Develop Your Financial IQ with Ravinder Tulsiani
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RavinderTulsani is a well known personality as Learning and Development Professional, Trainer, Facilitator and #1 Bestselling Author. Presently he is a Senior Learning Consultant with TRAINING EDGE having over 13 years experience in training and development. Ravinder Tulsani’s reputation for excellence reflects his expertise as a strategic planner, who generates cultural transformation in business, spotlight on educating and motivating the workforce to achieve core business objectives. Ravinder Tulsani holds a B.A. degree in Law from Carleton University. In his professional career he has taken diversity of experience from FINANCIAL ADVISOR to QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST/ TRAINER and CHIEF COMPLIANCE OFFICER and LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT. He has diversity of experience which leads to diversity of thoughts and diversity of actions. His diversity generates creativity that enriches the world. He has appeared on several major media outlets Bloomberg, CNN and Wall Street Journal are some of them. He has also been awarded Canadian Investment Manager and Fellowship of the Canadian Securities Institute the two most recognized Canadian designations in the securities industry. He is a published author who has written about personal finance, real estate, selfhelp and online marketing and many more topics. A selection of books written by bestselling author Ravinder Tulsiani: Effective Leadership, How to be a Public Speaking Superstar, Manager’s Guide to Workplace Health and Safety, Master Negotiation Techniques, Rapid Learning, Time Management in the Workplace, Your Leadership Edge, Your Money Blueprint: The Secret Psychology of Wealth, Develop Your Financial IQ' – Second Edition. Develop Your Financial IQ' – Second Edition by Ravinder Tulsiani is tremendously popular book. It’s a practical guide to making, protecting, budgeting and leveraging your money? He is suggesting in his book to Take control of your finances today. Through this book you can learn how to develop your financial IQ to help grow your wealth as well as you can Enhance Your Financial Sense. In starting of this book Ravinder Tulsani explains about Foundation in Financial IQ' in the steps of Definition of Insanity defines that trading time for money is not wise financial sense in the long term. You keep on increasing the hours just to win the rat race, but in the end of the day, you are still a rat on the mill. What is Money – Money is an idea, backed by confidence. Time and Money: There are generally 4 types of people in world. No Time and No Money. No Time, Lots of Money Got Time, No Money Got Time and Lots of Money. Ways to Achieve Wealth – Explained about wealth building models. Important Rule in Investing – Key Points are: What Does Investing Mean to people, Invest In Yourself, Importance of Financial Education. How to get out off a financial mess with defensive and offensive strategies. Financial IQ' is generally associated to money management issues and personal finance. It’s measured by financial intelligence, how well we are with money. High financial IQ relates to
your financial success, having a high financial IQ means the most when it comes to your financial success. You can be smart and make a good income but have a low financial IQ, meaning you handle money irresponsibly. A high financial IQ means you make smart financial decisions and take the right action to better your financial circumstances. People with a high financial IQ understand exactly what to do when it comes to managing their money and do it! Having a high financial IQ doesn’t mean that your investments outperform the market or predict you’ll retire a millionaire. Rather it means you handle money responsibly. To greatly enhance your financial sense in a fun and easy way, Just Read Develop Your Financial IQ' – Second Edition by Ravinder Tulsiani. So, Learn Ways to achieve wealth, know Rules of Investing and Getting out of Financial Mess. For More information :-Click here