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Girly Curly (Member Member

THURSDAY JUNE 16TH & FRIDAY JUNE 17TH 2021 Champions: Robin George & Sherry Davis

ENTRY FEE $380 per team ($190 per player) Carts billed separately


SIGN-UP Players may sign up in the Golf Shop or online at www.ravennagolf.com through the Clubessentials system starting May 16th. Female dues paying Members over the age of 26 are eligible to play. The deadline to sign up for this event is June 14th, 5:00 PM


Friday: Better Ball of Partners: Each player plays their own golf ball for the entire hole. The best net golf ball is the team score for that hole.

Saturday: Better Ball of Partners: However, you will score both player’s balls on holes #5, #11, and #15. Max score on those three holes is net double bogey.

90% of the individual’s Sage Tee playing handicap will be used for this event.


11:30 am–1:00 pm.......Hosted Lunch - Clubhouse 1:00 pm ..........................Shotgun 5:00 pm–7:00 pm.........Hosted Heavy Hors d’Oeuvres - LBV Friday

7:30 am–8:30 am .........Hosted Breakfast - Clubhouse 8:15 am...........................Shotgun 2:00 pm ..........................Ladies' Awards Luncheon - LBV

PRIZES All prizes will be awarded in Golf Shop credit and tournament winning certificates.

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