Black Moon Society Imbolc 2016

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Imbolc Newsletter

Imbolc Feb 2nd 2016. The Moon will be in Sagittarius on Feb 2nd making it a true Fire Sabbat. The Goddess of Imbolc is Brigid Imbolc is traditionally the great festival and honoring of Brigid (Brighid, Bride, Brigit), so loved as a pagan Goddess that her worship was merged into the Catholic church as St Bridget. She is a Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. Bridgid is also a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility to the land and its people and is very much associated with midwives and new-borns. Known as the Triple Goddess, Yet at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect. Correspondences The Snowdrop. The first gift of Spring in the bleakness of Winter. The Swan. The swan mates for life and represents loyalty, fidelity and faithfulness. Swan feathers are a powerful amulet. The Flame. Imbolc is a Fire Festival and fire of all kinds is associated with Brigid - the fire of creativity, the protective hearth fire, and her fire wheel the Brigid Cross, which heralds her as a Sun Goddess. Brigid's Cross. This is a traditional fire wheel symbol - found at the hearths of homes throughout Ireland and beyond as a symbol of protection. A customer in the shop recounted finding a hearth in Ireland, in recent years, adorned with over 200 Brigid Crosses - 200 years in the life of a hearth and a family, overlit and protected by Brigid.

Brigid Doll. A very old tradition involved the making of a Brigid doll which can be included in ceremony and/or placed in 'Bride's Bed' to bring fertility and good fortune to the home. The Serpent. In Celtic mythology Brigid was associated with an awakening hibernating serpent which emerged from its lair at Imbolc. Traditionally serpents were associated with creativity and inspiration - the powerful Kundalini energy of the Eastern Mysteries. Paths of earth energy were called serpent paths and at Imbolc they are stirred from their slumber. Sheep. Brigid's festival is at the beginning of lambing - eat ewe's milk cheese! Imbolc Colours: White and silver for purity, green for the fresh burst of life.

Herbs of Imbolc

Blackberry: Sacred to Brigid, the leaves and berries are used to attract prosperity and healing. A Goddess plant, belonging to the planetary sphere of Venus. Coltsfoot: Coltsfoot or 'sponnc' (Gaelic) is a herb associated with Brigid. A herb of Venus, moves emotional and physical stagnation and is used magically to engender love and to bring peace. Ginger: revitalises and stimulates the 'fire within' - helps alignment with the rise of Kundalini serpent energy at this time of year! Trees of Imbolc Rowan: Luis, or the Rowan, is the tree usually assigned to this time of year in the Celtic (Ogham) Tree Alphabet. It has long associations with the Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess. It is also known as the 'Quickening Tree' and is associated with serpents. Traditionally it protects and wards of evil. A sprig of Rowan can be put near the door of your home (we have a whole tree), or a sprig worn for protection. Rowan berries have a tiny fivepointed star on the bottom reminiscent of the pentagram

Willow: The fourth tree in the Celtic Tree alphabet - S Saille, is also long associated with the Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess. Willow is the great 'shape shifter' of consciousness and emotion and symbolises feminine energy and the lunar cycle. Its branches are flexible - expressing movement and change rather than resistance. It is a tree of enchantment and dreaming, enhancing the confidence to follow one's intuition, and inspires leaps of imagination.


Poetry- By Oriel

~Brigid's Day~

As the Shimmering Red Burns into the Night The smell of Frankincense Pleasing to the Nostrils I ask for Powers of Healing With all that Might As I poor Lavender Drops for Healing Into the Cauldron of LifeFrom which Magick never Stops As the Rainwater begins to Fall Upon our Circle To Bless your Coming When short is the Knight Standing beside in Visions of White Your Healing Well and your Gaurdian Daghda Vision of Secret Knowledge Who reminds us of the Power From Him to the Earth For "She" is Awakening Bringing us into Spring The new Beginning Of the Circle Of Life My Goddess of Imbolc, Maiden,Mother ,and Crone.

Table of Contents

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Black Moon Communities February Events Member of the Month February Featured Groups from both communities Thank you to Contributors Our Gifts Advertisement Our Associated Sites Oracle of the Sabbat Moon Muse Spell of the Sabbat Time of Love

Black Moon Communities

 Black Moon Society - birthed July 29th 2015. Current Membership about 100. Uses the Ning 3.0 platform  Black Moon Nocturnal Society - birthed Nov 2015 on the Ning 2.0 platform. Members about 500. The 2.0 was gifted from In the Dark now on it ‘s own 3.0  Links for both communities.   Black Moon Nocturnal.

