為靈感,模仿孩童塗鴉, 在潔白畫布上發揮油畫棒(oil stick)的性質,呈現如蠟 筆手繪的紋理。頗有富含人文主義的尚.杜布菲(Jean Dubuffet)與眼鏡蛇畫派(CoBrA),那種揚棄傳統技法, 不講究流派規章,充滿直覺力量的風範。費雪簡化物件輪 廓造型,人物只剩兩顆橢圓的頭與身軀,好像落花生,加 上細如柴火的筆直四肢;藍天、綠地、黃太陽,賦予不同 色彩各別的意義;描繪冰封的白雪世界,則由深淺不同的 的白色線條構成畫面。人們熟習的寓言文學、童話主題, 豐富了藝術家筆下畫面的故事性,即使殘酷如草原獅群狩 捕著獵人、普羅米修斯被巨鷹啄食臟器的暴力主題,費雪 獨有的當代美學,也能消弭其中的暴戾之氣,聯接起百年 歷史深植人心的印象。
近期延伸的抽象風景系列,顫抖的線條相互穿梭,填 滿白色平面空間,遠景、近物的協調感在腦中自動成形。 無法一眼看透的景緻,新的玩味驅動觀者好奇心。除了平 面畫作,喜愛手工的費雪,近期也使用上色積木,拼製出 半立體的裝置作品。質樸的手作感,十足「費雪」,也讓 人聯想 8 位元電玩的馬賽克效果,在狹小的盒子中,創造 大大的想像力。2018 年至今穩定的私人收藏成長,包括 澳洲 ARNDT Collection、比利時收藏家喬瑞斯.比納爾 (Joris Beernaert)和活絡於德國、瑞士、奧地利、丹麥 的畫廊展覽皆成為費氏魅力的最佳佐證。
▲ Andi Fischer, Tigar Futtern Rueo, 2019, Oil stick on canvas, 140 x 110 cm ▶ Andi Fischer, Vollvoll HimmelblauI, 2019, Oil stick on canvas, 140 x 110 cm
The context of art history has undergone various ideological evolution and transformation. In the freedom and openness of 21st century society, the pursuit to transcend history led to a consensus among digital artists to establish innovative formats and content through various styles. Generation Y artists such as Andi Fischer, a German contemporary artist born in 1987, have been invited to exhibit in various major art exhibitions in recent years due to his fresh creative perspectives, which are filled with childlike expressions. In addition, his works also interweave cross-cultural characteristics that integrate elements of classical art, which are innovative and memorable among numerous competing contemporary art forms.
Both Fischer and Renaissance master Dürer come
from historic Nuremberg, Germany, also known as the toy capital of Europe. Students from the diversity of the German educational system are encouraged to explore their talents. Therefore, in addition to interests in painting, handicraft and creativity, Fischer also received vocational training in auto mechanics. He once joked that the commonality of artists and auto mechanics is that they all get their hands dirty. In 2018, Fischer graduated from the Universität der Künste Berlin and received the Toy Berlin Masters Award sponsored by Monique and Max Burger, who are among the top 50 famed art collectors of Asia. The award helped to launch his artistic profession, with solo exhibitions held at various galleries including Sies + Höke in Düsseldorf, APlus in Berlin, and Avlskarl in Copenhagen. Fischer's artworks were also featured at various international
art expos held in Basel, Switzerland, Frieze Art Fair in London, England, and Art Cologne in Germany.
▲ Andi Fischer, Enorm Mond Land, 2021, Oil stick on canvas, 140 x 110 cm ▶ Andi Fischer, Jagd Auf Alles, 2019, Oil stick & pencil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm 「如果你夠幸運,或許能夠以藝術為生。但那不是工作,而是幸運!」
─ 強‧索奈德《致安迪‧費雪:牢記事項(增修版)》瑞典,2021 年 4 月
If you're lucky, you might make a living from art. But that doesn't mean that it's work. It's just luck. - For Andi Fischer: Things to Remember, Revised and Expanded List. By Jens Soneryd, Bernshammar, Sweden, April 2021
Fischer once said during an interview: "I love how rigorous children are in their drawings!" With this inspiration, he imitates the doodling art of children. Playing with the characteristics of oils tick on pristine white canvas, Fischer presents textures like crayons. Full of intuitive power, Fischer abandons traditional techniques and disregards genres or styles to create art with a humanism similarly practiced by Jean Dubuffet or the CoBrA art movement. Fischer simplifies the shapes and outlines of objects, leaving figures with only two ellipses for the head and the torso, like a peanut, accompanying with straight limbs thin as firewood. Blue sky, green land, yellow sun – each color is imbued with different meanings. A snow-white depiction of a frozen world is shaped by white lines of various shades. Well-known fable literature and fairy tales enrich the storytelling aspect of the paintings by the artist. The unique contemporary aesthetics presented by Fischer is capable of eliminating the tyranny and cruelty of a hunter hunted by lions in the prairie, or the violent depiction of a giant eagle eating Prometheus' immortal liver, connecting with centuries-old historic impressions embedded deeply in people's minds.
Fischer's recent works extend his abstract landscape series, with trembling and interweaving lines that fill the space of the white plane, and the proper perspectives of objects distant and near seem to form automatically in the mind. The new playfulness of the landscape that is impossible to decipher at a glance drives the curiosity of viewers. In addition to 2D paintings, Fischer also enjoys handicraft, and recently began using color blocks to create semi-three-dimensional installation works. The simplicity of his handiworks are uniquely "Fischer", and remind people of the mosaic effect of 8-bit video games, generating a great power of imagination in a tiny box. The steady growth of private collectors since 2018 including the ARNDT Collection of Australia and Joris Beernaert of Belgian, and his flourishing gallery exhibitions in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Denmark are proof of the enchanting power of Fischer's art.