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E S A O ven a R by



1 r te

p a Ch


M d

n A h

t p e

n o i ot

to es g a e im te th e s a u to unic s wa mm on to co i t sec tion s i o th of nd m . e s y a rpo epth nerg u d ep ne Th play eno s de enom ph

The photos that I took focused on electricity conductors, electronics, solar powered electricity, and static electricity. I also noticed that electricity, according to the definition, can be seen as the feeling of excitement. In the middle of taking pictures, I was babysitting so I had to do something to keep my niece still. I ended up handing her a lemon. When doing so, I noticed how excited she was to have a lemon, so I began to take photos of that as well. I was also trying to take a photo of my light up keyboard. It just so happens that since the keyboard has a moving light, it was hard to take a still photo of it. However, I looked back at the image and I saw this amazing colorful photo of the light moving across the keyboard.

These images show the phenomenon energy through the usage of electrical energy. The two image highlights energy used by a phone with regular usage and when listening to music. The last image shows energy radiating off of a keyboard. of my light up keyboard. It just so happens that since the keyboard has a moving light, it was hard to take a still photo of it. However, I looked back at the image and I saw this amazing colorful photo of the light moving across the keyboard.

a Ch

r e t p


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r o rf

s m


t te ica


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n ha



yd pla

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m com



u s to



e im

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wa n In design, a montage tio is when you take individual images and create one image out of sec you are developing a single composition from multiple composited them. In otherhiswords, t gy. ofpurpose pieces. The of this section was to create montages with the images that were taker e s endepth of motion section. o the p n en during r o u e p omen h T en ph

This is suppose to be a super computer. This image is made from three images.

This is suppose to highlight energy built from exercise. This image is made from three images.

I decided to make a fire scene. This image is suppose to be a fire set off by faulty electricity. This image is made out of 2 images.

Chapter 3


The purpose of this assignment was to xplore handmade techniques of design. Moreover, Develop a design that communicates an idea surrounding my phenomenon and to evelop a design that makes a more personalized connection to the audience. Explore how scale, hierarchy, and color can be used to communicate meaning.

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The images on this page are all black and white. The image on top left shows energy through light. The second image to the right shows energy with the use of fire. The last image on this page shows electrical energy with the use of lightning bolts.

The images on this page are all in color. These images were selected as my final images for this chapter. The use of warm colors helps with spreading the theme of energy.


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a ow h e le lor simp ty p ti ex as using iden w n n tio cated nce i c e i n rie ss thi mmu expe f o se be co o ain o p ur dt an e p age c ks an h T ss ar me nd m bra ign. s de

These images are the logos for a unrealistic brand. Each image shows energy in some form. The first image uses a zig zag to create energy. The second image uses rays to create energy. The last image also uses a zig zag to create energy.

r e t p

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to as w on An infographic is ativisual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information c e s or data. The purpose of this section was to visually represent information related to your s thi gy. fapply o r energy and data-visualization techniques in order to simplify complex informatio se ene o n rp pu eno e m Th eno ph

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t te ica


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n ha



yd pla

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wa on i t sec s i th gy.medium you choose for a design can either help or hurt the design as a whole. of The r e ne s e o p Typically, it determines if the audience understands the message that the designer n ur eno is trying to send. m no

The medium used to deliver the message of energy for a solar panel company called “Power Up� is a series of of stationary products as well as a web page home page design.

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