Why Companies Should Invest More In Management Training By: Ravinder Tulsiani Unskilled managers can devastate a company more than anything else in the business world. If a manager has no idea what they are doing or is lacking the most basic skills, that will have the most significant impact on employee retention and overall customer satisfaction. By setting very clear expectations, breaking down barriers, appreciating and recognizing a job well done, and encouraging personal development, managers create satisfied employees. Satisfied employees create satisfied customers. That's why management training is essential. Being mismanaged leads to worker dissatisfaction, time wasted in workers complaining, mistakes, under performing, and turnover. One of the top reasons for leaving an organization is having a negative relationship with one's supervisor. Not only do ineffectively managed employees suffer from low morale, they often take their own frustration out on customers. Lack of management skills can lead to an unhealthy work environment, customer dissatisfaction, lower profits, and ultimately business failure. Managers are in the middle of an organization. They impact it in all directions – up, down, and sideways. Skilled managers are positioned to reinforce new learning and to help the organization make critical changes so that it can stay viable. Why don't managers know how to manage? Management skill is not simply common sense, and it is not inate. It is learned behavior and knowledge. When looking to promote someone to manager, it is natural to consider people who are excellent individual contributors with outstanding technical skills. Frequently the skill set and motivation needed to excel in managing people is different from what's needed to do the actual work. How does management training help improve performance of managers? First, it teaches people the fundamental management knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a particular organization. For example, they learn how to set expectations, discover the needs of their employees, and coach employees to improve their performance. New managers can learn best practices in handling various management situations. Training provides managers with valuable reference tools and resources that they can draw upon on the job. When managers get a chance to build their skills, customers benefit by dealing with more competent employees, employees benefit by having effective managers, and managers benefit by having the tools to do their jobs well. Your Leadership EDGE is a just the tool any employer and manager would need to ensure that those in charge receive the proper training and skills to get the job done well and to build morale in exponential ways. Managers learn all that strong leadership entails and will build a foundation strong enough to continue to build upon their successes. Without a doubt, if this program is followed successfully, a definite improvement will be seen by all and the strength of any business will increase three-fold. As with everything else, there is no one size fits all for the things that truly matter in life. This comprehensive step-by-step program allows any and every manager to use their skillset and their know-how to improve upon their current processes and bring new life to what may be a failing system. Business is about change and if change is necessary, then, this easy to follow guide will walk you
through the process and will enlighten you and your employees, leaving everyone to feel compelled to improve even further. Every manager should have a copy of Your Leadership EDGE at the ready. Buy one for yourself and for every manager within your organization. Purchase your copy now: http://www.yourleadershipedge.ca/ About the Author Ravinder Tulsiani, is a renowned Leadership Expert, Author and Speaker. With over 13 years of industry experience, Ravinder's reputation for excellence reflects his expertise as a strategic planner, who creates cultural transformation in business, focusing on educating and motivating the workforce to achieve core business objectives. Ravinder has compiled his wealth of industry experience and his business acumen to comprise Your Leadership Edge – Mastering Management Skills For Today's Workforce so that industry professionals can unlock their leadership potential using his proven step-by-step program.