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COVID affects on DMV, license tests
Teens wait hours for license
BY ABBY AGUAYO there on a Monday and waited in line for like Staff Reporter teo hours,” Oda said “Then they told me that I
In the Bay Area DMVs have had a major at 5:00 and they were going to stop letting impact in their system because of the world people in.” wide pandemic COVID-19. With so many Some people are giving the DMVs more teens waiting to get their permits and licenses, than one chance but still seem to be getting let it's a very tiring and stressful process. down by their service.
DMVs are trying their best to respond to “I came back later in the week and still hundreds of customers trying to get permit waited several hours, so I guess just the waiting confirmation, and families are trying their best time was annoying,” Oda said to reach out to DMVs and are trying to be very The Bay Area’s guidelines for DMVs are patient. In these times it is very stressful for very different from other counties and states. both sides, but they’re pushing through it. The guidelines state that you must have a
“It would have made it a lot easier if the mask, at least people who worked at the DMV kept everything in order, had everyone fill out their stuff before actually entering” senior Jasmine Oda said. People are adapting “I came back later in the week and still waited several hours, “ two windows down when taking driving tests and must stay six feet away from each other. In other states to this process in many so I guess just the waiting time like Georgia, the different ways, some schedule far in advance and others do it at the time they was annoying” - Jasmine Oda, Senior requirements are much different. Administrators feel is right for them. They are not allowed also schedule in more than in the car, only one place to see if they get an early response. a licensed parent and your permit will be
“It was definitely annoying because I went wasn’t going to make it in because they closed extended.
“They kept everyone six feet apart in line, they only had limited people inside the actual building at a certain time, they didn’t do temperature checks or anything like that,” Oda said. Although some customers are upset with their experience, others have had a pretty positive experience . Some people knew what was going to happen and were prepared at the beginning of the pandemic, and had a much better experience.
“We didn’t need to wait as long as we thought to hear from the DMV,” freshman Kelly Dazols said.
For people this situation can be different in many ways, some might have a positive experience and others may have a negative experience. Or some are kind of in between with their experience.