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Course Planning Worksheet: 11th graders planning for 12th grade

Sequoia is not able to honor requests for specific periods and teacher preference. ● The last day for students and parents to request a course selection change is May 21 via Online Information Update (OIU).

● FOR RISING SENIORS Individual meetings with counselors will take place January 19 - February 5

Review this worksheet with your parent/guardian & CIRCLE the courses for next year.


Individual meetings with counselors will take place March 8 - March 26 Review this worksheet with your parent/ guardian & CIRCLE the courses for next year.


English III-P IB English Y1 HL – HP Acad English III-P (DAA) IB English Y1 HL – HP (HCA)


English IV-P IB English Y2 HL-HP Acad English IV-P (DAA) IB English SL-HP (HCA) IB English Y2 HL-HP (HCA)

World Language

IB Spanish B Y4 SL-HP IB Spanish B Y4 HL-HP French I-P, II-P French III-P, IV-P IB French B Y4 HL-HP


Chemistry-P Acad Chemistry-P (DAA) Acad Chemistry Hlth-P (HCA) Physics-P Acad Physics-P (DAA) IB Physics SL-HP Biotechnology I-II-P Human Biology-P Human Biology-HCA-P IB Biology Y1 HL-HP IB Environmental Systems SL-HP

PE (If needed)

PE 2 PE Conditioning Weight Training PE Dance-P PE Dance Int.-P (audition required) PE Dance Adv.-P (audition required)


US History-P ● Course selections IB History of the Americas HL-HP Acad US History-P (DAA) subject to change due to teacher recommendations. Parents will see final course selection with teacher recommendations Acad US History Hlth-P (HCA)in May through the Online Information Update (OIU) process. If you do not agree with your teacher’s recommendation, please speak with your teacher and counselor. ● Students Math: Must pass with C- or better to advancetaking six or seven classes could be enrolled in a zero or seventh period dependent on the master schedule. Sequoia ● Algebra II-P is not able to honor requ The last day for students Algebra I-P Geometry-P ests for specific and parents to r periods and teacher equest a course sele preference. ction change is May 21 via Online Information Update (OIU). Algebra II/Trig-P IB Analysis SL or HL – HP IB Applications SL or HL – HP Multivariable Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations

World Language

Spanish I-P, II-P Spanish III-P, IV-P Spanish II-NS-P, III-NS-P

World Language IB Spanish B Y5 SL-HP IB Spanish B Y5 HL-HP French I-P, II-P French III-P, IV-P IB French B Y5 HL-HP Science Chemistry-P Acad Chem Health-P (HCA) Physics-P Acad Physics-P (DAA) IB Physics SL-HP Biotechnology I-II-P Human Biology-P Human Biology-HCA-P IB Biology Y2 HL-HP IB Environmental Systems SL-HP


PE 2 PE Conditioning Weight Training PE Dance-P PE Dance Int. -P (auditions required) PE Dance Adv. -P (auditions required)


Government/Economics-P Acad Government/Economics-P (DAA) Acad Government/Economics Hlth-P (HCA) IB World History Topics HL-HP

Math: Algebra I and Geometry required for graduation (minimum)

Algebra I-P Geometry-P Algebra II-P Algebra II/Trig-P Data Science (pending board approval) IB Analysis SL or HL – HP IB Applications SL or HL – HP Multivariable Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations

World Language

Spanish I-P, II-P Spanish III-P, IV-P Spanish II-NS-P, III-NS-P, IV-NS-P

VPA/CTE (elective) 1)________________________________ Courses listed on the back of this page

Alternate Electives (Choose TWO) 1)________________________________ 2)_____________________________________

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