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Course Planning Worksheet: 10th graders planning for 11th grade

Course Planning Worksheet FOR RISING JUNIORS

Individual meetings with counselors will take place March 8 - March 26 Review this worksheet with your parent/guardian & CIRCLE the courses for next year.

CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES English World Language

English III-P IB Spanish B Y4 SL-HP

IB English Y1 HL – HP IB Spanish B Y4 HL-HP

Acad English III-P (DAA) French I-P, II-P IB English Y1 HL – HP (HCA) French III-P, IV-P IB French B Y4 HL-HP


Chemistry-P Acad Chemistry-P (DAA) Acad Chemistry Hlth-P (HCA) Physics-P Acad Physics-P (DAA) IB Physics SL-HP Biotechnology I-II-P Human Biology-P Human Biology-HCA-P IB Biology Y1 HL-HP IB Environmental Systems SL-HP

PE (If needed)

PE 2 PE Conditioning Weight Training PE Dance-P PE Dance Int.-P (audition required) PE Dance Adv.-P (audition required)


US History-P IB History of the Americas HL-HP Acad US History-P (DAA) Acad US History Hlth-P (HCA)

Math: Must pass with C- or better to advance

Algebra I-P Geometry-P Algebra II-P

Algebra II/Trig-P IB Analysis SL or HL – HP IB Applications SL or HL – HP Multivariable Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations

World Language Spanish I-P, II-P Spanish III-P, IV-P Spanish II-NS-P, III-NS-P

VPA/CTE (elective) 1)________________________________ Courses listed on the back of this page

Alternate Electives (Choose TWO) 1)________________________________ 2)_____________________________________

● If you want to move from College Prep English to IB, please consult your teacher. ● Let your counselor know if you are interested in joining AVID, Digital Arts Academy, or Health Careers Academy. ● If needed, support classes for Math and English will be put on your schedule by your counselor. ● Course selections subject to change due to teacher recommendations. Parents will see final course selection with teacher recommendations in May through the Online Information Update (OIU) process. If you do not agree with your teacher’s recommendation, please speak with your teacher and counselor. ● Students taking six or seven classes could be enrolled in a zero or seventh period dependent on the master schedule. Sequoia is not able to honor requests for specific periods and teacher preference. ● The last day for students and parents to request a course selection change is May 21 via Online Information Update (OIU).

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