Our Facebook page, and Group Our Page Our Group

We are also on PaganSpace

Events 4 February

1. Free- Psychic Readings in Chat Feb 04 with Lady Shadow See events on; Black Moon Nocturnal site for details 2. Writing Class – see Joseph – Administrator for details. 3. Wicca 101???- TBA 4. Revamp of BMS Zine-

2, Black Moon Society 3.0 site

Sympathetic Magick

The Coffee House- Get to know one another

The Wheel of the Year- The Sabbats

The Nordic- Asatru Please also look in our Directory for interest Groups Witchcraft Wicca, Mediation, Mythology, educational and more

To our Contributors 2015- Present Rosey Oriel Joseph Ian Cranmer 2015 Kat 2015 Pagan Priestess 2015 { no longer on site.) Please forgive me if I have missed anyone. It is costly to run a site let alone two. We are all on budgets I really want to thank you all again for your contributions financially and other wise. Your generosity, kindness, sacrifice is so appreciated.


Lady Shadow has initiated with a team a new service and community. Professional Accurate Psychic Services providing clarity, and answers. All for reasonable and fair prices. Members of the community eligible for specials. Come visit; set up an appointment and or, join the community for free.

Advertise with US If you wish to Advertise with us on any of our communities of Black Moon Please contact Lady Shadow for details. Advertisement rates begin at 10.00 We are in process of revamping our newsletter or Zine. Watch for us again soon We are also on Amazon Before you try anyplace else, try us

Associated Sites of ours We do have other associated sites as well.

In The Dark

Eclectic Friends HokusPokus

Temple Illuminatous

Aurora Professional Psychic Services and Community

Black Moon on PaganSpace

Black Moon Amazon Shop

Black Moon Gift shop*

Oracle of the Sabbat

CHANGING WOMAN - The Power of Change If the wind of change is blowing, surrender to it... If time calls for a change, don't resist it... Changing Woman's power is always with you. Be aware of her and follow her, she'll guide you safely to a new place; no matter whether this place is on the inside or on the outside. Changing Woman is always beside you. Trust her and attune your pace to hers. Nothing can evade the constant change and transformation of life. So be wise and do not resist powers which are stronger than your own. Have confidence in your own life and its ongoing changes. Even if the transformations may not always accord with your desires. Have patience! Because, everything which is of true importance in your life will happen by itself.

Imbolc Moon Phase

Waning Crescent is the lunar phase on 2 February 2016, Tuesday. Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 37% and getting smaller The Moon enters into the firey sign of Sagittarius at 10:50am In Sagittarius, adventurous activities that involve "winging it", travel, higher education, advertising, sports, physical activity. The Moon is waning, on this firey Sabbat, time to work on purification and cleansings. The Moon is Void of Course Feb 1st- Feb 2nd at 1050 in which it comes out in Fire. VOID OF COURSE refers to the state of the Moon when it is between signs. You could describe it as a purgatory that occurs when the moon is out of phase. This moment lasts from when the moon moves from its last major planetary aspect in its current Zodiac sign and then moves into the next major planetary aspect in the next sign. When you are reading planetary calendars you will often see void-of-course annotated as VC or VOC.Even though a void of course moon is not in theory an upsettinginfluence, it can be anyway. The entire event refers to a time in the moon's journey when it does not make any aspects to any planets. The theory is that if the moon is unable to make any planetary aspects then no events can occur. Also, in theory, this means that nothing much can happen while the moon is transiting from one major aspect in one sign to another major aspect in another. It is also very unpredictable energies. Hence why many will not work spell work or ritual at this time

Eternal Flame Spell By; Edain McCoy With the coming of February comes the Sun. It is growing stronger each day. We also now honor the Irish goddess Brigid who holds the eternal flame of inspiration, transformation, and personal sovereignty. WHAT YOU NEED: To ignite Brigid's eternal flame within yourself, you will need a white candle, preferably a large one with a firm foundation. You'll also need matches and an item that reminds you of a specific goal you want to achieve in the coming spring and summer. DIRECTIONS Sit on a chair or on the floor, placing the unlit candle in front of you. Take time to center yourself, focusing on connecting with Brigid's powers, while you also visualize her fire rising within you. When you are ready, light the candle and say:

Blessed Brigid of the golden flame, Hear me as I call your name; I invoke your spirit to burn in me, All I will, precious Lady, so it must be. Keep your eyes open and gaze into the hazy yellow color of the flame's aura. (If you're sitting too close to the candle, gazing into the flame itself can harm your eyes.) Visualize the powers of inspiration, transformation, and personal sovereignty burning within you. When you feel you've been successful, offer your thanks to Brigid and extinguish the candle. Keep it covered and in a safe place so you can enact this spell whenever you feel you need the power of Brigid in your life.

Time of love Light has dawned The Maiden Awakes A New Season New birth for new romance Time of Love Time for Possibilities Time of Magick The Faeries at play Be opened For Love will find a way Lady Shadow )0(

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